The YWAM Christian Teaching Podcast
In this YWAM Teaching podcast we get to hear from Jim Stier share about the privilege of suffering for Christ.
Jim Stier is a former president and executive director of Youth With A Mission. He has also served as the international director of evangelism and frontier missions, and the national director for Brasil. He is currently involved internationally as a part of the YWAM eldership.
Jim Stier contributed to the continued discussion about eldership in Youth With A Mission in the April 2012 International YWAMer, Leadership Takes Shape.
Jim Stier wrote the book Against All Odds and is a contributor to the book His Kingdom Come – An Integrated Approach to Discipling the Nations / Fulfilling the Great Commission.
You can hear more of Jim Stier’s teaching on the YWAM Madison podcast and find even more on the YWAM Life web-site.
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