Geoffrey Shugen Arnold, Roshi - ZMM - 6/30/24 - Shugen Roshi explores the discernment capacity of our inherent wisdom using two different teachings sources, a koan involving the monk Upagupta, and from a discourse on the nun Vajirā from the Buddha’s early teachings. This wise discernment guides each person on their path of spiritual practice; it’s very personal, and it takes time. Whether the home leaving of a monastic, or home dwelling of a lay practitioner, this very human wisdom mind is always fueled by our inherent true nature. - Two stories, one from The Record of the Transmission of the Light: Case 5 – Upagupta, the Fourth Zen Ancestor; and another from the Pali Canon - Samyutta Nikaya: "The Bhikkhuni Vajira" - Note: this talk was preceded by the postulant monastic ceremony for Clyde Fusei Forth and Alex Rogetsu Rothstein.