Peter Mark Adams is an author, poet, esotericist and professional energy worker specializing in the ethnography and visuality of ritual, sacred landscape, esotericism, consciousness and healing. With a background in Philosophy from the University of Liverpool, Peter pursues advanced studies on iconology and iconographic; Renaissance art and material culture with the Warburg Institute’s School of Advanced Studies in London. Peter’s esoteric non-fiction is published through Scarlet Imprint Current offerings include the book discussed in the interview: Hagia Sophia - Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny, Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos and The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi. To buy Hagia Sophia – Sanctum of Kronos:
To hear the remarkable sounds described by Peter in the interview: