841 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
Applying God’s Word to all areas of life. Tune into ”Theology Applied.”
Each day of the week we have at least one different piece of content.
Monday through Friday we have Daily Truth – a short form teaching excerpts from Pastor Joel’s preaching at Covenant Bible Church.
Tuesdays at 2PM CT we release our interview show Theology Applied.
Saturday Mornings we release Questions – a single question excerpt from our Monday YouTube Live Stream.
Sunday Afternoons we release the Sermon from Covenant Bible Church’s morning Lord’s Day Gathering.
The podcast Theology Applied is created by Right Response Ministries. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
You have heard it said that we need more modern day Abigails. Supposedly we are in short supply of women with the wisdom and courage to stand up to their husbands on everything from seed oils to the 19th amendment to revoice for Nazis. But if you think that the need of the hour is MORE assertive, scheming, and ultimately disobedient women then you haven’t just lost the plot: you’ve lost the whole book, namely, the Bible. The Biblical authority of the husband in the home is under attack today perhaps more than it has ever been. And if we are going to change the tide we don’t need feminism just repackaged with Bible stories: we need a wholesale embrace of God’s design for the home ESPECIALLY when dealing with these issues.
Join us today with special guest author Stephen Wolfe to discuss.
Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
*Private Family Banking*
How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view
2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html
*Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*The Word Soap*
This is a replay episode of one of our favorite Friday Specials this year. "A typical day in the life of the young man in the modern world is to wake up, leave home, sit in a car for part of an hour, arrive at work, interact with people from whom your existence is nothing more than a means to a paycheck. He goes home alone, maybe to interact with virtual friends on social media or video games, maybe to consume entertainment and pornography alone. He is isolated. This may seem hyperbolic. It may seem like an exaggeration, but these are the conditions that many young people live in today. It's time that Christians learn this lesson. It is not possible to understand the spiritual miasma of our current era without recognizing how extraordinarily lonely most people are." Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
There are times when we are attacked and it is necessary to fight back. And yet, there are other times when it becomes necessary to overlook an offense.
Last week, the Antioch Declaration dropped—and boy, has it caused a stir. Is this the bridge to end the 'brother wars' in Reformed Christianity, or just another log on the fire? Many have already begun to critique the statement, asking questions about what it means and exposing problems. Today we’ll take a closer look at some parts that are simply unclear and some that we disagree with. And then we will answer the question everyone is wondering about, “Where do we go from here? Read the whole statement at https://antiochdeclaration.com/ Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
In this replay episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon is joined by AD Robles. Together, they discuss three specific characteristics of the only churches that will survive the coming years in America.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
Jesus does not condemn all vow-taking, but he certainly condemns being swept up in the moment and making a foolish vow.
Since the Reagan era even so-called conservatives have euphorically championed the idea that anyone absolutely anyone can become American. In practice, this means that America amounts to little more than a set of civic convictions and ethnical principles that almost anyone can agree to. But this view of a nation is almost completely absent to scripture, world history, and the founding fathers. Nations are composed of a distinct people, occupying a distinct place and assimilation is not *merely* a matter of intellectual assent and enjoying apple pie. Tune in now as we discuss. Read the whole statement at https://www.statementonchristiannationalism.com/ Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor David Reece is put to the test by Pastor Joel Webbon - Does theonomy have a mechanism for mitigating immigration?
In other words, in a theonomic society, what happens if 4 billion people suddenly choose to make a profession of Christian Faith, pledge allegiance to America’s customs/culture, commit to work hard (without receiving any welfare benefits), agree to go through a legal process, and desire to immigrate to America?
Does the theonomist have any biblical argument to say no? Or does the theonomist simply have to sit back and welcome half the world into his country?
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
*Private Family Banking*
How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view
2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html
*Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
*TopKnot Alpaca Care*
Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*The Word Soap*
Michael Belch preaches from Psalm 9 on Sunday, November 17, 2024.
The final version of “The statement on Christian Nationalism” has been released and it is already taking fire from the left and from the right. At the heart of the hubbub is a question of how much blood and a bloodline affects the definition of a nation. Some have objected that ancestral lineage doesn’t matter at all, and others have said that the statement is simply a form of globalist propaganda. How should we think about this question in our time? Tune in now. Read the whole statement at https://www.statementonchristiannationalism.com/ Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
In this replay episode of Theology Applied, Tim Chaffey joins the show to thoroughly dismantle every objection from Christians who say that fallen angels cannot procreate with human women. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
Pastor Connor preaches from Isaiah 33:1-6.
Tune-in as we discuss the election results as they come in from around the country.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon and Pastor David Reece explore the intricate relationship between law, morality, and the state. They discuss the distinctions between natural law and theonomy, the role of the state in legislating morality, and the implications of tyranny and managerialism in contemporary governance. The conversation highlights the need for a biblical understanding of natural law and its limitations, especially in light of the curse on nature. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *TopKnot Alpaca Care* Call Elijah Yeager at 231-252-5710 if you are interested in working with Christian brothers and would like more information. If you're committed to building the Kingdom through your vocation, submit an application on our website: https://www.topknotcare.com/work-for-topknot *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
Part 2 of a comprehensive biblical teaching on the subject of divorce and remarriage.
In a shocking display of being normal, President Trump went on the Joe Rogan experience and promoted some ideas that actually align with God’s standards. In particular, he proposed that the government end the income tax and secure our markets through tariffs. Also, he seems willing to allow people like RFK promote health in ways that fly in the face of big Pharma. Do these ideas mean that Trump would be, to some degree, good for America? Tune in now to find out. Video for the Trump episode: https://youtu.be/hBMoPUAeLnY?si=dPzWdgUzhM-Gj_OS Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. FREE 20-MINUTE COURSE HERE: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF2TQVcA10/WrG1FmoJYp9o9oUcAwKUdA/view 2. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 3. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 4. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min 5. For a Multi-Generational Wealth Planning Guide Book for only $4.99, use this link for my affiliate relationship with "Seven Generations Legacy": https://themoneyadvantage.idevaffiliate.com/13.html *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/ *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
In this replay episode of Theology Applied, Doug Van Dorn joins the show to explain the biblical account of the “divine council,” how this relates to the Greek mythology of Mt. Olympus, and how all of this set the stage for the origin of the Nephilim. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking: 1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected] 2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net 3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/ *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com
*This is Part 1 of a multi-part series on the subject of divorce. In light of this, there may be certain arguments that appear incomplete. These will be fully fleshed out in the following sermons. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
If you’re gong to build a movement, you’re going to need your radicals. Like Batman taking the fall for Harvey Dent, these radicals can be the bad guys, acting as scapegoats by preaching uncomfortable truths and pushing the Overton window to provide cover for pastors, politicians, and leaders who run the risk of reprisal from their institutions. If we are going to win we can’t afford to be idealists OR compromisers - we are going to have to be shrewd and calculating. Tune in now as we discuss why every movements needs its radicals, but also its company men. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece joins the show to demonstrate Christian unity while strongly disagreeing with Pastor Joel’s decision to vote for Donald Trump. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com*MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
“We have here an exposition of the seventh commandment, given us by the same hand that made the law, and therefore was fittest to be the interpreter of it... The command is here laid down 'Thou shalt not commit adultery;' which includes a prohibition of all other acts of uncleanness, and the desire of them: but the Pharisees, in their expositions of this command, made it to extend no further than the act of adultery, suggesting, that if the iniquity was only regarded in the heart, and went no further, God could not hear it, would not regard it, and therefore they thought it enough to be able to say that they were 'not adulterers' (Luke 18:11).” -Matthew Henry
In recent decades, a growing chorus of voices has attempted to vilify Western colonialism, painting it as a system of pure exploitation, cruelty, and oppression. Figures such as Christopher Columbus, once hailed for their exploratory and pioneering spirit, have seen their reputations tarnished by claims of atrocities. But was Western colonialism a pure and unmitigated evil? No. In fact, it was a largely Christian impulse and endeavor and the world is much better for it. And if the gospel is going to spread across the entire globe, Christian nations may need to colonize unchristian nations again. Tune in now. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
In one of our favorite past episodes of Theology Applied, Brian Suave and Ben Garrett (@HauntedCosmos_) joined the show to discuss the biblical origins of giants, the classifications and various sizes of giants, and where remaining giants might be living/hiding still to this day. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
If anything, the religious rulers of Jesus' day were Antinomians, not Legalists. They did not “stretch” the Law of God, they “shrunk” it.
Many Christians simply assume that Judaism esteems the Bible, minus the New Testament. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Instead, Judaism has its own “New Testament” - the Talmud.
For Christians, the New Testament is the fulfillment, and therefore, the interpretive lens, for properly understanding the Old Testament. But in Judaism, the Talmud functions as their “New Testament,” which effectively corrupts and totally undermines all of the Old Testament.
In other words, Judaism does not maintain HALF of the Bible, it effectively discards ALL of the Bible.
Watch the whole series now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Last week The Gospel Coalition was very concerned that Reformed and Evangelical churches are not integrating men and women together like they should. Where are all the women teaching Sunday school, discipling men, and acting as church mothers? But we’ve seen these ideas before, and in time, without exception, they all led to egalitarianism. How many more times will supposedly Reformed ministers and professors downgrade their theology and practice and inevitably spiral into theological liberalism before we get a clue and hold the line that scripture commands? Tune in now. Watch the whole series with Isker now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS:Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse The Word Soap
Reece Fund. Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/
*Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
In this episode of Theology Applied, the cohosts of the Kings Hall (Brian Suave, Eric Conn, and Dan Berkholder) join the show to discuss the recent feuds within the Reformed Church, and present a strategy that is vital for Christendom to actually succeed. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
Jesus is not merely addressing the need for a superior “positional” righteousness (justification). He is also speaking to the need for a superior “progressive” righteousness (sanctification). In other words, Jesus is not saying, “The Pharisees have a meticulous outward righteousness, but inwardly, their hearts remain corrupted. Therefore, you merely need to receive the superior inward righteousness of Christ by faith.” Instead, Jesus is saying, “The Pharisees are not truly righteous in any sense of the word, neither inwardly nor outwardly. They are hypocrites! The problem with the Pharisees is not merely a failure to obey from the heart, but rather, they possess a willingness to twist the Scriptures so that even their outward obedience falls utterly short of what God commands. Therefore, you must be justified inwardly by faith, and also sanctified outwardly by holding faithfully to the Scriptures, without twisting and perverting them, and seeking to obey them by grace.”
As endless wars ramp back up in the Middle East, perhaps it’s time to reconsider if modern Evangelicals have adopted an unbiblical view of Israel. Is the Church finally ready for this conversation?
Watch the whole series now by becoming a member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
You may have noticed an emerging group of dissidents who are starting to challenge the historical narrative surrounding World War 2. The main reason for this is the theory that the events around this war have become the new founding mythologies for a rebranded America that is weak and impotent. As people have questioned the historical record some onlookers have become alarmed. To be sure these onlookers have some valid concerns, but recently some have come out and actually called for these dissidents to be put under church discipline for their views about World War 2. Is this really an issue that warrants Church discipline? Tune in now to find out. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Paxmail.CC: Drive, Docs, Email For A Free People Visit https://paxmail.cc/
In this episode of Theology Applied, Dr. Stephen Wolfe joins the show to discuss why America desperately needs a monoculture. This episode is a repeat, but its relevance has only increased based on recent events. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
If a man should lose his saltiness, he is only good to be thrown out and trampled by men. Yet, even this has its divinely gracious purpose. When the roads and walkways are slick from snow and ice, we may throw out salt so that pedestrians do not trip and fall.
Recently we have witnessed a series of moral failures from prominent Christian leaders. While it is true that we see examples of this throughout Scripture and Christian history, it is worth asking if there is anythiing about modern Christianity that lends itself to moral compromise. What can faithful Christians do to build their lives and their society in a way that prevents this sort of end? Tune in now as we examine these questions. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
In this replay episode of Theology Applied, Auron MacIntyre (@BlazeTV) joins the show to discuss how America was never intended to be a raw democracy, but rather a Constitutional Republic (or Democratic/Representative Republic). Benjamin Franklin, when asked what kind of government he helped to secure for us, famously replied, "A republic, if you can keep it." So the question is, can America honestly claim that she has kept this republic. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Michael Belch preaches from Matthew 5:1-12.
Tune-in today as the guys talk about Matt Walsh’s recent movie “Am I Racist?” Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* How to Connect with Private Family Banking:
1. Send an email inquiry to [email protected]
2. Receive a FREE e-book entitled "How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown", by going to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net
3. Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using this link: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
In this episode of Theology Applied, Zachary Garris and Pastor Joel discuss his new book, Honor Thy Father's and how Christians do that both with our immediate fathers and our historic church fathers.
Purchase Zachary's book here: https://newchristendompress.com/store/p/honor-thy-fathers-recovering-the-anti-feminist-theology-of-the-reformers-kd42e
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*The Word Soap*
*Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
*Private Family Banking*
Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call - Private Family Banking - Chuck DeLadurantey - Private Family Banking In this call, I will walk you through the WHY and the HOW of Private Family Banking and show you how to set it up with NO NEW MONEY, just a CHANGE IN YOUR CASH FLOW calendly.com Chuck DeLadurantey Partner at Private Family Banking Text (BANKING) to 321-421-5213 My Digital Business Card Mobile: 830-339-9472
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
“[The first disciples Jesus chose] were men that were accustomed to hardships and hazards; the fisher's trade, more than any other, is laborious and perilous; fishermen must be often wet and cold; they must watch, and wait, and toil, and be often in perils by waters. Note, those who have learned to bear hardships, and run hazards, are best prepared for the fellowship and discipleship of Jesus Christ. Good soldiers of Christ must endure hardness.” -Matthew Henry
Tune-in today as the guys talk share thoughts on last night’s presidential debate. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* Set up a FREE Private Family Banking Discovery call using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call - Private Family Banking - Chuck DeLadurantey - Private Family Banking In this call, I will walk you through the WHY and the HOW of Private Family Banking and show you how to set it up with NO NEW MONEY, just a CHANGE IN YOUR CASH FLOW calendly.com Chuck DeLadurantey Partner at Private Family Banking Text (BANKING) to 321-421-5213 My Digital Business Card Mobile: 830-339-9472
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece and Pastor Joel discuss how Reformed Evangelicals can achieve unity without embracing theological minimalism.
*This episode is a re-run from June 24,2024 although just as relevant today.
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
*Private Family Banking*
Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected]
Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below:
GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
*The Word Soap*
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Immediately after his baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. This was to demonstrate that Christ is the True Israel of God (Israel wandered faithlessly in the wilderness for 40 years with constant provision/Jesus wandered faithfully in the wilderness for 40 days without any provision).
Topics: Resisting Temptation, Spirit Warfare, Doctrine of the Son
No, It’s not Christian. Not even close.
Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, Charles Haywood joins the show to discuss modern Christians’ aversion to power, as well as the distinction between private and public enemies.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
*MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Immediately after his baptism, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. This was to demonstrate that Christ is the True Israel of God (Israel wandered faithlessly in the wilderness for 40 years with constant provision/Jesus wandered faithfully in the wilderness for 40 days without any provision).
Mormonism is a pernicious cult with remarkable staying power. For some reason, it just won’t seem to die. In this episode, we’ll tell you exactly why. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
Christianity has been greatly served by the scholars, theologians, and pastors that were equipped for defending the faith through study at institutions like Cambridge, Yale, and Princeton. Pastors and scholars like Jonathan Edwards, B.B. Warfield, and R.L. Dabney were products of rigorous academic instruction in the Western tradition and their influence continues to this day. But as of late, the notable output of even reformed seminaries seems to be race hustlers, social justice warriors, functional anabaptists, and pietists that would be unrecognizable to their forefathers. Where did things go wrong? And what can be done to fix seminaries? Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
INCYMI - In this episode of Theology Applied, we revisit an old episode from October of 2023 with Eric Conn as he joins the show to discuss the significant challenges that Gen X and Millennials face when seeking to obey the 5th Commandment, especially in light of all the ways Boomers have destroyed America for future generations.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
*Private Family Banking*
Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected]
Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below:
GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
*Domion Ranch*
Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5
*The Word Soap*
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Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied
Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify
Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
#bible #theology #christianity
Jesus did not merely maintain a state of innocence, avoiding all sin. Instead, Christ achieved a life of perfect obedience, fulfilling all righteousness.
Fortunately, this cult is dying. Here’s why.
Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Join us at our 2025 Conference:
If there’s one accusation that flies fast and thick against Christian Nationalism it is the accusation of racism. Sadly, even many Christians are quick to levy the term against their brothers, rarely stopping to consider the Bible’s actual teaching on the topic and the dubious, recent origin of the term. Join us now with special guest Eric Conn as we discuss how concerned Christians should actually be about being called “racist” and if Christian Nationalism does indeed have a racism problem in its ranks. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
In this episode of Theology Applied, Jon Harris joins the show to provide a historical primer on the Civil War and how we might be in a similar place today. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
See the 1607 Project here: https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/1607-project/ *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net #christian #theology #christianity
Pastor Connor Hensley preaches from Matthew 3:1-12 on Sunday, August 18th, 2024.
These mysterious creatures keep popping up. It’s not merely a hoax. Far too many people continue to claim to have seen the same exact creatures, without any correspondence with one another. So what/who are these mysterious beings? Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
Reformed Christians are skeptical of the writings of pagan philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Plutarch. After all, these men did not possess the gift of regeneration, the Holy Scriptures, or the Holy Spirit. But as we grapple with the reality of forced multiculturalism, unchecked immigration, and burning cities in the UK it is time to consider the possibility that the great Western thinkers that our Reformed fathers extensively relied on, quoted, and used left us great wisdom and insights for our struggle today. Tune in now as we discuss the Reformed tradition, Aristotle, and his writings on the possibility of functional multiculturalism. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
In this episode of Theology Applied, CJay Engel and Andrew Isker join the show to explain why they’re leaving their blue states of California and Minnesota. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net #christian #theology #christianity
It’s ancient. It’s evil. And it’s making a comeback. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
As Christians we hear a lot of talk about enemies today. Even last week, our podcast topic was about what it means to hate our enemies and the enemies of Christ. We hear of the culture war that Christians are supposed to engage in, we hear of the spiritual war that we are supposed to focus on, and we even hear of the political war that we are unsure of. The questions for today are what war (or wars) are Evangelical Christians engaged in? What allies do we have, and what tactics should we use? Tune in now. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *The Word Soap* https://thewordsoap.com *Reece Fund.* Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed https://www.reecefund.com/ *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
In this episode of Theology Applied, Bradley Pierce joins the show to clearly explain the exact convictions a person must hold in order to be an abolitionist.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
Squirrelly Joes Coffee – Caffeinating The Modern Reformation
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
The Word Soap
Reece Fund. Christian Capital. Boldly Deployed
Domion Ranch
Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5
*Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Neo-Paganism is the sinister foundation for virtually every cult. If you understand it properly, you can see through all the lies. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com Ministry Sponsor: The Word Soap: https://thewordsoap.com
Many Christians look at the way that wickedness is celebrated in our time and they wring their hands and worry. At best they may fire off a few feisty tweets. But at the end of the day, many of us prefer to simply worry and complain rather than do anything about the evil that we see in our time. There is an option that we haven’t tried for a long time: we must hate sin again. Tune in now as we talk about how to do this. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse The Word Soap - https://thewordsoap.com *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
In this episode of Theology Applied, AD Robles joins the show to highlight all the positive developments of the past couple months, and to encourage Christians to stop spiraling into despair. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS: *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *
The Word Soap*
https://thewordsoap.com *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Burning Man has been around for a long time, and it’s never been innocent. In this video, we fully expose Burning Man’s wicked agenda. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com Ministry Sponsor: The Word Soap: https://thewordsoap.com
Things are changing, and quickly. In the 27 days since the Trump-Biden debate we have witnessed a flurry of assassination attempts, coups, resignations, and encouraging political, social, and institutional developments, such as Elon Musk stating he is “a cultural Christian.” Momentum is clearly on the side of conservatives who are starting to reclaim power, credibility, and social hegemony that has been long lost. Join us today as we discuss the principles that must guide this next stage if we are to have any hope of lasting victory and change. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse The Word Soap - https://thewordsoap.com *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
In this episode of Theology Applied, Ben Garrett joins the show to explain why the general equity of the biblical standards for civil leaders (Exodus 18) do not apply to a presidential general election.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
*Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation*
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
*Domion Ranch*
Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5
*Private Family Banking*
Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected]
Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below:
GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Some pharmaceuticals don’t merely alter your state of mind, they actually open up portals to another realm. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
As political questions intrude on the daily life of more and more Christians, congregants turn to their pastors for help and guidance. Sadly, many pastors either respond that these questions are not relevant to Church life, or they give their congregations answers that are progressive and unbiblical. Why are pastors so bad at answering political questions and what can be done about it? Tune in now as we find out. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Domion Ranch* Enter the Dominion Ranch super summer only giveaway for some delicious Wagyu beef, a mouthwatering addition to your freezer! https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 https://dominion-ranch.ck.page/e381a601e5 *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Tune in for a special live addition of Theology Applied with Andrew Isker. Trump Assassination Attempt, Possible CO Announcement, and Why Christian’s Should Vote In This Election Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Armored Republic* - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Andrew Isker faithfully exegetes one of the most misinterpreted texts in Scripture.
Most Christians have no idea what’s coming, but you really need to be prepared. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
The Great Commission is not at odds with the 5th Commandment. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Armored Republic* - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com In this episode of Theology Applied, the cohosts of Backwoods Belief join the show to address pretty much every spicy debate within Evangelicalism today. Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
“In the name that should be given to her Son: Thou shalt call his name Jesus, a Saviour. Jesus is the same name with Joshua, the termination only being changed, for the sake of conforming it to the Greek... There were two of that name under the Old Testament, who were both illustrious types of Christ, Joshua who was Israel's captain at their first settlement in Canaan, and Joshua who was their high priest at their second settlement after the captivity, Zechariah 6:11, 12. Christ is our Joshua; both the Captain of our salvation, and the High Priest of our profession, and, in both, our Saviour— a Joshua who comes in the stead of Moses, and does that for us which the law could not do...” -Matthew Henry
If it wasn’t already obvious, Taylor Swift hates the patriarchy. But this isn’t merely a fight for equality between the sexes, the “Swiftie“ phenomenon actually represents an ancient form of pagan idolatry and goddess worship. Join us now as we unveil the sinister agenda of the Divine Feminine. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Join us at our 2025 Conference: https://rightresponseconference.com
There are many public dangers to Christianity that Christians do well to expose and fight against. There is one danger, however, that many Christians not only tolerate, but seem to embrace wholeheartedly. That danger is the idol of Statism in which the government sets itself up as an alternative to Christ’s provision, authority, and Lordship. Why do so many Christians love this idol? Tune in now as we explain. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com In this episode of Theology Applied, Stephen Wolfe joins the show to discuss the perils of multiculturalism. Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
“Among the ancestors of Christ who had brethren, generally he descended from a younger brother; such Abraham himself was, and Jacob, and Judah, and David, and Nathan, and Rhesa; to show that the pre- eminence of Christ came not, as that of earthly princes, from the [superiority] of his ancestors, but from the will of God, who, according to the method of his providence, exalteth them of low degree, and puts more abundant honour upon that part which lacked.” -Matthew Henry
Over the last few weeks, many critics have objected to the statements that we made about how damaging homosexual behavior is to individuals, families, and nations. To that, we want to reply by saying that we did not paint the full picture in our last episode. The push to normalize homosexual behavior is, in fact, even worse than we pointed because homosexuality inevitably normalizes pedophilia. Because of this, Christians need to be even more convinced that it is good and right to ban homosexual practice on a legal level. Tune in now as we respond. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece and Pastor Joel discuss how Reformed Evangelicals can achieve unity without embracing theological minimalism.
Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected] Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
GET A FREE COPY of Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown by going to www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
The Bible contains five strands of evidence for local church membership. Each reveals something vital to Christian Faith which would be minimized or denied if there were no definable local church membership.
A familiar feeling is in the air as White Boy Summer returns once again. For some it is a humorous and enjoyable way to commemorate and celebrate the Anglo-Saxon heritage of the West, but for others it is a harbinger of immaturity and needless race-essentialism. So which one is it? A psy-op and a grift? Or a good and Godly way to obey the 5th commandment? Tune in now as we discuss. Intro video from https://x.com/SamuelHolden_ Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Armored Republic* - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Protect Your Money Now Protect Your Money Now www.protectyourmoneynow.net
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, Andrew Isker joins Pastor Joel to expose the fake sin of “raaaycism.” Make no mistake, there really is such a thing as sinful ethnic partiality, but much of what the culture (and even Christians) have labeled as racist is nothing more than an exercise in “grievance farming.”
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Private Family Banking
Contact a Private Family Banking Partner today by emailing [email protected]
Or reserve a day and time for a Free 30-minute Discovery Consultation by using the link below:
*If you live in the Austin area, join us on a Sunday at Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. We would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The ministry of an Elder is a ministry of the Word. The Word is to be faithfully administered to the Members of the Congregation in 5 primary ways.
Many Christians have noticed that ‘PRIDE month’ is more subdued this year. While this is good, we also need to be careful. Our goal is to see God’s law instituted throughout all of society, not just to make things a little less ghey. Many who uphold portions of God’s law, such as ‘thou shalt not murder’, cringe when they read God’s prohibition and punishment of Sodomy. The reality, though, is that God is good and loving in everything that He does, and his laws about homosexuality are both righteous and they protect society from great harm. Tune in now as we discuss how America has abandoned God’s good standard.
[1] Rushdoony, R.J,, “The Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol.1”, pg 432.
[2] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1061&context=englishfacpubs
[3] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1061&context=englishfacpubs
[4] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1061&context=englishfacpubs
[5] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1061&context=englishfacpubs
[6] https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1061&context=englishfacpubs
[7] Bell, A. and Weinberg, M. Homosexualities: a Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978.
[8] Corey, L. and Holmes, K. "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New England J. Med., 1980, pp. 435-38.
[9] Bayer, R. Homosexuality and American Psychiatry.
[10] United States Congressional Record, June 29, 1989.
[11] Kus, R. "Alcoholics Anonymous and Gay America." Medical Journal of Homosexuality, 1987, 14(2), p. 254.
[12] Kaifetz, J. "Homosexual Rights Are Concern for Some," Post-Tribune. 18 December 1992
[13] Ibid.
[14] Fields, Dr. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.
[15] Cameron et. al. ISIS National Random Sexuality Survey. Nebraska Med. Journal, 1985, 70, pp. 292-299.
[16] Cameron et. al. ISIS National Random Sexuality Survey. Nebraska Med. Journal, 1985, 70, pp. 292-299.
[17] Corey, L. and Holmes, K. "Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis A in Homosexual Men." New England J. Med., 1980, pp. 435-38.
[18] Fields, Dr. E. "Is Homosexual Activity Normal?" Marietta, GA.
[19] Newsweek, 4 October 1993.
[20] Lesbian News, January 1994.
[21] Family Research Institute, Lincoln, NE.
[22] Jay and Young. The Gay Report. Summit Books, 1979, p. 275.
[23] San Francisco Sentinel, 27 March 1992
[24] https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL8N1UD5KN/
[25] https://mainweb-v.musc.edu/vawprevention/lesbianrx/factsheet.shtml
[26] https://www.aidsmap.com/news/sep-2016/syphilis-rates-rising-among-gay-men-us-cdc-data-show
[27] https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/data-research/facts-stats/gay-bisexual-men.html
[28] https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/53-mothers-boys-reported-gender-dysphoria-borderline-personality-disorder
[29] Laumann, The Social Organization of Sexuality, 216; McWhirter and Mattison, The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (1984): 252-253; Wiederman, "Extramarital Sex," 170.
[30] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1155/2016/2410392
[31] Rushdoony, R.J., “Institutes of Biblical Law, Vol. 1”, pg 430.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/
Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
Private Family Banking
Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected]
OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472.
For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com In this episode, we welcome back to the show, Pastor Eric Conn. We discuss missionaries. - when to send them and when to bring them home. We're going to talk about, the church in general. What time is it? What phase of rebuilding Christendom are we currently in? We also spend time in the second half talking about wealth and the poverty gospel. These are the things we're discussing and more. Tune in now. Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email *If you live in the Austin area, join us on a Sunday at Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. We would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Michael Belch preaches from Lamentations 2 on Sunday, June 9, 2024.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com Angels are not merely spiritual beings, existing only in some other ethereal dimension. Many species of angels, although not all, are not so different from you and I. They are spiritual, to be sure, but they also possess far more physicality than many modern theologians recognize. Want to see the two bonus episodes? Become a Gold member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries MINISTRY SPONSORS: Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE https://farmerbillsprovisions.com
The curse of sin for the rebellion of man pits him in an antithesis with the world he is called to subdue. While the task is now much more difficult, the original mission and mandate of humanity to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth has not been abrogated or canceled. By grace we resist and war against the world, the flesh, and the Devil, but also against the curse. Join us now as we discuss how Christians should think about pushing back on the curse. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS: Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, AD Robles joins Joel Webbon to discuss the Christian Nationalist controversy of dictators and “Elite Theory.”
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation
Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Private Family Banking
Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected]
Call them directly at 830-339-9472.
For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
Witchcraft is one of the fastest growing cults in the world. This is not a harmless game to be trifled with. Witchcraft, necromancy, hexes, and many other occult practices are terrifyingly real. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries MINISTRY SPONSORS: Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE https://farmerbillsprovisions.com
Fight by flight is a real and valid category of Christian resistance. Christian are not required to stay in godless states and especially not required to stay in churches that are rapidly having their lampstand removed. But what do you do when you cannot move? What criteria should be used to figure out where to attend church when there are very few good options in your area? And when do you have to move in order to attend a church? Tune in now as we discuss. Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com MINISTRY SPONSORS: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel welcomes Jeremy Carl, author of “The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart,” to discuss the rise in anti-white discrimination. Is there really a war on white people? And if so, is this merely a war on Christianity, or is there another dynamic at play?
Purchase Jeremy's Book here: https://www.amazon.com/Unprotected-Class-Anti-White-Destroying-America/dp/1684514584/ Ministry Sponsors: Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
One of the most common gateways to demonic possession (or demonic oppression) is people being deceived into believing that their lost loved-ones are trying to commune with them from beyond the grave. That's not your grandma, it's a demon! REGISTER FOR OUR 2025 CONFERENCE TODAY: https://rightresponseconference.com Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code *RIGHTRESPONSE* https://farmerbillsprovisions.com
America is getting unhealthier every year. This is because paganism dominates our thinking and its fruit is death and impotence. This was clearly on display in the Covid pandemic as the medical system rejected health and healing in favor of terror and tyrannical control. Christians also bear much blame in this area as we also have become complacent, fat, and unhealthy. We must reclaim God’s purpose for health and healing, which is to restore and preserve proper function to our minds and bodies so that we can fulfill the mandates that God has given to us. Tune in now.
Get your tickets now for our 2025 Conference. Christ Is King: How To Defeat Trash World at https://rightresponseconference.com
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Protect Your Money Now Protect Your Money Now www.protectyourmoneynow.net Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel welcomes William Wolfe to discuss his strategy for trying to save the Southern Baptist Convention. But is it too late? Are local SBC churches just propping up an apostate institution? Tune in now to find out! Ministry Sponsors:
Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky*Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE
https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Baptists have a bad reputation of terrible ecclesiology regarding Deacons.
Baptists either bypass a “plurality of elders” by allowing the Deacon Board to function as elders, or they diminish the office of Deacon to little more than the “lead parking attendant.”
So what does the Bible actually teach about Deacons?
Contrary to popular belief, Mermaids are not beautiful and benevolent creatures. If they do exist, they are malevolent and wicked creatures with one desire - exacting their hateful revenge on the sons of men.
The Bible tells us that the angels who rebelled against God were cursed and fell from Heaven. Their offspring with the daughters of men were cursed and became the Nephilim. But what about the mothers of the Nephilim? What about these women who chose to procreate with the fallen angels? What was their punishment? Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code *RIGHTRESPONSE* https://farmerbillsprovisions.com *The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.* To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com
We have lost the ability as Christians to think categorically. Christian discourse around the family and politics endlessly conflate personal versus public, necessary versus possible, and descriptive versus prescriptive categories. This renders us unable to think historically, consider what the future might hold, and properly discern what course of action we should take. Tune in now as we discuss thinking shrewdly and what America’s political future might hold. MINISTRY SPONSORS: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Protect Your Money Now Protect Your Money Now www.protectyourmoneynow.net
Tune-in to Pastor Douglas Wilson at our 2024 Conference, Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference.
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece joins the show to provide signs for identifying an abusive church, as well as the biblical guidelines for setting up proper church governance. Ministry Sponsors: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Protect Your Money Now www.protectyourmoneynow.net *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Modern theologians insist that all spiritual beings fall into one of two categories: Angels or Demons. But the Bible speaks of a third category that many past theologians, such as King James, Lewis, and Tolkien, held to be unequivocally true: The "Elemental Spirits" (or Faeries). Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code *RIGHTRESPONSE* https://farmerbillsprovisions.com *The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.* To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com
In his “Lectures on Calvinism”, Abraham Kuyper remarks that the central cry of the reformation was not merely that God is sovereign over salvation, but that He is sovereign over all things. Notice, though, that this is not the same as saying that God is sovereign over everything, though both of those statements are true. In our time, we are convinced that God is, indeed, the ruler of the aggregate of all things, but we are not so sure about the parts. We are like a boy standing in a messy room that needs to be cleaned up. The boy's mother has told him to get to work but in the clutter, the boy cannot imagine how all of the mess could be dealt with. In response, the mother grabs one toy and puts it away. The lesson is clear: understand that the whole is made of parts. Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “Do not lose the forest for the trees,” but in the current evangelical landscape, it might be more true that we have lost the trees for the forest. *Ministry Sponsors:**Armored Republic* - https://www.ar500armor.com/Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
In this episode of Theology Applied, Auron MacIntyre (@BlazeTV) joins the show to discuss why a “return to the Constitution” is impossible. *Ministry Sponsors:* *Armored Republic* - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Protect Your Money Now Protect Your Money Now www.protectyourmoneynow.net Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Israel sinned by getting too close to the people from other lands. They traded with them, talked with them, got to know them well, and even married their daughters to their sons. We may assume that thus far they did not compromise in idolatrous worship of the false gods of those people, but it is said that they mimicked many of the heathen's other worldly behaviors. Most notably, they disobeyed God's clear command not to get too close to these people who did not follow him, especially by marrying them. This was a clear violation of God's command in at least two regards: 1) The older generation in Israel, while resisting idolatry themselves, sold out their own children's future by setting the stage for their inevitable apostasy, and 2) Israel was willing to make this deal with the devil because they ultimately did not trust God to protect and provide for them, instead relying on alliances with their neighbors for their strength and support (AKA: The GDP must keep climbing).
There are three dominant views on Bigfoot: 1) An Elusive Hominid, 2) A Spirit Messenger, and 3) A Subservient to Alien Species. All three of these theories are wrong! In this video, we will explain exactly what Bigfoot is and why it's been nearly impossible to prove his existence. But make no mistake, Bigfoot is real. Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries MINISTRY SPONSORS: Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky
https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word. To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com
Over the past few weeks we have seen protests against Israel erupting over college campuses. The Left is determined to destroy the Left, but not if the Right has anything to say about it! Rest assured, the GOP and Evangelicals will do everything they can to step in with your tax dollars to save the progressive universities from the progressives. When you were locked in your home, and half the country was in flames with BLM riots, we were told to just let our American heritage burn. But vitriol targeting leftist universities and Israel will not be tolerated, is where we draw the line. Once again, we can count on Conservatives to work tirelessly to clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. *Ministry Sponsors:* *Private Family Banking* Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code *RIGHTRESPONSE* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Tune-in to Pastor Douglas Wilson at our 2024 Conference, Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference.
Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
In this episode of Theology Applied, John Doyle (Heck Off Commie) joins the show to discuss why Donald Trump will win the 2024 Presidential Election, and also shed light on the controversial topic of Zionism. *Ministry Sponsors:* *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code RIGHTRESPONSE The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The reason why many Christians don’t actually want a Christian nation with Christian laws.
What if the Greco-Roman gods were actually Fallen Angels? What if their demigod offspring, such as Hercules, were actually the Nephilim? In other words, what if all of this ancient mythology (well at least most of it) is actually real? Want to see the whole series now? Become a Gold or Silver Tier member at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky* Get 15% Off Your Order By using promo code *RIGHTRESPONSE* *The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.* To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com
Much uproar has been had in recent weeks about the Christian doctrine of submission and authority within marriage. What has been the most controversial, however, is not simply the concept of the doctrine itself, or the original Biblical text in question, but the application of the principle. A simple illustration of the practical, functional authority of a husband in the home from a sermon has been clipped and now been viewed millions of times resulting in significant backlash. But is this teaching of the Bible really all that controversial? Is it so unthinkable that someone in the home has final authority over important issues? Tune in now as we discuss this viral clip and the authority a husband really has. * Ministry Sponsors:* The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. For a Free E-book entitled "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net and enter your email Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Tune-in to our second live panel from the Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Charles Haywood (The Worthy House) joins the show to discuss 1) The basis for his view of Foundationalism, 2) His prediction of Elon Musk building a 20,000 person private security unit (army) in Texas, and 3) The potential of a Donald Trump assassination attempt. *Ministry Sponsors:* The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The biblical record is undeniable - giants once roamed the earth. Goliath is by far the most well-known giant. But many fail to recognize that Goliath was actually one of the smallest giants. Scripture describes several different species of giants (or giant clans) with a startling range of physical sizes, as well as surprising supernatural abilities. Want to see the whole series now? Visit https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.* To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
One of the greatest and most frequent requests in our prayers should be for God to graciously save our children. No child by virtue of pedigree or status is born with a right to salvation, and each individual must choose for himself to place personal faith and trust in Jesus. However, in an effort to maintain the importance of a personal decision to trust in Jesus some baptists run the risk of overcorrecting, and negating the promises of the gospel that are given to parents and children, for example 1 Cor 7:14. Baptists can and should affirm the holiness and special nature of their covenant children with a good conscience, while still waiting to baptize their children upon profession of faith. Tune in now as we discuss covenant theology and why the children of baptists are indeed holy. *Ministry Sponsors:* Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Tune-in to Dr. Joseph Boots talk from the Ezra Institute at our 2024 Conference, Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
A few months ago, Pearl Davis invited Pastor Joel Webbon onto her show to interview him on the topics of Biblical Patriarchy and Christian Nationalism.
*Due to technical difficulties, the conversation was never released on Pearl’s platform. Fortunately, Right Response Ministries recorded a backup of the audio, and with Pearl’s permission, we are now releasing it to the public.
In this episode of Theology Applied, AD Robles joins the show. It has been incredibly difficult to actually define Christian Nationalism - like trying to nail jello to the wall. In large part, this is because there are so many different versions of Christian Nationalism. Finally, we’re providing a clear system for determining whether or not someone is a Christian Nationalist. And it’s based on just three simple criteria! *Ministry Sponsors:* Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Haggai and Zechariah have finished their prophesying. At this time, God determined that the revelation which he had provided up to this point was enough; his word was sufficient. For this season, Israel did not need a “fresh word” from the Lord. Rather, Israel needed to be instructed in the meaning of all the words of God which they had already been given. What Israel needed now was simply to understand and obey.
Even C.S. Lewis was enamored by the legends of Hollow Earth. As with many myths, perhaps there is far more truth to the legend of Hollow Earth than modern scientists are willing to admit. In this video we present our theory for why we believe that Hollow Earth is the hiding place of the last living dragons.
Want to see the whole series now? Visit https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
*The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.*
To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com
*Farmer Bills Provisions - Biltong: the wagyu of jerky*
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Tune-in to our first live panel from the Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference with Dusty Deevers, Doug Wilson, Brian Sauve, Eric Conn, and Joel Webbon.
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece joins the show to clearly explain the importance of hospitality, as well as how fathers should lead their families in family worship. Ministry Sponsors: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Private Family BankingContact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
“The Jews' enemies [were] made their friends. When they received this order from the king they came with as much haste to encourage and assist the work as their predecessors had done to put a stop to it (Ezra 4:23). What the king ordered they did, and, because they would not be thought to do it with reluctance, they did it speedily. The king's [support] made them, contrary to their own inclination, [supportive] too.” -Matthew Henry
Overwhelming evidence has just recently surfaced revealing the exact location of The Lost City of Atlantis! *IMPORTANT: Plato describes Atlantis as a real city, not fiction! He said that it was ruled by 10 Nephilim Kings who descended from the god Poseidon - the Philistine god known as Dagon. Want to see the whole series now? Visit https://patreon.com/rightresponsemini... *MINISTRY SPONSORS:* *The Word Soap - Everyone needs soap. So wash yourself in The Word.* To be the first to know more visit https://thewordsoap.com *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Tune-in to Eric Conn's talk on Biblical Patriarchy from the 2024 Blueprints for Christendom 2.0. Conference. Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Eric Conn and Dan Burkholder join the show to debunk the fake revisionist history that has been lying about the Christian Crusades for decades.Ministry Sponsors: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month:https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver The Psalms Project: To hear more music from The Psalms Project, including their new album for Psalms 47 through 55 that just dropped, go to https://thepsalmsproject.com Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Let us never consider to be our friend what Christ calls his enemy. Jesus has delivered the death blow to death.
Andrew Klavan, of the Daily Wire, complained that the phrase “Christ is King” is being used as an anti-semitic dog whistle. He then went on to espouse the heresy of universalism, insisting that many people are faithfully serving Jesus without knowing it. Tune in now as we carefully debunk these claims. Ministry Sponsors: Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month: https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Brian Sauve at the 2024 Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 gave a talk on Covenant Theology. Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Doug Van Dorn joins the show to explain the biblical account of the “divine counsel,” and how it relates to the nephilim.Ministry Sponsors: PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month: https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
When God's time has come for the accomplishing of his gracious purposes concerning his Church, he will raise up instruments to promote his purposes from even the most unlikely places. In the meantime, the Church must be diligent to avoid these three pitfalls: 1) Cowardice, 2) Idleness, and 3) Foolishness.
Church history teaches us that each generation of Christians will face unique assaults upon Biblical truth. These attacks rarely manifest as open rebellion to core Christian doctrine, but instead, especially in our age, often take the form of subversion, deception, and misplaced emphasis. They wear the guise of “love”, “acceptance”, and “inclusion” all while tearing down foundational truths that safeguard true virtue. Even the smallest of compromises from the greatest of institutions have ultimately resulted in their downfall to theological liberalism and neo-orthodoxy. Tune in now as we discuss the importance of taking a stand on the issues where the battle rages the fiercest.Ministry Sponsors:PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free PeopleUse the link below for a special offer of $5 per month:https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiverSquirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern ReformationGet 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family BankingContact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] them directly at 830-339-9472.Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedSpotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotifyGoogle Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
All Christians have a confession of faith. It's either historic, robust, and true, or modern, shallow, and filled with theological falsehoods.
In this episode of Theology Applied, the hosts of Cultish join the show. In 30 minutes, they identify and expose 10 of the most dangerous (and fastest growing) cults in America. Ministry Sponsors: PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month: https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
In [last week’s] text, we saw the glorious transformation, the fruit of the people’s repentance and faith in God expressed in Ezra 5:2- “Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak arose and began to rebuild the house of God that is in Jerusalem, and the prophets of God were with them, supporting them” (Ezra 5:2). This spirit of confidence and unification, between Israel’s prophets, priests, and civil leaders is what pervades the rest of chapter 5 through the conclusion of Ezra chapter 6. We would be remiss if we failed to recognize that this reality of a unified prophet, priest, and king (if you will) foreshadowed a day in which these offices would be unified in a singular person: namely, the Lord Jesus Christ. Such a reality is truly glorious and awe-inspiring, and it would be impossible to deny the working of God’s Spirit on the hearts of his people, leading them back to faithful obedience and action.
n the past several weeks we have seen two examples of high-profile evangelicals who have criticized the positions of Christian Nationalism. In Particular, John MacArthur and Owen Strachan both argued that it is impossible for a nation to be ‘Christian’, and argued that God’s kingdom is primarily spiritual. Both of these arguments fail to understand what Christian Nationalism claims. In particular they miss these two points. First, that Jesus himself, not the church, has already won the earth by his obedience, death, and resurrection, and is therefore entitled to all of its spoils. Second, that though Christ’s kingdom is not OF this world, it is definitely present and spreading throughout all of it. These two examples show how, yet again, the evangelical church is largely responsible for the crisis that the west is in. Tune in now as we try to correct the record and offer a victorious path forward. Ministry Sponsors: PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month: https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglep... *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Dusty Deevers at the 2024 Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 gave a talk from 2 Timothy 2:1-7. Over the next few months we will be releasing one of the talks from our Blueprints for Christendom 2.0 Conference. Subscribe and click the bell to be notified when they release.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Michael Foster joins the show to provide a biblical framework for how Christians should view death, including burial and cremation. Ministry Sponsors: PaxMail - Email & Docs For A Free People Use the link below for a special offer of $5 per month: https://paxmail.cc/?ref=rrmfiver Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by using code RRM: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking Contact a Private Family Banking professional via email at [email protected] OR Call them directly at 830-339-9472. Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Israel had two faithful ministers, Haggai and Zechariah, who encouraged the people to start building the temple again. These two men began to prophesy for God during the reign of Darius. The kingdom of God is built by prophecy – by hearing the Word of the Lord and responding in obedience. When God sends prophets among his people, we should not assume that it is for the purpose of judgment but for blessing. Israel also had two faithful magistrates, Zerubbabel (their chief prince) and Jeshua (their chief priest), who immediately took the lead in the work. These great men were not insulted or offended by the commands of the prophets. Instead, with humility and joy, they led the people in obedience by example.
"It is simply not enough to keep your kids from watching movies or having access to the internet when they are in your home. No matter what you do, the magical, dark liturgy that runs 24 7 will still be out there. But teaching your children to hate it is far more important than keeping it hidden away from them. And you must raise them among others who understand the same. The network of friends and family you interact with regularly is the soil your children are growing up in. If they are alone and isolated, if the only friends they have are entranced with Trash World, no matter how much effort you expend homeschooling and keeping evil things from their eyes, they will be vulnerable. More than anything, you and your wife and your children need friends who love what you love and hate what you hate." Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponsemini... Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
The topic of modesty, especially in women's dress, is highly contentious. Suggestions from men in particular that certain attire may conflict with scriptural mandates often provokes accusations of legalism and misogyny. Then, others who understand scripture's clear instructions on modesty but hesitate to apply them will attempt to equivocate and apply these guidelines universally by treating the temptation of immodesty as equally prevalent among both men and women. But overlooking the significance of modesty or attempting to dilute its application to a generic androgynous command is not appropriate for the Christian. It is crucial for Christian leaders, and particularly husbands, fathers, and pastors, to articulate God’s intentions for men, women, and human sexuality with clarity and precision. The issue is greater than simply private sins or indiscretion at the level of the heart. As commitment to God’s standards wanes, history shows that societies perish under the weight of their own indulgence, lack of self-control, and permissiveness. Tune in now as we discuss modesty and why it matters. MINISTRY SPONSORS: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by visiting: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey/ For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net *For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Pastor Brian Sauve preaches a wonderfully practical sermon on how Christians can obey the commandment in Hebrews 13:7-19 to humbly submit to spiritual authority in the local church
This week saw a controversy erupt over the temptations that women face as some speakers sounded an alarm about the hidden dangers of the ‘Trad-Wife’ movement. Is ‘Trad-Wife’ something that conservative Christians need to warn against at this time? No, for there are forces that are targeting women that threaten to destroy not only women, but all of society. One such danger is the allure of witchcraft and the occult. In the last few decades, these practices have risen dramatically so that a majority of Americans, and of Christians, now believe and affirm pagan practices. God hates witchcraft, not homemaking. And women left and right are being lured into witchcraft as they recite mantras, buy crystals, and try to manifest a more positive reality. This week we dive into the dangers of modern witchcraft and ask the question, “What’s more dangerous, a lizard or a crocodile?” In this episode of Theology Applied, the co-hosts of Backwoods Belief join the show to discuss the hatred of Evangelical elites towards the average Christian in the pew. Livestream our upcoming conference by supporting us as a Patreon member for $10/month at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Get 20% off your first order by visiting: https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
When the ten tribes of Israel were taken into captivity, the king of Assyria resettled foreigners in the region of Samaria. These newcomers intermarried with the remaining Israelites and caused them to worship their own pagan idols. Due to intermarriage and religious syncretism (compromise), Samaritans became universally despised by the remaining Jews who did not intermarry with foreigners. And it was these same Samaritans that wrote to King Artaxerxes imploring him to put an end to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the second temple during the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.
"Today, the entire economic system is set up with the assumption of dual incomes. They have intentionally made providing for a household on a single income extremely difficult. They want households with moms staying with the children to be an upper middle class luxury lifestyle totally inaccessible to the majority of the population in the middle and working class. For the generation just starting out today, things are far more difficult. The boomer might well be right that the millennial and zoomer just doesn't have the work ethic his generation had. But He does not consider how much greater that work ethic was rewarded in his day." Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
For the better part of 2,000 years the question of who gets to interpret scripture has been the key challenge to the church. The answer to questions of faith, doctrine, and praxis often depend on the interpretation (and application) of a particular text or passage of scripture and have historically resulted in fierce disagreement. In the face of this uncertainty a variety of new institutions and movements, often cults, have sprung up in the last several hundred years claiming divine authority to interpret scripture, either by virtue of a supposedly restored Apostolic succession or some form of continuity with the early church. The Mormon church claims their “quorum of the twelve apostles” is the restored priesthood of Christ on earth. Jehovah’s witnesses assert that 1st-century Biblical Christianity was restored through the New World Translation of the Bible and the Watchtower and Tract Society in Philadelphia. And in recent years in the West an old authority is seeing renewed interest and conversions: the Eastern Orthodox Church, which claims to be the one true Church and to alone possess the authority to interpret scripture. But does their claim of direct continuity with Apostolic and early church practice hold up to scrutiny? Tune in now as we discuss.
Livestream the conference by becoming a Patron at patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Ministry Partners: Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey/ For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net *For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece joins the show to talk about how one household, when delighting in the Law of the Lord, can become an powerful bulwark against the evils of our day.
Livestream our conference by suypporting us on Patreon for $10.
Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
*Updated Audio*
"In the 1820s and 30s, Christianity in America looked more or less like it did in Protestant Europe in the centuries that followed the Reformation. But as the country began to expand westward on the frontier, revivalism began to take over what had been standard, theologically orthodox Protestantism. Men like Charles G. Finney would hold tent revivals with dazzling oratory and salesmanship to generate religious excitement and manipulate the emotions of the crowd to produce conversions. Variations of this method eventually became the baseline for evangelical Christianity in America. The question of how God tells us He wants us to worship Him is seldom considered."
Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2
Ministry Sponsors
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/
Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
Today is Valentine’s day, so we are talking about love. In particular, we are talking about two distortions of love. The first is the way that modern Valentine’s Day pushes an effeminate and perverse view of romance. The second is the sacrilegious depiction of Jesus’ love that we saw during the Super Bowl. False views of love are connected because they ultimately come from a false view of God, who is love. Both of these distortions require the same response: strong men must exercise godly, patriarchal love and put to death the effeminate, perverse, and idolatrous impostors. Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Tim Chaffey joins the show to thoroughly dismantle every objection from Christians who say that fallen angels cannot procreate with human women.
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Our audience can get a free bag of coffee (just pay shipping) by visiting https://squirrellyjoes.com/rightresponse
Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.* Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Pastor Connor Hensley preaches from Ezra 4:1-6.
"For most people in our culture today, just the thought of there being things that women cannot do that men can, and vice versa, seems no different than doctors draining the body of bad humors with leeches. They say the modern world has bridged the gap. Our modern, transhumanist world believes it has so effectively cast down the Almighty and has triumphed over His created order so decisively that His very image, man and woman, this thing He has fixed from the beginning, is now permanently abolished. What we currently live in is a product of generations, imagining they could recreate the world in our own sinful image. Transforming the glories of the woman into the shameful things of the man is not an accident. It was done by design." Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponsemini... Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Andrew Isker and CJay Engel join the show to talk about Donald J. Trump, and the reality that our current regime will do just about anything to keep him from the White House. Stream our Conference by becoming a Patron at $10 per month. https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Ministry Sponsors: Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.* Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
“Whatever our condition is, how many soever our griefs and fears, let it be owned that God is good; and, whatever fails, that his mercy fails not. Let this be sung with application, as here; not only his mercy endures for ever, but it endures for ever towards Israel... [Whether] captives in a strange land [or] strangers in their own land. However it be, yet God is good to Israel, good to us.” -Matthew Henry
"God has made men to be men, to be distinct from women, to have testosterone and defined musculature. Yet the average 22 year old man today has the same testosterone levels that the average social security eligible man had a little over 20 years ago. All you have to do to see this in the most vivid way you can is to compare what people look like today to your parents or grandparents wedding photos. The fattest person in those ruffled tuxedos or bridesmaid dresses with puffy sleeves would look emaciated by comparison today. Everyone had normal BMIs. Obesity, much less morbid obesity, was extremely rare. Why is this the case? Why are we so fat? And why do we keep getting fatter?"
Excerpt from The Boniface Option by Andrew Isker Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
Support our Friday Special by becoming a Patron.
Live-Stream our Conference by Becoming a Gold Level Member
In this episode of Theology Applied, Redeemed Zoomer joins the show to debate Theistic Evolution vs. 6-Literal-Day Creation.
Stream our Conference by becoming a Patron. https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Ministry Sponsors The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today!
"A typical day in the life of the young man in the modern world is to wake up, leave home, sit in a car for part of an hour, arrive at work, interact with people from whom your existence is nothing more than a means to a paycheck. He goes home alone, maybe to interact with virtual friends on social media or video games, maybe to consume entertainment and pornography alone. He is isolated. This may seem hyperbolic. It may seem like an exaggeration, but these are the conditions that many young people live in today. It's time that Christians learn this lesson. It is not possible to understand the spiritual miasma of our current era without recognizing how extraordinarily lonely most people are."
Excerpt from The Boniface Option by Andrew Isker Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
BREAKING NOW: @GregAbbott_TX is officially defying the treason of traitor @JoeBiden at the Texas border! Could this be the seeds for Texas’ succession or a Civil War!?
Love for foreign neighbors (who are breaking the law) at the direct cost of loving our closest neighbors (our own children) is a perverse twisting of Scripture.
May every professing Christian who has said otherwise either repent, or simply admit that they actually hate God, his Word, and our country.
Ministry Sponsors:
The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today! Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit https://squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Redeemed Zoomer joins the show to provide a concise rundown of the top 5 Mainline Denominations in America and their specific problems.
Stream our Conference by becoming a Patron. https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.* Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today!
“There were some that could not prove themselves Israelites (v. 59, 60), a considerable number, who presumed they were of the seed of Jacob, but could not produce their pedigrees... There were others that could not prove themselves priests, and yet were supposed to be of the seed of Aaron... Now we are here told how they lost their evidence. One of their ancestors married a daughter of Barzillai, that great man whom we read of in David's time; he gloried in an alliance to that honourable family, and, preferring that before the dignity of his priesthood, would have his children called after Barzillai's family, and their pedigree preserved in the registers of that house, not of the house of Aaron, and so they lost it. In Babylon there was nothing to be got by the priesthood, and therefore they cared not for being akin to it... Now that the priests had recovered their rights, and had the altar to live upon again, they would gladly be looked upon as priests. But they had sold their birthright for the honour of being gentlemen, and therefore were justly degraded, and forbidden to eat of the most holy things. Note, Christ will be ashamed of those that are ashamed of him and his service.” -Matthew Henry
"To love a thing is to hate its opposite. I love my wife, and therefore I hate to see her mistreated. For far too long, the evangelical Christian has been told that he may not hate anything. We are trained to not love as we ought because we are trained to never hate. If the Christian has a passionate love for the truth of God's word, the goodness of God's justice, and the beauty of holiness, he will necessarily have an intense hatred of lies, injustice, and sin."
Excerpts from The Boniface Option by Andrew Isker
Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2
Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Ministry Sponsors
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/
Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
“Martin Luther King Jr. has been the most important civil rights figure since the day of his death in 1968. Our society has come to view him as a mythic figure who both defied an oppressive system while preaching a Christian message of inclusion, peace, and tolerance. This is not true and sadly, many Christians have been deceived into celebrating a heretic theologian, a sexual deviant, and a Marxist agent. What is even worse, though, is that the Civil Rights project has used MLK to pollute the mission of Christianity and to destroy the historic identity of the United States.”
The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today! Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit https://squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
In this episode of Theology Applied, David Reece (CEO of Armored Republic) joins the show to provide a primer for General-Equity Theonomy, and layout a roadmap for achieving personal success in every area of the Christian life - including business.
Stream our Conference by becoming a Patron. https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries
Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.* Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Leaders from the families of Judah and Benjamin took the initiative. The priests and Levites were also among the first to head back to Zion. When God inspired Cyrus to proclaim freedom, the same divine influence moved both the political and pastoral leaders among the people of Israel to seize the opportunity (Zechariah 4:6). Despite tempting reasons to stay in Babylon (familiarity, connections, and the challenging journey) some overcame these obstacles. Their spirits, uplifted by God, were fueled by a desire for freedom and love for their homeland – a love for their heritage. In order to achieve the rebuilding of Israel's heritage, God not only stirred up the heart of a foreign king (Cyrus – likely an unbeliever), but he also divinely inspired a native leader of Israel, one who had despised Babylon from his youth (Zerubbabel – a believer).
“Judah had a prince, even in captivity. Sheshbazzar, supposed to be the same with Zerubbabel, is here called prince of Judah; the Chaldeans called him Sheshbazzar, which signifies JOY IN TRIBULATION; but among his own people he went by the name of Zerubbabel—A STRANGER IN BABYLON; so he looked upon himself, and considered Jerusalem his home.” -Matthew Henry
"After preaching the gospel and slowly gaining converts among the Germanics, Boniface traveled to the great pagan shrine in Geismar in Hesse. There, at Donner's Oak, the pagan priests offered sacrifices to their demon god Donner, better known to us as Thor. It was believed that if anyone profaned Thor's Oak by touching it, the demon would strike that man down with a bolt of lightning from his hammer. Boniface reared back with his axe and took one single swing when a powerful wind came out of the heavens. And blew the tree over astonished to see the impotence of their demon. God, everyone present forsook their paganism and was baptized into Jesus Christ."
Excerpt from The Boniface Option by Andrew Isker
Purchase Andrew Isker's book, The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights. --------- Filmstro | Create custom royalty-free music in minutes https://filmstro.com/
After back-to-back terms of president Barack Obama the Republican party looked poised to turn in a new direction with the nomination of Donald Trump. However, many evangelical elites such as Russell Moore, Timothy Keller, Francis Collins, and others balked and began to exert substantial effort over the coming years to convince evangelicals that voting for democrats was acceptable, and even necessary to stop Trump. Now, new details reveal that this effort was not just an organic, conscientious objection to Trump’s bombastic style but a coordinated and well-funded effort among some of evangelical’s most influential figures to propagandize millions of conservative Christians. Tune in now as we discuss how Rusell Moore and Tim Keller got evangelicals to vote democrat. ------------------------------- Ministry Partners: Armored Republic ( @AR500Armor ) Visit their website at https://www.ar500armor.com/ Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit https://squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.*
Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel welcomes back Tim Chaffey to the show to discuss the mysterious details of how the fallen angels were able to biologically-engineer the race of giants. Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Our listeners can get 15% off Dr. Chaffey's book by visiting his website and using promo code: NEPHILIM http://midwestapologetics.org/shop/ Ministry Partners: The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today! Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body. Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Stream our Conference by becoming a Patron. https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
At the opening of the book of Ezra, the condition of the government in Babylon, where Israel was being held captive, was this: Nebuchadnezzar took many of the people of Israel captive in the first year of his reign. Nebuchadnezzar ruled for forty-five years, followed by his son Evil-merodach for twenty-three years, and then his grandson Belshazzar for three years, totaling seventy years. Nebuchadnezzar was judged by God for many sins, not least of which was his indifference towards Israel which was demonstrated by his failure to release his prisoners, as mentioned in Isaiah 14:17. Daniel warned Nebuchadnezzar that showing mercy to the Jews would have prolonged his peace (Daniel 4:27), but the king of Babylon refused. Therefore, Babylon's sins reached their limit, leading to its destruction by Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian, as recorded in Daniel 5. When Darius grew old, he passed the government to Cyrus, who, in turn, played a key role in the Jews' liberation.
“The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus. Note, The hearts of kings are in the hand of the Lord, and, like the [rivers] of water, he turneth them which way soever he will. It is said of Cyrus that he knew not God, nor how to serve him; but God knew him, and how to serve himself by him (Isaiah 45:4). God governs the world by his influence on the spirits of men, and, whatever good is done at any time, it is God that stirs up the spirit to do it, puts thoughts into the mind, gives to the understanding to form a right judgment, and directs the will which way he pleases. Whatever good offices therefore are, at any time, done for the church of God, [God] must have the glory of them.” -Matthew Henry
"You live in a dystopia. Every part of historical human existence in our world has been turned on its head. The world we live in is an inversion of what God created you to live in. All that is beautiful is treated as though it were repulsive. This world did not become like this by accident. or by inexorable forces of history. This world was engineered to be this way." Binge-watch all of the episodes by joining our Patreon at https://patreon.com/rightresponseministries Purchase The Boniface Option here: https://a.co/d/3iKPLj2 Ministry Sponsors Armored Republic - https://www.ar500armor.com/ Honoring Christ by equipping Free Men with the tools of liberty necessary to preserve God-given rights.
The Bible warns us that the sluggard justifies his laziness by claiming there is danger around every corner (Proverbs 22:13). On the other hand, Ephesians 5:11-13 calls us to actively expose the deeds of darkness, even of unbelievers. God calls Christians to be like the men of Issachar, who not only understood the times, but also knew what to do about them (I Chronicles 12:32). Discernment is not primarily a supernatural spidey-sense that tingles for some especially spiritual Christians. It is the ability to understand what the threats of our time are and to apply biblical principles to them. RESOURCES: Logic: The Right Use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth, by Isaac Watts The Consequences of Ideas: Understanding the Concepts that Shaped Our World, by R.C. Sproul Critical Thinking & Formal Logic (19-part course) by Greg Bahnsen) available on Canon+ or https://youtu.be/ihtVDzTpnLY?si=Tr-fAsERWnWtEX7y Teaching Critical Thinking to Children by Voddie Baucham (audio), available on Canon+ ------------------------------- Ministry Partners: Armored Republic ( @AR500Armor ) Visit their website at https://www.ar500armor.com/ Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit https://squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.*
Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
In this episode of Theology Applied, Remnant Radio and Doug Wilson join the show to have a friendly debate about Cessationism - specifically the ceasing of the gift of Prophecy.
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Partners:
Armored Republic ( @AR500Armor )
Visit their website at https://www.ar500armor.com/
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation
Visit https://squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today!
Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking
To enter the Ticket Giveaway, join their email list by sending an email to [email protected] with the subject line "TICKETS" and include your full name and mailing address in the body.
The Kings Ridge Elderberries
Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries!
Visit https://tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at:
Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below:
Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied
Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify
Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
#bible #christianity #god
Unity of knowledge is not a politically correct concept, especially when it comes to claims about knowing anything about the Son of God. Plenty of churches desire unity when it comes to “common care,” but few churches desire unity when it comes to “common convictions.”
This is the question and answer session from the Right Response Ministries Fall 2023 Conference - "The Household And The War For The Cosmos."
What was on the mind of Christ right before he came into the world?
Pastor Joel Webbon presented the final message at the Right Response Ministries Fall 2023 Conference - "The Household And The War For The Cosmos."
We don't merely need the peace of God, we need the God of peace. The key to overcoming anxiety is believing that “the Lord is at hand.” But what will the Lord do when he is with us? Will he give us the money we need? Will he thwart the plans of the person who is trying to harm us? Will he spare our children from all accidents and disease? We know that at least occasionally the answer to these questions is “NO.” So then what difference does God’s presence make when he offers no promises to a wield his power in the ways we would like?
Pastor C.R. Wiley from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Battle Ground, WA presented the second message at the Right Response Ministries Fall 2023 Conference - "The Household And The War For The Cosmos."
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Michael Belch, a member of Covenant Bible Church, preached this sermon from John 1:6-29 on Sunday December 10, 2023 for our Lord's Day Gathering.
You should be righteously angry.
View the full sermon here: https://youtu.be/qHnkww2Kd1w
Pastor @JaredRLongshore from @ChristKirk presented the first message at the Right Response Ministries Fall 2023 Conference - "The Household And The War For The Cosmos."
*The audio improves at the 5:50 mark.
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Christ is praying for all his people, and his prayers never fail.
The day you were saved, a target was painted on your chest. It’s time to wake up, Christian. You are at war.
Satan has two primary weapons. He wields one with the unbeliever, but the other, though also quite terrible, is most often reserved to torment the Christian.
Christians still wrestle with sin. But the Christian, upon his true conversion, now has a radically new relationship to sin.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Rosaria Butterfield joins the show to explain how Transgenderism killed Feminism in virtually every context save one: The Church. Tragically, Feminism is still alive and well among Evangelical Christians.
Visit https://rosariabutterfield.com/ to learn more about her writing.
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
In this episode of Theology Applied, Asa Miller, former Navy SEAL, joins the show to unveil precisely how depraved the American Military has truly become.
Visit https://sealsbeatbiden.com/ to learn more about the project.
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
The Kings Ridge Elderberries Your source for naturally grown fresh frozen elderberries! Visit tkrfarm.com to purchase your elderberries today!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Pagan meditation seeks to suppress the analytical side of the mind and focus on the feelings and of the heart, while Christian meditation is so rational, it can actually cause us to regularly contend with our hearts. This sermon was preached at Covenant Bible Church on Sunday, November 26th, 2023. *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
1 John 5:18 says, "everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning..." And yet, all the Christians I know (including myself) are still sinners. So are we all going to hell?
Christians still wrestle with sin. Christians are also still susceptible to spiritual attack. But can a Christian be possessed by demons/Satan?
A precise definition of a “credible confession” of faith (Part 2 of 2).
Satan's chief ministry with unbelievers is primarily a ministry of deception, but his chief ministry with believers is primarily a ministry of doubt and despair. This sermon was preached at Covenant Bible Church on Sunday, November 19th, 2023. *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
A precise definition of a “credible confession” of faith (Part 1 of 2).
For those times when you think you’re going to hell…
Who are “the least of these” in our society today?
No, we are not “all” children of God.
Roman Catholicism gets this vital aspect of Christianity completely wrong, but so do most Evangelicals.
Like Jacob the Patriarch, real men wrestle with God. They don’t pick fights with someone half their size.
Remember, even the demons believe, but they will not be saved.
The love of many has, and will, grow cold. So how do we guard ourselves from compromise and apostasy?
The love of God always seems to make perfect sense… to entitled sinners.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Eric Conn joins the show to explain his views on adoption and what many Evangelicals overlook.
Their is a dynamic difference between Mantra Meditation and Christian Meditation.
Evangelicalism is riddled with Gnosticism. In this brief podcast, I’ll provide merely one example of Gnosticism’s terrible effects.
A primer on the doctrine of assurance of salvation.
“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” Proverbs 12:10 ESV
“Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel.” Proverbs 12:10 ESV
Did Jesus merely purchase the “potential” of salvation for all? Or did he actually purchase the fullness of salvation for many?
In this episode of Theology Applied, Dr. Tim Chaffey joins the show to discuss the Watchers, the Nephilim, the Giants, and Demons. In this episode Tim specifically answers the question of how the Nephilim survived the flood (or returned after the flood). Our listeners can get 15% off Dr. Chaffey's book by visiting his website and using promo code: NEPHILIM http://midwestapologetics.org/shop/
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free copy of a new book "Protect Your Money Now! How to Build Multi-Generational Wealth Outside of Wall Street and Avoid the Coming Banking Meltdown" by Private Family Banking Partner, Chuck DeLadurantey, go to https://www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Defined Benefit Partners:
Email [email protected] today to get started!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Did Jesus merely purchase the “potential” of salvation for all? Or did he actually purchase the fullness of salvation for many? Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #christian #preaching #christianity
By rejecting the doctrine of Limited Atonement, you deny the justice of God. View the full sermon here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gslE7_i5j2M Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #christian #preaching #christianity
Christians must learn to meditate, but not like the pagans. There’s a massive difference between the two.
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Logic is becoming increasingly rare in our current culture.
God is omnipresent. Therefore, God’s presence is everywhere, even in hell. And this is precisely what makes hell so miserable for the individual who hates God.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Dr. Jared Moore joins the show to discuss his new book called “Lust of the Flesh.” John Owen insisted that the Christian should make no provisions for the flesh. Sins of omission can quickly become sins of commission. So when it comes to fighting our sin, best to head it off at the source.
Purchase Jared's Book here: https://freegracepress.com/products/the-lust-of-the-flesh
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Defined Benefit Partners:
Email [email protected] today to get started!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
We're living in a time, much like the time of Jonah, when the pagans see more clearly than the prophets.
Sigmund Freud attempted to disprove Christianity by utilizing a specific line of argumentation, but he missed one vital detail.
In the second half of verse 2 of our text, John says that Jesus is the propitiation, “not for our [sins] only, but also for those of the whole world.” This little phrase has sparked a lot of theological controversy. Those who oppose the Reformed (Calvinist) view of salvation say that this verse refutes the doctrine of “limited atonement” - that Christ died only for the elect. However, Calvinists rightly respond by pointing out that this verse cannot mean that Christ actually satisfied God’s wrath on behalf of every person, or else everyone would be saved. Scripture is clear that the wrath of God abides (remains) on those who do not obey Jesus (John 3:36). Thus they argue that the “whole world” refers to God’s elect from every tribe, tongue, and nation, not to every person who has ever lived.
Hamas is levying heinous attacks on civilians in Israel. This is unquestionably immoral. But how should Christians, particularly Christians in America, respond to these recent events? And how should Christians view Israel overall? Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min
Defined Benefit Partners:
Email [email protected] today to get started!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Bitterness is an infectious sin that can easily defile many. So what is the cause of bitterness, and how can it be uprooted?
The Church in American has lost its edge. There are very clear and simple reasons that explain how this happened.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Eric Conn joins the show to discuss the significant challenges that Gen X and Millennials face when seeking to obey the 5th Commandment, especially in light of all the ways Boomers have destroyed America for future generations.
Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30minDefined Benefit Partners:
Email [email protected] today to get started!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight
*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
What does it actually mean to be “worldly”? While we’re on this topic, let’s talk a little about “manliness” as well.
This week, lay-elder Pastor Connor Hensley preached on Persistent Prayer in Luke 18:1-8.
Be Warned! Your view of salvation will radically affect how you parent your children.
Jesus didn’t come into the world to condemn innocent people. Neither did he come merely to provide a better option for neutral people. Christ came into the world to save sinners. Light in the darkness. Life to dead men walking.
There is no such thing as a Christian who, in the truest and most objective sense, has been “forgiven little.”
In this episode of Theology Applied, Brian Suave and Ben Garrett (@HauntedCosmos_) join the show to discuss the biblical origins of giants, the classifications and various sizes of giants, and where remaining giants might be living/hiding still to this day. Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231
Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30minDefined Benefit Partners:
Email [email protected] today to get started!
Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The Christian who is growing in spiritual maturity is grieved far more over their sin today, than they were when they were younger in the Faith.
Is the doctrine of Total Depravity an accurate description of someone who has been born again?
Debunking the myth of “prevenient grace.”
If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: covenantbible.org
We don’t grow in sinfulness as we follow Christ, but we do become far more acutely aware of the sin which still remains.
Those who are in Christ are most certainly SAINTS, but they are also still SINNERS.
Hell is not cruel. Hell is just. Here’s why…
In this episode of Theology Applied, Crosspolitic joins the show to discuss R. R. Reno’s book “Return of the Strong Gods.” Secularism was always just a placeholder. It’s merely the political/cultural pantheon for all of the “weak gods” (principled pluralism, globalism, egalitarianism, feminism, etc). But the “strong gods” are returning. It’s not whether, but which. It will either be Christian Nationalism or Islamic/Pagan Nationalism, Biblical Patriarchy or Andrew Tate. So which way western man? Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The purposes and products of properly confessing our sins to God.
This isn’t your youth group’s short-term mission trip. It won’t be accomplished in weeks, months, or even years. This will require decades, and likely generations. The goal is simple. Take the whole town for King Jesus. Join us.
If you’re a pretty good person, the gospel is not for you. If you’re merely a victim of other people’s sin, the gospel is not for you. Christ died for SINNERS.
God sent revival to Nineveh, yet the Prophet Jonah was bitter. Similarly, if God chose to start saving a bunch of hillbillies in flyover country, Russell Moore and David French would probably be among the first to complain.
The solution to hard men who wreak havoc is not soft men. The answer is hard men who are also good men.
John MacArthur and Voddie Baucham are theologically united on many things, but there are a few important theological distinctions between these two men. Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
“Hard men create good times. Good times create soft men. Soft men create hard times. Hard times create hard men.”
A lesson on effeminacy and where to find soft men.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Tim Chaffey joins the show to explain 1) Who are the Nephilim, 2) The Three Possible Origins of the Nephilim, and 3) How the Nephilim Returned after the Flood.
Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Joshua thoroughly crushed all the strongholds of the Canaanite kings, and in this sense, Joshua took the whole land. However, there were still many small towns and villages remaining. It was the task of each individual tribe to fight and plunder the land that was specifically apportioned to them as their inheritance. If these tribes failed to do so, it was not because of any lack in the power of God, but their own failure to take for themselves what Joshua had given and allotted to each of them. In the same sense, Jesus (the ultimate Joshua) has already defeated the enemy and conquered the land, but he also calls us into battle to further secure what is already ours.
God is exceedingly gracious in the order in which he arranges the battles of our lives. Too often we convince ourselves that we must fight our biggest giants first, when God would have us fight them last. Perhaps, the clearest example of this is the Christians’ final battle with his own death.
Total Depravity? Yes. But not for the Christian. So what does the Bible actually teach regarding the relationship between the Christian and sin?
Should nations have blasphemy laws? Would this be considered forced religion? Is it too late for America? Is our nation coming to an end? All this and more with Pastor Joel. Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Israel’s fear of the Anakim (the tribe of great giants) caused them to refuse to enter the land of Canaan 38 years earlier. And yet, when Israel finally did enter the promised land, they faced the Anakim last. It was only after God had thoroughly trained them in conquest in war that he finally calls Israel to wage battle with the Anakim. God is exceedingly gracious in the order in which he arranges the battles of our lives. Too often we convince ourselves that we must fight our biggest giants first, when God would have us fight them last.
In the Bible, there are two types of sojourners. Some were called to sojourn as exiles, waiting to be delivered from the land. Others sojourned as warriors, working to inherit the land.
“For it was of the Lord to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly, and that they might have no favour, but that he might destroy them, as the Lord commanded Moses.” Joshua 11:20
In this episode of Theology Applied, Jared Longshore joins the show to discuss Covenant Theology, Covenant Children, and the rising threat of the State taking away our kids. Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Joshua was likely tempted to use the Canaanites' weapons against them, but God would not have it. Strategy and innovation are not prohibited, but God demands that his people place their ultimate trust in him. We cannot place our trust in the very things that our enemies have trusted, while assuming that God will bless it.
Joshua was perfectly obedient as he waged war against the Canaanites, even destroying their chariots and horses (verse 6). There are many treasures of Babylon/Canaan that are ripe for the Christian to plunder. All truth is God's truth. However, there are certain tools and tactics of the devil that the Christian must resist.
Israel had just finished a long and tiring conquest of the land of Canaan. They appear to have silently determined that they were done with war. They had witnessed the barbarism of the authoritarian leaders of Canaan. And now, their own leader, Joshua, was dead. In Joshua's absence, a poisonous potion of fatigue, apathy, and misguided pity for Israel's enemies was brewed. The “postwar sentiment” took root in Israel. It has been said: “Hard times create hard men. Hard men create soft times. Soft times create soft men. And soft men create hard times.” It is on the backdrop of Israel's slavery and subjection to those who hate them that God raises up the Judges. Many of the Judges do not possess the godly character of Moses or Joshua. They are hard men, but many of them also possess hard hearts. We are entering a time where there will soon be a massive crop of young, hard men. These young, hard men will not follow titles, they will only follow courage. But in their zeal, they pose the threat of destroying all the good in the world along with the evil. The key is for the strength of these young, hard men to be harnessed by even harder men who possess softer hearts.
Grace is a gift, but this gift must be received through faith. And here’s the really neat part - God provides the faith necessary to receive grace as well.
Just as Joshua and Israel found great success in conquering their enemies in Joshua 10, God now grants them the same success against an even greater enemy in Joshua 11. In Joshua 10, Israel goes to war against five kings and their armies. In Joshua 11, all the remaining kings in the land of Canaan now unite against Joshua, so that their number was like “the sand that is on the seashore.” God's ordinary design for the Christian life is that we often face challenges in a progression of increasing difficulty. The victories of our past serve to be training grounds for the next trial. And when fresh challenges arrive, God provides fresh grace and assurance.
God's ordinary design for the Christian life is that we often face challenges in a progression of increasing difficulty. The victories of our past serve to be training grounds for the next trial.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Rachel Jankovic joins the show to describe, in very practical terms, what Women’s Ministry looks like in Moscow, Idaho (Christ’s Church/Wilsons). Ministry Sponsors: Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY! Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
“Do not make yourselves unclean by any of these things, for by all these the nations I am driving out before you have become unclean, and the land became unclean, so that I punished its iniquity, and the land vomited out its inhabitants.” Leviticus 18:24-25 ESV
“Nations that forget God will be turned into hell.” -Matthew Henry
Joshua thoroughly crushed all the strongholds of the Canaanite kings, and in this sense, Joshua took the whole land. However, there were still many small towns and villages remaining. It was the task of each individual tribe to fight and plunder the land that was specifically apportioned to them as their inheritance. If these tribes failed to do so, it was not because of any lack in the power of God, but their own failure to take for themselves what Joshua had given and allotted to each of them. In the same sense, Jesus (the ultimate Joshua) has already defeated the enemy and conquered the land, but he also calls us into battle to further secure what is already ours.
Natural revelation does not merely address the immoral nature of murder, theft, or deceit. Natural revelation speaks, first and foremost, of God. It is an indictment against the idolatry of all men.
Those who oppose Christian Nationalism must be careful not to “unhitch from the Old Testament.”
In Jeremiah 18, God makes a unique promise regarding all nations at all times.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Jeff Wright joins Joel for a conversation about why Christians are moving to more conservative, rural areas, and what God might be up to in his wise providence. Ministry Sponsors:
Join the Regenerative Movement! MOVE OVER, JERKY!
Biltong is the new and improved jerky. A farm fresh meat snack with all of the protein and goodness, and none of the sugar, artificial flavorings, or preservatives. Visit them here: https://farmerbillsprovisions.com
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Georgetown, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #christian #christianity #theology
In the book of Joshua, Israel was commanded by God to slaughter whole tribes, including the women and children. So how do we reconcile this with the rest of Scripture?
Israel, under the Old Covenant, will never be replaced by any nation today. In part, this is because Israel has already been replaced by the Church.
All Christians will suffer with Christ to varying degrees, but sometimes, in God’s merciful providence, we may also be given the opportunity to reign with Christ here on earth. All Christians will reign with Christ in the life to come, but there have been occasions in human history where Christians were providentially appointed to reign with Christ in this life as well.
You will always eventually lose if you coddle your enemies.
No nation today, including Israel, is equivalent to Israel under the Old Covenant. Zionism is not biblical, but Christian Nationalism certainly is. *Ministry Sponsors:* *Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation* *Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today!* *Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.* *Private Family Banking:* *Email: [email protected] * *Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey * *For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net * *For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min * *Mercy Meadows Ranch* *Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE!* *https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway * #christianity #nationalism #theology
Joshua instructs his men to enclose the five Amorite kings in a cave by covering the entrance with heavy stones. These kings went into the tomb alive, and were later brought out in order to be put to death. The King of kings was dead when he was laid in his tomb, only to emerge alive forevermore.
A short video explaining why Islam is on the rise.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Andrew Isker joins the show to discuss his new book, The Boniface Option: A Strategy For Christian
Faith, religion, tradition, patriarchy, and nationalism are making a comeback. Their return is inevitable.
A short video explaining why theistic evolution is a heresy. Watch the full sermon here: https://youtu.be/2MdMEKTvaVM Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #sermon #preaching #christianity
Joshua showed absolutely no mercy to these Canaanite tribes. Peace treaties were not offered. Surrender was not provided as an option. Israel offered no quarter to any man, woman, or child. Israel slaughtered them all with the sword, leaving none remaining.
In Joshua 10:10-14, the sun and moon stand still in the sky. How could this happen if the Earth is a sphere? If the earth stopped rotating, wouldn’t everyone fly off the planet? Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
The Prophets weren’t killed for being right, they were killed for being first. Willingness to stand for truth, before anyone else, will always get you in trouble.
Friendship with God always means enmity with the world.
“The meanest and most feeble, who have just begun to trust the Lord, are as much entitled to be protected as those who have long and faithfully been his servants. It is our duty to defend the afflicted, who, like the Gibeonites, are brought into trouble on our account, or for the sake of the gospel. Joshua would not forsake his new vassals. How much less shall our true Joshua fail those who trust in Him!” -Matthew Henry
In this episode of Theology Applied, Aaron Renn joins the show to discuss one of Tim Keller’s final contributions to Evangelicalism - a strategy for Complementarians to compromise by attempting to bridge the gap with the Egalitarians. Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/fight Subscribe to our Theology Applied podcast below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglepodcast *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #timkeller #christianity #theology
There’s a reason Jesus said we should simply let our yes be yes, and our no be no. God will hold us to our word.
Does Scripture condemn all swearing? Or is there a particular type of corrupt swearing that Jesus specifically had in mind?
"[Joshua had his war chiefs to place their feet on the necks of the five Amorite kings]... not in a contemptuous and insulting manner, not through vanity and haughtiness, but for the mortification of the kings; and as a token of their extreme subjection, and as proper punishment for their crimes of idolatry, tyranny, and cruelty; and by way of terror to others of the kings of Canaan that should fight against them, and as a pledge and confirmation of the subjection of the rest, as well as to fulfill the promises and predictions of God.” -John Gill
Jesus commanded us not to swear at all, but to simply let our yes be yes and our no be no. And yet, Christians still go under oath in the military, in legal courts, and even many of our business dealings/contracts. So what’s the deal? Are we all in sin? Ministry Sponsors: Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern Reformation Visit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today! Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order. Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation, go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min Mercy Meadows Ranch Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE! https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway #theology #sin #christianity
There is a connection the continual sin of a people and the land they live on being cursed.
Og, king of Bashan, had a bed that was 13.5 feet long, 6 feet wide, and made of solid iron. Who was this ancient giant king?
When God’s judgment falls upon a people, the first thing he often does is subject that people to a supernatural sense of fear and dread.
In this episode of Theology Applied, AD Robles joins to show to discuss a growing trend among Reformed Evangelicals. There appears to be a new “heresy” that they are determined to destroy.
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern ReformationVisit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today!Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey/ For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min?month=2023-08 Mercy Meadows Ranch
Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE!https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway
Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/product/fight-by-flight/ *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
If you’re a Baptist, this is how to reconcile your view of the New Covenant and the concept of Christian Nationalism.
The New Covenant is the only covenant that eternally saves, but it is not the only covenant that can exist in this Gospel Age.
“When sinners leave the service of Satan and the friendship of the world, that they make peace with God and join Israel, they must not marvel if the world hate them, if their former friends become foes. By such methods Satan discourages many who are convinced of their danger, and almost persuaded to be Christians, but fear the cross. These things should quicken us to [ask] God for protection, help, and deliverance.” -Matthew Henry
“As soon as Joshua got to the mountains Ebal and Gerizim, without delay, and without caring for the unsettled state of Israel, or their enemies, he confirmed the covenant of the Lord with his people, as appointed.” -Matthew Henry
In this episode of Theology Applied, Joel welcomes William Wolfe back on the show. They discuss all the recent controversy within the Reformed Evangelical camp. It’s a mess, but they do a decent job of sorting things out.
Ministry Sponsors:
Squirrelly Joes Coffee - Caffeinating The Modern ReformationVisit squirrellyjoes.com to purchase your coffee today!Enter promo code "RRM" for 20% off your order.
Private Family Banking: Email: [email protected] Website: https://privatefamilybanking.com/chuck-deladurantey/ For a free book go to: www.protectyourmoneynow.net For setting up a free 30-Minutes Private Family Banking consultation go to: https://calendly.com/familybankingnow/30min?month=2023-08 Mercy Meadows Ranch
Enter the giveaway to get 10lbs of ground beef for FREE!https://mercymeadowsranch.com/pages/giveaway
Register for our Fall 2023 Conference, "The Household And The War For The Cosmos." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/907281 Register for our Spring 2024 Conference, "Blueprints For Christendom 2.0: Seven Doctrines For Ruling The World." https://www.tickettailor.com/events/rightresponseministries/898231 Also to purchase Joel’s book they can find it on Amazon or directly from our website at: https://rightresponseministries.com/product/fight-by-flight/ *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/
Whether the enemy be great or small, the battle is the Lord’s. We will not win if God is not on our side.
Jesus is the final and ultimate giant slayer.
The concern of these verses is both the 3rd Commandment and the 9th Commandment. The 9th Commandment is in view regarding truthfulness that humans find so difficult to uphold. The tongue is guilty of false witness, lying, gossip, slander, boasting, flattery, cursing, and more. Oaths, promises, and contracts all have the same goal - to bind the consciences of men to the keeping of their word, especially when it is tempting not to. The 3rd Commandment comes into play because in lawful oath-taking the name of God is invoked, and therefore, it must not be invoked in vain. In Jesus’ day, rabbis concocted a system that defeated the purpose of oaths. They taught that oaths might or might not be binding, depending on how one swore: If one swore by Jerusalem it was not binding, but if one swore toward Jerusalem, it was. If one swore by the temple, it was not binding, but if one swore by the temple’s gold, it was. If one swore by the altar of sacrifice, it was not binding, if one swore by the gift on the altar, it was. This illustrates the way in which certain teachers manipulated God’s Word in 1st Century Israel. When they read a challenging law, they reduced it to something manageable. When they heard, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” they redefined “neighbor” so that not everyone counted as one. They refrained from adultery but claimed a right to divorce freely, then take another woman. When they did something similar with oaths, Jesus opposed them.
It is true, Jesus did not accept Satan’s offer to GIVE him the kingdoms of this world. Is this because Jesus isn’t interested in the kingdoms of this world? No. It’s because Jesus intended to TAKE the kingdoms of this world from Satan, and indeed, he has.
God is just. When he destroys the wicked, he knows what he’s doing.
We are not called to merely subdue sin, we must kill it.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Joel welcomes Toby Sumpter back on the show. They discuss Tucker Carlson becoming a Calvinist, the very real possibility of a rising American dictator, and the government’s judicial strategy for taking control of our children.
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“But I find in the Mishna, an old Jewish exposition of the Bible, these words, 'Joshua said to Achan, the Lord shall trouble thee this day.' And the note upon it is—He said this day, implying that he was only to be troubled in this life, by being stoned to death, but that God would have mercy on his soul, seeing that he had made a full confession of his sin. And I, too, am inclined, from reading the chapter, to concur in the idea of my venerable and now glorified predecessor, Dr. Gill, in believing that Achan really was saved, although he was put to death for the crime, as an example. For you will observe how kindly Joshua spoke to him. He said, 'My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession unto him; and tell me now what thou hast done; hide it not from me.' And you find Achan making a very full confession. .. It seems so full a confession, that if I might be allowed to judge, I should say, “I hope to meet Achan the sinner, before the throne of God.” -Charles Spurgeon
Some biblical scholars and theologians think that Achan's sons and daughters were “brought out” only to be the spectators of their father's punishment, but most conclude that they were also put to death along with their father. God commanded that magistrates should not put the children to death for the sins of the fathers, but God did not intend to bind himself by this law. Therefore, God could justly command the execution of a whole household by divine credence. That said, it is entirely possible (and even likely) that Achan's sons and daughters aided and abetted their father in his sin.
The Law of God, both its blessings and its curses, have been issued to all people, not only God's people. It is for women and children, not merely heads of households; it is for the sojourner, as well as the native by blood. And in God's Law is contained both blessings and curses.
“If you faithfully obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the Lord your God.” Deuteronomy 28:1-2 ESV
“But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you.” Deuteronomy 28:15 ESV
It’s one thing to be saved; it’s another to be “assured” that you are saved. It’s one thing to be forgiven; it’s another to “feel“ forgiven.
“Note, In confessing sin, as we take shame to ourselves, so we give glory to God as righteous God, owning him justly displeased with us...” -Matthew Henry“Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight, so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment.” Psalm 51:4 ESV
Some sojourners are waiting for deliverance from the land, others are waiting to conquer the land. And for the latter, as God grants them success to conquer the land, the first fruits belong to the Lord.
In this episode of Theology Applied, Pastor Joel Webbon is joined by AD Robles. Together, they discuss three specific characteristics of the only churches that will survive the coming years in America.
The first thing Joshua does after Israel is defeated by Ai is to humble himself before God and mourn. Still, it is not long before God tells him it was enough. God does not delight in the grief of his saints merely for grief's sake. Rather, godly grief is granted by God as a means to an glorious and good end. in the grief of penitents when they afflict their souls further than as it qualifies them for pardon and peace; the days even of that mourning must be ended.