One of the keys to good Bible interpretation is understanding the unique relationship Christianity has with Judaism. How can we engage with our Jewish neighbors about Jesus as the Messiah? And why are there a growing number of Christians becoming Torah observant? I am excited to bring you this important discussion.
One For Israel -
Jews for Jesus -
Dr. Michael Brown - "Answering the Rabbis" playlist
Jesus Believing Israelis: Exploring Messianic Fellowships, by David Serner and Alexander Goldberg
Torahism: Are Christians Required to Keep the Law of Moses? by R.L. Solberg
One Law Two Sticks: A Critical Look at the Hebrew Roots Movement by International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS) Steering Committee
One New Man, Hebrew Roots, Replacement Theology How to restore the Jewish roots of the Christian faith without getting weird By David Rudolph, PhD
One New Man, Hebrew Roots, Replacement Theology How to restore the Jewish roots of the Christian faith without getting weird By David Rudolph, PhD
Ephraimite Error from IAMCS and MJAA