Exploring theoretical physics, consciousness, Ai, and God in a technically rigorous manner. If you’d like to support this endeavor, then please visit the Patreon ( https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal ). Thank you for your charitable and kindhearted support. My name’s Curt Jaimungal, a Torontonian with a degree in mathematical physics from the University of Toronto and I analyze various Theories of Everything from this analytic perspective, though more and more opening up to alternative approaches. The separating factor of TOE from other podcasts is its focus on depth even at the risk of limiting the audience due to how much detail we delve into subjects. Paralleling the intensity found in academic discourse, we’re increasingly embracing a spectrum of unconventional ideas to conduct research during this podcast, rather than merely conveying existing information. Contact toe [at] indiefilmTO [dot] com for business inquiries / sponsorship.
The podcast Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal is created by Theories of Everything. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
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Is Earth being monitored by an advanced civilization one million years ahead of us? And does this alien civilization actually share an ancient past with humanity? Economist Robin Hanson explores a provocative theory suggesting that highly evolved extraterrestrials may be subtly observing us—either as caretakers or as part of a long-running experiment. From there, the conversation delves into the intricacies of academic funding and the peer review process.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Links Mentioned:
- Robin’s blog: https://www.overcomingbias.com/
- Robin’s profile: https://economics.gmu.edu/people/rhanson
- Robin’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Age-Em-Work-Robots-Earth/dp/0198754620
- Tyler Cowen on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwieLd7Lyc8&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
- Gregory Chaitin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoEuav8G6sY
- Matthew Segal on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeTm4fSXpbM
- Daniel Van Zant’s article on incentive markets: https://www.danielvanzant.com/p/breakthrough-incentive-markets
- Michael Levin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8iFtaltX-s
- Lue Elizondo on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmFlLfsZKM
- Ross Coulthart on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQnGcX7oxms
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
00:00 - Introduction
01:36 - The Great Filter
05:38 - Where Are The Aliens?
09:13 - UFOs
16:50 - Panspermia
23:05 - Alien Hierarchies
27:30 - Alien Culture & Motivations
33:18 - Probability of Aliens
39:18 - Truth
49:41 - Fall of Academia
01:11:27 - Peer Review
01:20:22 - Ranking Ideas
01:23:09 - The System is “Broken”
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #aliens
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Dr. Michael Levin is on the verge of revolutionizing medicine by unlocking the bioelectric code that governs how cells communicate, heal, and build complex structures. His work reveals that intelligence exists at every level of biology—allowing us to reprogram tissues, regenerate limbs, and even suppress cancer by restoring cellular memory and connection.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
- Michael Levin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8iFtaltX-s
- The Levin Lab (website): https://drmichaellevin.org/
- Michael’s blog: https://thoughtforms.life/
- Michael’s presentations: https://drmichaellevin.org/presentations/
- Michael and colleagues discussing anthrobots and other groundbreaking research on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG6GIzNM0aM
- ekkólapto (website): https://www.ekkolapto.org/
- ekkólapto Events: https://lu.ma/calendar/cal-GqNtzHBC2j8ARjb
- Curt Jaimungal’s presentation at Polymath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCkMyjzQDeg
- Will Hahn on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr4R7eh5f_M
00:00 Introduction
02:45 The Role of Bioelectricity in Medicine
7:00 Multi-Scale Problem Solving
7:55 The Intelligence of Development
11:41 Decoding Electrical Memories
12:29 The Power of Bioelectric Signals
13:20 Rewiring Cellular Communication
15:29 Cancer and Cellular Networks
16:30 Birth Defects and Bioelectricity
18:28 Regeneration and Bioelectric Pathways
22:50 Inducing Novel Organs
25:35 The Future of Medicine
26:24 Audience Interaction and Questions
31:34 The Future of Bioelectricity
38:55 Integrating Bioelectricity with Evolution
44:17 Preventative Strategies in Medicine
45:45 Closing Remarks and Resources
46:30 Conclusion
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #biology
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I'm back, baby. I've been away traveling for podcasts and am excited to bring you new ones with Michael Levin, William Hahn, Robin Hanson, and Emily Riehl, coming up shortly. They're already recorded. I've been recovering from a terrible flu but pushed through it to bring you today's episode with Urs Schreiber. This one is quite mind-blowing. It's quite hairy mathematics, something called higher category theory, and how using this math (which examines the structure of structure) allows one manner of finding "something" from "nothing." Here, "nothing" means the empty set, and "something" is defined as fermions and even 11D supergravity. It's the first time this material has been presented in this manner. Enjoy.
NOTE: Link to technical details are here from Urs Schreiber: https://ncatlab.org/schreiber/show/Peri+Pantheorias
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Links Mentioned:
- nLab website: https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/HomePage
- Paper on category theory: https://people.math.osu.edu/cogdell.1/6112-Eilenberg&MacLane-www.pdf
- “Higher Topos Theory for Physics” (Urs’s talk): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GD20W6vxMI4
- “Higher Topos Theory for Physics” (Urs’s paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/2311.11026
- Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
- Feynman’s thesis: https://faculty.washington.edu/seattle/physics541/2012-path-integrals/thesis.pdf
- Differential cohomology in a cohesive ∞-topos (Urs’s paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1310.7930
- M-Theory from the Superpoint (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.01774
- Character Map in Non-Abelian Cohomology, The: Twisted, Differential, and Generalized (textbook): https://amzn.to/4bFuz7H
- TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
00:00 Introduction
01:27 The Creation of nLab
04:36 Philosophy Meets Physics
07:55 The Role of Mathematical Language
09:32 Emergence from Nothing
16:25 Towards a Theory of Everything
22:21 The Problem with Modern Physics
25:31 Diving into Category Theory
35:30 Understanding Adjunctions
41:46 The Significance of Duality
52:54 Exploring Toposes
1:14:20 The UNEDA Lemma and Generalized Spaces
1:16:37 Charts in Physics
1:20:55 Introduction to Infinitesimal Disks
1:23:56 The Emergence of Supergeometry
1:27:33 Transitioning to Gauge Theories
1:28:11 Exploring Singularities in Physics
1:32:50 The Role of Superformal Spaces
1:36:44 Functors and Their Implications
1:40:51 From Nothing to Emergent Structures
1:43:04 Hegel's Influence on Modern Physics
1:54:07 Discovering Higher-Dimensional Structures
1:56:30 The Path to 11-Dimensional Supergravity
1:57:21 Universal Central Extensions
2:03:21 The Journey to M-Theory
2:11:19 Globalizing the Structure of Supergravity
2:15:36 Understanding Global Charges in Physics
2:23:31 Dirac's Insights into Gauge Potentials
2:30:21 The Quest for Non-Perturbative Physics
2:39:04 Conclusion
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #theoreticalphysics
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Join Curt Jaimungal as he welcomes Harvard physicist Jacob Barandes, who claims quantum mechanics can be reformulated without wave functions, alongside computer scientist Scott Aaronson. Barandes’ “indivisible” approach challenges the standard Schrödinger model, and Aaronson offers a healthy dose of skepticism in today's theolocution. Are we on the cusp of a radical rewrite of reality—or just rebranding the same quantum puzzles?
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
00:00 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
05:40 The Power of Quantum Computing
36:17 The Many Worlds Debate
1:09:05 Evaluating Jacob's Theory
1:13:49 Criteria for Theoretical Frameworks
1:17:15 Bohmian Mechanics and Stochastic Dynamics
1:18:51 Generalizing Quantum Theory
1:22:32 The Role of Unobservables
1:31:08 The Problem of Trajectories
1:39:39 Exploring Alternative Theories
1:50:29 The Stone Soup Analogy
1:56:20 The Limits of Quantum Mechanics
2:01:57 The Nature of Laws in Physics
2:14:57 The Many Worlds Interpretation
2:22:40 The Search for New Connections
Links Mentioned:
- Quantum theory, the Church–Turing principle and the universal quantum computer (article):
- The Emergent Multiverse (book): https://amzn.to/3QJleSu
Jacob Barandes on TOE (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oWip00iXbo&t=1s&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
- Scott Aaronson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpGCQoL2Rk
- Quantum Theory From Five Reasonable Axioms (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0101012
- Quantum stochastic processes and quantum non-Markovian phenomena (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.01894
- Jacob’s “Wigner’s Friend” flowchart: https://shared.jacobbarandes.com/images/wigners-friend-flow-chart-2025
- Is Quantum Mechanics An Island In Theory Space? (paper): https://www.scottaaronson.com/papers/island.pdf
- Aspects of Objectivity in Quantum Mechanics (paper): https://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/223/1/Objectivity.pdf
- Quantum Computing Since Democritus (book): https://amzn.to/4bqVeoD
- The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1306.0159
- Quantum mechanics and reality (article): https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article/23/9/30/427387/Quantum-mechanics-and-realityCould-the-solution-to
- Stone Soup (book): https://amzn.to/4kgPamN
- TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
- TOE’s Mindfest playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #theoreticalphysics
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Andrés Gómez Emilsson, director of the Qualia Research Institute and a pioneering researcher in the mathematical study of consciousness, explores the nature of awareness from both philosophical and scientific angles. He recounts his journey that led to founding the Qualia Research Institute—aimed at reducing suffering and enhancing experience. He discusses the transformative potential of psychedelics, the view of the self as a series of experiences, and how sensory resonance ("impedance matching") shapes our awareness.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
00:00 The Most Important Problem
01:49 The Hard Problem and Ontologies
05:15 Journey into Consciousness
09:06 The Qualia Research Institute
10:49 Shattering Realities
17:12 Happiness vs. Meaning
19:15 Defining Happiness
25:28 Psychological Egoism
33:45 Understanding Consciousness
38:01 The Qualia Research Institute's Goals
49:21 Exploring Impedance Matching
58:25 The Dance of Dissonance
1:03:22 The Nature of Suffering
1:10:32 The Concept of Oneness
1:17:02 Zero Ontology Explained
1:27:20 The Nature of Reality
1:28:57 The Self and Sense of Self
1:30:53 Stages of Consciousness
1:37:35 Transformations in Consciousness
1:46:20 The Role of Psychedelics
2:02:01 Exploring 5-MeO-DMT
2:21:03 Psychedelics and Buddhist Philosophy
2:45:32 Insights on Jhana States
2:51:31 Conclusion and Reflections
Links Mentioned:
- Qualia Research Institute (website): https://qri.org/
- Andres’s Qualia profile: https://qri.org/people/andr%C3%A9s-g%C3%B3mez-emilsson
- David Chalmers’s 2024 presentation at Mindfest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9V1ryksnw
- Bernardo Kastrup on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE
- The Hedonistic Imperative (book): https://amzn.to/3Di7Xx5
- Why Does Anything Exist? (book): https://www.amazon.com/Why-Does-Anything-Exist-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B0DKBHMC3C
- Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (book): https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Core-Teachings-Buddha-Unusually/dp/1911597108
- Andres on The DemystifySci Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjWDURKNe2Q
- ‘Replications’ group on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/replications/
- Stuart Hameroff’s Mindfest presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_bQwdJir1o
- The Doors of Perception (book): https://amzn.to/4ijduTb
- From Neural Activity to Field Topology (article): https://qualiacomputing.com/2025/02/09/from-neural-activity-to-field-topology-how-coupling-kernels-shape-consciousness/
- Seeing That Frees (book): https://amzn.to/43fm15m
- Practicing the Jhanas (meditation series): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO6hhaAzLmiqUzBYuLLJQ8FexOTRxz8xF
- The Dalai Lama, Psychedelics & Cher (article): https://tricycle.org/article/dalai-lama-psychedelics-cher/
- Advice to Sigālaka (article): https://suttacentral.net/dn31/en/sujato?lang=en&layout=plain&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #consciousness #mind
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In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Tyler Cowen proposes that tariffs erode economic efficiency, ultimately passing much of the burden onto smaller countries such as Canada. Moreover, he suggests that the rise of AI and evolving institutional structures demand both intellectual humility and stronger mentorship for a more resilient academic landscape.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Links Mentioned:
- Tyler’s website: https://tylercowen.com/
- Tyler’s blog: https://marginalrevolution.com/
- Tyler’s podcast: https://conversationswithtyler.com/
- Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World (book): https://www.amazon.com/Talent-Identify-Energizers-Creatives-Winners/dp/1250275814
00:00 - Tariffs and Trade Policies
01:21 Economic Consequences of Tariffs
03:07 Canada as a 51st State?
04:00 Canada's Defense Spending Debate
05:41 Positive Aspects of Hostility
06:35 Transitioning to Theoretical Economics
08:07 The Role of Tenure
11:43 The Academy's Strengths
13:04 Problems in Academia
14:08 Understanding the Grant System
15:10 The Need for Grants
16:33 Is the Academic System Broken?
17:18 Improving the Academic System
17:47 The Role of AI in Academia
22:39 Exploring Deep Research
29:32 Writing as Thinking
31:53 Truth in Worldviews
33:22 Patchwork Theory of Reality
34:11 Economics and Theories of Everything
35:07 Disagreements Among Intelligent People
37:48 The Concept of Metarationality
45:10 Cultivating Metarationality
46:55 Distinction Between Stamina and Grit
49:03 Risk-Taking in Academia
51:28 Interviewing Style
56:28 The Value of Preparation
1:13:33 Critiquing Nassim Taleb
1:18:23 Public Debates vs. Private Discussions
1:20:46 Focus on Money
1:22:45 Healthy vs. Unhealthy Ambition
1:23:49 Complexity in Theories of Everything
1:24:39 The Importance of Mentoring
1:26:08 Current Projects and Interests
1:31:15 Advice for Students
1:32:39 The Future of Networking
1:32:53 Closing Thoughts and Reflections
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#economy #science #technology #news #tariffs
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Welcome to the complete Iceberg of Consciousness.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
01:31 – Introduction to Layer 1
01:38 – What Is Consciousness?
04:20 – The Mind-Body Problem
06:02 – Sleep, Dreams, and Altered States
08:53 – Free Will vs. Determinism
10:58 – The Self and Identity
12:56 – Introduction to Layer 2
13:02 – The Hard Problem of Consciousness
16:59 – Qualia and Phenomenal Consciousness
19:27 – Advaita Vedanta (Non-Dualism)
22:59 – John Vervaeke’s Relevance Realization
24:45 – Panpsychism and the Combination Problem
26:58 – Buddhist Consciousness (Yogācāra & Madhyamaka)
29:04 – Global Workspace Theory
31:59 – Carl Jung’s Explanation for Consciousness
36:03 – Introduction to Layer 3
36:47 – Heidegger’s Concept of Dasein
39:28 – Attention Schema Theory (Michael Graziano)
42:53 – EM-Field Topology & Boundary Problem (Andrés Gómez Emilsson)
46:49 – Joscha Bach’s Theory
53:41 – Donald Hoffman’s Theory
57:47 – Nir Lahav’s Relativistic Consciousness
01:05:46 – Introduction to Layer 4
01:06:25 – Douglas Hofstadter’s Strange Loops
01:11:50 – Penrose’s Quantum Consciousness
01:16:04 – Christopher Langan’s CTMU
01:20:31 – Johnjoe McFadden’s CEMI Field Theory
01:24:24 – David Chalmers’ Extended Mind Hypothesis
01:29:18 – Iain McGilchrist’s Relational Dual-Aspect Monism
01:33:04 – Introduction to Layer 5
01:34:35 – Bernardo Kastrup’s Analytic Idealism
01:38:54 – Karl Friston’s Enactive Approach / Free Energy Principle
01:42:12 – Alfred North Whitehead’s Pan-Experientialism
01:46:56 – Mark Solms’ Felt Uncertainty & Affective Theory
01:51:20 – Thomas Metzinger’s Minimal Phenomenal Selfhood
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #consciousness
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In this episode, Curt Jaimungal speaks with Jacob Barandes, a theoretical physicist from Harvard, about the complexities of quantum mechanics. They explore wave-particle duality, Jacob's reformulation of quantum theory through indivisible stochastic processes, and the historical perspectives of figures like Schrödinger and Einstein.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Links Mentioned:
• Watch Part 1 of this conversation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaS1usLeXQM
• Jacob’s talks covering many of his points in this conversation: https://www.youtube.com/@JacobBarandesPhilOfPhysics
• Jacob’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oWip00iXbo
• New Prospects for a Causally Local Formulation of Quantum Theory (Jacob’s paper): https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.16935
• The Stochastic-Quantum Correspondence (Jacob’s paper): https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.10778
• Schrodinger’s wave function paper (1926): https://github.com/yousbot/Quantum-Papers/blob/master/1926%20-%20E.%20Schrodinger%2C%20An%20Undulatory%20Theory%20of%20the%20Mechanics%20of%20Atoms%20and%20Molecules.pdf
• The Born-Einstein Letters (book): https://www.amazon.com/Born-Einstein-Letters-1916-1955-Friendship-Uncertain/dp/1403944962/
• Probability Relations Between Separated Systems (paper) : https://www.informationphilosopher.com/solutions/scientists/schrodinger/Schrodinger-1936.pdf
• John Bell on Bertlemann’s socks (paper): https://cds.cern.ch/record/142461/files/198009299.pdf
• John Bell on the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox (paper): https://journals.aps.org/ppf/pdf/10.1103/PhysicsPhysiqueFizika.1.195
• Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete’? (paper): https://journals.aps.org/pr/pdf/10.1103/PhysRev.47.777
• Causation as Folk Science (paper): https://sites.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/papers/003004.pdf
00:00 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
06:01 Wave-Particle Duality Explained
08:44 Distinctions Between Waves
10:36 Quantum Field Theory Insights
15:10 Research Directions in Quantum Physics
24:27 Challenges in Quantum Field Theory
31:38 Quantum Mechanics vs. General Relativity
35:47 Fluctuations in Spacetime
45:09 Probabilistic General Relativity
54:00 Bell's Theorem and Non-Locality
1:20:48 The Nature of Causation in Physics
1:23:52 Causation in Modern Science
1:30:26 Reichenbachian Factorization Debates
1:31:44 Bell's Theorem Evolution
1:35:45 Indivisible Stochastic Approach
1:38:17 Understanding Entanglement
1:42:28 Information and Black Holes
1:45:44 Phase Information Loss
1:49:03 Heisenberg and Copenhagen Interpretation
1:52:29 The Nature of Electrons
1:53:09 Exploring Open Research Questions
1:59:09 Probabilities in Statistical Mechanics
2:11:30 Problems with Many Worlds Interpretation
2:27:42 Challenges of Probability in Many Worlds
2:35:14 The Case for a New Interpretation
2:43:11 Building a Collaborative Reputation
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #quantummechanics #quantumphysics #physics
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Curt Jaimungal is joined by Michael Levin and Karl Friston. This conversation incorporates insights from physics and information theory, particularly regarding self-organization and the significance of entropy and free energy.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
00:00 Introduction
3:43 The Free Energy Principle Explained
5:41 Creativity and Adaptive Utilization
11:56 In-Painting vs. Out-Painting
15:33 The Unreliable Medium of Biology
20:05 Aging: Noise or Psychological?
25:25 The Nature of Selfhood
45:10 Distinctions in Organic and Psychological Disease
48:54 Goal-Directed Systems and Aging
52:32 The Dynamics of Life and Death
55:49 Continuous Self in a Changing Form
1:01:35 The Constructive Nature of Science
1:08:02 Inferring Actions and Counterfactuals
1:11:40 Closing Thoughts and Future Conversations
Links Mentioned:
- Michael’s website: https://thoughtforms.life/
- Karl’s publications: https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/~karl/
- Michael’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aLhkm6QUgA
- Karl’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk4NZorRjCo
- Michael on Anthrobots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG6GIzNM0aM
- Michael’s paper on stress sharing as cognitive glue for collective intelligences: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006291X2400932X?ref=pdf_download&fr=RR-2&rr=911840d57c51eace
- Karl and Michael with Chris Fields on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6eJ44Jq_pw
- Karl Friston on the ‘Free Energy Principle’ on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v7LBABwZKA
- Michael’s recent paper with Chris Fields: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571064525000089?dgcid=coauthor
- Top-down models in biology (paper): https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/epdf/10.1098/rsif.2016.0555
Geoffrey Hinton on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_DUft-BdIE
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
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Rubin Gruber Sandbox (referenced by Will): https://www.fau.edu/sandbox
➡️Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
➡️Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
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Links Mentioned:
William Hahn’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xr4R7eh5f_M
William Hahn’s Website: https://hahn.ai/
Jacob Barandes’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oWip00iXbo
Lilian Dindo on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_hI7JNsbt0
Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
Stephen Wolfram’s Mindfest presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHPQ_oSsJgg
Curt’s Substack article on Hahn: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/the-hahn-jaimungal-conjecture-the
Michael Levin and Anna Ciaunica on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aLhkm6QUgA&t=81s
What is it like to be a bat? (paper): https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~cavitch/pdf-library/Nagel_Bat.pdf
TOE’s Consciousness Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDjnEiys98o&t=21s&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
Karl Friston on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v7LBABwZKA&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
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Ruth Kastner joins Curt Jaimungal to discuss her transactional interpretation (TI) of quantum mechanics, addressing the measurement problem, retrocausality, and the integration of quantum mechanics and gravity. Kastner advocates for a paradigm shift in physics, urging researchers to embrace complexity and nuance in understanding quantum phenomena and reality.
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Watch video on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
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00:00 Introduction
01:40 The Measurement Problem Unraveled
09:17 Understanding Measurement Interaction
11:27 Exploring Feynman Diagrams
16:25 Observers vs. Measurers
20:58 The Nature of Measurement
22:19 Probabilistic Outcomes Explained
28:52 Emission and Absorption Defined
34:40 Entities and Their Reality
38:03 The Emergence of Space-Time
41:14 Distinguishing Theories and Anomalies
42:56 The Challenges of Independent Scholarship
46:23 Defining the Conventional Approach
48:33 Formulating the Transactional Axioms
50:34 Kramer's Perspective on Transactional Theory
1:07:22 Retrocausality and Block World Dynamics
1:07:43 Science Fiction and Time Travel
1:14:04 Emergence of Space-Time Events
1:27:23 Weak and Strong Forces
1:36:10 Transition from Physics to Philosophy
1:39:53 The Nature of Free Will
1:45:36 Consciousness and Physicalism
1:54:51 Challenges to Materialism
2:05:47 Advice for Future Generations
2:07:41 Conclusion and Acknowledgments
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #time #quantumphysics
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In this episode, Jacob Barandes, a theoretical physicist and philosopher from Harvard, and computational biologist Manolis Kellis from MIT, explore the connections between quantum physics, biology, and consciousness. Enjoy.
Shout out to the authors of the following. Check out their books:
- "The Mending of Broken Bones: A Modern Guide to Classical Algebra" by Paul Lockhart https://amzn.to/3EmfDP9
- "Dreaming Reality: How Neuroscience and Mysticism Can Unlock the Secrets of Consciousness" by Vladimir Miskovic and Steven Jay Lynn https://amzn.to/42y1KYi
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Enjoy on Spotify (with video!): https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
0:00 Introduction
6:23 Metaphysics and Physics: Defining the Boundaries
8:53 Does Existence Matter?
15:35 Quantum Physics: The Nature of Reality
21:35 Understanding Life Through Physics
27:56 The Observer Effect in Quantum Theory
36:02 Gauge Potentials and Their Reality
46:11 The Birth of Quantum Mechanics
54:42 Interpreting Quantum Superposition and Action at a Distance
1:01:20 Decoherence Explained
1:02:18 The Observer's Role
1:03:43 Size and Decoherence
1:04:35 Quantum Computing and Investments
1:07:33 Practical Applications of Quantum Theory
1:10:14 Quantum Computers: What Are They Good For?
1:11:24 The Markov Process Debate
1:15:18 Causal Modeling in Medicine
1:16:56 Quantum Effects in Biology
1:21:15 Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics
1:27:03 Non-locality and Quantum Theory
1:31:46 The Historical Shift in Physics
1:35:15 Beables and Their Nature
1:47:17 The Hard Problem of Consciousness
1:51:41 The P-Zombie Concept
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #philosophy #theoreticalphysics #physics #debate #lecture
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As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
In this captivating of Theories of Everything, Jacob Barandes and I delve into the intricate world of Indivisible Stochastic Processes and their profound impact on quantum mechanics. We explore how these non-Markovian systems introduce quantum phenomena like superposition and interference without the traditional wave function collapse.
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
00:00 – Introduction
01:29 – Philosophy of Physics
07:04 – Philosophical Physics
10:55 – Understanding Symmetry Breaking in Physics
15:03 – Historical Contributions of Philosophers to Quantum Theory
25:03 – Real-World Examples of Symmetry Breaking
32:03 – Philosophical Contributions and Funding in Physics
38:00 – The Wigner's Friend Thought Experiment
55:24 – Eternalism vs. Presentism: The Flow of Time
1:05:31 – Connection to Cosmology and FLRW Models
1:12:07 – Spontaneous vs. Explicit Symmetry Breaking
1:15:37 – Indivisible Stochastic Processes and Future Directions
01:40:06 - Markovianity in Quantum Mechanics
01:42:12 - Linearity and Unitarity in Quantum Evolution
01:43:23 - Unistochastic Processes and Quantum Channels
01:45:20 - Quantum Channels and Steinspring Dilation
01:46:18 - Hamiltonian Formulation Analogy
01:49:05 - Double-Slit Experiment with Indivisible Processes
01:52:08 - Measurement Devices and Emergibles
02:00:04 - Seminar Culture and Philosophy in Physics
02:02:38 - Coarse-Grained Double-Slit Example
02:05:03 - No Wave Function Collapse in Indivisible Processes
02:12:16 - Philosophical Insights and Importance in Physics
02:18:08 - Critique of David Griffiths' Quantum Mechanics Textbook
02:35:07 - Closing Remarks and Future Topics
Links Mentioned (additional links in comments):
- Jacob’s website: https://www.jacobbarandes.com/
- Jacob’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oWip00iXbo&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
- Jacob’s talk on “A New Formulation of Quantum Theory”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sshJyD0aWXg
- The Stochastic-Quantum Correspondence (Jacob’s paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.10778
- McTaggart’s paper on time: https://philpapers.org/archive/MCTTUO.pdf
- Putnam’s paper on time and geometry: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2024493?origin=JSTOR-pdf
- Neil deGrasse Tyson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhWWlJFwTqs
- Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper: https://cds.cern.ch/record/405662/files/PhysRev.47.777.pdf
- Greta Hermann’s paper on quantum mechanics in the philosophy of nature: https://cqi.inf.usi.ch/qic/grete_en.pdf
- John Bell’s paper on the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox: https://journals.aps.org/ppf/pdf/10.1103/PhysicsPhysiqueFizika.1.195
- Bell’s theorem without inequalities (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0409190
- Quantum mysteries revisited (paper): https://www.physics.smu.edu/scalise/P5382fa15/Mermin1990a.pdf
- Quantum Theory by David Bohm (book): https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Theory-Dover-Books-Physics/dp/0486659690
- Bohm’s second paper on quantum theory: https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.85.180
- Dirac’s textbook on quantum mechanics: https://www.amazon.com/Principles-Quantum-Mechanics-International-Monographs/dp/0198520115
- Wigner’s paper on the mind-body question: https://www.scribd.com/doc/240712078/Eugen-Wigner-Remarks-on-the-Mind-body-Question
#science #physics #theoreticalphysics #quantumphysics
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In this episode, developmental biologist Michael Levin and cognitive scientist Anna Ciaunica examine how cellular intelligence challenges our traditional understanding of consciousness. They explore how memory, embodiment, and our interactions with others fundamentally shape the self.
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A huge thank you to Dina Rudick, a four-time Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker / journalist, who expertly aided this production at the last minute. You can find more about her work at https://www.dinarudick.com. Definitely check out her films.
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Links Mentioned:
Michael Levin’s website: https://drmichaellevin.org/
Anna Ciaunica’s website: https://annaciaunica.fr/
Curt’s previous talk with Michael: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8iFtaltX-s&t=3924s&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
00:00 – Opening
01:42 – The Biggest Myths in Biology and Neuroscience
03:18 – Anna’s Take on How Self Emerges from “Bunches of Cells”
04:10 – Critique of Adult-Centric Perspectives
05:15 – Dropping Old Conceptual “Epicycles”
07:45 – Continuity from Single Cells to Human Minds
09:28 – On Memory, Metaphors, and Shifting Perspectives
10:46 – Bridging Disciplinary Silos & The Power of Interdisciplinarity
13:04 – Development, Evolution, and Goal-Directed Systems
17:05 – Expanding the Concept of “Goal-Seeking” in Biology
25:12 – Depression, Body States, and Self-Regulation
31:57 – Aging, Goals, and the Problem of “Having Nothing Left to Do”
41:10 – Pregnancy, Immune Systems, and “Sharing a Self”
51:08 – “Interconnectedness” as Fundamental to Selfhood
57:56 – The Story We Tell Ourselves vs. The Agency of Thoughts
1:07:00 – Rewriting “You”: Caterpillars, Butterflies, and Memory
1:16:15 – Final Thoughts: The Self as an Ongoing, Embodied Process
1:24:01 – Closing Remarks and Where to Find More
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #biology #research #scientist #consciousness
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The classical and quantum worlds are not as apart as we thought.
Eva Miranda, a renowned researcher in symplectic and Poisson geometry, explains how “hidden” geometric structures can unite classical and quantum frameworks. Eva dives into integrable systems, Bohr–Sommerfeld leaves, and the art of geometric quantization, revealing a promising path to bridging longstanding gaps in theoretical physics.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Links Mentioned:
• Eva Miranda’s website: https://web.mat.upc.edu/eva.miranda/nova/
• Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
• Curt’s post on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7284265597671034880/
00:00 – Introduction
06:12 – Classical vs. Quantum Mechanics
15:32 – Poisson Brackets & Symplectic Forms
24:14 – Integrable Systems
32:01 – Dirac’s Dream & No‐Go Results
39:04 – Action‐Angle Coordinates
47:05 – Toric Manifolds & Polytopes
54:55 – Geometric Quantization Basics
1:03:46 – Bohr–Sommerfeld Leaves
1:12:03 – Handling Singularities
1:20:23 – Poisson Manifolds Beyond Symplectic
1:28:50 – Turing Completeness & Fluid Mechanics Tie‐In
1:35:06 – Topological QFT Overview
1:45:53 – Open Questions in Quantization
1:53:20 – Conclusion
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #physics #theoreticalphysics
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As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Professor Geoffrey Hinton, a prominent figure in AI and 2024 Nobel Prize recipient, discusses the urgent risks posed by rapid AI advancements in today's episode of Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal.
Join My New Substack (Personal Writings): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
Listen on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
00:00 The Existential Threat of AI
01:25 The Speed of AI Development
7:11 The Nature of Subjective Experience
14:18 Consciousness vs Self-Consciousness
23:36 The Misunderstanding of Mental States
29:19 The Chinese Room Argument
30:47 The Rise of AI in China
37:18 The Future of AI Development
40:00 The Societal Impact of AI
47:02 Understanding and Intelligence
1:00:47 Predictions on Subjective Experience
1:05:45 The Future Landscape of AI
1:10:14 Reflections on Recognition and Impact
Geoffrey Hinton Links:
• Geoffrey Hinton’s publications: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/papers.html#1983-1976
• The Economist’s several mentions of Geoffrey Hinton: https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/10/08/ai-researchers-receive-the-nobel-prize-for-physics
• https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2025/01/02/would-an-artificial-intelligence-bubble-be-so-bad
• https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/10/10/ai-wins-big-at-the-nobels
• https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/08/14/ai-scientists-are-producing-new-theories-of-how-the-brain-learns
• Scott Aaronson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpGCQoL2Rk&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
• Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=19
• The Emperor’s New Mind (book): https://www.amazon.com/Emperors-New-Mind-Concerning-Computers/dp/0192861980
• Daniel Dennett on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH553zzjQlI&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=78
• Noam Chomsky on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQuiso493ro&t=1353s&ab_channel=CurtJaimungal
• Ray Kurzweil’s books: https://www.thekurzweillibrary.com/
Become a YouTube Member (Early Access Videos):
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
#science #ai #artificialintelligence #physics #consciousness #computerscience
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David Bentley Hart is a renowned author, philosopher, religious studies scholar, and theologian. In today's episode David explores the problem of evil, labeling it the most compelling argument against theism due to the undeniable suffering of innocents. David candidly acknowledges the dilemma, finding it intellectually irresolvable, yet juxtaposes this with the profound hope and transformative significance of Christ’s resurrection. Drawing on Stoic metaphysics, David explores the concept of a spiritual body and its philosophical ties to early Christian thought, all while challenging conventional Trinitarian interpretations of texts like John 1:1. This conversation is a rich tapestry of theology, philosophy, and personal insight, inviting listeners to reconsider foundational beliefs about faith, suffering, and the nature of reality.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
00:00 - Evil
08:50 - New Testament
15:02 - Stoic Metaphysics
24:51 - The Spirit
31:12 - Books of the Bible
39:24 - John 1:1
47:55 - Jesus
54:14 - Language
01:02:45 - Neo-Platonism
01:08:53 - Self Awareness
01:14:35 - Consciousness
01:18:05 - God
01:19:51 - Spirituality
01:27:36 - Perennialism
01:36:55 - Belief
01:39:44 - Episode Recap!
01:50:50 - Outro
Links Mentioned:
• Johnathan Bi’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@bi.johnathan/featured
• David Bentley Hart’s bibliography: https://amzn.to/3C9vIqA
• The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss (book): https://amzn.to/3DOuNMO
• The New Testament: A Translation (book): https://amzn.to/427Dzzv
• All Things Are Full of Gods: The Mysteries of Mind and Life (book): https://amzn.to/4h525pm
• A Conversation Between Iain McGilchrist and David Bentley Hart (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vooDJQ3fdug&pp=ygUjaWFpbiBtY2dpbGNocmlzdCBkYXZpZCBiZW50bGV5IGhhcnQ%3D
• Curt’s OSV profile: https://www.osv.llc/fellows-grantee/curt-jaimungal-95763
• Michael Levin’s blog: https://thoughtforms.life/
• The Atheist’s Guide to Reality (book): https://amzn.to/4h4U97n
• Psychology from An Empirical Standpoint (book): https://amzn.to/3DHRzWA
• Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9sBKCd2HD0
• Donald Hoffman on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w&t=7139s
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #podcast #religion #spirituality #philosophy
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This episode features Yang-Hui He, a mathematical physicist and professor known for his groundbreaking work in string theory, geometry, and AI-driven approaches to mathematical research, as he explains how machine learning is revolutionizing the field and leading to major discoveries.
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00:00 - String Theory & Mathematics
10:54 - How Does One Do Mathematics?
16:28 - Computers & Mathematics
20:04 - Bottom-Up Mathematics
28:44 - Meta-Mathematics
46:17 - Top-Down Mathematics
55:22 - Pattern Recognition
01:01:30 - Platonic Data
01:07:15 - A Classic Problem Since 1736
01:17:38 - Classical Results for Reimann Surface
01:22:29 - Manifolds
01:26:52 - Superstring Theory
01:30:45 - When Physics Meets Math
01:43:01 - Progress in String Theory
01:45:45 - Image Processing
01:59:33 - Episode Recap
02:12:50 - Outro
Links Mentioned:
• The Calibi-Yau Landscape (book): https://amzn.to/41XmUi0
• Machine Learning (book): https://amzn.to/49YQ42t
• Topology and Physics (book): https://amzn.to/4gCcjxr
• Yang-Hui He’s recent physics lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhuZar2C55U
• Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
• Edward Frenkel’s String Theory discussion on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_oPMcvHbAc
• Edward Frenkel’s lecture on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX1tZv_Nv4Y
• Joseph Conlon and Peter Toit on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAaXk_WoQqQ
• A New Lower Bound For Sphere Packing (article): https://arxiv.org/pdf/2312.10026
• Principia Mathematica (book): https://www.amazon.com/Principia-Mathematica-Alfred-North-Whitehead/dp/1603864377/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2ANIKKX6G8KRK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.c62w_u2CfXIK6AaEt-QKx6dp22lbkUr17cSyr3O-rltVBjvb8xCrwLWz8CQ6iWjo8rjmeCsSCwPwM_U0T8_InZfz0vEX9UKDWfSa5Oan86o4YwU6F3GdBPz3J2d_hXbLOc-EULawZ47JksUzndhf5q7ydfCMlK9lYKc2XLZQq-6_dHWQSbjYI82e_dcKw9EWp71DPKIZ9v5qvbyP3CnE7gRpN7uPMZpj-lxlo7Wjsl4.iSUZDFr0n-ZlkiADza8yEePerPoxBJRRCLhO0tQm2wU&dib_tag=se&keywords=principia+mathematica&qid=1735580157&s=books&sprefix=principia+ma%2Cstripbooks%2C122&sr=1-5
• Tshitoyan’s paper on Nature: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1335-8
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #physics #ai #artificialintelligence #mathematics
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As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
In today’s episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal is joined by renowned physicists Peter Woit and Joseph Conlon to delve into the complexities of String Theory. Together, they explore its potential as a unified framework for understanding the fundamental forces of the universe, discussing both its strengths and the criticisms it faces. Peter Woit is a renowned mathematical physicist and outspoken critic of string theory, and Joseph Conlon is a distinguished theoretical physicist and strong proponent of string theory.
NOTE: The video of Brian Greene in the introduction was intended to serve as a visual representation related to string theory as a general subject. It wasn’t meant to imply his support or opposition to string theory without understanding the details of it. I love Brian Greene. I even spoke to him here for the podcast. https://youtu.be/O2EtTE9Czzo. - Curt
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
00:00 Introduction
03:10 What Wrong with the Standard Model?
10:27 The Axion and Experimental Hope
15:01 Critiques of String Theory
17:25 Evaluating String Theory's Validity
20:44 The Sociological Landscape of Physics
25:20 Holography and Its Implications
29:03 The Complexities of ADS-CFT
32:59 Witten's Influence and Controversies
36:32 The Balance of Arrogance and Humility
40:37 Structural Issues in Theoretical Physics
44:20 The Diminishing Returns of Mathematical Physics
48:55 Young Researchers and Career Concerns
52:42 The Disconnect from Experimental Data
56:24 The Evolution of Theoretical Physics
59:48 Challenges Facing the Field Today
01:02:28 Future Directions
01:35:36 The State of Fundamental Physics
01:47:07 Exploring Time Dimensions
02:07:40 AI Recap
02:20:50 Outro
• Why String Theory? (Joseph’s book): https://amzn.to/4gSJr42
• Origins: The Cosmos in Verse (Joseph’s book): https://amzn.to/3Dz887b
• Not Even Wrong (Peter’s book): https://amzn.to/49T1mFn
• Quantum Theory (Peter’s book): https://amzn.to/408Jp2h
• Peter Woit’s blog: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/
• Edward Witten’s recent paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.15549
• Strings Conference (2024): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSDiHgXimR9pHoFPhCDPfDOhreEg8vSp
• Istanbul Stringy Meeting (2024): https://istringy.org/ism24/
• Physics Today: Edward Witten’s 2015 post: https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article/68/11/38/414984/What-every-physicist-should-know-about-string
• Peter Woit’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSeqsCgxj8
• Moduli Redefinitions and Moduli Stabilisation (Conlon’s paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/1003.0388
• Scott Aaronson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpGCQoL2Rk
• Brian Greene on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2EtTE9Czzo
• TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY&t=1749s
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #physics #stringtheory
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As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal speaks with Matthew Segall, a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, on the evolution of philosophical thought, linking ancient teachings on consciousness to modern scientific perspectives. We delve into the limitations of contemporary views of reality, paralleling them with the Ptolemaic model, and explore how an awareness of mortality can enrich our understanding of existence. Matthew argues for a shift toward introspection and self-inquiry in a society grappling with existential challenges, emphasizing that confronting mortality can foster a deeper sense of meaning in our lives.
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
• Matthew’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Footnotes2Plato
• Matthew’s Diagram of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z1zY39EKbs
• Matthew’s talk with John Vervaeke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15akhXGHwzo
• Critique of Pure Reason (book): https://www.amazon.com/Critique-Pure-Reason-Penguin-Classics/dp/0140447474
• Critique of Judgement (book): https://www.amazon.com/Critique-Judgement-Immanuel-Kant/dp/1545245673/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
• The Phenomenology of Spirit (book): https://www.amazon.com/Georg-Wilhelm-Friedrich-Hegel-Phenomenology/dp/1108730086
• 1919 Eclipse (paper): https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/epdf/10.1098/rsnr.2020.0040
• Einstein/Bergson debate (article): https://www.faena.com/aleph/einstein-vs-bergson-the-struggle-for-time
• The Principle of Relativity (book): https://www.amazon.com/Principle-Relativity-Alfred-North-Whitehead/dp/1602062188
• John Vervaeke’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@johnvervaeke
• John Vervaeke on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVj1KYGyesI
• Philip Goff on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmaIBxkqcT4
• Sabine Hossenfelder on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3y-Z0pgupg
• Donald Hoffman on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w
• Karl Friston on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk4NZorRjCo
• Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9sBKCd2HD0
• Thomas Campbell on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kko-hVA-8IU
• Noam Chomsky on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
• v=3lcDT_-3v2k&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY&index=3
• Michael Levin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8iFtaltX-s&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=39
• Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=16
• Neil Turok’s lecture on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwhqmPqRl4&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=35
• TOE’s Consciousness Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR4cpn8m9i0&ab_channel=TheoriesofEverythingwithCurtJaimungal
• TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
00:00 Introduction
1:35 The Roots of Process Philosophy
4:47 The Rise of Nominalism
8:26 The Evolution of Substance
11:02 Descartes and the Dualist Divide
21:34 Kant's Copernican Revolution
33:08 The Nature of Knowledge
37:42 Hegel's Dialectic Unfolds
46:18 Schelling's Panpsychism
56:50 Whitehead's Organic Realism
1:22:17 The Bifurcation of Nature
1:31:38 The Emergence of Consciousness
1:38:37 The Nature of Self-Organization
1:53:40 Perspectives on Actuality and Potentiality
2:11:35 The Role of God in Process Philosophy
2:23:55 The Human Experience and Self-Inquiry
2:40:34 Reflections on Mortality and Meaning
2:47:44 The Shift from Substance to Process
2:58:02 Embracing Interconnectedness and Consciousness
3:00:49 The Call for Inner Exploration
#science #philosophy
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Head over to https://www.masterclass.com/theories for the current offer. MasterClass always has great offers during the holidays, sometimes up to as much as 50% off.
In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal speaks to Maria Volaris for a gentle introduction to quantum computing, diving into quantum no-go theorems, Schrödinger's cat, the nature of quantum entanglement, and how these concepts lay the foundation for the future of computational science.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
• Maria Violaris’s OSV profile: https://www.osv.llc/fellows-grantee/maria-violaris
• Maria’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@maria_violaris/videos
• Maria’s series on Qiskit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz829XZIxXg
• Chiara Marletto on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40CB12cj_aM
• Curt Jaimungal’s Substack: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/
00:00 - Introduction
00:59 - Maria’s Background
04:20 - Quantum No-Go Theorems
09:55 - Schrödinger's Cat
13:41 - Theory Independence & Loopholes
17:21 - Uncertainty Principle (Entanglement)
23:11 - Qubits (Quantum Bit)
31:58 - Bell’s Theorem (Quantum Entanglement)
45:12 - Locality & Realism
49:04 - Bell’s Theorem Continued…
01:00:06 - GHZ States
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#quantumphysics #science #physics #quantumcomputing #theoreticalphysics
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In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal speaks to Jonathan Pageau about a cognitive theory of everything where symbolism, purpose, and meaning reconcile ancient wisdom with modern understanding, culminating in a radical Christian non-dualism that unites unity and multiplicity.
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
• Jonathan Pageau links: - The Symbolic World (website): https://www.thesymbolicworld.com/
• Jonathan’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JonathanPageau
• The Tale of Snow White and the Widow Queen (book): https://www.amazon.com/Tale-White-Widow-Queen-Tales-ebook/dp/B0D7K74165?ref_=ast_author_dp
• Jonathan’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6umrrokgeG4
• Noam Chomsky’s TOE playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY
• Bernardo Kastrup on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE
• Wolfgang Smith on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF4S_P_o-g0
• Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9sBKCd2HD0
• John Vervaeke on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVj1KYGyesI
0:00 - Initial Context & Channel Name
4:21 - Vertical Causation & Naming
11:01 - Symbolism & Patterns in Practice
20:26 - Christian vs. Eastern Non-Dualism & Forgiveness
34:18 - What Makes Humans Unique?
41:38 - Jesus
45:02 - Resurrection, Incarnation & Structural Vision
55:00 - Love, Theosis & Multiplicity-in-Unity
01:10:30 - Incarnation, Forgiveness & Concluding Insights
01:17:10 - Subtle Bodies, Saints & Patterns of Influence
01:30:28 - Authenticity, Difference & Proper Unity
01:45:13 - Incarnation as Eternal Fulcrum & Purpose of Reality
02:00:17 - Apophatic Theology, Dogma as Protective Boundaries
02:15:26 - Synergy, Faith Traditions & Proper Communion
02:30:10 - Degrees of Reality, Literal vs. Metaphorical
02:45:13 - Representing the Invisible, Analogies for God
03:00:17 - Scientific Language, Physical Grounding & Purpose
03:15:39 - Conclusion
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #podcast
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Head over to https://www.masterclass.com/theories for the current offer. MasterClass always has great offers during the holidays, sometimes up to as much as 50% off.
In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal speaks with physicist Sabine Hossenfelder to cover what's truly wrong with fundamental physics. Together, they uncover why long-standing problems linger, why essential data remain elusive, and how systemic pressures are stifling meaningful breakthroughs.
Links Mentions:
- Existential Physics: A Scientist's Guide to Life's Biggest Questions: https://amzn.to/3BeOyML
- Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray: https://amzn.to/3OL4GbV
- Sean Carroll's TOE Episode: https://youtu.be/9AoRxtYZrZo
- Peter Woit's TOE 1st Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z3JYb_g2Qs
- Peter Woit's TOE 2nd Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSeqsCgxj8
- Sabine's Crisis in Science Series:
00:00 - Introduction to the Physics Crisis
03:29 - The Role of Experiment in Physics
06:21 - Internal Contradictions in Quantum Gravity
08:21 - Progress in Theoretical Physics
11:01 - Serendipity and Discovery in Research
12:09 - The Role of Funding in Physics
15:33 - Overproduction of Models in Academia
18:16 - Focus on Solving Inconsistencies
19:51 - The Crisis in Science
32:32 - Overhyping Research Possibilities
37:27 - Mistrust in Science and Academia
42:08 - Humor in Science Communication
57:46 - Addressing Problems in Academia
58:56 - The Scientific Underground and Job Market
1:02:29 - Academic Exodus
1:05:42 - Critique and Counterpoints
1:07:28 - The Irony of Theory Development
1:12:46 - The Scientific Underground
1:15:58 - The Crisis of Scientific Progress
1:28:31 - Challenges of Quantum Gravity
1:31:59 - The Special Issues Dilemma
1:46:49 - The Future of Scientific Discovery
1:54:22 - Envisioning a New Scientific Ecosystem
1:57:30 - A Call for Collaboration
As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #podcast #physics #theoreticalphysics
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In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal sits down with Iain McGilchrist to dive deep into the practical implications of his groundbreaking work on brain hemispheres, consciousness, and wisdom. We explore how Eastern and Western philosophies intersect with his insights, shaping our understanding of reality, spirituality, and the human experience.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Iain McGilchrist’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DrIainMcGilchrist/videos
- Iain and John Vervaeke on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzT4tcC-aag
- Iain’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
- The Master and His Emissary (book): https://amzn.to/3Zpa8Yc
- The Matter With Things (book): https://amzn.to/4g8JUid
- Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (book): https://amzn.to/4eMT8iL
- Scott Aaronson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpGCQoL2Rk
- Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life (book): https://amzn.to/4fKTtDV
- Daniel Dennett on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH553zzjQlI
- Curt’s Substack article on the brain: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/yin-and-yang-mills
- Chris Langan on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-bRM1kYuNA
- Seven Types of Ambiguity (book): https://amzn.to/3Z1qCnQ
- Awakenings (book): https://amzn.to/3B3hvuT
- Anand Vaidya on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BPLcuHnS_A
- Wolfgang Smith on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M_uFQNDlvI
- Rupert Sheldrake on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67Y5dRyX4mM
- Living in Wonder (book): https://amzn.to/49cP4ar
00:00 - Introduction
03:47 - "The Matter with Things"
16:07 - Matter, Consciousness, and Creation
21:05 - From Analysis to Wholeness
31:06 - Perspectives on Truth
47:45 - Certainty, Simplicity, and Organicism vs. Reductionism
54:04 - Ethics and Morality
1:01:26 - Language and the Brain
1:11:08 - "The Master and His Emissary"
1:18:15 - Hemispheric Roles in Mental Health
1:28:03 - Personal Experiences with Psychosis
1:34:10 - The Cosmos and the Sacred
1:45:47 - Personal Practices
1:54:06 - Moral Intelligence, Wisdom, and the Nature of Love
2:00:03 - Eastern Philosophy
2:08:13 - Religious Perspectives
2:15:02 - Prayer, Meditation, and Death
2:28:03 - The Importance of Endings in Life and Art
2:32:11 - The Role of Relationships
2:36:02 - Listening to the Divine
2:44:44 - Concluding Remarks
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #consciousness #psychology #philosophy #spirituality
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Explore the deepest mysteries of consciousness in Layer 4 of the Consciousness Iceberg: Strange loops, quantum theories, CTMU, and more. Dive into the paradox of self and the mind's hidden dimensions.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- TOE’s previous Consciousness layers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN7M6CrEnBPZ2qywnGYdUDk
- Joscha Bach and Donald Hoffman on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhSlYfVtgww
- Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
- David Chalmers and Scott Aaronson at Mindfest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PlmOXQ18jk
- David Chalmers’ solo Mindfest lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH5qjdHhtBk
- Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
- God, Infinity, The Sacred, Prayer, Relations vs. Objects | John Vervaeke
- Daniel Dennett: Philosophy, Robert Sapolsky, Human Clones, Free Will, Existence
- Microtubules: The Gateway to Consciousness | Stuart Hameroff
- 20th Century’s Greatest Living Scientist | Sir Roger Penrose
- Chris Langan: CTMU, IQ, Free Will, Non-Duality
- Chris Langan and Bernardo Kastrup on Consciousness
- QBism: The New Theory That Shatters Our View of Reality
- The Most Obscure Theories of Consciousness Explained [Layer 3]
- Interviewing UK’s Most Controversial Scientist
- Iain McGilchrist: The Self, Consciousness, Jung, Jesus.
- Iain McGilchrist and John Vervaeke: God, Being, Meaning
- Curt Jaimungal’s Language isn’t just “low resolution communication.
00:00 - Introduction
01:33 - Douglas Hofstadter
06:58 - Roger Penrose
11:10 - Chris Langan
15:39 - Johnjoe McFadden
19:31 - David Chalmers
24:25 - Ian McGilchrist
28:53 - Support TOE
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #consciousness #mind #theory
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In this episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal speaks with physicist Avshalom Elitzur, co-creator of the famous bomb-testing experiment, as he unveils a bold new vision of reality where spacetime emerges from quantum interactions in pure nothingness. Elitzur challenges conventional physics with ideas like negative mass particles and the continuous creation of spacetime, offering a fresh perspective on the nature of existence.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Avshalom’s citations: https://scholar.google.co.il/citations?user=ZivyhegAAAAJ&hl=en
- Leonard Susskind on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p_Hlm6aCok
- The Physicist and the Philosopher (book): https://www.amazon.com/Physicist-Philosopher-Einstein-Bergson-Understanding/dp/0691173176
- Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=7
- Interpretations of quantum mechanics (paper): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/the-interpretations-of-quantum-mechanics
- Lee Smolin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOKOodQXjhc
- Quantum mechanical interaction-free measurements (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/9305002
- Nonlocal Position Changes of a Photon Revealed by Quantum Routers
(paper): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-26018-y
- Manolis Kellis on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g56lxZwnaqg
- The Quark and the Jaguar (book): https://www.amazon.com/Quark-Jaguar-Adventures-Simple-Complex/dp/0805072535
00:00 - Introduction
03:04 - Unifying Quantum Mechanics and Relativity
04:42 - Prof. Elitzur’s Unconventional Path in Physics
07:02 - The Problem of Unifying Forces in Physics
10:06 - Time’s Role in Relativity and Simplicity in Physics
13:34 - The Nature of Time and the Flow of Events
19:20 - Relativity of Simultaneity Explained
24:22 - Free Will and the Block Universe Debate
28:49 - Time Asymmetry in Physics
31:06 - The Universe’s Expanding Time and Black Holes
35:39 - Einstein, Minkowski, and the Concept of Time
39:43 - Paradigm Shifts in Quantum Mechanics
43:00 - The Concept of Becoming in Physics
49:15 - Quantum Mechanics and Time Symmetry
55:43 - The Two-State Vector Formalism (TSVF)
01:06:15 - Non-Locality and Quantum Zigzag
01:12:50 - New Physics from TSVF: Negative Mass
01:23:00 - Implications of Negative Mass in Physics
01:32:00 - The Emerging New Paradigm in Physics
01:46:46 - Biology, mistakes, and innovation
01:48:01 - Spacetime emerging from nothing
01:50:03 - Wave functions creating spacetime
01:56:08 - Schrödinger's cat and spacetime
02:00:01 - Unifying quantum mechanics and gravity
02:11:05 - Advice for young physicists
02:16:29 - Support TOE
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #theoreticalphysics
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In today's episode of Theories of Everything, Curt Jaimungal and Julian Barbour challenge conventional physics by exploring Barbour's revolutionary ideas on time as an emergent property of change, the universe's increasing order contrary to entropy, and the foundational nature of shape dynamics.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Enjoy TOE on Spotify! https://tinyurl.com/SpotifyTOE
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- The Janus Point (Julian Barbour’s book): https://www.amazon.com/Janus-Point-New-Theory-Time/dp/0465095461
- ‘Relational Concepts of Space and Time’ (Julian Barbour’s 1982 paper): https://www.jstor.org/stable/687224
- ‘The Theory of Gravitation’ (Paul Dirac’s 1958 paper): https://www.jstor.org/stable/100497
- Carlo Rovelli on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF4SAketEHY
- ‘On the Nature of Things’ (book): https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674992009
- Leibniz: Philosophical Writings (book): https://www.amazon.com/Leibniz-Philosophical-Writings-Everymans-University/dp/0460119052
- Elementary Principles of Statistical Mechanics (book): https://www.amazon.com/Elementary-Principles-Statistical-Mechanics-Physics/dp/0486789950
- The interpretations of quantum mechanics in 5 minutes (article): https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/the-interpretations-of-quantum-mechanics
- Sean Carroll on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AoRxtYZrZo
00:00 - Introduction
02:12 - Working Outside of Academia
03:53 - Space, Time, Dimension
10:40 - Mach’s Principle
21:33 - Mach Confused Einstein
24:22 - Two Particle Universe
31:46 - Carlo Rovelli
35:02 - Julian’s Ontology
43:37 - Julian’s Theory ‘Shape Statistics’
51:11 - Leinbiz’s Philosophical Writings
56:14 - Expansion of the Universe (Scale Invariance)
01:05:02 - Cosmological Principle
01:15:34 - Thermodynamics
01:17:15 - Entropy and Complexity
01:30:40 - Wave Function / Double Slit Experiment
01:39:21 - God
01:44:48 - The Role of Instruments
01:47:44 - Etymology of Pattern and Matter
01:51:25 - Join My Substack!
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #theoreticalphysics #time #space #dimensions
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In today’s episode, Jacob, a physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, explores groundbreaking ideas on measurement, the role of probabilistic laws, and the foundational principles of quantum theory. With a focus on interdisciplinary approaches, Jacob offers unique insights into the nature of particles, fields, and the evolution of quantum mechanics.
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Wigner’s paper ‘Remarks on the Mind-Body Question’: https://www.informationphilosopher.com/solutions/scientists/wigner/Wigner_Remarks.pdf
- Jacob’s lecture on Hilbert Spaces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmaSAG4J6nw&ab_channel=OxfordPhilosophyofPhysics
- John von Neumann’s book on ‘Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics’: https://amzn.to/48OkeVj
- The 1905 Papers (Albert Einstein): https://guides.loc.gov/einstein-annus-mirabilis/1905-papers
- Dividing Quantum Channels (paper): https://arxiv.org/pdf/math-ph/0611057
- Sean Carroll on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AoRxtYZrZo
- Scott Aaronson and Leonard Susskind’s paper on ‘Quantum Necromancy’: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07450
- Scott Aaronson on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZpGCQoL2Rk
- Leonard Susskind on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p_Hlm6aCok
- Ekkolapto’s website: https://www.ekkolapto.org/
00:00 - Introduction
01:26 - Jacob's Background
07:32 - Pursuing Theoretical Physics
10:28 - Is Consciousness Linked to Quantum Mechanics?
16:07 - Why the Wave Function Might Not Be Real
20:12 - The Schrödinger Equation Explained
23:04 - Higher Dimensions in Quantum Physics
30:11 - Heisenberg’s Matrix Mechanics
35:08 - Schrödinger’s Wave Function and Its Implications
39:57 - Dirac and von Neumann's Quantum Axioms
45:09 - The Problem with Hilbert Spaces
50:02 - Wigner's Friend Paradox
55:06 - Challenges in Defining Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
01:00:17 - Trying to Simplify Quantum for Students
01:03:35 - Bridging Quantum Mechanics with Stochastic Processes
01:05:05 - Discovering Indivisible Stochastic Processes
01:12:03 - Interference and Coherence Explained
01:16:06 - Redefining Measurement and Decoherence
01:18:01 - The Future of Quantum Theory
1:24:09 - Foundationalism and Quantum Theory
1:25:04 - Why Use Indivisible Stochastic Laws?
1:26:10 - The Quantum-Classical Transition
1:27:30 - Classical vs Quantum Probabilities
1:28:36 - Hilbert Space and the Convenience of Amplitudes
1:30:01 - No Special Role for Observers
1:33:40 - Emergence of the Wave Function
1:38:27 - Physicists' Reluctance to Change Foundations
1:43:04 - Resolving Quantum Mechanics' Inconsistencies
1:50:46 - Practical Applications of Indivisible Stochastic Processes
1:57:53 - Understanding Particles in the Indivisible Stochastic Model
2:00:48 - Is There a Fundamental Ontology?
2:07:02 - Advice for Students Entering Physics
2:09:32 - Encouragement for Interdisciplinary Research
2:12:22 - Outro
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics
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In today’s episode, MIT computational biologist Manolis Kellis dive into the hidden patterns linking DNA, evolution, and cognition, exploring a potential unifying theory that bridges biology, AI, and the essence of life.
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Manolis Kellis’s Lab (website): https://compbio.mit.edu/
- Manolis Kellis’s profile: https://web.mit.edu/manoli/
- Curt’s article on language: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/language-isnt-just-low-resolution
- Chiara Marletto on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uey_mUy1vN0
- Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
00:00 - Introduction
02:05 - The Scope of Biological Unification
06:02 - Biology vs. Physics
09:31 - DNA as Life’s Language
13:45 - The Universal Compatibility of DNA
16:55 - Evolutionary Trade-Offs and Isolation
20:17 - Layers of Abstraction in Biology
24:51 - Beyond DNA: The Role of Histones
30:30 - Protein Folding and Function
35:26 - How Cells Interpret DNA Signals
40:24 - The Creativity of Language and Miscommunication
44:55 - Teaching and Simplification
51:09 - Evolution of Cognition and Centralized Decision-Making
57:35 - Vertical vs. Horizontal Evolution
1:04:20 - Specialization and Society’s Role in Evolution
1:08:50 - The Future of Biological Understanding
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #biology #consciousness
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In today's episode, Chiara Marletto and Professor Vlatko Vedral explore a groundbreaking experiment that could reveal the quantum nature of gravity, potentially challenging Einstein's classical theory of general relativity.
New Substack! Follow my personal writings and EARLY ACCESS episodes here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Chiara Marletto’s website: https://www.chiaramarletto.com/
- Vlatko Vedral’s website: https://www.vlatkovedral.com/
- Constructor Theory website: https://www.constructortheory.org/
- Learn more & support Chiara and Vlatko’s projects: https://wolfsonquantumhub.squarespace.com/
- Chiara’s last appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40CB12cj_aM
- Chiara and Vlatko’s paper on Quantum-information methods: https://arxiv.org/html/2410.07262v1
- Jonathan Oppenheim on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKOd8imBa2s
- Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
- Chiara and Vlatko’s additional papers: https://www.physics.ox.ac.uk/our-people/marletto/publications?page=3
- The Dark History of Anti-Gravity (TOE): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBA3RUxkZdc
- Ai wins big at the Nobels (Economist article): https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/10/10/ai-wins-big-at-the-nobels
00:00 - Introduction: Potential Falsification of General Relativity
04:50 - The Quantum Gravity Conundrum
09:30 - Gravitationally Induced Entanglement (GIE) Explained
14:10 - Challenges in Testing Quantum Gravity with Current Technology
19:00 - Unifying Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity
23:45 - Constructor Theory’s Contribution to Quantum Gravity
28:30 - Designing the GIE Experiment: Micro Crystals and Superposition
33:15 - Technological Hurdles in Implementing GIE
38:00 - Comparing GIE with Previous Experiments (Bose, Sugato)
42:50 - Feasibility Studies and Experimental Setup Insights
47:35 - Funding Fundamental Physics: Challenges and Strategies
52:20 - AI’s Nobel Prize Controversy and Its Impact on Physics
57:10 - Public Awareness and the Current State of Fundamental Physics
1:02:00 - Future Directions in Quantum Gravity and Constructor Theory
1:07:45 - Advice for Researchers: Bridging Theory and Experiment
1:13:30 - Guidance for Young Physicists: Following Passion Over Trends
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #theoreticalphysics
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In today's episode, we are joined by Leonard Susskind, the renowned theoretical physicist often called the "Father of String Theory," who has profoundly shaped our understanding of quantum mechanics, black holes, and the nature of the universe.
New Substack! Follow my personal writings here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/well-technically
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Conformal Field Theory (book): https://amzn.to/4fooVr8
- Leonard Susskind Bio: https://physics.stanford.edu/people/leonard-susskind
- Leonard on The Origins Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhszd_wqAgQ
- Leonard Susskind’s String Theory lectures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL202191442DB1B300
- Latham Boyle on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyLeeEFKk04
- Peter Woit on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTSeqsCgxj8&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlN6E8KrxcYCWQIHg2tfkqvR&index=8
- Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
- Stephen Wolfram at Mindfest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHPQ_oSsJgg
- Roger Penrose on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGm505TFMbU
- Cumrun Vafa on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUHOoMX4Bqw
- Neil Turok on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUp9x44N3uE
- Garrett Lisi on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7ulJmfFvd8
- TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
- Sean Carroll on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AoRxtYZrZo
- Sean Carroll’s podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrxfgDEc2NxY_fRExpDXr87tzRbPCaA5x
- The de Sitter: https://hal.science/hal-00109682/document
- Susskind: String theory not a complete picture of how quantum gravity works: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/?p=6252
- Can we unify quantum mechanics and gravity?: https://physicsworld.com/a/can-we-unify-quantum-mechanics-and-gravity/
- New theory claims to unite Einstein's gravity with quantum mechanics:
- Time and Quantum Mechanics SOLVED? | Lee Smolin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOKOodQXjhc
- Fay Dowker on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgYHEPCLVas
- Edward Frenkel on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_oPMcvHbAc
00:00 - Intro
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #theoreticalphysics #stringtheory
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In today's episode, biologist Rupert Sheldrake, a former research fellow at Cambridge University with a PhD in biochemistry, explores the concepts of morphic resonance, the extended mind, and telepathy, challenging mainstream scientific paradigms. Sheldrake discusses how memory and habits may exist beyond the brain, proposing that our consciousness and gaze have tangible, measurable effects on the world around us.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- David Chalmers’ Mindfest talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqWxxPhZEGY
- ‘The Feeling of Being Stared at’ (paper): https://www.jstor.org/stable/1413454?origin=crossref&seq=2
- Rupert Sheldrake’s Staring App: https://www.sheldrake.org/participate/an-app-for-testing-the-sense-of-being-stared-at
- Rupert Sheldrake’s website: https://www.sheldrake.org/participate
- Michael Levin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8iFtaltX-s
- Bernardo Kastrup on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE
- Science and Spiritual Practices (Rupert’s book): https://amzn.to/4dRRc8o
- Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work (Rupert’s Book): https://amzn.to/3YzpsRF
00:00 - Intro
00:17 - Morphic Resonance
10:07 - Scopaesthesia (Sense of Being Looked At)
15:35 - Rupert’s Empirical Research
28:39 - “This Phenomenon Has to do with Light”
37:56 - Prey vs. Predator Animals
47:09 - Extramission
50:42 - Memories and Organ Transplants
56:36 - Michael Levin’s Theory of Memory
01:02:10 - “Morphic Fields Are Physical”
01:04:45 - Fundamental Reality & Idealism
01:29:50 - God, Trinity, Cosmic Christ
01:31:32 - Mysticism & Meditation
01:35:04 - How to Pray
01:42:12 - Summary of Episode
01:50:17 - Outro
New Substack! Follow my personal writings here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/well-technically
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: Want to restore the planet's ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 150 people to join Planet Wild will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9 later.
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #consciousness #morphicfields #biology
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Carlo Rovelli is a renowned theoretical physicist and author, best known for his work on loop quantum gravity, a leading candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. Carlo explores the intersection of physics and philosophy, delving into the nature of time, reality, and the fundamental structure of the universe.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
New Substack! Follow my personal writings here: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com/p/well-technically
- Carlo Rovelli’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_fUPbBNmBw
- Lee Smolin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOKOodQXjhc
- Neil Turok on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUp9x44N3uE
- Carlo Rovelli’s books: https://amzn.to/3YaBCin
- How we know that Einstein's General Relativity can't be quite right | Sabine Hossenfelder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov98y_DCvRY
- This is why physics is dying | Sabine Hossenfelder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBIvSGLkwJY
- Carlo Rovelli explains Einstein’s theory of relativity: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LK_hW_t8IWU
- String Theory or Loop Quantum Gravity? David Gross vs Carlo Rovelli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUyylR5RPZw
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/TOESpotify
- Become a YouTube Member: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmember
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
00:00 - Intro
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories
- HELLOFRESH: https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9.
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Gabriele Carcassi is a dedicated physicist and software engineer based in Michigan, leading the innovative "Assumptions of Physics" project to redefine the foundational principles of physics. By bridging mathematics, physics, and philosophy, Gabriele advocates for an open-source, interdisciplinary approach to advance our understanding of the universe.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- Assumptions of Physics (website): https://assumptionsofphysics.org/
- Assumptions of Physics (book): https://www.fulcrum.org/concern/monographs/tx31qm110
- Assumptions of Physics YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AssumptionsofPhysicsResearch
- Gabriele Carcassi’s personal YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@gcarcassi/videos
- Seven misconceptions in the foundations of physics (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbv0Fij1-38
- TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
- Gabriele’s ‘Quantum Essentials’ playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmNMSMaNjnDd-viRHQRzrYvEeCWb7Ruef
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/TOESpotify
- Become a YouTube Member: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmember
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
00:00 - Intro
00:22 - Gabriele's Channel
03:13 - Assumptions Project
06:06 - Physical Mathematics
09:38 - Real Numbers
13:06 - Ensemble Space
16:38 - Classical Mechanics
19:00 - Additional Assumptions
21:26 - Classical vs Quantum
23:19 - Entropy & Symplectic
25:07 - Jaynes & Thermodynamics
30:25 - Units in Physics
33:21 - Math vs Physics
37:07 - Planck Scale Structures
41:51 - Theory Applicability
1:16:25 - Engineering Background
1:18:04 - Physics-Math Bridge
1:19:01 - Assumptions Project
1:21:08 - Grant Funding
1:23:05 - Mechanics Critique
1:24:25 - Problem Identification
1:25:03 - Publishing Challenges
1:27:03 - Engineering Approach
1:29:03 - Practical Implications
1:33:28 - Measurement Problem
1:37:05 - Classical vs Quantum
1:43:04 - Integrating Math Physics
1:55:07 - Current Projects
2:04:43 - Future Goals
2:07:03 - Open-Source Framework
2:10:57 - Support TOE
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories
- HELLOFRESH: https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9.
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #physics #sciencepodcast #theoreticalphysics #podcast
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William Hahn is Director of AGI & AI Safety and the founder of Hahn AI, a company that develops cutting-edge AI solutions. William is a technologist and researcher, specializing in the intersection of artificial intelligence, programming languages, and the nature of consciousness.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Join my newly launched Substack: https://curtjaimungal.substack.com
- Snow Crash (book): https://amzn.to/3zYqJb9
- Center for the Future Mind (website): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
- Archive of Alan Turing’s papers: https://turingarchive.kings.cam.ac.uk/
- Richard Hamming’s lecture series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2FF649D0C4407B30
- Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
- Gregory Chaitin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guQIkV6yCik
- Mindfest playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
- Susan Schneider’s website: https://schneiderwebsite.com/index.html
- Susan Schneider’s Google talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwVKXKlU1GU
- William Hahn’s short course series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKoZnCEAIkvkvyVpbqx71EMT8BLpD6Oaq
- Ekkolapto’s Polymath project: https://www.ekkolapto.org/polymath
- Ekkolapto’s event page: https://ekkolapto.substack.com/
- HyperPhysics website: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/hframe.html
- Joscha Bach and Michael Levin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgMFnfB5E_A
- Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
- Curt on Julian Dorey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1mKNGo9JLQ
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
00:00 - Introduction
02:30 - AI’s Impact on Language and Human Thought
05:10 - Mind as a Programmable System and Historical Metaphors
08:45 - Society of Mind Theory and AI Agents
11:30 - Consciousness, Awareness, and Metacognition
15:00 - Free Will, Emotions, and Unconscious Programming
18:40 - Brain as an Immune System and Handling Unthinkable Thoughts
22:50 - Informational Parasites, Memes, and Nam Shub of Enki
28:15 - AI Security: Vulnerabilities and Protecting Minds
33:00 - The Cultural Shift: AI’s Influence on Psychology
37:45 - Historical Secrecy in AI and Government Role
42:30 - AI’s Evolution: Role of Data, Hardware, and Differentiation
47:20 - Speculating on Hidden AI Capabilities and Advanced Systems
51:10 - Richard Hamming’s Insights on Learning and Ambiguity
57:10 - Revisiting Ancient Knowledge and Advanced Civilizations
01:03:30 - Artifacts of Ancient Technology and Modern Interpretations
01:09:10 - Defining Meaning, Spirit, and Information in AI
01:14:35 - Wolfram’s Physics Model and Emergent Computation
01:20:00 - Computational Models of Consciousness and Mind
01:27:28 - Wolfram's Symbolic Language and Analog Computing
01:34:00 - Agent-Based Programming and AI Evolution
01:39:10 - Knowledge Gaps and Flat Earth as a Metaphor
01:45:00 - Synesthesia, Music, and Human Perception
01:52:24 - The Intersection of Software and Hardware
02:00:02 | Complexity Crisis in Modern Technology
02:06:00 - Optical Computing and AI's Future
02:12:08 - Philosophical Reflections on AI and Consciousness
02:20:00 - The Amorphous Boundary Between Software and Hardware
02:28:00 - Technology, Religion, and the Need for a New Understanding
02:37:15 - Outro / Support TOE
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Fall Asleep to Theoretical Physics Theories
SPONSOR: As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Roger Penrose - Collapse of the Wave Function
Stephen Wolfram - Observer Theory
Brian Greene - Faster Than Light Travel and Wormholes
Sean Carroll - Crisis in Physics
Lee Smolin - Thick Time
Neil Turok - Fields and Particles
Garrett Lisi - Unification, Spinors, Fermions
Roger Penrose - Cosmology and Twistor Theory
Jonathan Oppenehim - Observation Causes a Collapse
Wolfram/Hoffman - Entropy
Ivette Fuentes - Current Developments in Physics
Jonathan Oppenheim - Quantum Mechanics and Quantizing Gravity
Ivette Fuentes - Quantum Theory and Relativity
Carlo Rovelli - Quantum Mechanics
Cumrun Vafa - Swampland (String Theory)
Sean Carroll - Big Bang, Boltzman, Holography
Cumrun Vafa - Swampland (Continued)
Tim Palmer - General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
Neil Turok - Singularity (Black Hole vs. Big Bang)
Stephen Wolfram - Beliefs Dictate Laws of Physics
Neil Turok - Unification, Spacetime, Time
Tim Palmer - Infinity
Wolfram/Hoffman - Ruliad and Consciousness
Fay Dowker - Causal Set Theory
Jonathan Gorard - Constructor Theory
Chiara Marletto - Constructor Theory
Peter Woit - Twistor Theory
Lawrence Krauss - Quantum Fluctuations
Tim Palmer and Tim Maudlin - Quantum Mechanics & Bell's Theorem
Stephon Alexander - Autodidactic Universe
Thomas Campbell - Theory of Everything
Bernardo and Sabine - Superdeterminism
Sabine - Superdeterminism and Bell’s Inequality
Salvatore Pais - Superforce / Plank Force
Chris Langan - CTMU
Tim Maudlin - Superdeterminism and Retrocausality
Links to Main Episodes:
- Penrose: https://youtu.be/sGm505TFMbU?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Garrett: https://youtu.be/z7ulJmfFvd8?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Oppenheim: https://youtu.be/6Z_p3viqW1g?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Ivvette: https://youtu.be/cUj2TcZSlZc?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Carroll: https://youtu.be/9AoRxtYZrZo?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Cumrun: https://youtu.be/kUHOoMX4Bqw?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Turok: https://youtu.be/-gwhqmPqRl4?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Tim Palmer: https://youtu.be/vlklA6jsS8A?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Hoffman/Wolfram: https://youtu.be/1m7bXNH8gEM?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Fay Dowker: https://youtu.be/PgYHEPCLVas?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Neil Turok First Episode: https://youtu.be/ZUp9x44N3uE?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Gorard: https://youtu.be/ioXwL-c1RXQ?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Wolfram: https://youtu.be/0YRlQQw0d-4?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Lee Smolin: https://youtu.be/uOKOodQXjhc?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Chiara: https://youtu.be/40CB12cj_aM?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Peter Woit: https://youtu.be/9z3JYb_g2Qs?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Krauss: https://youtu.be/g12qyToQ4gI?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Maudlin/Palmer: https://youtu.be/883R3JlZHXE
- Stephon Alexander: https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Campbell: https://youtu.be/kko-hVA-8IU?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Bernardo and Sabine: https://youtu.be/kJmBmopxc1k?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Brian Greene: https://youtu.be/O2EtTE9Czzo?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Sabine: https://youtu.be/walaNM7KiYA?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Salvatore Pais: https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Chris Langan: https://youtu.be/N-bRM1kYuNA?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
- Tim Maudlin: https://youtu.be/fU1bs5o3nss?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMhlVNkx2c8_6CKqiimjgvy
Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
#science #sleep
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Edward Frenkel is a renowned mathematician, professor of University of California, Berkeley, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and winner of the Herman Weyl Prize in Mathematical Physics. In this episode, Edward Frenkel discusses the recent monumental proof in the Langlands program, explaining its significance and how it advances understanding in modern mathematics.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE you can get a special 20% off discount to The Economist and all it has to offer! Visit https://www.economist.com/toe
Check out Edward Frenkel's New York Times Bestselling book "Love and Math" at https://amzn.to/4gPAVn1.
Also, please consider following Edward on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/edfrenkel/
• Edward Frenkel's Twitter: https://x.com/edfrenkel
• Edward Frenkel's Official Website: https://edwardfrenkel.com
• Edward Frenkel's YouTube: https://youtube.com/@edfrenkel
• Edward Frenkel's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/edfrenkel
• Edward Frenkel’s SoundCloud (DJ Moonstein): https://soundcloud.com/moonstein
• Edward Frenkel's 1st TOE Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_oPMcvHbAc
• Andre Weil’s letter on “Rosetta Stone” of Math: https://www.ams.org/notices/200503/fea-weil.pdf
• "Proof of the Geometric Langlands Conjecture" (Papers): https://people.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/gaitsgde/GLC/
• Etingof-Frenkel-Kazhdan, “A general framework for the Analytic Langlands Correspondence” https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.03743
• Yuri Manin’s book “Mathematics and Physics”: https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Physics-Progress-Mathematical/dp/1489967842
• Edward Frenkel’s papers: https://edwardfrenkel.com/frenkel-biblio.pdf
• Edward Frenkel’s previous lecture on TOE (Part 1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX1tZv_Nv4Y
• Mathematics and Physics (book): https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Physics-Progress-English-Russian/dp/3764330279
• Richard Borcherds on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3pQWkE2KqM
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
00:00 - Edward’s Previous Appearance on TOE
01:15 - Discoveries in Mathematics
04:31 - Langland’s Program
11:02 - Counting Problem
14:58 - Symmetries of the Unit Disc
26:55 - Part 1 of Edward’s Talk
30:20 - Shimura-Taniyama-Weil Conjecture
40:02 - Quick Recap
42:38 - Langlands Dual Group
51:50 - Rosetta Stone of Math
01:00:10 - Riemann Surfaces
01:10:20 - Proof of the Geometric Langlands Conjecture
01:21:42 - Tribute to Legends
01:26:02 - Langlands Correspondence for Riemann Surface
01:43:30 - Galois Groups
01:53:33 - Other Objects Involved
02:10:40 - Outro / Support TOE
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: Want to restore the planet's ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 150 people to join Planet Wild will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9 later.
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Sir Roger Penrose is a renowned physicist and mathematician known for pioneering the theory of twistors and his contributions to differential geometry, which have significantly impacted our understanding of space-time. Roger's work has been instrumental in advancing theories related to general relativity and quantum mechanics, including the Penrose-Hawking singularity theorems.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: Want to restore the planet's ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 150 people to join Planet Wild will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9 later.
00:00 - Intro
01:22 - Cosmology and Twister Theory
15:00 - “Most Significant Thought I Had”
20:45 - “Twister Are Inherently Chiral”
25:34 - Extra Dimensions
27:02 - Algebraic and Differential Geometry
37:57 - Alexander Grothendieck
40:36 - Gravity and Quantum Mechanics
43:00 - Collapse of the Wave Function
53:04 - Gravitational Fields and the Wave Function
01:11:02 - Free Will
01:14:03 - Is the Universe Discrete or Continuous?
01:16:35 - Ai’s Capabilities
01:19:09 - Many Worlds Theory
01:20:38 - Idealism
01:21:35 - CCC
01:23:31 - Roger’s Legacy
01:33:25 - Outro / Support TOE
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #physics #penrose #quantumphysics #theoreticalphysics
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Garrett Lisi is a theoretical physicist known for his work on the "Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything," which proposes that the E8 Lie group can describe the fundamental forces and particles in the universe. Lisi is also an avid surfer and has gained attention for his unconventional approach to physics outside of academia.
SPONSOR (THE ECONOMIST): As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
• Garrett Lisi’s TED talk on his theory of everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-Gk_Ddhr0M
• Garrett Lisi’s website: https://li.si/
• Garrett Lisi’s papers: https://li.si/Physics/CV.html
• Peter Woit on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z3JYb_g2Qs
• Garrett Lisi’s paper on triality: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2407.02497
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: Want to restore the planet's ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 150 people to join Planet Wild will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9 later.
00:00 - Intro
01:24 - Garrett’s Ted Talk and Background
08:36 - Mystery of Spinors
10:13 - Garrett Poses a Physical Problem
12:22 - String Theorists
23:48 - Triality
26:13 - Garrett’s Top Points in His Talk
28:42 - “String Theory’s the Only Game in Town”
32:10 - Garrett’s Presentation Begins: Unification
38:22 - Spinors vs. Fermions
45:56 - More Particles in Higher Gauge Groups
48:42 - Threefold Symmetry
54:00- Group Theory Overview
59:37 - Quaternion Group
01:04:14 - Pin Group
01:10:25 - Spin Eigenvalues
01:14:45 - C, P, and T
01:22:12 - Biquaternionic Spinors
01:25:55 - Quaternion Triality and the CPTt Group
01:34:14 - Multi-Generational Fermion States
01:37:20 - Fermions in Exceptional Unification
01:42:12 - Exceptional Magic Square
01:44:22 - Outro / Support TOE
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
#science #sciencepodcast #physics #theoreticalphysics
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Welcome to the Rethinking the Foundations of the Academy: How to Improve Scientific Inquiry with Gregory Chaitin
Gregory Chaitin is a pioneering mathematician and computer scientist, renowned for founding algorithmic information theory. Gregory published his first groundbreaking paper at the age of 15 and has been a key figure at the Institute for Advanced Studies, contributing extensively to the fields of metabiology and complexity theory.
- Gregory Chaitin’s previous appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMPnrNL3zsE
- Algorithmic Information Theory (book): https://amzn.to/3BdBMxF
- Sean Carroll on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AoRxtYZrZo
- Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
- PLANET WILD: Want to restore the planet's ecosystems and see your impact in monthly videos? The first 150 people to join Planet Wild will get the first month for free at https://planetwild.com/r/theoriesofeverything/join or use my code EVERYTHING9 later.
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Welcome to Theories of Everything's "Rethinking the Foundations of the Physics: What is Unification?" series featuring Latham Boyle.
Latham Boyle is a theoretical physicist known for his work on cosmology, quantum gravity, and the early universe, particularly in the context of exploring new models of the Big Bang and time symmetry.
SPONSOR: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- Neil Turok on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUp9x44N3uE
- Neil Turok’s lecture on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwhqmPqRl4
- Latham's paper on the Primordial Power Spectrum: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.00344v1
- A Model of Leptons (paper): https://journals.aps.org/prl/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevLett.19.1264
- The dominant model of the universe is creaking (article): https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/06/19/the-dominant-model-of-the-universe-is-creaking
- Introduction to Axiomatic Quantum Field Theory (book): https://archive.org/details/introductiontoax0000nnbo/mode/2up
- Support TOE on Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen to TOE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOE's Newsletter 'TOEmail' at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (please check them out to support TOE):
- THE ECONOMIST: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- INDEED: Get your jobs more visibility at https://indeed.com/theories ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
- HELLOFRESH: For FREE breakfast for life go to https://www.HelloFresh.com/freetheoriesofeverything
Other Links:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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This is Episode 3 of Theories of Everything's "Rethinking the Foundations of the Academy: How to improve scientific inquiry?" series featuring Harry Collins.
Harry Collins is a pioneering sociologist of science known for his work on the sociology of scientific knowledge, particularly his studies on the nature of expertise, scientific discovery, and the social dynamics within scientific communities. Harry is a Distinguished Research Professor at Cardiff University and a Fellow of the British Academy, with numerous published works, including his influential books Gravity’s Kiss and The Golem: What You Should Know about Science.
SPONSOR: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
00:00 - Intro
01:11 - How to Improve Science
05:56 - Einstein and Hawkins
11:10 - Discovery of Gravitational Waves
21:03 - The Stages of Discovery
26:57 - The Fractal Model of Society
36:52 - How Society Forms You
45:08 - Moral Truths and Science
55:30 - Outro / Support TOE
- Rethinking the Foundations playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOYgTu7P4nfjYkv3mkikyBa
- Gravity's Kiss (book) - https://www.amazon.ca/Gravitys-Kiss-Detection-Gravitational-Waves/dp/0262036185
- Professor Harry Collins - https://profiles.cardiff.ac.uk/staff/collinshm
- Gravity's Ghost and Big Dog (book) - https://www.amazon.ca/Gravitys-Ghost-Big-Dog-Twenty-First-ebook/dp/B00HSOJ9KS
- Expertises (paper) - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0039368107000593
- TOE’s String Theory Iceberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
- A Brief History of Time (book): https://www.amazon.com/Brief-History-Time-Stephen-Hawking/dp/0553380168
- The Evolution of Physics (book): https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Physics-Albert-Einstein/dp/0671201565/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2Y6PG41AKP0VB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.hs3RH-krpskq--FQLA49yaEQo7mquj0dVMYsWaYwlJ6S2ahhlLC0fVa7ikYPe5BqvSYx4PH15Fn9pENdUIwDKzLVi5XF4JGC89uYR9jsX6dqpSUief3XMuD_igB_tJ8zi2ZuNGi4-3wvCzUxjIcxjw3Mf3u_1cXX1zI2IysdGDbt6Xmww980j2ShUKsvEbkK_Zm_tODCmdvhhgcL_shBOz5Av-uZtmVKg5RIWxXx0Xg.fEzRTtYSoAriPDuyZiJt2zf1aQeOkiCTWr-cf4z7pO0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+evolution+of+physics&qid=1725909573&s=books&sprefix=the+evolution+of+physic%2Cstripbooks%2C101&sr=1-1
- Carlo Rovelli on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_fUPbBNmBw
- Harry’s paper with Gary Sanders (on expertise): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0039368107000593?via%3Dihub
- The TEA Set (paper): https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/030631277400400203
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Become a YouTube Member Here:
- Join TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
SPONSORS (check them out!):
THE ECONOMIST - As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
INDEED - Get your jobs more visibility at https://www.Indeed.com/THEORIES ($75 credit to book your job visibility)
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Welcome to Theories of Everything's "Rethinking the Foundations of the Physics: What is Unification?" series featuring Jonathan Oppenheim.
Jonathan Oppenheim is a renowned theoretical physicist and professor at University College London (UCL), known for his groundbreaking research in quantum information theory, quantum gravity, and the relationship between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. Jonathan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge and is recognized for his contributions to the fields of quantum foundations and quantum computation. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/oppenheim/
SPONSOR (The Economist): As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- Sean Carroll on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AoRxtYZrZo
- Jonathan's first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKOd8imBa2s
- Jonathan's paper on hybrid classical-quantum dynamics: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.01332
- Jonathan's paper on a post-quantum theory of classical gravity: https://journals.aps.org/prx/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevX.13.041040
- Jonathan's website: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/oppenheim/
- List of all of Jonathan's published papers: https://arxiv.org/search/?query=Oppenheim%2C+Jonathan&searchtype=author&abstracts=show&order=-announced_date_first&size=50
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
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00:00 - Intro
01:08 - Quantum Mechanics and Classical Mechanics
06:05 - Quantizing Gravity
10:30 - How Gravity is Different
16:07 - Classical-Quantum Gravity
21:42 - Quantum Mechanics
25:23 - Example of Continuous Master-Equation
28:45 - Observation Causes a Collapse
35:20 - Path Integrals
49:34 - Intuitions
59:32 - Is Spacetime Classical?
01:03:05 - Outro / Support TOE
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This is Episode 2 of Theories of Everything's "Rethinking the Foundations of the Academy: How to improve scientific inquiry?" series featuring Raphaël Liogier.
Raphaël Liogier of the Institute for Advanced Studies is a distinguished sociologist and philosopher, specializing in the study of beliefs, secularization, and the relationship between spirituality and modernity.
SPONSOR: As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
- Raphaël Liogier's Book Khaos - https://amzn.to/4bWc7pQ
- Raphaël Liogier's Website - https://www.raphaelliogier.com
- Rethinking the Foundations (YouTube Playlist) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOYgTu7P4nfjYkv3mkikyBa
- First episode with Raphaël: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6PTsA8T1m8
- Curt on Julian Dorey’s podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1mKNGo9JLQ
- Gregory Chaitin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMPnrNL3zsE
- Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
- The Master and His Emissary (book): https://amzn.to/3TkDofc
- The Matter With Things (book): https://amzn.to/3z9JxDY
- John Vervaeke on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVj1KYGyesI
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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00:00 - Intro
00:24 - Raphael’s Background
06:10 - Meditation
15:35 - Materialism
28:57 - Future of Humanity
36:30 - Beauty and Love
43:39 - Transcendence
46:58 - Main Challenge of Our Time
50:18 - Transcendence (continued)
53:33 - Modernity
01:03:58 - Schopenhauer and the Jesuits
01:11:51 - Mystics and Alchemy
01:21:34 - Reaching ‘God’
01:26:18 - Zeno’s Paradox
01:35:03 - Outro / Support TOE
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Fall Asleep to UFO Stories
10 Hours ★︎
UFO History & Lore
Sleep Playlist ★︎
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Lue Elizondo is a former U.S. intelligence officer who led the Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Lue is now a prominent figure in UAP disclosure efforts, advocating for greater transparency on the subject.
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Rh7umwJln38
Links Mentioned:
- Lue's book 'Imminent': https://amzn.to/4cTwvIJ
- Lue's 1st Appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmFlLfsZKM&t=4280s
- Lue's 2nd Appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wULw64ZL1Bg&t=5694s
- Lue's 3rd Appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9g5e9UzEDkw&t=2205s
- The Shepard Tone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzNzgsAE4F0
- Iceberg of String Theory Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
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00:00 - Intro
00:11 - Letter of Resignation
06:05 - Greatest Threat to Humanity
10:39 - Lue’s Current Security Clearance
13:06 - ‘Paranormal’ Activity
23:32 - Universal vs. Personal Truths
24:21 - ‘God’ is Within
27:52 - Lue’s Experience with Orbs
38:34 - The Hitchhiker Effect
39:31 - Lue Going ‘Dark’
44:40 - Is the Phenomenon Centuries Old?
54:38 - Why is this National Security Issue?
01:01:06 - “It’s Ruined My Life.”
01:05:17 - Disclosure is a Process
01:09:30 - Scientific Evidence
01:20:55 - Is Lue a String Theorist?
01:23:44 - Does Lue Meditate?
01:24:08 - Remote Viewing
01:31:43 - Physical Implants
01:38:25 - Do Humans Have a Soul?
01:40:33 - Outro / Support TOE
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- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Peter Woit is a theoretical physicist and mathematician, currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Columbia University. Peter is known for his work in quantum field theory and representation theory, particularly for contributions to the understanding of gauge theories. In addition to his academic work, Woit is the author of "Not Even Wrong: The Failure of String Theory and the Search for Unity in Physical Law," where he critically examines string theory while advocating for alternative approaches in the quest for a unified physical theory.
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- Peter Woit’s first appearance on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z3JYb_g2Qs
- Peter Woit’s book on Quantum Theory and Representations: https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Theory-Groups-Representations-Introduction/dp/3319646109
- Peter Woit’s Papers - https://inspirehep.net/literature?sort=mostrecent&size=25&page=1&q=a%20P.Woit.1
- Peter Woit’s Blog - https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/
- Peter Woit’s book “Not Even Wrong”: https://amzn.to/3X8c1pS
00:00 - Introduction
01:31 - Overview of Unification in Physics and the Standard Model
05:11 - Historical Development of the Standard Model and its Success
07:00 - Introduction to General Relativity and its Challenges
09:32 - Unanswered Questions in the Standard Model (SU1, SU2, SU3)
13:12 - Technical Issues in Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity
17:24 - The Rise of Grand Unified Theories (GUTs)
21:07 - Challenges and Failures of GUTs (Proton Decay)
25:43 - Abandonment of GUTs and Introduction of Supersymmetry
26:45 - Basics of Supersymmetry and Its Predictions
31:28 - Failure of Supersymmetry (No Evidence for Superpartners)
32:08 - Supergravity, Kaluza-Klein Theories, and Extra Dimensions
35:52 - String Theory and the Unification Paradigm in the 1980s
39:00 - Experimental Failures and the Lack of Evidence for String Theory
41:00 - Ongoing Pursuit of Failed Theories and Resistance to New Ideas
47:09 - The Shift in Attitudes Towards Unification Efforts in Physics
48:13 - Introduction to Peter Woit's New Ideas on Unification
52:32 - The Role of Four-Dimensional Geometry and Spinors in Unification
58:11 - Wick Rotation and Differences Between Euclidean and Minkowski Space-Time
1:03:05 - Technical Challenges in Wick Rotation and Quantum Field Theory
1:09:01 - Unique Aspects of Spinors in Euclidean vs. Minkowski Space-Time
1:14:38 - The Dirac Operator and its Role in Space-Time Symmetry
1:18:02 - Relation to Supersymmetry and the Right-Handed Nature of Space-Time
1:22:04 - Connection to Gravity and Loop Quantum Gravity (Ashtakar Variables)
1:23:04 - Outro / Support TOE
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- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
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- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
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- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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As a listener of TOE, you can now enjoy full digital access to The Economist and all it has to offer. Get a 20% off discount by visiting: https://www.economist.com/toe
Today, we dive deeper into the theories of consciousness in Layer 3 of The Consciousness Iceberg, exploring Heidegger's concept of Dasein, the Attention Schema Theory, EM Field Topology, Joscha Bach's Conductor Theory, and Donald Hoffman's Conscious Realism.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Layer 1: https://youtu.be/GDjnEiys98o
Layer 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR4cpn8m9i0
0:00 - Intro
01:32 - Heidegger's Concept of Dasein
04:19 - Attention Schema Theory
7:06 - EM Field Topology and the Boundary Problem
11:07 - Joscha Bach's Conductor Theory
18:18 - Donald Hoffman's Conscious Realism
22:42 - Nir Lahav's Relativistic Consciousness
30:30 - Outro / Support TOE
Links Mentioned:
- John Vervaeke's Relevance Realization (Layer 2) - https://youtu.be/TR4cpn8m9i0?si=3oVj7BMf46Rn3HOx
- Rupert Spira: Non-Dualism, God, & Death - https://youtu.be/dWLd9y1MG4c?si=AOW_lueDcK-xB8HX\
- Andres Gomex Emilsson (Qualia Research Institute) - https://qri.org/team
- Fitness Beats Truth by Donald Hoffman - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33231784/
- Exposing the Matrix | Donald Hoffman Λ John Vervaeke - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTpdCVsttI
- Heidegger Portrait - https://www.newstatesman.com/the-weekend-essay/2023/04/philosopher-martin-heidegger-nazi-legacy-influence-right-wing-ideology
- Attention Scheme Theory Michael Graziano - https://youtu.be/Tp5yqBEknUI?si=T9uXSHMG8de70peu
- Joscha Bach Λ Karl Friston: Ai, Death, Self, God, Consciousness - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcQMYNi9a2w
- The Biggest Insight From Joscha Bach and Michael Levin's Work - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG_5AmPK2q4
- Michael Levin Λ Joscha Bach: Collective Intelligence -
- Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach: Consciousness, Gödel, Reality -
- Joscha Bach Λ Ben Goertzel: Conscious Ai, LLMs, AGI -
- A Relativistic Theory of Consciousness -
- Roger Penrose | Gravity, Hawking Points and Twistor Theory -
- Lahav Nir About Me: https://www.lahavnir.com/about-me
- Do We See Icons or Reality? A Review of Donald Hoffman’s The Case Against Reality, Brian Martin - https://social-epistemology.com/2019/12/05/do-we-see-icons-or-reality-a-review-of-donald-hoffmans-the-case-against-reality-brian-martin/
- Escaping the Illusion: Bernardo Kastrup Exposes Reality - https://youtu.be/lAB21FAXCDE?si=qmrsi-yDxXwtxwhD
#science #consciousness #donaldhoffman #joschabach
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Gregory Chaitin is a pioneering mathematician and computer scientist, renowned for founding algorithmic information theory. Gregory published his first groundbreaking paper at the age of 15 and has been a key figure at the Institute for Advanced Study, contributing extensively to the fields of metabiology and complexity theory.
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/PoEuav8G6sY
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- Algorithmic Information Theory (book): https://www.amazon.com/Algorithmic-Information-Cambridge-Theoretical-Computer/dp/0521616042
- Gregory Chaitin on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMPnrNL3zsE
- Institute for Advanced Study (site): https://www.ias.edu/
- Joscha Bach and Karl Friston on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcQMYNi9a2w
- Brian Greene on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2EtTE9Czzo
- World Science Festival (site): https://cdn.worldsciencefestival.com/
- The Limits of Understanding (Chaitin and Minsky): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfY-DRsE86s
- Rebecca Goldstein on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkL3BcKEB6Y
- Rebecca Goldstein’s novel: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Body-Problem-Contemporary-American-Fiction/dp/0140172459
- Rebecca Goldstein’s book on Spinoza: https://www.amazon.com/Betraying-Spinoza-Renegade-Modernity-Encounters-ebook/dp/B002JKVXG4/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=rivGj&content-id=amzn1.sym.f76d456a-cb0d-44de-b7b0-670c26ce80ba&pf_rd_p=f76d456a-cb0d-44de-b7b0-670c26ce80ba&pf_rd_r=138-5679914-4668743&pd_rd_wg=AKE2J&pd_rd_r=752b687b-83e1-4181-b3e6-789765943a84&ref_=aufs_ap_sc_dsk
- Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YRlQQw0d-4
- David Chalmers’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Conscious-Mind-Search-Fundamental-Philosophy/dp/0195117891
- David Chalmers on Mindfest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9V1ryksnw
00:00 - Intro
01:12 - Contradictions in Mathematics
10:56 - Generating New Ideas
21:10 - Physics in History
23:17 - Academia is like a Prison
26:09 - Philosophers and Math
37:41 - Advice for Curt
42:15 - Outro / Support TOE
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- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
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- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
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- NEW Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
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- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Ivette Fuentes is a leading theoretical physicist specializing in quantum information and quantum gravity, holding a PhD from Imperial College London. Ivette is currently collaborating with Sir Roger Penrose on groundbreaking research exploring the intersection of quantum mechanics and general relativity, particularly focusing on the role of quantum effects in the nature of spacetime.
Get a 20% discount on The Economist's annual digital subscriptions at https://www.economist.com/TOE
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/cUj2TcZSlZc
Become a YouTube Member Here:
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
Join TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Episode Links:
- Curt on Julian Dorey’s podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1mKNGo9JLQ
- Ivette’s first paper on Seyfert galaxies: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/311925/pdf
- Ivette’s paper (Alice falls into a black hole): https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0410172
- Part 1 of Ivette’s papers on confined quantum scalar fields: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.10507
- Multiverse Ivette Fuentes: Roger Penrose on LIGO controversy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoR_WbACfPo
- Women in Maths - Ivette Fuentes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5ASV7NWn38
Presentation Links:
- Spacetime effects on satellite-based quantum communications: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.3088
- Testing the effects of gravity and motion on quantum entanglement in space-based experiments: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1306.1933
- Resolving the gravitational redshift within a millimeter atomic sample: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.12238
- Motion and gravity effects in the precision of quantum clocks: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1409.4235
- Gravitational time dilation in extended quantum systems: the case of light clocks in Schwarzschild spacetime: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.07869
- Exploring the unification of quantum theory and general relativity with a Bose-Einstein condensate: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.04630
- A trapped atom interferometer with ultracold Sr atoms: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.06092
Quantum Frequency Interferometry: with applications ranging from gravitational wave detection to dark matter searches: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2103.02618
00:00 - Intro
01:20 - Unification in Physics
04:15 - Ivette’s Background
21:00 - Fundamental Questions Unanswered
23:54 - Quantum Theory and Relativity
30:17 - Superpositions
33:49 - Using Technology to Develop New Theories
39:08 - Exploring Large and Small Scales
48:32 - Long Range Experiments / Quantum Teleportation
57:36 - Quantum Clocks
01:06:46 - Relativistic Quantum Clock Model
01:13:57 - Does Gravity Collapse the Superposition?
01:17:18 - Where the Field is Now
01:22:04 - Bose-Einstein Condenstate
01:26:11 - New Device: Atom Interferometer
01:37:38 - Testing Ivette’s Predictions
01:38:53 - Outro / Support TOE
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- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
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Claudia de Rahm is a prominent theoretical physicist and a professor at Imperial College London, renowned for her pioneering research in modifying gravity theories. With a strong background in cosmology and gravitational physics, Claudia has significantly advanced our understanding of the universe’s fundamental forces.
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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- 'The Beauty of Falling' (Claudia’s book): https://amzn.to/3Xcfm8z
- The Economist (Article) "The Universe’s Creaking Model": https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2024/06/19/the-dominant-model-of-the-universe-is-creaking
- Fay Dowker on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgYHEPCLVas
- "People of IP": https://insidetheperimeter.ca/fr/les-gens-de-lip-la-gravite-na-pas-de-prise-sur-claudia-de-rham/
- Claudia de Rham Imperial Profile - https://profiles.imperial.ac.uk/c.de-rham
- Claudia’s Talk (The Royal Institution): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7MN64JlsMw
- Claudia on New Scientist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQTjpK8-lCY
- Iceberg of String Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4PdPnQuwjY
00:00 - Intro
01:00 - Wrong Assumptions About Gravity
09:28 - General Relativity
11:43 - Everything is Quantized at the Fundamental Level
13:07 - Quantum Theory and General Relativity
18:35 - ‘The Beauty of Falling’ Book
27:40 - Repulsion vs. Attraction
31:37 - Expansion of the Universe
48:02 - How Did We Not Discover This Earlier?
01:03:53 - Curt Summarizes the Theory
01:07:42 - Ghost Particles
01:14:51 - Claudia’s Background with Ghost Particles
01:29:20 - Advice to Aspiring Scientists
01:32:04 - What Else Does This Theory Solve?
01:35:24 - Higuchi Bound
01:44:12 - Anti-Gravity
01:45:29 - Witten-Weinberg Theorem
01:47:06 - Claudia’s Current Work
01:59:12 - Speed of Light and Causality
02:02:50 - Outro / Support TOE
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Karl Friston is a leading neuroscientist and pioneer of the free energy principle, celebrated for his influential work in computational neuroscience and his profound impact on understanding brain function and cognition. Karl is a Professor of Neuroscience at University College London and a Fellow of the Royal Society, with numerous awards recognizing his contributions to theoretical neurobiology.
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- Karl's Previous TOE Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v7LBABwZKA
00:00 - Intro
01:05 - Lecture Overview
05:53 - Schrodinger’s Question
08:48 - Markov Blankets (The Brain)
16:16 - Quick Crash Course in Physics!
29:30 - Different Temporal Scales
35:38 - Markov Blanket (Continued)
01:06:16 - Outro/Support TOE
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Ed Frenkel is a renowned mathematician and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, known for his work in representation theory, algebraic geometry, and mathematical physics. He is also the author of the bestselling book Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality, which bridges the gap between mathematics and the broader public.
YouTube Episode Link: https://youtu.be/RX1tZv_Nv4Y
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- Edward Frenke's book "Love & Math": https://amzn.to/4dB1URv
- Edward Frenkel's book “Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups”*: https://amzn.to/3Am99xX
- Edward Frenkel's ebook (PDF with hyperlinks)*: [Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups (free PDF)](https://math.berkeley.edu/~frenkel/loop.pdf)
- Edward Frenkel's Official Website*: [edwardfrenkel.com](https://edwardfrenkel.com)
- Edward Frenkel's Twitter*: [@edfrenkel](https://twitter.com/edfrenkel)
- Edward Frenkel's YouTube*: [youtube.com/edfrenkel](https://www.youtube.com/edfrenkel)
- Edward Frenkel's Instagram*: [@edfrenkel](https://www.instagram.com/edfrenkel)
00:00 - Intro
02:14 - Edward’s Background
07:04 - Robert Langlands
15:01 - Physics vs. Mathematics
34:14 - Unification in Math
45:48 - What Does Math Actually Describe?
01:02:57 - Langlands Program
01:22:08 - Counting Problem
01:25:55 - Harmonic Analysis
01:33:58 - “One Formula Rules Them All”
01:51:58 - The Shimura-Taniyama-Weil Conjecture
01:55:55 - Original Langlands Program
02:01:22 - A Twist: Langlands Dual Group
02:01:55 - Rosetta Stone of Math
02:11:33 - The Pleasure Comes From The Illusion
02:14:28 - Support TOE
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Today, we dive deeper into the theories of consciousness in Layer 2 of The Consciousness Iceberg, exploring the Hard Problem, Carl Jung's insights, Non-Dualism, and Buddhism.
Layer 1: https://youtu.be/GDjnEiys98o
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Denis Noble is a renowned biologist and pioneer in systems biology, known for his groundbreaking work on the heart and his influential contributions to the understanding of biological systems.
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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- The Music of Life (Book) - https://amzn.to/4drSFSP
- The Selfish Gene (Book): https://amzn.to/3zYLyTx
- Understanding Living Systems (book): https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Living-Systems-Life/dp/1009277367
- Denis’ article: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-00327-x
- The Third Way of Evolution (website): https://www.thethirdwayofevolution.com/
00:00 - Intro
02:05 - Overview of Lecture
04:30 - What is the Genome?
07:22 - Is the Genome the Book of Life?
12:16 - 20th Century Gene-Centric Biology is Wrong
18:03 - Neo-Darwinism is Incorrect
19:42 - Implications for Medical Science
27:17 - Next Steps for Biology
33:10 - A Challenge to the World's Scientists
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Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist specializing in dark energy, general relativity, and quantum mechanics. Sean is a research professor at Caltech and a prolific author known for his books "The Big Picture" and "Something Deeply Hidden," which explore the intersection of science, philosophy, and the mysteries of the universe.
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/9AoRxtYZrZo
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00:00 - Intro
01:23 - Sean’s Current Work (Holographic Principle)
07:02 - Duality in De Sitter Spacetime
14:24 - “Let’s Talk About Philosophy”
30:36 - The Crisis in Fundamental Physics
45:02 - Pseudoscience / Heterodox Ideas
50:30 - Unconventional Physics Theories
56:02 - Funding Unconventional Theories
01:00:58 - “The Experimenters Are Guided by Theorists”
01:02:45 - Sean’s Latest Paper “Beyond Falsifiability”
01:11:17 - Poetic Naturalism
01:13:00 - Morals, Aesthetics, Philosophy
01:16:44 - Boltzman
01:22:25 - The Big Bang
01:24:58 - Holography / Quantum Gravity
01:28:40 - “Publish or Perish!”
01:33:30 - Dark Matter
01:36:05 - Something New to Blow Your Mind
01:39:22 - Loop Quantum Gravity
01:49:56 - Outro / Support TOE
• Peter Woit Podcast: https://youtu.be/9z3JYb_g2Qs
• Peter Woit's Book on "Not Even Wrong" (URL missing)
• Lee Smolin Podcast: https://youtu.be/uOKOodQXjhc
• Neil Turok Podcast: https://youtu.be/ZUp9x44N3uE
• Sean Carroll's "Crisis in Physics" Podcast (URL missing)
• Sean Carroll's Podcast Channel (URL missing)
• Sean Carroll's Book on "The Big Picture" (URL missing)
• Julian Barbour Podcast with Michio Kaku (URL missing)
• String Theory Iceberg Video: https://youtu.be/X4PdPnQuwjY
• Economist Article on "Universe is Creaking" (URL missing)
• Article on Quantum Microtubule Phenomenon: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcb.3c07936
• Sean Carroll's Article: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/2008/03/06/being-a-heretic-is-hard-work
• Sean Carroll's Beyond Falsifiability Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.05016
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- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Denis Noble is a renowned British biologist and pioneer in systems biology, known for his groundbreaking work on the heart and his influential contributions to the understanding of biological systems.
Become a YouTube Member Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWIQh9DGG6uhJk8eyIFl1w/join
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00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Neo-Darwinism is Dead
06:30 - Richard Dawkins Differences
17:02 - Purpose As Individual Agents / Purpose Given
26:05 - Function vs. Purpose in Living Systems
33:30 - Gaia Hypothesis (Lovelock)
37:46 - Anti-Natalist
41:52 - “The Only Free Will Worth Having”
46:52 - Stochasticity
52:50 - Rupert Sheldrake / Morphic Resonance
59:11 - Holism
01:06:32 - Dualism / Separate Laws for Separate Parts
01:18:01 - Multi-Cellularity Emerged Long Ago
01:34:00 - Maladaptive Evolution Happens All the Time
01:39:18 - Denis Noble & Richard Dawkins
01:45:27 - What is Purpose? (For Agents)
01:53:22 - Outro / Support TOE
- Richard Dawkins book: https://www.amazon.com/Selfish-Gene-Anniversary-Introduction/dp/0199291152
- Denis Noble’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-Living-Systems-Life/dp/1009277367
- Gerald Edelman’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Neural-Darwinism-Theory-Neuronal-Selection/dp/0465049346
- Denis Noble’s paper with Daniel Phillips: https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1113/JP284420
- The Music of Life (Denis’ book): https://www.amazon.com/Music-Life-Biology-Beyond-Genes/dp/0199228361
- Dance to the Tune of Life (Denis’ book): https://www.amazon.com/Dance-Tune-Life-Biological-Relativity/dp/1107176247
- Denis’ Progress in Biophysics paper: http://www.voicesfromoxford.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Shapiro-Noble-2021.pdf
- The Illusions of the Modern Synthesis (Denis’s paper): https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12304-021-09405-3
- The Origin of Species (Charles Darwin’s book): https://www.amazon.com/Origin-Species-Charles-Darwin/dp/0517123207
- Dawkins/Noble debate (transcript): https://www.denisnoble.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/TranscriptReferences.pdf
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RIP Wolfgang Smith (1930-2024)
00:00 - Introduction
00:54 - The 3 Realms of the Universe
05:47 - Quantum Physics
18:58 - Platonist Cosmology
19:59 - Gnosticism & Ascension
22:20 - We Have Free Will
23:08 - The Cosmos Has Purpose
24:09 - One Irreducible Wholeness / Man's Divinity
28:25 - Death
36:41 - Preparation for Afterlife
41:55 - Garden of Eden / Meta-Consciousness
56:47 - Platonism
01:32:51 - Esoteric Texts
01:36:14 - Evolution
01:45:09 - Vedic and Christic Paths to God
Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Welcome to Theories of Everything's Rethinking the Foundations Series featuring Raphaël Liogier.
Raphaël Liogier is a distinguished sociologist and philosopher, specializing in the study of beliefs, secularization, and the interplay between spirituality and modernity.
Become a YouTube Member Here:
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- Raphaël Liogier's Book Khaos - https://amzn.to/4bWc7pQ
- Rethinking the Foundations (YouTube Playlist) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOYgTu7P4nfjYkv3mkikyBa
- Q&A -
Thumbnail Photograph of Raphael by © Saâd A. Tazi
00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Origins of Science
04:50 - What Are Human Beings? (Anthropology)
10:05 - Why Humans Create Obstacles
16:13 - Epistemology / Determinism / Astrology
33:00 - The Traditional Man & Paradigm Shifts
36:39 - Current Phase of Science
40:41 - Physicalism / Totalism
49:29 - Zombie Science
59:46 - Metaphysical Foundation of Science
01:09:00 - What is the Universe?
01:18:03 - Outro / Support TOE
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Cumrun Vafa, a renowned theoretical physicist from Harvard University known for his work on string theory and quantum gravity, discusses the intricate connections between physics and mathematics, F-Theory, Dark Dimensions, and Swampland.
Join TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Getting Started in Math/Physics
05:08 - Relationship Between Math and Physics
11:51 - Gromov-Witten Invariants
12:29 - Self-Dual Connections (4 Dimensions)
13:55 - Physics Revolutions
17:30 - F-Theory (2 Extra Dimensions)
21:10 - Swampland (Quantum Field Theories)
45:31 - Quantum vs. Classical
46:14 - What Defines a “String Theory”
51:57 - Quantum Gravity Approaches
54:24 - Incorporating Gravity (Gauge Gravity)
56:13 - Vafa’s Intuition
58:18 - Vafa’s Swampland Program
01:03:39 - Dark Dimensions (Dark Matter)
Links Mentioned:
- Cumrun’s paper on dark dimension gravitons: https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.09249
- Cumrun’s paper on chiral rings: https://lib-extopc.kek.jp/preprints/PDF/1989/8907/8907191.pdf
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Links Mentioned:
- Amanda Gefter's "Trespassing on Einstein's Lawn": https://amzn.to/3XUVfwr
- Richard Hamming’s “Learning to Learn” Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2FF649D0C4407B30
- Christopher Fuchs Lecture on QBism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2w-BtI01sA
- Amanda’s Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOwSoAC2tEs
- Karl Friston’s TOE Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v7LBABwZKA
- John Vervaeke’s TOE Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVj1KYGyesI
00:00 - Intro
00:56 - John Wheeler
07:42 - Participatory Universe / Quantum Mechanics
13:00 - QBism
18:38 - Probability and Bell’s Theorem
24:28 - Writing About Physics
30:26 - Simplifying Physics
36:02 - Philosophy and Physics Connection
40:02 - Quantum States
52:02 - Belief and QBism
01:11:30 - Quantum Field Theory
01:15:43 - Consciousness
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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YouTube: https://youtu.be/OYeC_BNWosE
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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In this episode Curt is interviewed by Tevin Naidu on Consciousness, Podcasting, and UFOs.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-tnoEUZQqk
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- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider. Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
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Curt Jaimungal and Lee Cronin openly discuss Terrence Howard's recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience. This is NOT a debunking video. Curt and Lee review some clips from the Terrence JRE episode and discuss what is scientifically accurate and what still needs more review and what may be mistaken. This is meant to be an open minded yet scientifically accurate discussion. Let the open minded yet scientifically rigorous discussions continue!
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This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider. Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
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In this talk at Mindfest 2024 Thomas Pike, Dean at NIU, details ways in which society can best mitigate the chances for a catastrophic outcome with AI and how society can flourish in this new age of technology and development.
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Sam Vaknin is an Israeli writer and professor of psychology. He is the author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited (1999), was the last editor-in-chief of the now-defunct political news website Global Politician, and runs a private website about narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
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- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Bryan Johnson is the world's most measured human. Johnson sold his company, Braintree Venmo, to PayPal for $800m in 2013. Through his Project Blueprint, Johnson has achieved metabolic health equal to the top 1.5% of 18 year olds, inflammation 66% lower than the average 10 year old, and reduced his speed of aging by the equivalent of 31 years.
In today's episode, Curt is joined by Bryan Johnson to discuss areas such as longevity, sleep, meditation, and the philosophy behind Bryan's "Project Blueprint".
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The deepest dive into John Vervaeke's mind, with Curt Jaimungal.
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In this talk at Mindfest 2024, Hartmut Neven proposes that conscious moments are generated by the formation of quantum superpositions, challenging traditional views on the origins of consciousness.
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This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider. Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
Links Mentioned:
- Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
- Other Ai and Consciousness (Mindfest) TOE Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
- Mathematics of String Theory (Video): https://youtu.be/X4PdPnQuwjY
- David Chalmers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r9V1ryksnw
- Scott Aaronson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h16qJLGOXvw
- National Intelligence University: https://www.ni-u.edu
- Scott's Paper: https://www.scottaaronson.com/democritus/lec18.html
- George's Book (Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation): https://amzn.to/3QuRDfZ
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Here is a panel between David Chalmers and Scott Aaronson at Mindfest 2024. This discussion covers the philosophical implications of the simulation hypothesis, exploring whether our reality might be a simulation and engaging with various perspectives on the topic.
This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/7PlmOXQ18jk
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Tim Palmer joins Curt Jaimungal to discuss the progress and persistent challenges in fundamental physics, touching on topics such as the successes of the Standard Model, the unresolved issues of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and the potential implications of quantum entanglement and non-locality for our understanding of the universe.
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- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
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Neil Turok joins Curt Jaimungal and Theories of Everything to discuss his new hypothesis regarding the origins of the universe, building on Stephen Hawking's geometrical model to propose a theoretical approach that avoids the singularity at the Big Bang by suggesting a minimal, mirror universe scenario without requiring inflation.
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Nathaniel Kahn joins Theories of Everything to discuss his artistic journey and the existential insights sparked by his filmmaking, exploring themes of human connection to the universe, the emotional impact of his work, and the intricate relationship between life, art, and the cosmos.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
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- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
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- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Curt Jaimungal and Graham Priest sit down to discuss various philosophical themes including the nature of truth, logic and paradoxes, the philosophy of mathematics, concepts of nothingness and existence, and the influence of Eastern philosophy on Western logical traditions.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Links Mentioned:
BOOK - "Logic: A Very Short Introduction" - https://a.co/d/cyGwXCK
BOOK - "Everything And Nothing" - https://a.co/d/hUHGGM0
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Scott Aaronson gives a presentation at MindFest 2024, where he critiques the simulation hypothesis by questioning its scientific relevance and examining the computational feasibility of simulating complex physical theories.
This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
- Other Ai and Consciousness (Mindfest) TOE Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
- Mathematics of String Theory (Video): https://youtu.be/X4PdPnQuwjY
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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David Chalmers gives a presentation at Mindfest 2024 about exploring the implications of digital and quantum simulations of consciousness, arguing that such simulations could theoretically replicate physical processes and even consciousness.
This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Roy Baumeister joins Theories of Everything to discuss the complexities of free will, the interplay between self-control and societal behaviors, and the psychological impacts of rejection and belongingness.
Consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Richard Dolan's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RichardMDolan
- Richard Dolan's Website: https://www.consultingproductions.com/upgradethedebate?r_done=1
- Grant Cameron's Website: https://whitehouseufo.blogspot.com
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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In today's episode Jonathan Gorard joins Theories of Everything to delve into the foundational principles of the Wolfram Physics Project. Additionally, we explore its connections to category theory, quantum gravity, and the significance of the observer in physics.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Stuart Hameroff explores the intersection between consciousness and quantum mechanics, arguing that consciousness exists on the border of classical and quantum worlds with microtubules within neurons acting as the quantum processing sites that could link to fundamental space-time geometry. This suggests a profound quantum basis for consciousness.
This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Center for the Future Mind (Mindfest @ FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind
- Other Ai and Consciousness (Mindfest) TOE Podcasts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
- Mathematics of String Theory (Video): https://youtu.be/X4PdPnQuwjY
- Podcast w/ Stuart Hameroff (on TOE): https://youtu.be/uLo0Zwe579g
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Egyptologist Interviews Curt on Love, Truth, God, Childhood
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In today's episode, Karl Friston and Anna Lembke emphasize the urgency of reevaluating our personal and societal practices in the face of environmental, mental health, and addiction crises, through the lens of "active inference".
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE - PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofeverythingpod
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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Sara Walker discusses the importance of viewing life and consciousness through the lens of assembly theory, arguing that our understanding of alien life, the origin of life, and consciousness itself could be fundamentally expanded by examining the combinatorial possibilities within chemical and informational spaces on Earth, rather than searching outer space. This presentation was recorded at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider.
Please consider signing up for TOEmail at https://www.curtjaimungal.org
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI... #science #consciousness #aliens
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Curt details the most comprehensive guide to the math of string theory that there exists, on YouTube. This is meant to be a video you can watch multiple times, through multiple sittings, across multiple years, and gain something new from it each time. Take it slow and steady. Welcome to the rabbit hole.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:01 Layer 1
- 00:13:22 Layer 2
- 00:28:49 Layer 3
- 00:58:53 Layer 4
- 01:32:50 Layer 5
- 01:58:54 Layer 6
- 02:28:47 Layer 7
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE: - Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeve...
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt... Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI...
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This is a lecture by Scott Aaronson at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic University, CENTER FOR THE FUTURE MIND, spearheaded by Susan Schneider. Thank you to Dan Van Zant and Rachid Lopez for your camera work.
FAU's Center for the Future Mind Website: https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
The Ghost in the Quantum Turing Machine (Scott Aanderson): https://arxiv.org/abs/1306.0159
TOE's Mindfest Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlOPw7Hqkc6-MXEMBy0fnZcb
THANK YOU: To Omega Media (https://www.omegamedia.io) for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel. Support TOE:
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- NEW Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: / theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: / theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
Join this channel to get access to perks: / @theoriesofeverything
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
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Curt Jaimungal was asked to give a presentation at a new "thinkubator" called ekkólapto® for their event, titled "Polymath" (Feb 2024). It was an exclusive event that wasn't recorded but someone captured it with their cell phone and with permission is being released here.
Thank you to : - @Tyfoods4Thought (Ty Roachford) for recording this.
- Amjad, Bijou, Brad, Curtis, Dan, David, Kristine, Matthew, and Zach for your comments on the first draft of the talk
- Importantly, thank you to Adam Cha for putting on such a fantastic inaugural event, and distinctive incubator (technically a "thinkcubator"). More information is here: https://ekkolapto.org and Insta https://www.instagram.com/ekkolapto
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:00:23 Curt's Speech at Polymath
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE: - Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeve...
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt... Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI...
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Stephen Wolfram unveils his new Observer Theory and explains the origins of the Second Law (Entropy) with Curt Jaimungal. This is Wolfram's first podcast on his new views on consciousness, and the deepest dive into Wolfram's mind.
- 00:00:00 What is Observer Theory?
- 00:12:42 Different Observers (Who are "YOU"?)
- 00:19:32 The Universe Talking to Itself (Particles are "Concepts")
- 00:20:10 Alien Minds and Communicating with ET
- 00:34:32 Consciousness vs. Observation
- 00:48:48 "Beliefs" Dictate the Laws of Physics
- 01:05:49 The Most Insightful Breakthrough of Our Time
- 01:22:50 Wolfram Teaches How to Research (Advice)
- 01:33:08 Where is the Evidence for Wolfram's Physics?
- 01:44:42 The "Ruliad" as an Observer
- 01:51:36 The Largest "Myth" of Modern Science
- 02:05:09 Non-Local Collections of Observers (is "society" an observer?)
- 02:13:54 Wolfram's Model Changes How You Act
- 02:20:16 Biological Theory of Everything
- 02:27:38 Wolfram's Writing Process
- 02:40:49 Curt's Next Project, Category Theory, & the Infinite Groupoid
HUGE THANK YOU TO MARK FROM "LAST THEORY" and JONATHAN GORARD: https://www.youtube.com/@lasttheory
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- *NEW* Get my 'Top 10 TOEs' PDF + Weekly Personal Updates: https://www.curtjaimungal.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeve...
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt... Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI...
- Stephen Wolfram's 1st TOE Podcast: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
- Stephen Wolfram's 2nd TOE Podcast: https://youtu.be/xHPQ_oSsJgg
- Wolfram's "Alien Mind" Article: https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2...
- A New Kind of Science (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/49EBprD
- Adventures of a Computational Explorer (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/3uFM7PQ
- A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory of Physics (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/49K1S7t
- Combinators: A Centennial View (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/3I2FTNf
- Metamathematics and the Foundations of Mathematics (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/3uHwU0O
- The Second Law (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/42IioCF
- Introduction to Computational Thinking (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/3uCoszZ
- Book on Predicting Eclipses (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/42IiiuN
- Book about ChatGPT (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/42PGGuy
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Full episode where Marwa interviews Curt Jaimungal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JGoDc9BUL8
Marwa's Soft Robotics channel: https://www.youtube.com/@marwaeldiwiny
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Lee Smolin joins TOE to discuss his work in theoretical physics, the dynamic nature of the laws of physics and the concept of time.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:04:13 - Doubly Special Relativity and Violation of Lorentz Invariance
00:09:15 - The Concept of Thick Time
00:19:11 - Duality Between String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity
00:23:50 - Condensed Matter Theory
00:28:35 - Approximating by a Continuum and Discrete Sets
00:34:11 - Misapprehensions about Loop Quantum Gravity
00:38:43 - Defining Complexity and the View of the Universe by One Observer
00:43:52 - Causal Energetic: The Relationship Between Varieties and Kinetic Energy
00:48:38 - Varying Parameters in the Universe
00:53:35 - The Bomes Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
00:58:30 - Causality and Relativity
01:03:15 - Different Styles in Mathematics and Chess
01:07:55 - The Fundamental Questions in Biology
01:12:49 - Marrying Outside Your Field
01:18:04 - Discussion on Authors and Novels
01:23:35 - Conversations with Fire Robin
01:28:39 - Being Sincere and Ambitious
01:33:39 - A Visit from BJ
01:38:34 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- Instagram: / theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: / theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
Join this channel to get access to perks: / @theoriesofeverything
- Sabine Hossenfelder's channel: / @sabinehossenfelder
-Sean Carrol's Mindscape episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTM-8memDHs
-Against Method (Paul Feyerabend): https://www.amazon.com/Against-Method-Paul-Feyerabend/dp/1844674428
-Science in a Free Society (Paul Feyerabend): https://www.amazon.com/Science-Free-Society-Paul-Feyerabend/dp/0860917533
-Lee Smolin's paper w/ Clelia Verde: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.09945
-Podcast w/ Carlo Rovelli on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_fUPbBNmBw
-Podcast w/ Abhay Ashtekar on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03ReIvXKrrU
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Full episode where Carlos interviews Curt Jaimungal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_FSkVTLu1Y
Carlos Farias' channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Carlos.Explains
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Jesse Michels and Curt Jaimungal sit down to discuss physics, parapsychology, and the journey to understand the mysteries of existence. This episode was originally filmed for Jesse Michels' channel American Alchemy but shortly after filming this episode Jesse took a impromptu 9 month hiatus so we are thrilled to have the opportunity to release this episode on TOE.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6SFJkVmD90
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
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- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
Join this channel to get access to perks: / @theoriesofeverything
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Parker's Curt Interview: https://youtu.be/SGl0uoBzIpk
Parker's Podcast Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ParkersPensees
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In today's episode, Alex Honnold shares insights from his climbing adventures, delving into how facing fear and embracing risk shape his approach to life. Alex reflects on the interplay between physical challenges and emotional growth, offering a unique perspective on finding purpose and meaning through extreme sports.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4oXvxqzSyA
00:00 - Intro
01:23 - What Is Fear?
04:38 - Shifts In Consciousness
06:28 - Mentality
08:59 - Climbing With Cameras
13:29 - Climbing As Art
17:48 - Courage
19:51 - The Sacred / Transcendent
23:58 - Meaning
26:03 - What Drives Alex?
36:29 - Having Children
42:20 - Arctic Ascent
46:08 - Alex’s Foundation
53:32 - Life Purpose
56:34 - Advice
01:01:47 - Breakthrough Moments
01:06:42 - What’s Next?
01:11:56 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- Instagram: / theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: / theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
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Groundbreaking new research by Michael Levin is being announced here for the first time. This is along with the first authors Angela Tung and Gizem Gumuskaya of the research, on their respective research papers. I'm honored to bring this to you, for the first time as a world exclusive.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hG6GIzNM0aM
00:00 - Overview Of New Papers
08:45 - Cell vs. Anthrobot
13:49 - Structure & Function
17:39 - Cross Embryo Morphogenetic Assistance (CEMA)
26:27 - How Different Cells Affect Anthrobots
31:29 - Medical Applications
39:11 - Distinctions Between The Papers
41:54 - Multiple Embryos Works Best
48:10 - The Mechanism
51:29 - Discrepancy In The Literature
55:26 - How This Applies To Humans
58:48 - Futuristic Role Of Anthrobots
1:07:41 - Lifespan Of Anthrobots
1:09:07 - Epigenetics
1:13:34 - Blocking Communication
1:17:20 - What Happens As The Embryos Grow?
1:19:54 - What's Next?
- [HYPER-EMBRYOS PAPER] Angela Tung, Michael Levin, et al: https://www.nature.com/articles/s4146...
- [ANTHROBOT PAPER] Gizem Gumuskaya, Michael Levin, et al: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/1...
- Michael Levin's labs: https://drmichaellevin.org
- Michael Levin's podcast: / @drmichaellevin
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- Instagram: / theoriesofeverythingpod
- TikTok: / theoriesofeverything_
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
Join this channel to get access to perks: / @theoriesofeverything
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A popular YouTuber (Fidias https://www.youtube.com/@FidiasPanayiotou w/ over 2.5M subs) just received the Guinness Record for "longest time spent consecutively in VR". Congrats to him! https://youtu.be/cUmZywem8VE
It was a 30 day straight experiment. I don't know how he did it. On his last hour, he interviewed me for his channel. It was an honor, not only to be included in such a challenge, but to be the last activity he did prior to removing his VR! Enjoy this episode where Fidias interviewed me for his channel.
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Chiara Marletto, a theoretical physicist, discusses the innovative principles of Constructor Theory, a groundbreaking approach that shifts the focus of physics from traditional dynamics to the realm of possibilities and impossibilities. She explores its applications in information theory, thermodynamics, and the fundamental understanding of life, highlighting how this theory could revolutionize our perception of reality and quantum mechanics. Her insights blend deep scientific knowledge with a philosophical perspective on the nature of discovery and the endless pursuit of knowledge in physics.
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
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- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
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In this thought-provoking lecture at MindFest, held at Florida Atlantic State University, philosopher and cognitive scientist David Chalmers explores virtual reality and its implication for our understanding of existence. Chalmers examines the simulation hypothesis, challenging conventional views of reality and suggesting that virtual worlds might be as real and meaningful as the physical world. This insightful talk, bridging technology and philosophy, invites a reevaluation of our perception of reality in a digitally evolving era.
00:00 - Intro
01:34 - Overview
11:55 - David’s Central Thesis
15:55 - Biosim vs. Pure Sim
18:11 - Imperfect vs. Perfect Simulation
26:38 - Are Simulations Illusions?
31:29 - It-From-Bit Hypothesis
36:06 - What Is The Metaverse?
43:58 - Meaning In A Virtual World
51:49 - Q&A
01:06:43 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Follow TOE:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theoriesofeve...
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
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- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI...
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The deepest dive into philosopher Daniel Dennett's mind.
00:00 - The Soul
03:18 - Most Important Philosophical Question
12:06 - Do Qualia Exist?
30:28 - Uploading Consciousness
39:55 - Thinking Differently
56:20 - Pragmatism
1:01:06 - Robert Sapolsky
1:12:57 - Philosophers and Scientists
1:29:30 - Patterns and Emergence
1:36:46 - Roger Penrose
1:42:39 - Sailing Boats
1:45:40 - Fictionalism
1:51:12 - Coming Up With Concepts
1:59:55 - Douglas Hofstadter
2:05:30 - AI Alignment Problem
2:11:31 - Q&A
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Support TOE: - Patreon:
(early access to ad-free audio episodes!) - Crypto:
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LINKS MENTIONED: - I've Been Thinking (Daniel Dennett):
- The Ego of the Mind (Daniel Dennett & Douglas Hofstadter):
- Determined (Robert Sapolsky):
- Podcast w/ Robert Sapolsky on TOE: COMING - Elbow Room (Daniel Dennett):
- The Extended Phenotype (Richard Dawkins):
- The Emperor's New Mind (Roger Penrose):
- Podcast w/ Carlo Rovelli on TOE:
• Carlo Rovelli: Loop Quantum Gravity, ...
- Engineering, Daydreaming, and Control (Daniel Dennett):
- Am I a Fictionalist? (Daniel Dennett):
- The Selfish Gene (Richard Dawkins):
- Consciousness Explained (Daniel Dennett):
- Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking (Daniel Dennett):
- Darwin's Dangerous Idea (Daniel Dennett):
- Freedom Evolves (Daniel Dennett):
- Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting (Daniel Dennett):
- From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds (Daniel Dennett):
- Podcast w/ David Sloan Wilson on TOE:
• David Sloan Wilson: Why Dawkins Is Pl...
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman: The Nature of Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman and Joscha Bach on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach: Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman and Philip Goff on TOE:
• Reality, Evolution, Consciousness | D...
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman and John Vervaeke on TOE:
• Exposing the Matrix: Cognitive Scient...
- Podcast w/ Anand Vaidya on TOE:
• Anand Vaidya: Consciousness, Truth, B...
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The most astounding UFO revelations from Lue Elizondo.
- Luis Elizondo for 2020 w/ Curt: https://youtu.be/aAmFlLfsZKM
- Luis Elizondo for 2021 w/ Curt: https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg
- Luis Elizondo for 2022 w/ Curt: https://youtu.be/9g5e9UzEDkw
00:00 - Intro
01:43 - Philosophy
03:07 - Lue's Worldview
07:59 - Forbidden Truths
13:46 - History
21:55 - DNA
30:09 - Time Explained
37:02 - Alien Abduction
39:57 - CE5
42:04 - Skinwalker Ranch
49:38 - Demons
54:44 - Psychedelics
56:53 - Reason For Secrecy
1:02:21 - Somber
1:06:15 - Somber (Continued)
1:16:14 - Family
1:18:31 - Paradigm Shift
1:22:02 - Lue's Advice
1:22:37 - Meaning of Life
1:30:50 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
Follow TOE on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoriesofe...
Support TOE:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWI...
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Donald Hoffman, cognitive scientist, and Philip Goff, philosopher, discuss consciousness, evolution, perception, and panpsychism. Insights into the nature of reality.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmaIBxkqcT4
00:00 - Intro
02:46 - Goff’s World View
11:39 - Do Neurons Exist?
28:30 - What Is Real?
39:22- Objections to Hoffman’s Views
58:45 - Evolution
1:37:19 - Reductionism
1:49:38 - Meaning Of Life
2:01:32 - Infinite Consciousness
2:05:40 - Multiverse
2:15:25 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon:
/ curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
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- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything:
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- Why? The Purpose of the Universe (Philip Goff):
- The Case Against Reality (Donald Hoffman):
- Galileo's Error (Philip Goff):
- Consciousness and Fundamental Reality (Philip Goff):
- Mind Chat (Goff's podcast):
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman: The Nature of Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Daniel Dennett: COMING SOON
• Theories of Everything with Curt Jaim...
- Analysis of Matter (Bertrand Russell):
- A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking):
- Debunking Interface Theory (Geoffrey Bagwell):
- Quantum Bayesianism (Chris Fuchs):
- Fitness Beats Truth (Donald Hoffman):
- Podcast w/ John Vervaeke Λ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Exposing the Matrix: Cognitive Scient...
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach Λ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach: Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Bernardo Kastrup on TOE:
• Escaping the Illusion: Bernardo Kastr...
- Debate with Sean Carroll and Philip Goff:
• Sean Carroll & Philip Goff Debate 'Is...
- Classic Paper on Fine-Tuning (Roger White, 2000):
- Debate between Philip and Don on Philip's channel:
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Karl Friston, Joscha Bach, and Curt Jaimungal delve into death, neuroscientific models of Ai, God, and consciousness.
- HelloFresh: Go to https://HelloFresh.com/theoriesofever... and use code theoriesofeverythingfree for FREE breakfast for life!
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:01:47 Karl and Joscha's new paper
- 00:09:13 Sentience vs. consciousness vs. The Self
- 00:21:00 Self-organization, thingness, and self-evidencing
- 00:29:02 Overlapping realities and physics as art
- 00:41:05 Mortal computation and substrate-agnostic Ai
- 00:56:38 Beyond Von Neumann architectures
- 01:00:23 Ai surpassing human researchers
- 01:20:34 Exploring vs. Exploiting (the risk of curiosity in academia)
- 01:27:02 Incompleteness and interdependence
- 01:32:25 Defining consciousness
- 01:53:36 Multiple overlapping consciousnesses
- 02:03:03 Unified experience and schizophrenia "insights"
- 02:10:16 Psychedelic experiences
- 02:22:20 Institutional rot in science
- 02:23:31 OpenAI CEO controversy
- 02:32:22 Existential crises as one delves into consciousness
- 02:35:06 Podcast wrap-up
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy, of https://dailymystic.org for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Mortal Computation, a Foundation for Biomimetic Intelligence (Karl Friston): https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.09589
- A Path to Generative Artificial Selves (Joscha Bach and Liane Gabora): https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/y3tzs
- Podcast w/ Joshua on TOE (solo): https://youtu.be/3MNBxfrmfmI
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach & Ben Goertzel on TOE: https://youtu.be/xw7omaQ8SgA
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach & John Vervaeke on TOE: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach & Michael Levin on TOE: https://youtu.be/kgMFnfB5E_A
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach & Donald Hoffman on TOE: https://youtu.be/bhSlYfVtgww
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston solo on TOE: https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston & Michael Levin on TOE: https://youtu.be/J6eJ44Jq_pw
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston & Anna Lemke on TOE: COMING
- Podcast w/ Michael Levin on TOE: https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
- Podcast w/ Chris Fields on TOE: https://youtu.be/J6eJ44Jq_pw
- I Am a Strange Loop (Douglas Hofstadter): https://amzn.to/3GGqjpM
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/1ZpGCQoL2Rk
Scott Aaronson joins us to explore quantum computing, complexity theory, Ai, superdeterminism, consciousness, and free will.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:27 Turing universality & computational efficiency
- 00:12:35 Does prediction undermine free will?
- 00:15:16 Newcomb's paradox
- 00:23:05 Quantum information & no-cloning
- 00:33:42 Chaos & computational irreducibility
- 00:38:33 Brain duplication, Ai, & identity
- 00:46:43 Many-worlds, Copenhagen, & Bohm's interpretation
- 01:03:14 Penrose's view on quantum gravity and consciousness
- 01:14:46 Superposition explained: misconceptions of quantum computing
- 01:21:33 Wolfram's physics project critique
- 01:31:37 P vs NP explained (complexity classes demystified)
- 01:53:40 Classical vs quantum computation
- 02:03:25 The "pretty hard" problem of consciousness (critiques of IIT)
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy, of https://dailymystic.org for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Scott's Blog: https://scottaaronson.blog/
- Newcomb's Paradox (Scott's Blog Post): https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=30
- A New Kind of Science (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/47BTiaf
- Jonathan Gorard's Papers: https://arxiv.org/search/gr-qc?searchtype=author&query=Gorard,+J
- Boson Sampling (Alex Arkhipov and Scott Aaronson): https://arxiv.org/abs/1011.3245
- Podcast w/ Tim Maudlin on TOE (Solo): https://youtu.be/fU1bs5o3nss
- Podcast w/ Tim Palmer on TOE: https://youtu.be/883R3JlZHXE
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbUCEleJhg&t=9315s
In our first ontoprism, we take a look back at FREE WILL across the years at Theories of Everything. If you have suggestions for future ontoprism topics, then comment below.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:58 Michael Levin
- 00:08:51 David Wolpert (Part 1)
- 00:13:48 Donald Hoffman, Joscha Bach
- 00:33:10 Stuart Hameroff
- 00:38:47 Claudia Passos
- 00:40:27 Wolfgang Smith
- 00:42:50 Bernardo Kastrup
- 00:45:23 Matt O'Dowd
- 01:19:06 Anand Vaidya
- 01:28:52 Chris Langan, Bernardo Kastrup
- 01:44:27 David Wolpert (Part 2)
- 01:51:37 Scott Aaronson
- 01:59:47 Nicolas Gisin
- 02:16:52 David Wolpert (Part 3)
- 02:32:39 Brian Keating, Lee Cronin
- 02:42:55 Joscha Bach
- 02:46:07 Karl Friston
- 02:49:28 Noam Chomsky (Part 1)
- 02:55:06 John Vervaeke, Joscha Bach
- 03:13:27 Stephen Wolfram
- 03:32:46 Jonathan Blow
- 03:40:08 Noam Chomsky (Part 2)
- 03:49:38 Thomas Campbell
- 03:55:14 John Vervaeke
- 04:02:41 James Robert Brown
- 04:13:42 Anil Seth
- 04:17:37 More ontoprisms coming...
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy, of https://dailymystic.org for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon: / curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: / toewithcurt
- Discord Invite: / discord
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: / theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
• Free Will Debate: "Is God A Taoist?" ...
• Unveiling the Mind-Blowing Biotech of...
• David Wolpert: Free Will & No Free Lu...
• Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach: Conscio...
• Stuart Hameroff: Penrose & Fractal Co...
• Wolfgang Smith: Beyond Non-Dualism
• Escaping the Illusion: Bernardo Kastr...
• Matt O'Dowd: Your Mind vs. The Univer...
• Anand Vaidya: Moving BEYOND Non-Dualism
• Should You Fear Death? Bernardo Kastr...
• David Wolpert: Monotheism Theorem, Un...
• Nicolas Gisin: Time, Superdeterminism...
• David Wolpert: Monotheism Theorem, Un...
• Brian Keating Λ Lee Cronin: Life in t...
• Joscha Bach: Time, Simulation Hypothe...
• Karl Friston: Derealization, Consciou...
• Joscha Bach Λ John Vervaeke: Mind, Id...
• Stephen Wolfram: Ruliad, Consciousnes...
• Jonathan Blow: Consciousness, Game De...
• Thomas Campbell: Ego, Paranormal Psi,...
• Thomas Campbell: Remote Viewing, Spea...
• John Vervaeke: Psychedelics, Evil, & ...
• James Robert Brown: The Continuum Hyp...
• Anil Seth: Neuroscience of Consciousn...
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We appreciate your support!
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/9z3JYb_g2Qs
Prof. Peter Woit discusses string theory, its decline, and introduces his graviweak unification theory using Euclidean twistor in Euclidean spacetime.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:00:00 String theory's fundamental issues | Mathematicians' challenges
- 00:02:20 Spacetime and twistor theory insights
- 00:20:00 Bundles & diffeomorphism groups
- 00:38:34 Spinors as a spacetime point
- 00:46:57 Dominance of string theory & Ed Witten's influence
- 00:54:17 Quest for quantum gravity
- 01:03:22 String theory's lack of predictive power
- 01:09:33 Machine learning meets theoretical physics
- 01:18:56 Personal attacks vs. intellectual debate
- 01:24:49 Mathematicians vs. Physicists | Academic silos
- 01:37:15 Developing a contrarian view & the origin of 'Not Even Wrong'
- 01:40:54 Langlands & representation theory
- 01:48:51 Spacetime is NOT doomed
- 01:58:47 Sean Carroll's crisis in physics (odd responses to criticism)
- 02:13:21 Differentiable structures by dimension
- 02:26:10 Gravi-weak unification & chirality
- 02:32:57 Chern-Simons theory
- 02:42:20 Gravity as torsion or curvature
- 02:50:07 Category theory in physics
- 02:56:43 Defining a fulfilling life
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Not Even Wrong (Peter Woit's Blog): https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress
- Not Even Wrong (Peter Woit's Book): https://amzn.to/40NFeaK
- Spacetime is Right-Handed (Peter Woit's Article): https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/righthanded.pdf | https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress
- Podcast w/ Edward Frankel: https://youtu.be/n_oPMcvHbAc
- The Elegant Universe (Brian Greene): https://amzn.to/3sNmk7x
- The Trouble With Physics (Lee Smolin): https://amzn.to/47lCCUj
- Podcast w/ Sabina Hossenfelder on TOE: https://youtu.be/walaNM7KiYA
- Podcast w/ Stephon Alexander Part 1: https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk
- Podcast w/ Stephon Alexander Λ Sal Pais: https://youtu.be/PE4C7OI7Frg
- Podcast w/ Eric Weinstein: https://youtu.be/KElq_MLO1kw
- Podcast w/ Stephen Wolfram Part 1: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
- Podcast w/ Stephen Wolfram Part 2: https://youtu.be/xHPQ_oSsJgg
- Podcast w/ Jonathan Oppenheim: https://youtu.be/NKOd8imBa2s
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqWxxPhZEGY
David Chalmers analyzes consciousness in AI, probing cognitive science and philosophical ramifications of sentient machines.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:10 Talk by David Chalmers on LLMs
- 00:26:00 Panel with Ben Goertzel, Susan Schneider, and Curt Jaimungal
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy, of https://expandingideas.org and https://dailymystic.org for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Podcast w/ Susan Schneider on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmQXp...
- Reality Plus (David Chalmers): https://amzn.to/473AKPw
- Mindfest Playlist on TOE (Ai and Consciousness): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
- Mindfest (official website): https://www.fau.edu/artsandletters/ne...
- Talk by Ben Goertzel on AGI timelines: https://youtu.be/27zHyw_oHSI
- Podcast with Ben Goertzel and Joscha Bach on Theolocution: https://youtu.be/xw7omaQ8SgA
- Talk by Claudia Passos, Garrett Mindt, and Carlos Montemayor on Petri Minds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_YMc...
- Stephen Wolfram talk on AI, ChatGPT: https://youtu.be/xHPQ_oSsJgg
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKL0Pw3Q6mA
Anna Lembke explores dopamine detoxing, addiction, and the influence of narratives in managing trauma. SPONSORS:
- This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/TOE and get on your way to being your best self.
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:40 Anna Lembke's experience with addiction
- 00:10:46 Dopamine-seeking behavior vs coping mechanism
- 00:12:35 The paradox of pain relief
- 00:24:21 The self-perpetuating cycle of addiction
- 00:24:00 Neuroadaptation
- 00:29:23 The power of abstinence
- 00:34:04 Life as an experiment
- 00:37:15 Dopamine reward and misconceptions of the "present moment"
- 00:41:06 Freud, Jung, and mindfulness
- 00:45:35 East vs West in mental health
- 00:51:15 Importance of self-talk and bedside manner
- 00:56:00 Attachment styles in trauma (and intergenerational trauma)
- 01:01:00 Power of stories and a Higher Power in addiction recovery
- 01:07:42 Radical honesty / truth-telling
- 01:12:02 The relevance of free will
- 01:23:26 Love as a catalyst for tough decisions
- 01:31:02 - A digital Sabbath (and Curt's coffee abnegation)
- 01:42:12 Methadone for severe opioid use disorder
- 01:51:00 The language of addiction, stigmatization, and identity
- 01:57:32 Rat Park experiments (society's role in addiction)
- 02:08:16 Writing as a therapeutic tool
- 02:14:12 The necessity of a Higher Power
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffy, of https://expandingideas.org and https://dailymystic.org for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Dopamine Nation (Anna Lembke): https://amzn.to/47euRic
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston on TOE: https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
- Podcast w/ Lilian Dindo: https://youtu.be/L_hI7JNsbt0
- Discord (new community channel Dopamine Detox): https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Pure White and Deadly (John Yudkin): https://amzn.to/3snMZHW
- Drug Dealer MD (Anna Lembke): https://amzn.to/40G4WOJ
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BPLcuHnS_A
This is a banger. Prof. Anand Vaidya of philosophy specializes in Vedic philosophy, epistemology, and we talk about God, free will, mathematics, Kripke, and even the ego as both an illusion and real.
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- On Certification (Anand Vaidya): https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/5/article/89...
- Podcast w/ Susan Schneider on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmQXp...
- Podcast w/ Anand Vaidya on TOE: https://youtu.be/RNmusKn6t_U
- Reality Plus (David Chalmers): https://amzn.to/473AKPw
- Podcast w/ Susan Blackmore Λ Bernardo Kastrup on TOE: https://youtu.be/jrVnAWP2XEs
- Podcast w/ Dave Chalmers on TOE: COMING
- Raymond Smullyan's Dialogue on Free Will: https://youtu.be/P-jh6tRh3Jw
- Kripke's Naming and Necessity: https://amzn.to/3SbCNMZ
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:36 Indian theories of knowledge and sentience
- 00:08:00 Hedonic Tone and the mathematics of pleasure
- 00:18:15 Exploration of non-dualism vs. unity with God & absence of subject-object distinction
- 00:35:00 Misconceptions about non-dualism and the importance of rationality and logic
- 00:46:41 Materialism in Indian philosophy
- 01:56:00 Time, impermanence, and suffering
- 01:15:01 Truth, falsity, and the ineffable
- 01:35:19 Shankara philosophy and Dan Dennett's rebut against Mary
- 01:47:00 Chomsky's vs. Kripke regarding reference and naming
- 02:03:00 Metaphysically possible worlds
- 02:31:10 Inflationary and deflationary approaches
- 02:47:07 The Integration Challenge and the paradox of mathematical knowledge
- 02:57:06 Donald Hoffman's perception theory
- 03:07:04 Free will and determinism
- 03:21:43 Grounding and grading of moral standing
- 03:33:35 Modal logic
- 03:43:02 Belief in belief
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdDM8YyV7RA
Jesse Michels probes UAPs, David Grusch's claims of ufology, venture capital, and the private investment tied to this all. Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
- CoPilot: Start feeling fit and fabulous! Use this link https://go.mycopilot.com/TOE to start your free 14 day trial with your own personal trainer on CoPilot!
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Doc w/ David Grusch on Jesse Michels (YouTube): https://youtu.be/kRO5jOa06Qw
- Jesse Michels (YouTube Channel): https://www.youtube.com/@JesseMichels
- A New Kind of Science (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/45C3yNP
- Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World (René Girard): https://amzn.to/490VKb6
- Conspiracy (Ryan Holiday): https://amzn.to/3S4w6fH
- Zero to One (Peter Thiel and Blake Masters): https://amzn.to/45AneBE
- The Man Who Mastered Gravity (Paul Shotskin): https://amzn.to/3Q9e7SW
- Podcast w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson on TOE: https://youtu.be/HhWWlJFwTqs
- Podcast w/ Ross Coulthart on TOE: https://youtu.be/MQnGcX7oxms
- Documentary on connections in the 1950s with quantum gravity research and anti-gravity or UFOs: https://youtu.be/eBA3RUxkZdc
- Podcast w/ Jacques Vallee on TOE: https://youtu.be/uVo51khU8AE
- News Nation Interview with Ross: https://youtu.be/x_9gTDXF9Vc
- UFOs and Nukes documentary: https://youtu.be/jyTKETcxj0M
- The Hunt for Zero Point (Nick Cook): https://amzn.to/3rPkUZQ
- The Stars Are Too High (Agnew Banson): https://amzn.to/408nMNZ
- Podcast w/ Hal Puthoff on Jesse's channel: https://youtu.be/iQOibpIDx-4
- Podcast w/ Avi Loeb on TOE: https://youtu.be/4j5S_-MCWq4
- Podcast w/ Leslie Kane on TOE: https://youtu.be/j1fN5Gxm9fk
- Podcast w/ Jeffrey Mishlove on TOE: https://youtu.be/VFpHk9WqCrY
- Why the Soylent Green Creator Went to Goat Farm: https://youtu.be/HUGNqAyBUDw
- Podcast w/ Ross Coulthart on TOE (Part 1): https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE
- Podcast w/ John Greenwald on TOE: https://youtu.be/NzXPsWQqoYw
- Theo Von's channel: https://youtu.be/1cziCepYeEM?t=4673
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach on TOE: https://youtu.be/3MNBxfrmfmI
- Podcast w/ Michael Levin on TOE: https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
- 00:00:55 Interviewing David Grusch...
- 00:09:00 The fight against misinformation in UFO studies
- 00:13:07 The intersection of consciousness and parapsychology
- 00:16:24 String theory and what physics is
- 00:20:46 Jesse's relationship with Grusch
- 00:25:59 Reverse engineering programs (the greatest PSYOP of all time)
- 00:37:00 Oppenheimer's involvement in UFO research?
- 00:51:00 Theories behind UFO crashes
- 01:20:00 Lessons from investment failures
- 01:41:53 UFOs and the private sector (the Wilson memo and AATIP)
- 01:50:01 Unseen parts of the Grusch interview (Roger Penrose's theory, multiverses)
- 02:03:05 The best evidence for UFOs
- 02:10:23 The mystery of Edward Leedskallen (Coral Stone Park)
- 02:22:08 Anomalies pointing to new scientific paradigms
- 02:35:03 Catastrophic predictions for 2024 from Grusch (what did he mean?)
- 02:38:32 Criticism from Avi Loeb
- 02:52:59 Advice for studying the phenomenon
- 03:00:17 Curt's disappointment in UFO "revelations" lacking tangible evidence
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw7omaQ8SgA
Joscha Bach meets with Ben Goertzel to discuss cognitive architectures, AGI, and conscious computers in another theolocution on TOE.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- OpenCog (Ben's Ai company): https://opencog.org
- SingularityNET (Ben's Decentralized Ai company): https://singularitynet.io
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach on TOE: https://youtu.be/3MNBxfrmfmI
- Podcast w/ Ben Goertzel on TOE: https://youtu.be/27zHyw_oHSI
- Podcast w/ Michael Levin and Joscha on TOE: https://youtu.be/kgMFnfB5E_A
- Podcast w/ John Vervaeke and Joscha on TOE: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman and Joscha on TOE: https://youtu.be/bhSlYfVtgww
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:23 Computation vs Awareness
- 00:06:11 The paradox of language and self-contradiction
- 00:10:05 The metaphysical categories of Charles Peirce
- 00:13:00 Zen Buddhism's category of zero
- 00:14:18 Carl Jung's interpretation of four
- 00:21:22 Language as "representation"
- 00:28:48 Computational reality vs AGI
- 00:33:06 Consciousness in particles
- 00:44:18 Anesthesia and consciousness: Joscha's personal perspective
- 00:54:36 Levels of consciousness levels (panpsychism vs functionalism)
- 00:56:23 Deep neural nets & LLMs as steps backward from AGI?
- 01:05:04 Emergent properties of LLMs
- 01:12:26 Turing-completeness and its implications
- 01:15:08 OpenAI's bold claims challenged
- 01:24:24 Future of AGI
- 01:31:58 Intelligent species after human extinction
- 01:36:33 Emergence of a cosmic mind
- 01:43:56 The timeline to AGI development
- 01:52:16 The physics of immortality
- 01:54:00 Critique of Integrated Information Theory (pseudoscience?)
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/g12qyToQ4gI
Lawrence Krauss dives into dark energy's evolving role, the matter-antimatter conundrum, and the significance of consciousness in our cosmos.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Edge of Knowledge (Lawrence Krauss): https://amzn.to/3RTsxci
- Universe of Nothing (Lawrence Krauss): https://amzn.to/3S9RG2D
- The Greatest Story Ever Told So Far (Lawrence Krauss): https://amzn.to/46orPIh
- The Physics of Climate Change (Lawrence Krauss): https://amzn.to/46nlVqY
- The Black Cloud (Fred Hoyle): https://amzn.to/45qPxm3
- Podcast w/ Brian Keating on TOE: https://youtu.be/AzsZO3_WhDA
- Discussion on the detection of gravitational waves
- Explanation of CP violation and leptogenesis in the context of neutrinos
- Podcast w/ Edward Frenkel on TOE: https://youtu.be/n_oPMcvHbAc
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:10 Pushing modern physics beyond its frontier
- 00:03:00 Writing and the art of asking questions
- 00:08:07 Unearthing the roots of consciousness
- 00:12:00 Origins of the universe & quantum fluctuations
- 00:20:13 Infinite existence (Dyson's arguments)
- 00:27:08 Graviton detection impossibility?
- 00:30:13 Inflationary models and multiverses
- 00:35:05 Neutrinos, leptogenesis, CP violation, and why we're here
- 00:46:46 Infinities and renormalization (Feynman's "dippy process")
- 00:48:00 Dark matter: particle or modified gravity?
- 00:51:58 Higgs field as a Bose-Einstein condensate
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/rd7a_5M_37I
Tim Maudlin, a physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, and Bernardo Kastrup, a philosopher with focus on consciousness studies. Topics include the ontological interpretations of quantum theory ("realism") and Bell's theorem. An attemptolocution.
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
- Go Fund Me for John Bell Institute: https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-permanent-home-for-the-john-bell-institute
- John Bell Institute: https://www.johnbellinstitute.org
- Essentia Foundation: https://www.essentiafoundation.org
- Tim Maudlin (solo): https://youtu.be/fU1bs5o3nss
- Tim Maudlin Λ Tim Palmer: https://youtu.be/883R3JlZHXE
- Bernardo Kastrup (solo): https://youtu.be/lAB21FAXCDE
- Benardo Λ John Vervaeke: https://youtu.be/UWcTmeAs44I
- Bernardo Λ Susan Blackmore: https://youtu.be/jrVnAWP2XEs
- Bernardo Λ Donald Hoffman: https://youtu.be/VmQXpKyUh4g
- Bernardo Λ Sabine Hossenfelder: https://youtu.be/kJmBmopxc1k
- Bernardo Λ Chris Langan: https://youtu.be/HsXxgQy4xLQ
- TOE Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/@TheoriesofEverything/playlists
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
00:00:00 Introductions to Tim Λ Bernardo
00:01:47 John Bell Institute and non-Locality
00:03:50 Bernardo's latest book and writing process
00:05:58 Local realism and Bell's theorem
00:14:04 Curt's message to audience
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NKOd8imBa2s
Prof. Jonathan Oppenheim focuses on the stochastic coupling between quantum mechanics and gravity, offering alternative views to loop quantum gravity and string theory.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Podcast w/ Nicholas Gisin on TOE: https://youtu.be/jcHzgy0I6gk
- Jonathan Oppenheim's Quanta video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkRbNXILroI
- Chapel Hill Conference Documentary on Quantum Gravity (Curt Jaimungal): https://youtu.be/eBA3RUxkZdc
- The Second Laws of Quantum Thermodynamics: https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.5278
- Podcast w/ Chiara Marletto on TOE: COMING SOON https://youtube.com/TheoriesOfEverything
- Podcast with Lue Elizondo on TOE: https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg
- Podcast with Edward Frankel on TOE: https://youtu.be/n_oPMcvHbAc
- Podcast w/ Theo Von on TOE: https://youtu.be/1cziCepYeEM?t=4673
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach on TOE: https://youtu.be/3MNBxfrmfmI
- Podcast w/ Noam Chomsky on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY
- Podcast w/ Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
- Every TOE Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/@TheoriesofEverything/playlists
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:37 Integrating general relativity and quantum theory
- 00:05:18 The nature of classical mechanics
- 00:10:12 Discrete vs continuous space in physics
- 00:13:32 Boundary of physics and philosophy
- 00:18:44 Post-quantum theory of classical gravity
- 00:20:00 Mongrel relativity
- 00:24:00 The issue of causal structure in quantum theory of gravity
- 00:27:18 Gravity and string theory
- 00:34:26 Quantum-classical system coupling (Feynman's position)
- 00:45:31 Quantum vs post-quantum noise
- 00:58:08 Quantum thermodynamics and the multiple Second Laws
- 01:03:35 No-go theorem and classical gravity
- 01:06:09 Bohmian mechanics vs many-worlds
- 01:08:07 Advice for quantum gravity researchers
- 01:13:57 Independent study and learning
- 01:15:35 Graviton entanglement testing
- 01:20:05 The struggle of podcasting (Theories of Everything's journey)
- 01:21:26 Future projects for TOE
- 01:24:52 Gratitude for support
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_oPMcvHbAc
Math professor Edward Frenkel discusses his work on string theory & the Langlands Program while reflecting on the profound themes of infinity, death, and trauma.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Love and Math (Edward Frenkel): https://amzn.to/3ZiXyI1
- From Mathematics to Philosophy (Hao Wang): https://amzn.to/3ZkIcTD
- The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien): https://amzn.to/46bZnsw
- Works of Carl Jung (Carl Jung): https://amzn.to/44UKJF7
- Works of Marie-Louise von Franz (Marie-Louise von Franz): https://amzn.to/3sWWg9D
- Bhagavad Gita: https://amzn.to/3sTfrB8
- The Undecidable (Martin Davis): https://amzn.to/48njW7u
- The Emperor's New Mind (Roger Penrose): https://amzn.to/44Zabcw
- The Trouble with Physics (Lee Smolin): https://amzn.to/3sXpmG6
- Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray (Sabine Hossenfelder): https://amzn.to/3Pna7xy
- Not Even Wrong (Peter Woit): https://amzn.to/44XJlBx
- Debate w/ Sabine Λ Bernardo on Superdeterminism: https://youtu.be/kJmBmopxc1k
- Podcast w/ Norman Wildberger TOE: https://youtu.be/l7LvgvunVCM
- Podcast w/ Dror Bar Natan on TOE: https://youtu.be/rJz_Badd43c
- Podcast w/ Lex Friedman and Frenkel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osh0-J3T2nY
- Podcast w/ Richard Borcherds on TOE: https://youtu.be/U3pQWkE2KqM (Part 2) and https://youtu.be/xu15ZbxxnUQ (Part 1)
- Podcast w/ Sabine Hossenfelder on TOE: https://youtu.be/walaNM7KiYA
- Podcast w/ Bernardo Kastrup on TOE: https://youtu.be/lAB21FAXCDE
- Podcast w/ Eric Weinstein on TOE: https://youtu.be/KElq_MLO1kw
- Angela Collier on String Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kya_LXa_y1E
- Mike Wallace's Interview of Aldous Huxley (1958): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alasBxZsb40
- Edward Frenkel's Official Site: https://edwardfrenkel.com
- Edward Frenkel's Soundcloud (DJ Moonshine): https://soundcloud.com/moonstein
- Twitter (Edward Frenkel): https://twitter.com/edfrenkel
- YouTube (Edward Frenkel): https://www.youtube.com/edfrenkel
- Instagram (Edward Frenkel): https://www.instagram.com/edfrenkel
- Peter Woit's Blog: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:03:40 The Langlands Program
- 00:09:23 Love and Math: An ode to mathematics
- 00:13:09 Art as a two-way street (reciprocal nature of artistic expression)
- 00:18:28 The Weil conjectures
- 00:24:53 Romantic side of math and the "Theory of Everything" as a process vs. a state
- 00:30:39 Paradoxes in math & axioms
- 00:33:57 Observer problem in mathematics
- 00:39:55 The debate on philosophy's role in science
- 00:51:44 "You can't get away from infinity."
- 01:07:41 Are computers conscious? Can they "think"? Turing's quotation
- 01:18:33 The limitations of computation and the unification of distinctions
- 01:23:29 Blurring lines between truth & beauty (algebraic-geometric interplay)
- 01:33:48 The terrifying question of self
- 01:36:07 Childhood memories and personal growth (transformative power of pain)
- 01:49:30 The struggle for excellence & reconnecting with the past
- 02:17:26 Death is love exposed most bare
- 02:19:10 Function fields in higher dimensional algebraic varieties
- 02:25:12 Superdeterminism w/ Sabine Hossenfelder Λ Bernardo Kastrup
- 02:37:08 The human aspect in scientific theories
- 02:39:00 Even atheists reason backward from God to interpretations of quantum mechanics (Richard Hamming)
- 02:43:02 The unfulfilled promise of string theory
- 03:01:33 Credit and ethics in scientific fields (Eric Weinstein)
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/VFpHk9WqCrY
Jeffrey Mishlove explores the crossroads of dreams, parapsychology, and the active observer approach in consciousness studies, shedding light on the intricacies of the human mind.
NOTE: It's crucial to clarify that the perspectives expressed by this guest (and every other) don't mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
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- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- New Thinking Allowed (Jeffrey's Channel): https://www.youtube.com/@NewThinkingAllowed
- Podcast w/ Dennis McKenna on TOE: https://youtu.be/I9fJbns2aBU
- Podcast w/ Ryan Graves (interviews Curt): https://youtu.be/MdNVKQlP3SA
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston on EGO DEATH (10 min clip): https://youtu.be/ywjaGO0jhco
- Podcast w/ Karl Friston on EGO DEATH (full version): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
- The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness (Arthur M. Young): https://amzn.to/460QAtl
- The Red Book (Carl Jung): https://amzn.to/3P8b7p6
- Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death (F. W. H. Myers): https://amzn.to/4846xBa
- Tech Bondage, Slavery of the Human Spirit (James Tunney): https://amzn.to/45GPFi8
- Modern Man in Search of a Soul (Carl Jung): https://amzn.to/3P2GKR3
- The Forgotten Language (Eric Fromm): https://amzn.to/4846FRa
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:15 Jeffrey's Parapsychology Journey
- 00:07:53 Mystical Experiences
- 00:11:10 Media Influence in Non-Profit Sector
- 00:13:01 How Do You Even Get a Degree in Parapsychology?!
- 00:18:22 Academic Exploration of the Unseen
- 00:27:10 The "Reflexive Universe" and Spirit's Descent into Matter
- 00:33:00 Archetypal Synchronistic Resonance and "Past Life" Connection
- 00:43:31 The Intrigue of William James
- 00:51:00 Egyptian View on Death, Soul Fragmentation, and Reincarnation
- 01:01:15 Death's Dependence on Perception
- 01:04:32 Universal Cosmological Structure
- 01:14:52 Implications of Parapsychological Tests
- 01:27:33 Role of "Aliens" in Enhancing Psychic Abilities
- 01:39:02 Imprecision in Paranormal Research
- 01:52:53 Meta-systems Beyond Science (Abhijgnosis?)
- 02:05:16 Perennial Wisdom and the Evolution of Theologies
- 02:11:01 Enlightenment Misinterpretation, Ego Traps, and Spiritual Growth
- 02:18:53 Talmudic Legends
- 02:26:57 Enhancing Psi Ability
- 02:36:52 Jungian Collective Unconscious & Freudian Remarks
- 02:38:00 Psychic Potential: Threat or Evolution?
- 02:40:53 Facing Our Darkness: Spiritual Paths & Jungian Shadows
- 02:55:30 Linda Moulton Howe's and Bigelow's Research
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/GYY1Mw8TVtg
- PART 1 with Lue: • Luis Elizondo: UFOs, Skinwalker, Remo...
- PART 2 w/ Lue: • Luis Elizondo: Gov't Has Biological U...
- Podcast w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson on UFOs: • Neil deGrasse Tyson: UFOs, Philosophy...
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/zMPnrNL3zsE
Gregory Chaitin discusses algorithmic information theory, its relationship with Gödel incompleteness theorems, and the properties of Omega number.
Topics of discussion include algorithmic information theory, Gödel incompleteness theorems, and the Omega number. Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal. Sponsors:
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
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- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Meta Math and the Quest for Omega (Gregory Chaitin): https://amzn.to/3stCFxH
- Visual math episode on Chaitin's constant: https://youtu.be/WLASHxChXKM
- Podcast w/ David Wolpert on TOE: https://youtu.be/qj_YUxg-qtY
- A Mathematician's Apology (G. H. Hardy): https://amzn.to/3qOEbtL
- The Physicalization of Metamathematics (Stephen Wolfram): https://amzn.to/3YUcGLL
- Podcast w/ Neil deGrasse Tyson on TOE: https://youtu.be/HhWWlJFwTqs
- Proving Darwin (Gregory Chaitin): https://amzn.to/3L0hSbs
- What is Life? (Erwin Schrödinger): https://amzn.to/3YVk8Xm
- "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem" (Alan Turing): https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~robins/T...
- "The Major Transitions in Evolution" (John Maynard Smith and Eörs Szathmáry): https://amzn.to/3PdzYci
- "The Origins of Life: From the Birth of Life to the Origin of Language" (John Maynard Smith and Eörs Szathmáry): https://amzn.to/3PeKFeM
- Podcast w/ Stephen Wolfram on TOE: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
- Incompleteness: The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel (Rebecca Goldstein): https://amzn.to/3Pf8Yt4
- Rebecca Goldstein on TOE on Godel's Incompleteness: https://youtu.be/VkL3BcKEB6Y
- Gödel's Proof (Ernest Nagel and James R. Newman): https://amzn.to/3QX89q1
- Giant Brains, or Machines That Think (Edmund Callis Berkeley): https://amzn.to/3QXniYj
- An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications (William Feller): https://amzn.to/44tWjXI
- 00:00:00 Introduction
- 00:02:27 Chaitin's Unconventional Self-Taught Journey
- 00:06:56 Chaitin's Incompleteness Theorem and Algorithmic Randomness
- 00:12:00 The Infinite Calculation Paradox and Omega Number's Complexity (Halting Probability)
- 00:27:38 God is a Mathematician: An Ontological Basis
- 00:37:06 Emergence of Information as a Fundamental Substance
- 00:53:10 Evolution and the Modern Synthesis (Physics-Based vs. Computational-Based Life)
- 01:08:43 Turing's Less Known Masterpiece
- 01:16:58 Extended Evolutionary Synthesis and Epigenetics
- 01:21:20 Renormalization and Tractability
- 01:28:15 The Infinite Fitness Function
- 01:42:03 Progress in Mathematics despite Incompleteness
- 01:48:38 Unconventional Academic Approach
- 01:50:35 Godel's Incompleteness, Mathematical Intuition, and the Platonic World
- 02:06:01 The Enigma of Creativity in Mathematics
- 02:15:37 Dark Matter: A More Stable Form of Hydrogen? (Hydrinos)
- 02:23:33 Stigma and the "Reputation Trap" in Science
- 02:28:43 Cold Fusion
- 02:29:28 The Stagnation of Physics
- 02:41:33 Defining Randomness: The Chaos of 0s and 1s
- 02:52:01 The Struggles For Young Mathematicians and Physicists (Advice)
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNmusKn6t_U
Anand Vaidya, prof. of philosophy at San Jose State University, talks about consciousness, Gnosticism, non-dualism, and the misconceptions about Eastern philosophies.
Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
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- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
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- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41JBrC5e5tA
David Hand, professor of statistics, reveals how ChatGPT lies with "dark data"; more generally, large language models and even peer review.
Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Dark Data: https://amzn.to/446Fou1
- The Improbability Principle: https://amzn.to/3DOn1iX
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:34 What is Dark Data? (missing data matters more than what you have)
00:07:03 The perils of "changing definitions"
00:09:15 David on writing and his selective process
00:20:15 Theory-driven vs. data-driven models (& the constitution of LLMs)
00:32:08 The dilemma of partial truths
00:34:40 The "File Drawer Problem" & its adverse effects on clinical trials
00:39:09 Regression to the mean (how random variations lead to misleading conclusions)
00:44:12 Publication bias
00:48:03 Open-access models and their pitfalls
00:54:06 Why LLMs are simultaneously brilliant & stupid
01:03:40 David’s daily routine
01:06:24 The mean vs. median
01:11:07 Every type of "Dark Data" listed (watch this first!)
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/I9fJbns2aBU
Dennis McKenna is the brother of Terrence McKenna and is an ethnopharmacologist / research pharmacognosist. His knowledge of psychedelics is extensive.
Listen now early and ad-free on Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss (Dennis' book): https://amzn.to/3QmjzmT
- Dennis' website: https://mckenna.academy/
- Karl Friston TOE podcast (Cautions on Consciousness): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:19 Dennis McKenna's working habits / quotidianness
00:03:49 "Hang up when you receive the message"
00:08:35 Psychedelics aren't meant to be taken isolated from community
00:13:22 Terrence, the family, and Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss
00:18:46 Ethnopharmacologic Search for Psychoactive Drugs (ESPD)
00:27:49 MDMA's uses (and designer drugs)
00:40:31 Mycelium vs. fruiting bodies
00:46:03 Psychological metamorphosis without hallucinogens?
00:56:46 Staying "grounded" and not being "high" all the time
00:59:23 Terrence never found ground and got lost
01:12:13 Perils of investigations into consciousness
01:14:47 Gender differences in psychedelics
01:15:24 Love in disunity rather than pure "connectedness"
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/DQuiso493ro
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Paper "refuting" Chomsky by Piantadosi: https://lingbuzz.net/lingbuzz/007180
- Sabine Hossenfelder video on ChatGPT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP5zGh2fui0
- Every Noam Chomsky on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY
- Terrence Deacon on TOE (Symbol Grounding Problem): https://youtu.be/PqZp7MlRC5g
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:50 Artificially intelligence "world government"
00:06:23 Introspection for self-knowledge (limits and power)
00:09:02 Buddhism and Taoism (for language) + suffering
00:09:54 Will humans survive?
00:10:44 What progress has been made in the study of language rules
00:13:02 Recursive "merge"
00:26:08 Dolphin and sperm whale languages (complexity measure?)
00:29:32 Philosophy of science
00:32:54 Symbol grounding problem and grounding moral philosophy
00:41:20 "Science is like a drunk at a lamppost"
00:42:36 Mind-body problem is misconceived
00:51:21 Sabine Hossenfelder on "ChatGPT Understands Language"
00:55:00 Modern language models refute Chomsky's approach to language
00:58:56 Bare phrase structure theory (inclusiveness condition)
01:01:09 Intentionality and Searle's Chinese Room Experiment
01:05:45 Generative grammar and metaphysics (Langan's CTMU)
01:07:52 Consciousness creating reality?
01:11:59 Does Universal Grammar hold up to "Bayesian modeling"?
01:13:28 AGI Scaring Chomsky
01:14:56 Linguistic successors of Chomsky
01:16:11 Human language capacity vs. arithmetical capacity (is it related?)
01:20:23 "You can't know anything for certain" and Nihilism
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/883R3JlZHXE
Tim Palmer is a Royal Society Research Professor in the Department of Physics at Oxford. Tim Maudlin is a Professor of Philosophy at New York University, specializing in the philosophy of physics. We discuss superdeterminism, chaos theory, and free variables.
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Tim Maudlin's podcast on TOE: https://youtu.be/fU1bs5o3nss
- Primacy of Doubt (Tim Palmer's book): https://amzn.to/3Oo55k7
- Metaphysics Within Physics (Tim Maudlin's book): https://amzn.to/3pXHNcn
- Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity (Tim Maudlin's book): https://amzn.to/44QoS2F
- Go Fund Me for "The John Bell Institute" initiative: https://www.gofundme.com/f/a-permanent-home-for-the-john-bell-institute
- Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics (John Bell's book): https://amzn.to/43RyQ2t
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:04 Explaining Superdeterminism & Fractal Cosmology
00:05:06 What is Tim Palmer working on
00:09:24 What is Tim Maudlin working on
00:11:47 Assumptions of Bell's inequality / theorem
00:22:40 Locality and Superdeterminism
00:28:33 Summary of disagreement + why do we care what Bell said?
00:32:54 Counterfactuals & Counterfactual definiteness
00:59:38 Chaos theory, attractors, and fractals
01:26:32 Free variables and ensembles
01:36:30 Invariant set theory
01:48:21 Relevant links and teaser for Part 2
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YouTube link https://youtu.be/HhWWlJFwTqs
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Neil deGrasse Tyson's NEW book - Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization: https://amzn.to/3QaXBn5
- Norton's Dome: https://sites.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/Good...
- Richard Borcherd's video on Aristotle: https://youtu.be/MHTgCXdBohs
- Alex O'Connor's NDT podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukhmq...
- Kevin Knuth's UAP Analysis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:52 What Neil is working on
00:04:57 What fundamental aspect of our universe will change?
00:06:27 Nobel Prize, Bell's Inequality, and Locality
00:09:27 Chaitin's Incompleteness Theorem
00:13:59 The role of philosophy in physics
00:17:32 Norton's Dome
00:29:24 Carlo Rovelli, Lee Smolin, and John Baez on Philosophy
00:39:50 The limitations of the scientific method
00:45:48 Whistleblower David Grusch and UFO "testimony"
00:49:15 The government is not as incompetent as people say
00:56:09 Increscent evidence and extraordinary claims
00:57:44 If Neil encountered an alien but didn't film it, what would he do?
01:06:18 Analyses by Kevin Knuth, et al.'s on UAP radar
01:07:54 Why not apply "where's the evidence" to String Theory and the social "sciences"?
01:13:32 How Neil prepares for interviews and speeches
01:25:10 Straw man vs. the Strongest man (Neil disparagers the UFO topic)
01:31:05 Curt suggests Neil may have a biased set...
01:37:35 Debunking that Aristotle thought heavier bodies fall faster
01:41:19 Neil doesn't have "beliefs"
01:46:09 Impending asteroids colliding with Earth
01:48:42 Curt proposes a bet on the UAP topic to Neil...
01:57:03 Closing thoughts
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9 minute preview of tomorrow's episode. https://youtu.be/HhWWlJFwTqs
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/MQnGcX7oxms
Acclaimed journalist, Ross Coulthart, investigates the UFO phenomenon and talks about the inside story of the David Grusch testimonials.
- Masterworks: Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks https://www.masterworks.art/theoriesofeverything. Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. See important Masterworks disclosures: https://www.masterworks.com/cd
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early access to ad-free audio episodes!)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Curt's Theoretical Physics Tutorial: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
- The Black TOE Vault: https://theblacktoevault.com
- Ross Coulthart's UFO book "In Plain Sight": https://amzn.to/3kMaQtX
- Ross Coulthart's documentary (UFO Phenomenon): https://youtu.be/sm6AL5lA4Zc
- Ross Coulthart's Part 1 on TOE: https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE
- David Grusch's News Nation Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSj7QsHRxHQ
- Quantum Gravity TOE Documentary: https://youtu.be/eBA3RUxkZdc
- Ross' "Need to Know" Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@BryceZabel
- Diana Pasulka Podcast on TOE: https://youtu.be/E5MuTHUbMUs
- TOE's UAP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlPd4Y5pg8XtzS_0-ChSTeJ6
- TOE's Merch (ending soon): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:45 "There's a truth about all of this"
00:04:31 Inside story of David Grusch (actual "evidence" is coming, not just testimonial)
00:15:27 They've been with us for "thousands" of years
00:24:11 Mainstream media's abject failure to cover UAPs
00:33:33 The Gillibrand legislation is momentously significant
00:40:02 The gov't has given craft to private industry
01:09:30 The Gang of Eight
01:18:14 How the gov't tells the media what to say (even Hollywood)
01:21:51 Found metals spheres that move on their own (collecting evidence from them)
01:28:22 "The Legacy Program"
01:28:50 The Vatican's involvement (they gave craft over to US?)
01:48:27 Reverse engineering and operating craft (which has been done?)
01:56:00 We're close to annihilation as a species
02:01:25 The untold story of "Curveball"
02:15:12 The reason behind the secrecy? The screwup by the US gov't of "divesting"
02:19:22 Alien bodies, Grusch's claims, and where they are
02:23:23 Steven Greer, and what's been "leaked"
02:29:15 Ross is under surveillance (any intimidation?)
02:30:20 Adam & Eve, and what's happening in 2029 (Leslie Kean's and John Ramirez's comments)
02:34:32 The full unedited 3.5 hour interview with David Grusch
02:38:25 Curt comments on Grusch's physics claims (quiddities)
02:44:14 Ross on Indian UAPs
02:45:01 Announcements from Curt (and when the Neil deGrasse Tyson podcast is coming)
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The interest in anti-gravity by two private investors, Roger Babson and Agnew Banhson, changed the course of general relativity.
Sponsor: Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal (early ad-free audio podcasts)
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Thank you to David Kaiser, Eric Weinstein, Jeremy Rys, David Chester, and Jesse Michels for helping bring this to my attention.
- The Price of Gravity (Kaiser, Rickles): https://web.mit.edu/dikaiser/www/HSNS4803_03_Kaiser.pdf
- Chapel Hill Conference's Report (The Role of Gravitation in Physics): https://edition-open-sources.org/media/sources/5/Sources5.pdf
- Behind the scenes of the 1957 Chapel Hill Conference: https://royalsoc.org.au/images/pdf/journal/154-2-Rickles.pdf
- Gell-Mann's Shelter Island Notes: https://ncatlab.org/nlab/files/Gell-Mann_ShelterIslandII_1983.pdf
- Louis Witten's Recollections (video): https://youtu.be/iH8btReqv4c?t=6448
- Louis Witten speaks to Rickles: https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories/36985
- Physical Interpretation of Antigravity by Bars: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.05128.pdf
- Garry Nolan's podcast on TOE: https://youtu.be/g3bk1UXjKLI
00:00:00 - Roger Babson & Agnew Banhson
00:07:09 - Gravity Research Foundation's "Essay Contest"
00:12:22 - Anti-gravity and Amendments to General Relativity
00:16:43 - Operation Moonwatch and UFOs
00:18:36 - Ed Witten's father (Louis) and Burkhard Heim
00:25:43 - Summary
00:26:32 - Chapel Hill Conference
00:27:58 - Revival of General Relativity (Hawking & Penrose)
00:30:44 - String Theory and the Legacy of Babson & Banhson
00:33:01 - Dean Rickles, David Kaiser, and Other Documentaries
- Technically it was George S. Trimble who started the RIAS. Witten’s supervisor was someone named Welcome Bender. I had this in the original script but it was becoming extortionately bloated with various names, and since Trimble was the CEO of Glenn Martin, I decided to phrase it the way I did in the script.
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Susan Blackmore, psychologist known for her work on consciousness, and Bernardo Kastrup, former computer scientist now philosopher, join us to discuss consciousness. This episode was released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org and Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal.
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Daniel Dennett - "Consciousness Explained": https://amzn.to/3Nxz2Pa
- Susan Blackmore - "The Meme Machine": https://amzn.to/3oYdthy
- Susan Blackmore - "Conversations on Consciousness": https://amzn.to/448ohIR
- Schooler - "Dissociations Between Awareness and Meta-Awareness": https://labs.psych.ucsb.edu/schooler/...
- William James - "The Principles of Psychology": https://amzn.to/443nmcA
- Richard Feynman - "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter": https://amzn.to/3Pg8W4I
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:04 Illusionism is misunderstood
00:07:40 Who is the "illusion" happening to?
00:09:20 Bernardo's disagreements with illusionists
00:19:35 Materialism doesn't work
00:28:21 Mindfulness and mind-altering experiences aid the philosophy?
00:30:34 Why aren't you a panspsychist?
00:38:27 The regularity of the laws of nature in Idealism
00:49:45 The simplest understanding of a "dissociative boundary"
00:54:57 Telepathy in Idealism and in science
01:06:21 The "self"
01:15:04 Psi phenomenon (NDEs, Precognition, ...)
01:17:32 What would convince you to believe the opposite of what you think?
01:21:44 Bernardo witnessed the miraculous (personal story)
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzXPsWQqoYw
John Greenewald has the world's largest collection of Freedom of Information Act documents requested from the government with 27 years experience investigating gov't coverups.
- SincX: Visit https://sincxpress.com for more information
- Curiosity Stream: Go to https://curiositystream.com/THEORIES use promo code THEORIES and you will save 25% off!
- Henson Shaving: Visit https://hensonshaving.com/EVERYTHING to pick the razor for you and use code EVERYTHING (2 years worth of blades free with your razor - just add to cart)
- John's The Black Vault: https://theblackvault.com
- Daniel Van Zant's AI: https://cpod.ai
- The Black TOE Vault (LLM with FOIA docs): https://theblacktoevault.com
- John's "Inside The Black Vault" [audiobook]: https://amzn.to/43BVIDP
- John's "Secrets from the Black Vault" [hard copy]: https://amzn.to/43nkkQj
- Every Theories of Everything UFO podcast: • UFOs | UAPs | Exo...
- TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Curt's "Learn All Undergraduate Theoretical Physics in Under 2h" Lesson: • Crash Course in T...
- New TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
00:00:00 Introduction to John Greenewald
00:04:51 What UFOs "are" and what they "are NOT"
00:11:41 Consciousness and the phenomenon
00:16:38 The "ant hill" analogy doesn't work
00:24:14 How much does the government know?
00:29:30 Synopsis so-far
00:36:21 Untouchable areas of the government
00:44:44 The disputatious tenor in ufology
00:51:10 Lue Elizondo and John's issues with AAWSAP vs. AATIP (+ in Lue's defense)
01:07:05 Chinese balloons and UAPs
01:14:07 Sean Kirkpatrick looks like he's forced to testify (video included)
01:19:26 Stanton Friedman and the Majestic 12
01:29:39 Destroyed documents, and FOIA requests (best practices)
01:46:49 The Big Phone Home was fantastic
01:55:00 Even the reasoning behind "tweets" can be FOIA requested
02:03:30 Curt says the inimicality in ufology stems from genuinely pursuing the topic
02:29:59 Jeremy Corbell, Mick West, and the Triangle
02:40:04 John's thoughts on Jacques Vallee
02:43:53 The announcement and behind the scenes development of it
03:03:48 Skinwalker, the show, and UFOs
03:09:17 Conspectus
03:12:59 Jeremy Corbell's Mojave Triangle and why it piques John
03:32:04 Department of Defense and the contradictions of redactions (AOIMSG)
03:43:15 Travis Taylor and the bizarre gov't connections
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Chris Langan is "the world's smartest man" (highest recorded IQ) who invented the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe. Bernardo Kastrup is a computer scientist and philosopher who is a proponent of Analytical Idealism. In this extended rerelease, Chris discusses at length his Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe. There is an additional discussion between Chris and Bernardo regarding their theories and consciousness around the 4-hour mark.
- *New* TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Visit HENSONSHAVING.com/EVERYTHING to pick the razor for you and use code EVERYTHING and you’ll get two years' worth of blades free with your razor – just make sure to add them to your cart.
- *New* TOE Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://youtu.be/M-SgOwc6Pe4
00:00:00 Overview of Daniel's Worldview and Introduction
00:05:13 Nash Equilibrium
00:09:05 Quasiprobability Distributions, Quantum Mechanics, & Wigner
00:13:26 The Metacrisis
00:30:53 Exponential and Unsustainable Economic System
00:54:44 Synopsis so-far
00:58:43 Classifying Different Civilizational Risks
01:22:28 Natural Selection on Altruistic Religions
01:53:16 The "Risk Space" of Ai
02:32:59 Paperclip Maximizer Scenario
02:37:31 "Finitely Describing What's 'Good'" is the Alignment Problem
03:37:53 Iain McGilchrist, John Vervaeke, and the Metacrisis
03:42:27 David Bohm's Connected Consciousness ("Implicate Order")
03:44:22 Explications on Phenomenal Consciousness (Gregg Henriques)
04:01:34 Geoffrey Hinton, Yejin Choi, and OpenAI on Ai
04:11:33 Daniel's Message to the Audience
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vp18_L_y_30
Wolfgang Smith graduated from Cornell University at age 18 with degrees in physics, mathematics, and philosophy. In his life he's published extensively on mathematics, pioneered crucial advances in aerodynamics, rallied against the metaphysical assumptions of scientism, and met with Vedic masters. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org. Sponsors: - Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off, - Yesoul Fitness: https://yesoulfitness.com, - HensonShaving - https://hensonshaving.com/everything and enter code EVERYTHING at checkout to get 100 free blades with your purchase.
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- PART ONE https://youtu.be/9M_uFQNDlvI
- Matt Segall's “Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead”: https://amzn.to/3owraU9
- Philo Sophia Imitative: https://philos-sophia.org
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:12 What is the Omega point and Perennialism?
00:16:36 Can Satan tell the truth?
00:19:16 The infinity of Satan
00:24:18 God requires a negative force
00:25:59 This is what God cannot do
00:29:07 How to transcend the fear of death
00:37:02 Only God has Being, and we are stranded
00:49:20 The fall of Adam & The transcendent unity of religions
00:53:47 The Vedic escarton
01:01:30 The Christian escarton
01:09:42 What exists in eternity?
01:15:00 [Matt Segall] Does God evolve? The realness of real
01:22:30 The path to God is not without danger
01:27:00 Free will in the timeless realms
01:29:10 Why read the apocrypha?
01:37:00 Gnostic levels & Satanic gurus
01:40:00 Praising a disproven Einsteinian reality
01:45:00 The second coming of Christ separates eternity and "abeternity"
01:54:00 Excommunicating heretics
01:58:00 The cosmos is tripartite
02:01:00 Modern scientists are blind and ignorant
02:15:00 There are two ways of doing physics
02:25:00 Understanding religion from contemporary thought is failure a priori
02:40:30 How Wolfgang is preparing for death
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_YMcEPfqCM
Sponsors: - Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [TOE] at Manscaped.com. - Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
Claudia Passos is an Assistant Professor of Bioethics at NYU studying infant consciousness, Garrett Mindt is a professor of philosophy at Florida Atlantic University focused on novel information-theoretic metaphysics, and Carlos Montemayor is a professor of philosophy whose research focuses on the intersection between philosophy of mind, epistemology and cognitive science.
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:56 How aware are infants?
00:08:36 Correlates of consciousness
00:11:16 Trauma in infants
00:17:00 Traditional definitions of consciousness
00:22:05 Animal consciousness
00:26:05 Phenomenal consciousness
00:35:37 “You can't be intelligent if you are not autonomous”
00:37:00 Asymmetric moral considerations
00:41:00 Agency needs vulnerability to work
00:43:20 The borders between biology and machine
00:46:00 Building "mini brains"!
00:58:40 Behavioral markers of consciousness
01:00:10 Should AI be given the same ethical consideration as our human children?
01:05:16 Do infants lack moral standing?
01:08:14 Is analogue consciousness relevant?
01:14:06 What do we mean by “autonomy”?
01:19:00 Outro
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5hmTyu_dt4
What if Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was true? Merel Kindt is a psychologist, her research is concerned with neurobiological and psychological processes of fear mechanisms in the treatment of anxiety and related disorders.
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Merel Kindt "Cure for Fear" mini-docu series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM3G6...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:35 Extinguishing fear
00:09:30 Destabilizing memory traces
00:13:50 Locating where fear arises
00:16:43 Protein synthesis & irrational fears
00:19:21 Suppressing innate fears
00:28:12 "Imaginary" exposure & Beta-blockers are key
00:34:34 Can we remove happiness?
00:47:16 Is trauma necessary to overcome phobias?
00:56:06 This eliminates disgust
01:04:10 Future challenges of fear extinction work
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27zHyw_oHSI
Ben Goertzel is a computer scientist, mathematician, and entrepreneur. His work focuses on AGI, which aims to create truly intelligent machines that can learn, reason, and think like humans. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
Center for future mind (FAU): https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
Wolfram talk from Mindfest https://youtu.be/xHPQ_oSsJgg
Singularity Net https://singularitynet.io/
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:37 How to make machines that think like people
00:10:03 GPT will make 95% of jobs obsolete
00:18:59 The 5-year Turing test
00:21:37 Definition of "intelligence" doesn't matter
00:26:15 Mathematical definition of self-transcendence
00:30:10 The 3 routes to AGI
00:44:19 Unfolding AI with Galois connections
00:49:32 Neuromorphic chips, hybrid architectures, and future hardware
00:54:05 Super AGI will overshadow humanity
00:56:33 Infinity groupoid
01:01:52 There are no limitations to AI development
01:05:00 Social intelligence is independent in OpenCog Hyperon systems
01:07:33 Embodied collaboration is fundamental to human intelligence
01:08:49 Algorithmic information theory and the Robot College Test
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xHPQ_oSsJgg
Center for the Future Mind (https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/) presents this Wolfram lecture from Mindfest 2023. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Center for the Future Mind: https://www.fau.edu/future-mind/
- Donald Hoffman, Bernardo Kastrup, Susan Schneider debate on Machines and Consciousness: https://youtu.be/VmQXpKyUh4g
- Stephen Wolfram on Wolfram Physics Project on TOE: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:58 Physics from computation
00:11:30 Generalizing Turing machines
00:17:34 Dark matter as Indicating "atoms of space"
00:22:13 Energy as density of space itself
00:30:30 Entanglement limit of all possible computations
00:34:53 What persists across the universe are "concepts"
00:40:09 How does ChatGPT work?
00:41:41 Irreducible computation, ChatGPT, and AI
00:49:20 Recovering general relativity from the ruliad (Wolfram Physics Project)
00:58:38 Coming up: David Chalmers, Ben Goertzel, and more Wolfram
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Link to YouTube episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0feAk1pXRc
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Sponsors and Timestamps:
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Henson: Go to https://hensonshaving.com and enter EVERYTHING at checkout to get 100 free blades with your purchase.
- Miracle Made: Go to https://TryMiracle.com/EVERYTHING and use the code EVERYTHING to claim your free 3 piece towel set and save over 40% OFF.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:00 The true origins of wisdom
00:05:06 Enlightenment: To slaughter the Moral
00:10:00 Disillusion is masked as education
00:14:20 Measurement problem is the hint toward a greater reality
00:22:50 Vertical causation (the Physical and Corporeal Realms)
00:33:34 The cosmos is divided into three planes
00:44:28 Geometry and Yogi ascension
00:53:12 A Vedic Fakir and first-hand telepathy
01:15:00 Heisenberg, Aristotle, and Plato
01:23:49 "Science is unwholesome and blind"
01:41:29 From atheism to taking religion seriously
01:48:45 Vedic vs. Christian union with God
02:23:19 Philos Sophia foundation and multiplicity within God
01:40:10 All that matters is esoteric and exoteric
02:53:00 Ascension has lost its societal support
03:05:09 The sacred in man and woman
03:15:15 Lunacy as misframed wisdom (debating Jung)
03:32:46 "Evolution is the pseudo-religious credor of our civilization"
03:44:37 Determinism cannot craft what we know to be life
03:52:07 "Being has nothing to do with process ontology"
04:01:47 Wolfgang and Curt bond
04:03:37 Upcoming announcements with Wolfram, Chalmers, and Goertzel
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/VmQXpKyUh4g
Bernardo Kastrup, Donald Hoffman, and Susan Schneider debate on whether computers can be conscious. Visit • Consciousness in ... or https://iai.tv/ for the full video and subscribe at / @theinstituteofar... .
- New TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Institute for Arts and Ideas: https://iai.tv and / @theinstituteofar...
- Part 2 of this panel: • Consciousness in ...
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/LpfzQVr7Me4
Curt Jaimungal plays the game Everything, developed by artist David OReilly with narration from Alan Watts.
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/ndSnh1YZ6kY
Frank Yang is a versatile artist and mentor who adeptly produces video content and dramatic art, while also providing guidance to students seeking to harness the power of their minds to attain inner peace and gain meaningful insights about life. Drawing from his rich experiences in bodybuilding and creative discipline, Frank imparts invaluable wisdom on how to lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Who is Frank Yang?
00:01:41 Our astounding fundamental nature
00:03:31 The emptiness of consciousness
00:08:37 Continuity leads to liberation
00:13:42 Consciousness has no "objective"
00:15:24 Are we fragments of one consciousness?
00:18:59 Immortality is inevitable
00:20:27 The esoteric value of science
00:32:52 The ancient protocols of meditation
00:41:38 Answering the UFO question
00:43:40 Dangers of depersonalization
00:47:02 Frank's thoughts on Leo Gura
00:52:02 Buddhism and Hinduism
00:56:15 Training the body is training the mind
00:59:17 What is the definition of "Enlightenment?"
01:02:51 Is Frank enlightened?
01:05:56 The truest structure of reality
01:15:06 The importance of having a guru
01:19:34 Everything can be seen as music
01:24:23 Advice for wisdom seekers
01:29:36 The most fundamental aspect of consciousness
01:40:15 Overcoming our conditioning and traumas
01:49:30 From stream entry to the Arahant
02:00:20 When do you know you are at the top?
02:02:53 Greatest teacher in Vipassana
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/j1fN5Gxm9fk
Leslie Kean is an investigative journalist and author who is most notable for books about UFOs and the afterlife. Sponsors:
- Miracle Made: Go to http://TryMiracle.com/EVERYTHING (code: EVERYTHING) to claim your free 3 piece towel set + additional 40% OFF
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- UFOs: Investigating the Unknown | National Geographic: https://youtu.be/sVhq1YxV_Ec
- UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record: https://amzn.to/3ks0PVC
- Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife: https://amzn.to/3ZfLOoE
- PaCE1 (Physics and Consciousness Explication Winners): https://youtu.be/rGln1sLk5ME #PaCE1
00:00:00 “There are entities more advanced than us.”
00:05:09 What are UFOs?
00:15:28 Relationship with Chris Mellon and Lue Elizondo
00:25:21 This is why we need to take UFO sightings seriously
00:27:15 North American UAP "Balloons"
00:29:13 "These objects are clearly extraterrestrial."
00:30:43 [Ross Coulthart] White House vs. Pentagon on UAPs
00:33:44 We don't have a stigma problem, we have a cowardice problem
00:35:29 Evidence indicating extraterrestrials or breakaway civilization
00:41:08 One side is the alien (ET) hypothesis, the other is…
00:45:56 What classifies "The Phenomenon" exactly?
00:48:33 Developing Psi abilities after UAP encounters
00:50:57 Leslie's research into the afterlife
01:00:41 Skinwalker and communicating with the deceased
01:04:57 Peer reviewed studies on the afterlife
01:14:21 Disclosure destabilizes society? I don’t buy it!
01:18:20 [Tom Delonge] Gov’t secrecy is good for us
01:23:01 The infamous Varginha case
01:26:13 Who knows more? Gov't vs. Private industry (Lockheed Martin)
01:28:08 The Wilson Memo
01:32:01 Stewart Alexander (the physical medium)
01:39:32 Ectoplasm and etheric hands
01:42:01 Apparitions
01:48:08 Pentagon reports studying mediumship / peer-reviewed studies
02:05:02 "UFOs: Investigating the Unknown"
02:08:05 Something big is coming in 2030s
02:12:16 How would the world change if they knew what Leslie knew?
02:13:19 What convinces Leslie that UFOs are intelligent?
02:16:20 Time-traveling human hypothesis
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/rGln1sLk5ME
Announcing the winners of our inaugural #PaCE1 (Physics and Consciousness Explication) challenge. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Sponsoring the winners:
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- PaCE1 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwgepVI98Hs&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlPsL7sXPuebG1hPooNlR55Q
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:44 Full participant list
00:02:30 Criteria
00:03:30 Honorable mentions
00:15:06 Winners
00:18:43 Special mentions
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**YouTube link coming soon**
Today we talk about the placebo effect, mind over matter, and the cognitive traps that correlate with IQ. David Robson is an author of science with a unique focus on human behavior. He has a degree in mathematics from Oxford -- we bond over our similar degrees in mathematics. He's worked for news scientists, BBC, and he writes for several popular science magazines. Today we discuss the intelligence trap and the expectation effect.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:55 IQ tests measure what exactly?
00:08:00 Various pitfalls of intelligence (IQ traps)
00:14:09 Rationality is not emotionally comforting
00:16:51 Is “truth” the most valuable pursuit? What is “truth”?
00:19:10 Truth can be terrifying
00:24:14 Curiosity is correlated with high IQ
00:28:53 Breakthroughs are born through curiosity
00:36:13 Contradiction is a healthy part of science
00:39:20 The different styles of science
00:45:36 The placebo effect: how “expectation” can overcome genetics
00:51:35 Applying the placebo and expectation effects
01:05:51 Frustration lies at the heart of learning
01:13:25 Cultivating the qualities of a genius in yourself
01:18:33 What is evidence-based wisdom?
01:23:42 A standardized test for wisdom
01:31:03 The relationship between IQ and RQ (rationality quotient)
01:33:23 Ways to supercharge your rationality
01:35:48 The scientific bias
01:41:56 Parapsychological research
01:47:51 What is “functional stupidity”?
01:52:39 Curt finds holes in every argument
01:57:13 Self deception is easy
02:00:38 When high skill damages performance
02:04:20 The best team is smart and disagreeable
02:10:44 The power of a Yogi
02:18:20 Your perceptions change future reality
02:20:19 Ego depletion and the replication crisis
02:22:23 The pilot sight test
02:27:16 Acquiring creativity, productivity, and Savant-ism
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Episode released on the Martin Willis podcast. Find it here on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjJv1tEk52s
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8JNKFMBWZHQ
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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFW14zSYiFY
Prof. Greg Kondrak is a computer scientist who used Machine Learning to help decode the Voynich Manuscript and Dorabella Cipher.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:07 Overview of the difficulty of the Voynich Manuscript
00:04:53 There is no other document like Voynich
00:11:17 The controversy of the Voynich
00:12:38 All language is decipherment
00:27:51 "It is not simple at all"
00:30:49 The Dorabella cipher
00:33:05 Voynich may not be a human language
00:35:05 Universal concepts in language (fighting Chomsky)
00:43:37 ChatGPT knows nothing
00:44:41 AI doesn't have "truth"
00:47:09 Multiple language theory (Voynich)
00:48:34 Artificial intelligence lacks motivations
00:51:48 What rivals the Voynich?
00:53:05 "Puzzles made me a better scientist"
00:56:26 The Zodiac cipher
01:01:27 The problem of "language understanding" has been solved
01:06:48 Training AI in ethics
01:13:53 Chinese and English are superior (analytically)
01:19:35 Proving what the Voynich was and wasn't
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link to full TOEnanza: https://youtu.be/8D3jo3Zw93c
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/c7tLFNz-oXw
An honest day in the life of a math and physics podcaster. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Streamyard: https://streamyard.com/?fpr=toe
- Plexicam: https://www.plexicam.com/#a_aid=TOE
- ChatGPT TOE Convo: https://youtu.be/mSfChbMRJwY
- Terrence Deacon: https://youtu.be/LVmxzCF-oeo
- Brian Greene: https://youtu.be/O2EtTE9Czzo
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/O2EtTE9Czzo
Brian Greene talks about string theory, faster than light travel, and death / afterlife. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Brian Greene Toronto Talk: https://roythomsonhall.mhrth.com/tick...
- World Science Festival: https://cdn.worldsciencefestival.com/
- IAI Interview Brian Greene and Eric Weinstein: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0B1D...
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:50 Faster than light travel
00:12:10 Traversable wormholes
00:18:45 Death and fear
00:20:40 Demons of pursuing science and psychedelics
00:27:57 Finding meaning in disconnectedness
00:32:35 The Hard Problem of Consciousness
00:37:38 Gödel, Dyson, and the relevance of a TOE
00:40:35 Time is not fundamental
00:45:35 The Holographic Principle
00:49:20 Google's wormholes and ER = EPR
00:54:18 Geometric Unity, Wolfram, and E8
00:58:00 Curt's upcoming physics paper
01:08:09 Advice for aspiring physicists (young and old)
01:14:50 Ed Witten is terrifying
01:19:15 Carlo Rovelli, Lee Smolin, and emergent time
01:22:02 Simulation Theory, Swampland, and Geometric Algebra
01:32:50 Responding to Eric Weinstein - Bias in String Theory
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/0D1o2XeKgdc
Only high school math needed for this lesson in physics, natural units, and some philosophy of physics. This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
Sponsors: Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- New TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Full Crash Course in Physics in 2h: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
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This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Blinkist: Get 25% off Blinkist premium and enjoy 2 memberships for the price of 1! Start your 7-day free trial by clicking here: https://www.blinkist.com/partners/theories-of-everything
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Babbel: Get up to 55% off your subscription https://babbel.com/TOE
- Henson: Visit https://HENSONSHAVING.COM/EVERYTHING to pick the razor for you and use code EVERYTHING to get two years' worth of blades free with your razor.
- ExpressVPN: Visit https://ExpressVPN.com/theoriesofeverything and get an extra 3 months
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
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Curt converses with ChatpGPT on free will, AI, consciousness, existence, physics, and meaning. This episode is being released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- *New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
- Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
- Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
- PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
- Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
- Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
- Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Terrence Deacon on Existence and Nothingness: https://youtu.be/PqZp7MlRC5g
- Matt O Dowd on Spacetime and Free Will: https://youtu.be/T6xLFRHW-IY
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/T6xLFRHW-IY
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org. Matt O'Dowd is the host of PBS Space Time and a Professor of Physics at the City University of New York. His upcoming film on physics and consciousness is called Inventing Reality. You can find out more here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inventing-reality
- Henson : https://hensonshaving.com/everything
- Rocketmoney : https://rocketmoney.com/everything
- ExpressVPN : https://expressvpn.com/theoriesofeverything
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inventing-reality
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:17 What is PBS Spacetime?
00:05:38 Inventing reality
00:12:52 The scientific perspective of understanding reality
00:15:44 Metaphysics needs to be a part of "theory"
00:23:23 Material is "dual" to Consciousness
00:25:46 Ought from an "is"
00:32:12 Science is incomplete
00:55:21 The hard problem of consciousness
01:04:49 You have free will
01:37:15 Inconsistency in the universe
02:00:53 Terrence Deacon and "absence" / "nothingness"
02:06:52 Outro
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YouTube Link:
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Rocket Money: https://rocketmoney.com/everything
- Masterworks: https://masterworks.com promo code TOE
- Uncommon Goods: https://uncommongoods.com/everything
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:50 Overview of insights and autobiography
00:07:28 How are mental representations achieved?
00:16:37 Living in a world of symbols
00:23:11 Indexical Relationships
00:26:49 The language problem
00:29:47 Molecular binding and Covariant Relationships
00:39:45 Structural Information and Recursion
00:44:26 1,2,3, Repeat, Chomsky and Universal Grammar
00:51:19 Chomsky's Universals and Turing Machines
01:02:15 Gödel and minimizing ambiguity
01:10:13 Establishing reference and meaning
01:14:59 Noise and signals
01:20:08 The Symbol Grounding Problem ("The Hard Problem of Meaning")
01:30:06 Where does value come from?
01:37:28 Life is a process far from equilibrium
02:14:46 Homeodynamics and Teleodynamics
02:17:02 Sentience vs. Consciousness
02:39:55 Epistemology is tied to Ontology
02:45:31 Universal Grammar (with a capital "U") goes all the way down to chemistry
02:51:48 Absence and "Nothingness" (our existence is based in "absence")
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Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
TOE Website (plus early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/CmieNQH7Q4w
Donald Hoffman a cognitive psychologist and Professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
0:00 Introduction
0:35 Hoffman's thought on the state of the country during COVID and what it entails about his theories
2:51 Why he meditates for 3 hours daily, and what type of practice it is
7:26 Hoffman's diet and health habits
9:52 On computational psychology (Hoffman's initial background)
13:05 Outlining (technically) the conscious agent model, and the motive force behind the lettering
16:41 Consciousness as primary to Being, as the impediment for rationalists
26:50 Why neural correlates aren't *just* correlates, but instead can play causal role (playing devil's advocate) and the limits of the "virtual reality" metaphor
38:44 Nima Armani Hamed's amplituhedron, and consciousness
40:23 Local hidden variables / realism may be saved, via loopholes in Bell's theorem
47:46 The assumption of uniform probability of fitness functions on cyclic groups, etc. is a problem for a theory that says our perceptions are non-veridical (ie. that they don't match "reality")
1:01:44 Evolution entails that we don't see the truth / reality as it is
1:05:10 On the over simplification of evolutionary models (outputting down to the Real Line of dimension 1 without further structure)
1:09:17 The intensity of meditation, and fear of letting go / fear of the unknown
1:15:25 "Illusions are failures to guide adaptive behavior."
1:16:41 The various philosophical theories on truth (correspondence, pragmatic, deflationary, etc.)
1:27:20 Spacetime as a data compression tool for conscious agents
1:32:39 On the nature of causality
1:37:50 How is reality objective, when in Hoffman's model it's predicated exclusively on subjective agents
1:40:00 What is "you"? What is "identity"? What is the "self"? (Eastern religions vs Western religions)
1:50:15 How does Free Will fit into a stochastic model?
1:58:59 Douglas Hofstadter's "strange loop" model of consciousness & Tononi's Integrated information theory vs. Donald Hoffman's
2:14:37 Where God fits into all of this, as well as Hoffman's definition of God
2:21:22 What happens when you die?
2:28:38 Gödel's incompleteness theorem's implications for Hoffman's model
2:34:35 John Vervaeke's other forms of knowledge which aren't "propositional"
2:37:45 Landauer's limit (fastidious critiques)
2:41:29 On the moon not existing when you don't look at it
2:48:06 Do you see the same color red that I see? (and other experiences / qualia)
2:51:31 The paradox of pursuing truth, though truth is inimical (relative to fitness)
2:56:44 Where does Deepak Chopra take Hoffman's message too far + what Jesus meant by "I am the truth / the way / the life"
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Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/EwTpdCVsttI
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
- Masterworks: https://www.masterworks.com promo code TOE
- Shopify: https://www.shopify.com/theories to start your free trial
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Important TOE ep: Lilian Dindo: https://youtu.be/L_hI7JNsbt0
- Important TOE ep: Karl Friston (Part 2): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
- The Meaning Crisis: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ
- Donald Hoffman theolocution w/ Joscha Bach: https://youtu.be/bhSlYfVtgww
- John Vervaeke theolocution w/ Joscha Bach: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
- John Vervaeke theolocution w/ Bernardo Kastrup: https://youtu.be/zw6BFDJ765w
- John Vervaeke solo TOE podcast: https://youtu.be/3p8o3-7mvQc
- Donald Hoffman solo TOE podcast: https://youtu.be/CmieNQH7Q4w
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:10 Zen, intelligibility, and Neoplatonism
00:05:26 Physics and consciousness
00:07:16 Spacetime and Nima Arkani Hamed
00:09:34 What do they find impactful about one another's work?
00:14:27 What does "fundamental" mean?
00:22:08 Reality vs. Fundamentality
00:25:07 Gödel's incompleteness is NOT about TOEs
00:35:49 Science predicts its own demise
00:46:00 Psychosis, derealization, and the terror of delving into TOEs
01:08:04 Morality and "the ego"
01:08:04 Infinity and "the one"
01:28:47 Coleman Mandula theorem
01:31:59 Debate: Spacetime is real vs. unreal
01:52:03 Reality, evolution and infinity
02:08:35 Truth, misframing, and love
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SEMF YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SEMFnexus
Joe Gline's Autohotkey Channel: https://www.autohotkey.com/
Qualia's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThisIs42
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Robert Breedlove's What is Money podcast: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
TOE YouTube: https://youtube.com/TheoriesOfEverything
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/kgMFnfB5E_A
This theolocution has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Drink Trade: https://www.drinktrade.com/everything for 30% off
-Uncommon Goods: uncommongoods.com/everything for 15% off your first gift!
- Roman: https://ro.co/curt for 20% off first order
- Masterworks: https://www.masterworks.art/toe (promocode: theoriesofeverything)
Average net returns/Net IRR reflects annualized return on investment, net of all fees and
expenses. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Michael Levin (Solo TOE podcast): https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
- Michael Levin Theolocution With Chris Fields & Karl Friston: https://youtu.be/J6eJ44Jq_pw
- Joscha Bach Theolocution With John Vervaeke: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
- Joscha Bach Theolocution With Donald Hoffman: https://youtu.be/bhSlYfVtgww
- Joscha Bach (Solo TOE podcast): https://youtu.be/3MNBxfrmfmI
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org/
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:55 Bach and Levin speak about each other's work
00:03:34 The cell functions as a neuron
00:07:15 Software as a control pattern
00:10:55 Disciplinary boundaries in academia
00:14:38 The perceptron is a "toy model" of the brain
00:18:44 How do you identify yourself as a researcher?
00:20:10 The benefits of podcasts vs. academia
00:30:04 Beliefs of Bach's and Levin's that have drastically changed
00:38:54 Memory moves outside the brain structure
00:45:06 Engrams and memory storage
00:47:30 The implications of transferring memory between species
00:55:25 Weissman's barrier
00:59:25 The notion of "competence" (Bach's and Levin's largest insight)
01:12:10 Virtualization for unreliable hardware
01:16:02 Defining "competence"
01:22:35 Bach's issues with goals (for and against teleology)
01:27:34 Planarian goals and explicitly encoded instructions
01:34:55 Navigation in "Morphic Space"
01:36:11 One species' birth defect can be another's benefit
01:37:42 The "Intelligence Trap" and bias
01:39:05 Application of each others' work to their own
01:52:25 Necessities of general intelligence in cells
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YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/GxZp6890hQk
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Trade Coffee is offering TOE listeners a total of $30 off your first order at https://drinktrade.com/everything
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Noam Chomsky Playlist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX0hn6F-jsI
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org/
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:48 [Joscha Bach] What is the most important unsolved problem in cognitive science?
00:05:07 [Joscha Bach ]In which ways did you update your thinking on AI in the last five years?
00:09:29 [Joscha Bach] Posibilities and approaches for brains & minds to reach humal-like intelligence in today's neural network
00:10:56 [Joscha Bach] Importance of consciousness in building systems that learn, think and create at a human level
00:12:26 [Joscha Bach] Are you still a mysterian?
00:15:36 [Prof. Donald Hoffman] Is spacetime really doomed?
00:16:19 [Prof. Donald Hoffman] Letting go of spacetime and its affects on the mind-body problem
00:23:53 [Prof. Avi Loeb] Probability of AI overcoming human intelligence and establishing their own society
00:27:20 [Karl Friston] Prospects of machines (i.e., sentinent artifacts) talking to each other - or us?
00:31:00 [Prof. Tim Maudlin] Is goodman's new riddle of induction historically accurate?
00:36:30 [Prof. Philip Goff] Intrinsic nature of matter and panpsychism
00:42:30 [anonymous] Do you have a resolution of the Liar’s Paradox or Raven Paradox?
00:42:55 [anonymous] Axioms of a language and the meaning of the words
00:48:06 [anonymous] Is there any relation between language and extended phenotype?
00:49:38 [anonymous] Our obsession with turing test and its influence on behaviorism and consiousness
00:51:52 [anonymous] Can ill-defined mathematical statements and physics concepts have meaning?
00:55:24 [Norman Wildberger] Is there any linguistic evidence for universal, or almost universal, innate mathematical notions in humans?
00:57:01 [anonymous] Vastness of the term "grammar" and its generalization
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/PE4C7OI7Frg
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Physics / Consciousness Contest: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- Curt's Crash Course on Physics: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
- Sal Pais podcast: https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o
- Stephon Alexander podcast: https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk
- Stephon's Book "Fear Of Black Universe": https://amzn.to/3EYRpsJ
- Stephon's Book "The Jazz Of Physics": https://amzn.to/3CIPiGI
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:03 Main issues of quantum gravity
00:08:08 Academia vs. the Outside
00:11:54 Superforce
00:25:09 Ashtekar quantum bounce
00:32:11 Mathematics of singularity repulsion
00:40:10 Fermionic matter and loop quantum gravity
00:44:08 Negative energy
00:51:11 What is the cause of gravity?
00:52:50 Casimir forces and gravity
00:56:38 Ed Witten on String Theory
01:02:53 AdS / CFT (defending holography)
01:10:15 The "rhythm" universe (a universe that continually comes and goes)
01:15:46 The Pais Effect and patents
01:31:59 Sal Pais (Part 2) and Stephon Alexander (Part 2)
01:33:46 Saxophone
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YouTube link : https://youtu.be/ndPdgyWIPcU
Dr. Steven Greer is known for his views / knowledge on the UFO subject. Note: The views / message of the guest aren't those of myself (Curt) or TOE. This applies to every guest, and not just this one.
- Trade Coffee is offering TOE listeners a total of $30 off your first order at https://drinktrade.com/everything
- Visit https://hyundaiusa.com to learn more about the 2023 Hyundai Tucson
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- That UFO Podcast (Dan co-hosts this): https://www.youtube.com/thatufopodcast
- Steven Greer's new film: https://thelostcenturyfilm.com/
- Steven Greer's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DrStevenGreer55
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:48 Preamble with Dr. Greer
00:04:18 [Santiago Fuentes] Workout routine and favorite music
00:03:30 [Andy McGrillen] Why appear on TOE when you decline so many podcasts?
00:04:06 Open source free energy and documentary
00:10:20 Danger with the phenomenon and Curt's views on NDAs / secrecy
00:18:14 Bob Lazar and popularity to keep yourself safe
00:19:59 Two governments?
00:22:21 [Josh] Being offered 2 billion to "shut up"
00:29:39 [Joe Murgia] Hughes' suicide, Miller, and 1998
00:39:00 Curt asks for evidence, disinformation, and briefing presidents
00:44:10 Why release information only to those who pay? (creating an archive)
00:46:56 How exactly does this "open source" energy work?
00:50:20 The asserted physics
00:52:36 Justice
00:53:15 The asserted physics (continued)
01:05:34 [Xavier] Working with Galileo project and CE5
01:17:15 Skin walker
01:21:21 Evidence for faking the analysis of the Atacama mummy?
01:32:20 On Tom DeLonge and To The Stars Academy
01:38:48 CE5 and hoaxing UFOs with flares?
01:50:05 Opinions on Bob Lazar
01:53:08 How to identify disinformation?
01:56:52 Non human entities and technology / black projects
02:02:33 Cattle mutilations
02:13:09 The asserted physics (continued)
02:16:12 Ukrainian UAPs and World War 3
02:18:18 Disclosure and "the others" controlling it (or CIA / gov't?)
02:21:51 Non-benevolt entities
02:26:15 Love, faith, goodness
02:28:29 Richard Doty
02:32:12 High up officials claiming to not meet Greer
02:34:11 Post-show (temporary extra)
02:39:00 Pre-show (temporary extra)
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/fU1bs5o3nss
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
- Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED (Tim Maudlin's Books):
Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity: https://amzn.to/3rOLpuG
The Metaphysics Within Physics: https://amzn.to/3fZmjXs
Philosophy of Physics (Space and Time): https://amzn.to/3EHNPCO
New Foundations for Physical Geometry: https://amzn.to/3Ms6hl6
Philosophy of Physics (Quantum Theory): https://amzn.to/3EDu2Vd
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:53 The philosophy of physics
00:04:18 Physics without numbers
00:20:20 Truth and mathematics
00:29:08 Pythagoras didn't scorn irrational numbers
00:31:31 Geometry is at the core of reality
00:39:11 Sometimes the data is incorrect (efficiency of detectors)
00:45:02 Bell's theorem, quantum mechanics, non-locality, and realism
00:50:38 Superdeterminism and Retrocausality
01:27:08 Quantum Foundations (five books to become an expert)
01:31:10 "Beables" - What physically exists?
01:33:57 The Mathematical Universe is a confusion
01:38:31 Spatialize time? Or temporalize space?
01:46:37 Against Occam's Razor, Feynman, and Backward Time
01:56:56 Time is not an illusion
02:01:50 Quantum mechanics with observers
02:08:36 Classifying different quantum theories (and thoughts on Penrose)
02:16:25 Overview of Pilot Wave Theory (Bohmian Mechanics)
02:20:18 Philosophy vs. Physics vs. Math
02:28:53 Consciousness is the hardest question
02:32:28 Disproofs of functionalism and computational consciousness
02:37:15 Wolfram
02:38:56 Arrow of time (entropic / thermal time)
02:41:49 Bergson, Einstein, and Bohm
02:44:48 Bell was the sweetest man (personal stories from Tim)
02:50:54 Causation, Pearle, and keeping your mind sharp
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzT4tcC-aag
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will
plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
*New* TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
- Matthew's Adopt Responsibility podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwP_qFSXmDs-79VMFmcQQw
- Garrett's This Could Be Interesting podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThisCouldBeInteresting
- Physics Contest: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- John Vervaeke: https://youtu.be/3p8o3-7mvQc
- John and Bernardo: https://youtu.be/UWcTmeAs44I
- John and Joscha Bach: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
- Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
- Iain's book (Master and His Emissary): https://amzn.to/3r7L064
- Iain's book (The Matter With Things): https://amzn.to/3LELdak
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:44 Iain on the "meaning crisis"
00:09:29 John on the "meaning crisis"
00:15:10 Technology amplifies our lack of wisdom
00:18:26 Rationality and Belief (Iain vs. John)
00:28:35 Imaginary vs. Imaginal
00:37:03 Non-theism vs. Religion (against meditation as spiritual redress)
00:53:38 Not doing vs. Un-doing vs. Being passive vs. Un-Knowing
01:09:22 The way God sees us vs. The way we see God
01:22:06 Sam Harris, Closing yourself off to the Divine, and Terror
01:29:20 The importance of Sangha (community), and how can John's neoplatonism work?
01:40:43 Faith, Whitehead, and Reciprocal Opening
01:47:56 Against "being present"
01:54:58 Marrying a religion
02:04:24 Should we certainly give up on certainty?
02:06:06 On not speaking and the un-making of TOE
02:08:14 John and Iain summate
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4vqYJIyBis0
This episode has been released early in an ad-free audio version for TOE members at http://theoriesofeverything.org/. Nick Lane is a British biochemist, writer, and professor in evolutionary biochemistry at University College London.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will
plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
New TOE Website (early access to episodes): https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b9...
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeveryt...
- Physics Contest: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- Nick Lane's current book (Transformer): https://amzn.to/3QJ7ZyG
- Nick Lane's former book (The Vital Question): https://amzn.to/3RDoihU
- John Vervaeke: https://youtu.be/3p8o3-7mvQc
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:45 Genes don't create life
00:07:34 Is the origins of life a physics question or biology question?
00:10:23 Synthetic chemistry
00:14:37 What is a "Pathway"
00:18:27 Life is about energy -- NOT information
00:22:04 The definition of life. Life is a spectrum.
00:27:54 TOE takes a biological turn (why biology is difficult)
00:31:35 21st century biology will be the study of "fields"
00:42:01 Mitochondria are vital for consciousness
00:45:23 Multiple overlapping consciousnesses
00:56:40 Turin and quantum consciousness
00:59:04 Mechanisms for ESP (extra sensory perception)
01:05:48 Problems with Occam's Razor and God
01:25:06 Are cities alive? Is the world alive?
01:32:28 Life on other planets (alien life)
01:37:46 The size of bacteria indicate limitations on life in the universe
01:44:34 Speciation (how species develop) and Mother's Curse
01:58:07 The cell imitates the planet
02:04:04 Scientists don't like to ask "why"... Why?
02:06:41 Groundbreaking research is difficult to do in the Academy
02:20:46 [Karl Friston] Explanation for phenotypic diversity?
02:31:22 [RH0D3Z] Respirasomes and Supercomplexes
02:37:50 Ending poem by Richard Howard
02:39:21 Ending announcements
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4j5S_-MCWq4
Avi Loeb is a cosmologist at Harvard who founded the Galileo Project.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will
plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
*New* TOE Website: https://theoriesofeverything.org/
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- The Galileo Project (Harvard): https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/galileo/home
- Physics and Consciousness Contest: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- Sal Pais: https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o
- Stephon Alexander on TOE: https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk
- John Vervaeke on TOE: https://youtu.be/3p8o3-7mvQc
- Iain McGilchrist on TOE: https://youtu.be/M-SgOwc6Pe4
- Avi Loeb's Medium Post: https://avi-loeb.medium.com/
- Ukrainian UAP Study: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.11215
- Bruce Fenton's Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/361913213_Australasian_Tektites_as_Interstellar_Object_Debris_Anomalies_in_Composition_Formation_and_Distribution
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/h8i33KcJuOo
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will
plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Jordan Peterson's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPetersonVideos
TOE Clippings (clips version of TOE): https://youtube.com/channel/UCdITf9DoFmndXy7nXWIoa7g
The comments on Chomsky incorrectly characterized Chomsky's points and if you'd like the full context, then read this: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt/status/1500982408576913410
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- 12 Rules For Life: https://amzn.to/3wnaory
- Beyond Order: https://amzn.to/3T8Mji5
- Better Left Unsaid (Curt's documentary): https://betterleftunsaidfilm.com/
- Tyler Goldstein's channel Theory of Every0ne: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoryofEvery0newithTylerGoldstein
- Curt's other "Ask Me Anything"s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX9q2D6b5bc&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlNpnRRW0wpfdW0fBKwN1EDR&index=1
- Steven Pinker on TOE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLVL2u-ZJ8c
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:38 Jordan's Introduction
00:04:41 Noam Chomsky
00:15:08 The Political Runaway Feedback Loop
00:19:54 Self-deception
00:26:28 Perception, Power, & Psychopathy
00:32:04 On Dialogue
00:35:08 Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, & Lawrence Krauss
00:38:28 The Imitation Instinct
00:42:52 Religious Depth
00:46:08 Atheism, Dogma, & Perception
00:50:38 Visual Perception
00:53:38 Persistent Patterns
00:56:38 South Park
00:59:38 Sam Harris & Truth
01:04:38 Mysteries of Math & Science
01:08:43 Science in Religion
01:09:38 Computation & Consciousness
01:14:55 Jung I
01:17:48 Ethics & Psychotherapy
01:22:06 Better Left Unsaid
01:23:49 God & Responsibility, Defined
01:28:38 Jung II
01:34:08 Atheistic Scientists
01:37:38 Defining God II
01:42:56 Imitation & Worship
01:44:28 Self-fulfilling Beliefs & Deceit
01:51:01 Not Repeating Oneself
01:51:58 Podcasting
01:55:26 TOE Clippings and Livestreams
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Artisan Tony: https://www.youtube.com/c/ArtisanTony
Patreon for Curt: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will
plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Chris Lehto's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisLehtoF16
Chris' Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=7254165
Patreon for Curt: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/HsXxgQy4xLQ
Chris Langan is "the world's smartest man" (highest recorded IQ) who invented the Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe. Bernardo Kastrup is a computer scientist and philosopher who is a proponent of Analytical Idealism. Both have been on TOE before, and links are below.
--Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Physics and Consciousness Contest #PaCE1: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- Chris Langan's CTMU YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CTMURadio
- Chris' Substack: https://chrislangan.substack.com
- Chris' CTMU Website: http://www.CTMURadio.com
- Bernardo Kastrup's Essentia Foundation: https://www.essentiafoundation.org/
- Chris Langan on TOE: https://youtu.be/N-bRM1kYuNA
- BK on TOE: https://youtu.be/lAB21FAXCDE
- BK with John Vervaeke: https://youtu.be/UWcTmeAs44I
- BK with Sabine Hossenfelder: https://youtu.be/kJmBmopxc1k
- ACT Therapy podcast (Lilian Dindo): https://youtu.be/L_hI7JNsbt0
- Karl Friston (Part 2): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
- Diana Pasulka: https://youtu.be/E5MuTHUbMUs
- A H Almaas: https://youtu.be/6JlKf1QAvXA
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:00 Is LaMDA alive? Can computers be conscious?
00:06:48 Lambda calculus, the mental world, and the physical
00:13:08 Computation, reality, metaphysics, and Penrose
00:25:53 schopenhauer, the will, and representation
00:35:22 Disagreements on free will and indeterminism
01:01:41 Jesus vs. Buddha vs. Vedics
01:12:34 Consciousness is something we *do*? Consciousness is not important?
01:16:49 Analytical Idealism and other theories
01:19:35 Nondualism and Love as "fundamental" is nonsense
01:24:51 Fear vs. Love
01:32:49 Personal stories of existential dread from Chris and Bernardo
01:45:36 Some truths will eviscerate you. Some lies will utterly deceive you.
01:56:23 Plato's Cave is real, not illusory
02:03:52 What does Chris value most?
02:06:08 What does Bernardo value most?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/03ReIvXKrrU
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Physics and Consciousness Contest: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
- Dialect's video on Newton's Bucket: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz3mOlUOGoY
- Brian Roberts (physicist and philosopher): https://personal.lse.ac.uk/robert49/
- The Monk and the Philosopher: https://amzn.to/3Bva2mf
- More on the Gödel Universe: https://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/013063
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:00 Inner World (conscious experience) vs. Outer World (physics)
00:05:35 Buddha's Parable of the Poison Arrow
00:11:05 Philosophy and Physics should be merged
00:13:33 No one wants to say that the Buddha was wrong
00:19:30 Scientifically studying "enlightenment"
00:23:29 When to stop taking psychedelics ("when you get the call, hang up!")
00:25:17 What is Loop Quantum Gravity?
00:36:39 Wheeler DeWitt equation
00:44:48 Self Dual and Anti Self Dual
00:48:16 Hodge Dual and the Metric
00:52:06 Linearized Gravity
00:55:32 Quantum Gravity
01:03:22 Einstein vs. Schrödinger (the behind the scenes scuffle)
01:09:24 Technical details of quantizing geometry
01:13:41 What is Yang Mills theory?
01:20:52 Tetrads and Vierbeins
01:24:26 Roger Penrose's approach to quantum gravity (Twistor Theory)
01:26:44 Einstein's "Hole argument"
01:40:48 Mach's Principle
01:49:04 Singularities and Black Holes
02:12:18 Quantum Bounce (the "Ashtekar Bounce")
02:23:07 Pure and Mixed Quantum Mechanical States
02:26:38 Black Holes and Event Horizons
02:42:09 ADM Decomposition
02:43:55 The Gödel Universe, Time Travel, and Closed Timelike Curves
02:52:38 Salvatore Pais asks about the Superforce
02:56:13 The universe before the Big Bang
03:01:44 String Theory vs. Loop Quantum Gravity
03:17:31 Ed Witten disses Loop Quantum Gravity and Ashtekar responds
03:21:14 Duality between String theory and LQG?
03:25:20 The Philosopher and the Monk
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
Announcing a contest for physics and / or consciousness.
- Form for Submission to #PaCE1: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeit4V6YysFikPgffM34f-6QxF_bSYYHcHIGe88bLQ9SMqz-g/viewform
- Rules for #PaCE1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hQkonnhai_kHsgYFjqVPb-NfbpOEhLvvdGZT45SLIg8
- Discord for friendly inquiries and collaboration: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [EVERYTHING20].
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Grant Sanderson's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/3blue1brown
- Summer of Math Exposition Contest #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZuYICAEN9Y
- The results from 3Blue1Brown’s epochal contest (SoME#1): https://www.3blue1brown.com/blog/some1-results
- Form for Submission to #PaCE1: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeit4V6YysFikPgffM34f-6QxF_bSYYHcHIGe88bLQ9SMqz-g/viewform
- Rules for #PaCE1: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hQkonnhai_kHsgYFjqVPb-NfbpOEhLvvdGZT45SLIg8
- Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
- Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoriesOfEverything/
- Story of Loop Quantum Gravity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9jYH5VIF9E
- Richard Borcherd’s Leech Lattice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycpmMnO3-Uk
- Donald Hoffman (“Nothing You See Is Real”): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UWHYThrfRYU
- Dirac’s Belt Loop Trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACZC_XEyg9U
- Why You Can't Solve Quintic Equations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCU9tZ2VkWc
- Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky: https://www.youtube.com/user/EugeneKhutoryansky
- Quantum Sense: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjZeJQVSkkydgZmSUucB9kA
- A Swift Introduction to Geometric Algebra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60z_hpEAtD8
00:00:00 Announcing #PaCE1
00:00:00 The Point?
00:02:54 Tips
00:03:09 Physics Examples
00:04:13 Consciousness Examples
00:06:20 The Rules
00:07:12 Video Styles
00:08:24 Criteria For Winning
00:11:43 Miscellaneous Channels
00:09:25 Specific YouTube Examples
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
Exclusive NordVPN deal https://nordvpn.com/theories risk-free with 30day money back guarantee
20%Off and Free Shipping with code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
wren.co/theories to help end the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
Trade Coffee-$30 off your first order+free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
butcherbox.com/THEORIES for 2, 10oz New York strip steaks + 8oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your 1st order
YouTube https://youtu.be/eouxDJMlPuM
Contest https://youtu.be/V93GQaDtv8w
Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Some labeled "Unment" because I hadn't said them aloud.
Tobias Osborne https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpHjg_Qmzxm3xaAWRrwQPCA
Professor M Does Science https://www.youtube.com/c/ProfessorMdoesScience
Unzicker’s Real Physics https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMachian
Quantum Sense https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjZeJQVSkkydgZmSUucB9kA
ZAP Physics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTW2EYuaDEthocEP30xQtg
Stephen E. Robbins https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkj-ob9OuaMhRIDqfvnBxoQ
Unmen Dialect https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3KV2kFy2YhjYvverIy2WnA
Demystifying Science https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDemystifySciPodcast
Somi Arian https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSomiArianShow
Mind Body Solution https://www.youtube.com/c/MindBodySolution
The Meaning Code https://www.youtube.com/c/TheMeaningCode
Reason With Science https://www.youtube.com/c/ReasonwithScience
Asking Anything https://www.youtube.com/c/AskingAnything
Theory of Every0ne w/ Tyler Goldstein https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWVgMFZCib-hrtgCA55nBg
CHALK https://www.youtube.com/c/CHALKboard
Dietterich Labs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd02pSRrecAVFOPjB-bfv-Q
Cryoscience https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNdoiZtAdzBuy6oV-kKjsQ
Graduate Physics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1jsSfjt8MPRqK254HV1i9Q
Kyle Broder https://www.youtube.com/c/KyleBroder
Rooney https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvYCMicLA7TZNfYhOaSCOsw
Sudgylacmoe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEo_JfTH_9FK-7k9-mAWJkQ
Zeta Math https://www.youtube.com/c/zetamath
Manifolds in Maryland https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUXEyPwb-ERzCagDIiP_VBA
Gregg Henriques’ Unified Theory of Knowledge https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTb1ZHu5hUms3QcrM9XMzMg
Charlotte Fraza https://www.youtube.com/c/CharlotteFraza
The Bigger Picture Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX81SBW84luNoIaYqehkYhA
Anagoge Podcast https://www.youtube.com/c/AnagogePodcast
Unmen Iain McGilchrist https://www.youtube.com/c/DrIainMcGilchrist
Need To Know with Ross+ Zabel https://www.youtube.com/c/BryceZabel
Alien Girl https://www.youtube.com/c/Aliengirl111
That UFO Podcast https://www.youtube.com/c/ThatUFOPodcast
Cristina Gomez https://www.youtube.com/c/ParadigmShifts
Red Panda Koala https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvSbzThCfsiETLp3eOdVkNw
GUFON https://www.youtube.com/c/GUFONRadioStream
Thomas Fessler https://www.youtube.com/c/thomasfessler
Truthseekers https://www.youtube.com/c/Truthseekershow
Unment The Unidentified Celebrity Review: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheUnidentifiedCelebrityReview
Nicole van der Hoeven https://www.youtube.com/c/NicolevanderHoeven
Joe Glines Automator https://www.youtube.com/c/JoeGlines-Automator
Joe’s tutorial for Curt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2u9_6oEdw8
Sigma Documentaries https://www.youtube.com/user/SigmaDocumentaries
Thin Reaper https://www.youtube.com/c/thinreaper
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Gen Zed podcast; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNbNFrynC573bQnjaefYYZg
Patreon for Curt: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Coleman sat down to interview Curt Jaimungal on "what is death?" and one of the deepest philosophical conundrums; the reference class problem.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Coleman Hughes' channel / podcast: https://www.youtube.com/ColemanHughesOfficial
- Garry Nolan: https://youtu.be/g3bk1UXjKLI
- Salvatore Pais: https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:20 Everything is quantum mechanical
00:04:24 Podcasts have replaced universities
00:06:49 What is going on with UFOs?
00:11:06 The skeptic strawmans by saying ""unidentified" therefore "aliens""
00:15:27 Are the sightings just "contagion"?
00:21:44 Consciousness role in fundamental reality
00:24:51 The "hard problem" of consciousness
00:29:29 Consciousness' inherently mysterious quality
00:35:05 Life isn't what needs explaining. Death does.
00:49:24 Identity and the Self
00:55:53 The Reference Class problem
00:59:22 Will the Sun rise tomorrow? Issues in the philosophy of probability
01:04:05 Outtro with Coleman
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Eric and Mick discuss UFOs and the evidence behind them.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
- Mick's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MickWest
- Crash Course on Physics by Curt: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
- The Portal (Eric's podcast): https://www.youtube.com/EricWeinsteinPhD
- The Tales From the Rabbit Hole (Mick's podcast): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-from-the-rabbit-hole/id1462120258
- Need to Know (Ross Coulthart's podcast with Zabel): https://www.youtube.com/BryceZabel and https://needtoknow.today/
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:12 What does Mick respect about Eric?
00:04:20 What does Eric respect about Mick?
00:05:24 What does Curt respect about each
00:06:55 Skeptic vs. Debunker (Mick... which are you?)
00:09:32 Salutary role of skepticism and Eric's thoughts on Mick
00:14:53 The "woo" that's concomitant with UFO research
00:19:00 UFO research isn't a "hobby"
00:23:34 Mick's "agenda" (or non-agenda)
00:25:19 There's no convincing data on UFOs available to the public
00:30:58 The "superposition" argument: Exotic explanations that Mick entertains
00:35:03 Where is the evidence?
00:36:28 Outlying data points matter
00:40:07 Some debunkers stifle the UFO community, but not all debunkers
00:43:34 What's the disagreement between Eric and Mick
00:45:50 Mick has changed his mind about UFOs
00:50:38 CE5 and invitations to Skin Walker (would Mick / Eric go?)
00:53:26 Cattle mutilation? Remote viewing?
01:06:14 Classifying different UFO craft
01:07:31 Why are there so many sober UFO witnesses?
01:09:22 Brandon Fugal's story
01:16:46 UFOs as "technology" vs. "new physics"
01:23:37 The secret history of anti-gravity research with Lefschetz and DeWitt
01:30:58 What terrene explanations are left?
01:41:26 Eric's "sighting" in 1988...
01:44:57 The Skin Walker TV show doesn't help the stigma
01:46:30 Does Brandon have any high quality data points he's not releasing?
01:47:45 Opinions on Bob Lazar
01:48:52 The opprobrium because of stigma is too much. Most can't handle it.
01:51:45 Clearing the air: the Twitter squabble between Eric and Mick
01:54:11 The opprobrium thrown at people who have first hand accounts (continued)
01:58:46 Defending claims made without physical evidence
02:03:05 Some conspiracies are real
02:07:56 Rectifying the ridicule in ufology (from both sides)
02:21:41 What does Eric think should happen, to precipitate disclosure?
02:24:48 What does Mick think should happen, to precipitate disclosure?
02:27:21 Eric asks Curt: "What do you want to see happen?"
02:33:32 Is it so improbable we're visited? If it was us, we would visit other species.
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/J6eJ44Jq_pw
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Curt's AMA #:3 https://youtu.be/SX9q2D6b5bc
Karl Friston #2: https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
Karl Friston #1: https://youtu.be/2v7LBABwZKA
Michael Levin: https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
0:00:00 Introduction
00:03:20 Michael Levin answers: "What do you respect about Chris / Karl?"
00:04:45 Chris Fields answers: "What do you respect about Michael / Karl?"
00:05:45 Karl Friston answers: "What do you respect about Chris / Michael?"
00:07:46 Self organization / Autopoiesis / Why does life form?
00:12:11 How does cognition emerge from smaller parts?
00:14:18 Why do we see "things" independent from one another? Why in space / time?
00:18:40 Relationship between cognition and consciousness
00:22:03 The Meta Hard Problem
00:30:37 Why is complexity associated with "awareness"?
00:35:56 Is society one large brain, with each person acting as a neuron?
00:44:17 Duality between: Did you act on the world? Or did the world act on you?
00:51:32 Babbling, and becoming a "self"
01:11:22 "300 milliseconds" is a special unit of time for consciousness
01:15:49 Quantum Babbling
01:21:49 The difference between "randomness" and "quantum randomness"
01:30:03 The difference between "external" and "internal" are both real and illusory
01:33:41 Studying consciousness / the self and the concomitant existential dread
01:48:19 Michael Levin: "Something important goes all the way down"
01:51:12 Science starts with faith
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube https://youtu.be/SX9q2D6b5bc
Brilliant https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
Exclusive NordVPN deal https://nordvpn.com/theories risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
20% Off +Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
Trade Coffee is offering $30 off your first order+free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Patreon https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Discord https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Karl Friston https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
A H Almaas https://youtu.be/6JlKf1QAvXA
Diana Pasulka https://youtu.be/E5MuTHUbMUs
Generation Zed interviews Curt https://youtu.be/IjZlb2bGrgE
Crash Course on Physics https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
Jordan Peterson interviews Curt: https://youtu.be/LbZ9OxrLTVM
Carlo Rovelli https://youtu.be/r_fUPbBNmBw
Request for Greer on TOE annakramer [at] siriusdisclosure.com
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli https://amzn.to/3ISZYo7
The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist https://amzn.to/325VKso
Gödel Escher Bach https://amzn.to/3nipKbT
Raymond Smullyan (Curt reads) https://youtu.be/P-jh6tRh3Jw
April Fools (Ranking Each TOE) https://youtu.be/QOV1pcSOoZ4
April Fools (Announcements) https://youtu.be/a5hp-7sGo0A
Rupert Spira https://youtu.be/ocP6JSyicY0
Curt's first AMA https://youtu.be/DlxQwwmT9Ks
Curt's second AMA https://youtu.be/0sYUevp41N4
00:00:00Curt's Myers Brigg Personality Type/Psychedelics/Mass Hallucination
00:02:37Meditation/How To Learn Physics?/Rigor of the TOE Podcast/Stages of Learning
00:11:33Prepping for the Podcast/Nootropics/Fasting/Gauge Theory
00:19:20Wolfram and Pais "Blackholes"/Curt Writing a Book?/Judgemental Hidebounding Words
00:25:38How Has TOE Changed You?/Purpose of Life and Jungian Integration
00:28:32What is Time? / Pros and Cons of TOE / Sleep Deprivation
00:33:55What Microphone Do You Use? / What Do You Use to Write?
00:35:26How Quick Can You Study a "TOE"?/Violently Shaken Beliefs/What Keeps You Going?
00:40:13How Many Hours Worked Per Day/What Matters Most?/The Past Is Not Fixed
00:48:37The "Present" Is No Trifling Matter/The TOE Podcast Is Leading Somewhere
00:52:43Paranormal Experiences/SAFIRE Project/eterson Λ Kastrup
00:55:11Upcoming Guests/CE5 /Lazar Coming Up?/The Eclectic Mix of TOE
01:01:44What is a "Theolocution"/India?Trinidad?
01:08:33Burger King vs. KFC / What Question Would You Ask Yourself? / Extra Dimensions
01:11:10What Has Lue Elizondo Seen?/Curt on the Spectrum?/Constructor Theory
01:18:38Dark Night of the Soul/Steven Greer/UFOs and Religion
01:24:10Favorite Books/Ego Death/"Open Mindedness" s Not Always A Virtue
01:30:23Being Too Hard On Yourself/Self Love/"Language" Is The Problem?
01:39:36 Curt's Furrowed Brows / Verbal IQ / Guitar / Research
01:41:45 Difficulty In Leaving One's Mind / "New" Religion / Time Crystals
01:43:34 What is "ROE"/Diana Pasulka/Boris' Photoshoot @galacpic
01:51:33Remaining"True" To TOE/Eric Davis/New Subjects on TOE?
01:58:43Evidence of UFOs?/E8/Spacetime Not Fundamental/Enthymemes
02:04:25TOELive Shows/How Would Academics React To UFOs Being Real?
02:07:06Something Interesting You Learned Recently?/Never Lie/Attacking The Trunk
02:16:03If You Could Have 1 Question Answered, What Would It Be?/Frank Yang
02:18:15LanganΛWeinstein/Panic Attacks?/Salvatore Pais Pt 2
02:25:19What Were You Like In High School?/Depression/Mission In Life
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/L_hI7JNsbt0
Lilian Dindo is a Professor of Medicine at Baylor College, and we talk about ACT therapy.
Sponsor: Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Karl Friston episode: https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
-A H Almaas episode: https://youtu.be/6JlKf1QAvXA
-Curt's Crash Course on Theoretical Physics: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:05 What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) therapy?
00:08:12 Suffering is a part of life
00:11:06 ACT is not just for therapy, but for general illness and rejection
00:14:24 Lilian's feeling anxiety in this interview *right now*, but ACT is helping
00:15:57 Dealing with panic attacks
00:18:22 "Anxiety" and "excitement" are physiologically indistinguishable
00:20:00 Implementing ACT (specific example)
00:26:15 Stop avoiding. The mind works by addition (not subtraction)!
00:30:00 Choosing courage vs. "mustering" courage
00:30:51 Coping vs. mollifying
00:33:45 Goal oriented vs. Value oriented
00:36:06 How to uncover your own values?
00:42:14 Do values imply a "should"? (specific example)
00:47:45 What separates those for whom therapy works for, from those who it doesn't?
00:54:57 Suicidal ideation / psychosis (there's hope with ACT)
00:57:14 Enhancing learning math / physics
00:59:50 Acceptance vs Acknowledgement
01:01:40 Physical vs Psychology (mind and body connection)
01:05:53 A visual example you can employ to abate anxiety
01:10:39 The role of belief / hope / faith / trust
01:11:08 "Thanking" the negative thought / emotion
01:11:50 People don't suffer with just ONE issue, but multiple
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Peter Gray is an evolutionary psychologist, American researcher, and scholar who is a research professor of psychology at Boston College. He is the author of a widely used introductory psychology textbook which broke new ground when the first edition was published (in 1991) as the first general introductory psychology textbook that brought a Darwinian perspective to the entire field.
Original link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQLkKKERWsI
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Get Exclusive NordVPN deal here ↣ https://nordvpn.com/theories It’s risk- free with Nord’s 30-day money back guarantee!
-Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [EVERYTHING20] at Manscaped.com.
-Sign up through wren.co/theories to make a difference in the climate crisis, and Wren will plant 10 extra trees in your name!
-Trade Coffee is offering our listeners a total of $30 off your first order plus free shipping at drinktrade.com/everything.
-Sign up today at butcherbox.com/THEORIES to get two, 10 oz New York strip steaks and 8 oz of lobster claw and knuckle meat FREE in your first order.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/E5MuTHUbMUs
Professor of Religion Diana Pasulka discusses Jung, Heidegger, and the recent UFO hearings
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-American Cosmic (Diana's book): https://amzn.to/3MsaOmI
-American Cosmic (Diana's book): https://amzn.to/3FWYCaW
-Fatima Trilogy (a book Diana references): https://amzn.to/3wDGoao
-Dark Night of the Soul podcast (with Chloe Valdary interviewing Curt): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtfJ20TNpNU
-Karl Friston podcast (most important TOE podcast): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
-Thomas Campbell on TOE: https://youtu.be/kko-hVA-8IU is part 1 and part 2 is also on the channel.
-Tupacabra Twitter: https://twitter.com/TUPACABRA2
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:24 Diana's journey from "atheist" ⇒ "agnostic" (with respect to the phenomenon)
00:07:17 Nuns who saw orbs, every night, then prayed...
00:11:45 What are "beliefs"?
00:12:27 Atheists who believe in God
00:19:50 Spiritual vs Religious (and the Secularization thesis)
00:22:58 UFOs (or the belief in) are like a religion
00:29:37 Psychedelics and religion
00:37:01 Getting flack because of covering the phenomenon
00:39:42 To the skeptics: it's rational to believe in UFOs
00:47:38 Atheism is NOT like a religion, though it can be dogmatic
00:49:18 It's false to say "religions tell you what to think"
00:55:03 The case for dogma
01:01:06 Heidegger on technology not being just another tool
01:06:04 Heidegger and Jacques Vallée
01:10:03 Why do those who study the phenomenon tend to be Catholic?
01:13:49 How the Vatican views UFOs
01:15:12 Are religious stories interpreting UFOs, or are we interpreting UFOs materialistically?
01:20:05 Near Death Experiences, UFOs, and Dean Radin
01:22:35 How the CIA / DOD / etc. work (the nefarious strategies)
01:26:57 What Diana uncovered, that she shouldn't have
01:29:45 Roswell and the Promethean myth
01:31:10 The dangers (and reality) of CE5
01:33:48 Bob Lazar is considered credible by many, behind the scenes
01:36:02 Protecting yourself against disinformation
01:38:08 Academic Openness vs. Governmental Closedness
01:42:39 SpaceX, and writing in Latin for "them"
01:48:18 The president is a "short timer" (this is why he / she isn't told the truth)
01:49:02 Who is Tyler? Why is he significant?
01:50:48 Does the gov't believe they understand what's behind UFOs?
01:52:01 We're dealing with MULTIPLE phenomenon, not just one
01:52:51 Biblically accurate angels
01:55:26 Physical evidence pertaining to purgatory
01:57:36 What's the point in collocating UFOs with religion?
02:02:10 Who is the modern Heidegger?
02:05:21 Jung and UFOs
02:08:00 Plato's Cave and the view that certain people have shackled us
02:12:54 Sangha as The Answer to deception
02:18:46 Rediscovering meaning, Heidegger, Weinstein, and the TOE project
02:22:09 Experiential vs Analytical approach to understanding God
02:24:52 Lovecraft, and the perils of an "open mind"
02:27:14 Epistermic Shock vs Ontological Shock
02:38:10 The importance of Sangha
02:41:21 [Juliano Vargas] Reconciling religion with ET (and does ET believe in a Supreme Creator?)
02:42:15 [Numb Her Two] How has Diana's faith been affected?
02:44:27 Why does the Hitchhiker effect occur?
02:45:32 Angels... Demons... What is the THIRD (religiously interpreted) option?
02:46:45 Rosicrucianism and Gnosticism
02:50:52 Kurzweil's Singularity / Omega Point / UAPs
02:55:14 Jung and the UFO archetype (continued)
02:56:10 UFO hearings (May 2022)
03:00:23 [Tupacabra] Catholic Church, Remote Viewing, Thomas Campbell, and Jacques Vallée
03:05:54 Podcasts being sanctioned behind the scenes for disclosure #DisTOEsure
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/e8kyvdPP8os
A crash course in theoretical physics, using natural units and high school mathematics. This is the lesson I wish I had when I was younger.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Sabine Hossenfelder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP5G20ImveU
Andrew Dotson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5NKHsOzvAc
Pretty Much Physics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cQqRYVA3Ms
Nima's Lecture: https://youtu.be/nVO4I3D38O0
Richard Borcherds' YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyDqfi_cbkp-RU20aBF-MQ
Norman Wildberger's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/njwildberger
Conversion Chart #1: http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~korytov/phz4390/note_01_NaturalUnits_SMsummary.pdf
Conversion Chart #2: http://www.saha.ac.in/theory/palashbaran.pal/conv.html
Quantum Gravity podcast (Salvatore Pais): https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o?t=3057
On Enthymemes (Lue Elizondo): https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg?t=6971
Carlo Rovelli podcast: https://youtu.be/r_fUPbBNmBw
Stephen Wolfram's TOE: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
Eric Weinstein podcast: https://youtu.be/KElq_MLO1kw
String Theory podcast (Stephon Alexander): https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk
QFT and Knot Theory podcast (Dror Bar Natan): https://youtu.be/rJz_Badd43c
00:00:00 The Why: A shift in perspective
00:02:07 The What: What to expect to learn in this video
00:04:53 The How: The TOE approach
00:10:53 What are Natural Units?
00:26:09 Conversion equations
00:40:09 Newton's constant / Entropy / Why speed is "dimensionless"
00:47:56 A Neutron star's pressure
00:49:16 Proportionate strengths of forces / "Wave function" is not a function
00:54:41 Knots / Extra dimensions
01:02:41 Inside Microtubules / Consciousness / Penrose's theory
01:07:55 Naïve Vacuum Expectation / Dark Energy
01:14:01 Calculating with the Schwinger Limit / Superforce
01:21:41 Annihilating electron - positron pairs / Quantum gravity / Black holes
01:31:32 *Sponsor and Patreon*
01:34:23 Length of an atom
01:41:12 Cutting a solid / How "special relativity" challenges what it means to "exist"
01:42:25 Laconically deriving the Casimir Pressure falloff / Rigor in math and physics
01:44:35 Analyzing the Sun
01:36:31 The size of Earth (derivation from fundamental constants)
01:46:16 Intuiting the radius of an electron / Classical Mechanics break down
01:31:51 On why we use X Rays to probe solid matter
01:51:33 Scales of the LHC / God particle
01:53:18 Summary
01:54:21 What's next?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
-Jordan Peterson's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JordanPetersonVideos
-JP's Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
-Chloe Valdary's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/user/cvaldary123
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/g3bk1UXjKLI
Perhaps the most information-dense 2 hours I've seen on UFOs -- all thanks to Garry Nolan, a Professor at the Stanford School of Medicine who's internationally renowned.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:26 Most extraordinary piece of UFO evidence
00:08:25 What happened to the creatures in the Trinity case (from Jacque Vallée)
00:13:12 Biological samples (does Garry Nolan have any?)
00:17:04 What you should do if you encounter the phenomenon
00:20:50 Science depends on speculation
00:26:48 Responding to skeptics: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"
00:33:01 Myth about the speed of light and surpassing our current laws of physics
00:33:38 Creating a drug that interfaces with UFOs
00:36:14 Seriously studying consciousness / UFOs is mentally traumatic
00:41:50 Caudate and Putamen: Some people see the phenomenon, and others don't.
01:00:57 ESP / mediums / psychics (and testing them academically)
01:05:56 "State actors" and Havana Syndrome (what is it?)
01:16:01 Defense Intelligence Reference Document reports
01:16:27 Non-airborne phenomenon and effects on humans
01:20:01 Psychedelics and UFOs (studies)
01:21:02 Psychedelics and the caudate / putamen connection
01:22:53 Are psychedelics modulating sensory information or allowing in new data?
01:27:08 Consciousness survives death and exists forever (Burkhard Heim's theory)
01:28:39 Artificial consciousness (Burkhard Heim's theory)
01:32:13 Remote viewing
01:33:38 The 1,500 page Sun / Pentagon documents on UFOs
01:38:14 Skeptics are necessary and bias is actually a net positive (on Mick West)
01:42:47 Garry's personal experiences with the phenomenon
01:45:44 Not all UAPs are "projections" -- there's a physical component!
01:48:15 Hyper-dimensional reality and projection onto 4D makes analyzing UFOs difficult
01:52:16 Who's watching Lue and Garry (from the gov't)?
-April Fools video (Ranking Every TOE): https://youtu.be/QOV1pcSOoZ4
-Cristina Gomez's Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ParadigmShifts
-Lex Fridman's podcast with Garry Nolan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTCc2-1tbBQ
-The New Worldview of the Physicist Burkhard Heim (by Ludwiger): http://heim-theory.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/I-v-Ludwiger-The-New-Worldview-of-the-Physicist-Burkhard-Heim-160321.pdf
-The Sun 1,500 page document release: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/18113689/us-government-releases-1500-pages-secret-documents-ufo-programme/
-Jacque Vallée TOE podcast: https://youtu.be/uVo51khU8AE
-Diana Pasulka "Calling All Beings" podcast: https://youtu.be/ziTXnFIScwI
-Analysis of Data Hypothesis Related to Embassy Incidents: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/jason-report-on-havana-syndrome-cases/08bb387091859944/full.pdf
-Stuart Hameroff TOE podcast: https://youtu.be/uLo0Zwe579g
-Karl Friston TOE podcast (regarding dealing with being psychology destabilized by studying consciousness / the phenomenon): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
-Jordan Peterson interviews Curt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbZ9OxrLTVM
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/6JlKf1QAvXA
A. H. Almaas holds a PhD in Nuclear Physics (UC Berkeley) and is the inventor of the Diamond Approach.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Karl Friston podcast (the most important TOE podcast): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:50 The Diamond Approach
00:14:32 Socratic dialogue is superior to meditation
00:17:43 Depth psychology
00:20:37 Unifying Buddhism / Christianity / Emptiness / Somethingness
00:22:27 God: The Unknown Unknowable
00:25:00 Awakening vs. Realization
00:30:12 How are consciousness are the same AND different
00:35:05 Not everyone should be "realized" / "awakened" (including YOU, and that's okay)
00:41:00 Valuable vs. Should
00:42:32 The problem with spiritual advice from "gurus"
00:52:15 Curt's terrifying experience
01:00:39 Sometimes it's better to not be "awakened"
01:04:53 TOE has changed to be one step forward, instead of the final TOE
01:06:02 Integrating the analytic pursuit with the experiential (and Roger Penrose)
01:12:22 God's words of "I am that I am"
01:13:54 The expression of truth is love
01:16:06 Thoughts on Ken Wilber
01:22:20 DMT and God
01:24:57 Spiritual "path dependence" is what's generally not taken into account
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xNXqAaF_cxU
Consciousness has NOT been explained, says Chomsky.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-April Fools / Ranking every TOE: https://youtu.be/QOV1pcSOoZ4
-April Fools / Announcements for TOE: https://youtu.be/a5hp-7sGo0A
-Chomsky TOE playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY
-Chomsky TOE playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlORiRfcaQe8ZdxKxF-e2BCY
-Dennett's Quining Qualia: https://ase.tufts.edu/cogstud/dennett/papers/quinqual.htm
-Michael Levin TOE podcast: https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:41 Putnam and Mathematical Realism
00:09:06 Are numbers "real"?
00:10:01 Text vs. Meaning / Content vs. Meaning
00:13:28 Are all words "contrast words"? (only making sense in terms of their negation)
00:16:01 How can the word "meaningless" ever be "meaningful"?
00:17:38 Reference vs. Referent
00:28:32 Daniel Dennett's "Quining Qualia"
00:30:44 Consciousness explained?
00:34:27 Mind Body dualism ("body" is no more fundamental than "mind")
00:44:32 Is Chomsky an idealist?
00:46:29 We can't answer anything with certainty
00:50:53 Articulating what's ambiguous (what the heck is going on!?)
00:58:24 Studying consciousness from the 1st person vs 3rd person perspective
00:59:34 How do we generate "definitions"
01:04:59 Curt's question to the audience (for linguists)
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/QOV1pcSOoZ4
12 minutes of ranking most of the TOEs on this channel.
Did you hear about it? Ross Coulthart has a book https://amzn.to/3kMaQtX. Also, Brian Keating has a channel that you should subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/drbriankeating
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Ross Coulthart has a book with information that will blow your mind https://amzn.to/3kMaQtX
-Brian Keating has a channel that you should subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/drbriankeating. Make sure to SMASH that like button.
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/a5hp-7sGo0A
6 minute video detailing the new direction of TOE.
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off
-Algo: https://youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://algo.com
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/5E6QyAhTB3o
Salvatore Pais is an aerospace engineer and inventor (Naval Air Station).
-Ground News: https://ground.news/toe
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off.
-Algo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-"Ashtekar Bounce" / Robustness of key features of loop quantum cosmology: https://arxiv.org/abs/0710.3565
-Eric Davis' "Frontiers of Propulsion Science" book: https://amzn.to/3JKBdL3
-Converstaoins on Quantum Gravity: https://amzn.to/3tPtHJj
-Ross Coulthart's "In Plain Sight": https://amzn.to/3tQn1e7
-Carlo Rovelli podcast: https://youtu.be/r_fUPbBNmBw
-David Gross with Carlo Rovelli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUyylR5RPZw
-Ross Coulthart's interview: https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:58 The story behind the UFO patents
00:09:23 Why Sal emailed Curt to come onto TOE
00:12:16 The Pais Effect
00:13:38 The UFO patents
00:17:28 Responding to the patent officer's initial rejection
00:21:23 Energy in the quantum vacuum (introduction to the Superforce)
00:23:58 Are the patents disinformation? A bluff to scare off China?
00:25:13 Why did James Sheehy say the technology was "operable"?
00:26:31 Can we use the 1 Coulomb charge, necessary for the Pais effect?
00:28:05 The inspiration for Pais' patents
00:29:15 Spin vs. Vibration
00:30:19 Piezoelectric materials (pulsing electricity through it)
00:35:11 Eric Davis' book helped introduce these ideas to Sal
00:36:19 The Schwinger effect
00:39:13 The Gertsenshtein effect
00:42:35 Microwave emitters inside the walls of the craft
00:46:15 The Prigogine effect
00:50:57 Why Quantum Gravity is so non-trivial (Curt's detour into the math)
00:58:32 The Superforce / Plank force
01:10:21 [Dan Zetterstrom] Ball lightning and plasma
01:11:17 UFO orbs are probes in the form of plasma
01:16:10 Trying to publish on Arxiv
01:17:47 Publishing the patents
01:22:49 If UAPs operate via this effect, can we detect it? (back of the envelope calculation)
01:23:21 Being called a sharlatan and a crank...
01:26:36 How much time / money would it cost to build the technology?
01:28:24 Why didn't the gov't file the patents secretly instead? ("hiding in plain sight")
01:31:34 What does Sal make of the claims of "disinformation"
01:33:33 It hurts to be called a sharlatan and a crank...
01:35:24 Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff
01:37:13 Being kind, even those who are unkind to you...
01:38:47 Physics without philosophy is like a seed without water
01:45:30 Convincing James Sheehy
01:50:05 Podkletnov's and Ning Li's research
01:54:56 Has something occurred "behind the scenes" that allows Sal to come forward?
01:58:32 Sal's message to the audience
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/9g5e9UzEDkw
Lue Elizondo and Sean Cahill discuss UFOs and reality.
-Ground News: https://ground.news/toe
-Urgent Care: https://urgentcare.com/
-That UFO Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThatUFOPodcast
-Algo: https://www.algo.com/ / https://www.youtube.com/c/AlgoPodcast
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Jesse Michels' YouTube (American Alchemy): https://www.youtube.com/c/JesseMichels
-Lue Elizondo Part 1: https://youtu.be/aAmFlLfsZKM
-Lue Elizondo Part 2: https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg
-Nuremberg UFO Incident: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg
-Karl Friston (the most important TOE podcast): https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
-UFO Joe Murgia: https://www.youtube.com/c/ufojoe1
-Jacob Lizzio's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SignalsMusicStudio
-Richard Dolan on TOE: https://youtu.be/cDZEb-GKAJ4
-Nicholas Gisin on TOE: https://youtu.be/jcHzgy0I6gk
-Carlo Rovelli on TOE: https://youtu.be/r_fUPbBNmBw
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:22 Element 115
00:08:25 Any evidence that UFOs will intervene to stop nuclear iniquities?
00:10:11 Imminent cataclysm?
00:14:11 Our future selves and time travel
00:19:48 "Thick time" and Nicolas Gisin / The present moment
00:26:53 Why the secrecy? Is it because of the private sector or government?
00:30:23 What keeps more from coming forward is dishonor / stigma
00:37:03 "What should I do?"
00:45:29 What does Lue tell his children about the phenomenon?
00:47:52 [Matriiac] What field or degree would you choose to better understand UFOs?
00:55:36 [Jesse Michels] Parapsychology
01:02:46 [Bill Yates] Aphantasia and interacting with the phenomenon
01:08:44 The Karl Friston episode is the most important TOE episode
01:09:28 [Jacob Lizzio] How would you recover a UFO craft?
01:15:54 [Euphoric_Gur_4674] Different types of UAP interacting
01:21:10 [Miles Koliarievin @koliarievin] Attempts to make contact with UAP
01:26:53 Psychedelics and communicating with the phenomenon
01:30:25 Distinctions / quiddities / semantics matter
01:30:48 [Chris Pass] Moon shows evidence that we were not the first intelligent life
01:34:25 [Webstar Rises] Do we have a direct DNA lineage with the Others?
01:34:49 [Adam X] "Crap is going to hit the fan soon..." Elaborate?
01:40:03 The frustration about the topic
01:51:24 [Ra Shu] How did the gov't "attract" UFOs?
01:52:50 [NICK D] Has UAP technology advanced?
01:53:44 [Blaine Toderian] Missing time
01:55:51 George Knapp revealed new names for Area 51
01:59:54 [Cyprian Cyganek] UAP incidents that stood out to you.
02:04:13 [Casey Price] Photographs to support that USOs exist (unidentified submerged objects)
02:09:07 [Bryan] Importance of sound to the advanced physics theorized for UAP
02:10:21 [Rebeca Schwardt] Civilian data collection efforts
02:11:49 [Joe Murgia] Holloman base
02:13:59 [Andy McGrillen] How can we get more involved with data collection?
02:17:52 (Continued) The frustration about the topic
02:28:49 On loving your enemy, extending a hand despite hate, and Curt's journey in this topic
02:53:24 Curt answers some audience questions after Lue / Sean leave
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.ch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/WkVq0p2WBmQ
-Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off.
-Algo: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Chris Langan's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CTMURadio
-Anil Seth's book: https://amzn.to/3iaWLUY
-Part 1 with David Wolpert: https://youtu.be/qj_YUxg-qtY
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:21 No Go Theorem regarding the existence of Laplace's Demon
00:08:06 Limits on Inference Devices
00:16:40 The Monotheism Theorem
00:21:05 Gaining wisdom from dogs
00:21:34 The Monotheism Theorem (explained in detail)
00:29:49 Norton's Dome (Newtonian mechanics is NOT deterministic)
00:35:06 What is an "observer"? An inference device!
00:39:48 Prediction vs Memory
00:42:45 No Free Lunch and Inference Devices
00:47:22 Opinions on Donald Hoffman
00:48:34 Church Turing thesis (a theorem or definition?)
00:50:46 Thoughts on Donald Hoffman again
00:53:24 The most profound results in philosophy are from algorithmic information theory
00:57:27 Busy beaver function
01:02:27 [Chris Langan] On the definition of "observer" being teleological
01:03:42 [Chris Langan] Mind and Matter / Dualism / Chalmers / Penrose
01:08:50 [Prof. Karl Friston] Non-equilibrium Steady States are consequences of what?
01:12:05 [Prof. Anil Seth] Consciousness is substrate independent? Free Will?
01:18:59 Wolpert doesn't like the debate over definitions
01:31:14 [Prof. Kevin Knuth] Remarks on what life is
01:38:04 [Prof. Edward Lee] Why are people offended by uncaused cause?
01:43:54 [Sam Thompson] Sociopolitical implications of the inference theorems
01:45:04 [Chris Langan] On modifying physicalism
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
The Singularity Lab: https://youtube.com/channel/UCL_gVI2CFdgEpcDeB3AB4CQ
The Unidentified Celebrity Review: https://youtube.com/c/TheUnidentifiedCelebrityReview
Michael Mataluni:
Luis Jimenez:
Rather B. Squidding:
Kristin Mataluni:
Patreon for Curt: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Norman Wildberger's channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/njwildberger
Patreon for Curt: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
0:40 Introducing Curt
1:44 Background on film making and maths / physics
3:40 Curt's film "Better Left Unsaid"
7:50 The rise of intellectual podcasts
9:53 Theories of Everything channel
13:59 Role of Consciousness
16:58 Mathematical, computational and cognitive TOE's
19:46 Landscape of physical TOE's and the Standard Model
24:45 Sociology of physics and string theory
28:35 So many illustrious guests!
32:43 Exceptional objects in math and physics (E8, monster)
36:55 Effective teaching and learning
38:45 The great Free Will debate
47:40 The UFO conundrum
53:50 A bookmaker / probabilistic approach to uncertainty
58:58 Government policy on UFOs and truth at any cost?
1:02:54 Sociological differences between maths and physics
1:07:59 Are individual TOE being ignored? How about Stephen Wolfram's new physics?
1:11:54 Taking theories of everything too seriously: are there risks?
1:17:50 Moving forward and looking to new episodes and further interesting chats!
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/kJmBmopxc1k
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
LINKS MENTIONED (soon to be titled -- give me one more day):
-Sabine Hossefelder's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SabineHossenfelder
-Testing Superdeterminism: https://arxiv.org/abs/1401.0286 / https://arxiv.org/abs/1105.4326
-Other Superdeterminism articles: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.02676 / https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.01327
-Decoherence article: https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.06282
-Bernardo Kastrup's website: https://www.bernardokastrup.com/
-No Go Theorem on Wigner: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-020-0990-x
-Making Sense of the Mental Universe
by Kastrup: http://ispcjournal.org/journals/2017-19/Kastrup_19.pdf
(Bernardo Kastrup recommends the below)
Papers indicating that physical realism is untrue and refuting classes of hidden variables theories:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:16 Overview of Superdeterminism
00:08:31 Bernardo's agreements / disagreements
00:13:15 It's more promising to violate statistical independence (SI)
00:15:59 What are the hidden variables in Superdeterminism?
00:18:20 What is statistical independence? Is it a mere assumption?
00:22:41 People claim Superdeterminism isn't falsifiable, but is it?
00:31:17 Back and forth criticism and justification of proposed experiments
00:38:35 Does experiment change the outcome of what's measured?
00:41:37 Contrarian views -- should they be put forward tentatively?
00:44:57 Decoherence and the observer
00:49:22 The observer (and consciousness) is irrelevant in quantum mechanics
00:52:37 Why oppose violating statistical independence (SI)?
00:54:57 Metaphysics? Or simply trying to solve the measurement problem?
00:55:57 We don't have a good reason to depart with SI
00:59:10 Holding Sabine to higher standards than John Bell?
01:01:31 [gastronic] What is the definition of measurement / What does it mean to "look at"?
01:02:22 [Salvatore Pais] Unification of forces by means of the "Super Force"
01:05:18 [rad capsule] "Without thought, there is no science."
01:07:22 Falsifying idealism
01:11:53 Joscha Bach?
01:13:20 Notes about the upcoming Salvatore Pais interview
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/SWtFU1Lit3M
This podcast may be the most important one on this channel.
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Part 1 with Karl Friston (technical): https://youtu.be/2v7LBABwZKA
00:00:00 Exigent Message / Introduction
00:07:25 The Free Energy Principle's TOE explained
00:15:48 The FEP explained for physicists
00:18:24 The "external world" is dual to "you"
00:24:25 Relationship between senses and actions
00:36:25 Marginal likelihood / Model evidencing
00:54:34 Change your evidence or change your model (Repression vs. CBT)
00:58:51 An exercise to show a difference in consciousness via touching one's eye
01:03:09 Science "works" by definition of "works"!
01:12:45 Advice for those trying to understand reality
01:22:45 Dealing with derealization / spiraling mentally / depersonalization
01:34:34 Don't let the social status of having "ego death" be your lure
01:37:12 Acceptance therapy (ACT from CBT)
01:43:09 Being too much in one's head (thought loops)
01:53:09 How does Karl prevent existential crises when studying these issues?
01:56:34 The benefits of tea and smoking (yes, smoking)
01:59:28 Beta-blockers and fear extinction (Merel Kindt's groundbreaking work)
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/jcHzgy0I6gk
Nicolas Gisin is Professor of Physics, specializing in the foundations of quantum mechanics, at the University of Geneva. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Quantum Chance by Nicholas Gisin (affiliate): https://amzn.to/3KPHG8x
-Sabine Hossenfelder's Superdeterminism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytyjgIyegDI
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:38 Gisin's "Quantum Chance" book is a friendly introduction to QM
00:06:36 Consciousness is outside today's physics and may always be
00:07:48 Indeterminacy is necessary but not sufficient for free will
00:09:37 Free will is necessary for "rationality" to exist
00:10:40 Free will comes FIRST in the "logical order"
00:21:39 What does mathematics have to say about free will and consciousness?
00:27:18 Intuitionism vs Constructionism
00:28:22 Classical physics is NOT deterministic
00:34:27 Does he agree with Stephen Wolfram that it's computation underlying physics?
00:36:06 Time is "thick" like molasses
00:40:21 Intuitionist mathematics and law of excluded middle
00:42:57 Graham Priest's paraconsistent logic and other forms of logic
00:49:32 A new understanding of time is needed for Quantum Gravity
00:52:55 Discrete spacetime? Perhaps not
00:53:21 Philosophy of Jules Lequier
00:55:15 On Sabine Hossenfelder's views on free will
00:58:33 Superdeterminism
01:01:52 Is indeterminacy truly necessary for free will?
01:03:39 Many Worlds is nonsense
01:05:37 Should logic be the basis of mathematics?
01:10:00 Which approach to quantum gravity does Gisin favor?
01:10:17 [Stephen Robbins] Bergson?
01:11:23 [Complex Plane @kekule6] Chomsky and denial of free will by physicists is an attempt to make evidence fit a model
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Professor of mathematics Norman Wildberger expounds on the nature of the infinite and the real numbers.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/l7LvgvunVCM
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-Prof. Norman Wildberger's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/njwildberger
-Rational Trigonometry (YouTube series): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3C58498718451C47
-Rational Trigonometry (book): https://amzn.to/3rEygVW
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:29 Behind the scenes banter
00:08:08 Overview of Norman's philosophy of mathematics
00:09:35 The problem with the concept of "infinity" in mathematics
00:14:46 Algorithmic reality and Wolfram's model
00:16:03 Physics and infinity (Riemann sphere and Spinors)
00:19:14 Infinity cannot be "done"
00:42:26 Physics doesn't actually use infinities
00:45:03 What about the wave function of half spin up / spin down?
00:47:25 Learning Tip for Math / Physics: Constantly ask "what is REALLY going on here?"
00:48:32 What is Rational Trigonometry and what led to it?
00:53:23 What compels Norman to rethink the foundations?
01:01:49 Is beauty (like in complex analysis) removed or added in the construcitivist approach
01:04:52 The simplicity of Norman's courses (links in the description)
01:08:31 On non-standard analysis
01:10:42 Why set theory has problems (even without the Axiom of Choice)
01:13:57 Roger Penrose's and Ed Witten's view on real numbers
01:16:09 Pure mathematicians vs physicists
01:17:17 [062985593] How would Wildberger rephrase the intermediate value theorem?
01:19:31 If math is currently vitally flawed, then why no inconsistencies
01:21:21 How do constructionists base their foundations in physics, when physics is couched in mathematics?
01:27:21 [Sam Thompson] Do you see problems with having infinite index sets?
01:32:13 [DivergentCauchy] Cranks and Platonism
01:34:30 Dealing with calumny as a creator
01:36:33 Norman is extremely interested in UFOs as well
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/bhSlYfVtgww
Deep dive into the nature of consciousness and reality.
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
-QBism Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1003.5209
-Donald Hoffman's book The Case Against Reality (affiliate): https://amzn.to/34eWmxz
-Plato and the Nerd (affiliate): https://amzn.to/34GMexr
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:34 Is a Theory of Everything possible? / Definition of Consciousness
00:08:32 Spacetime's fundamental nature (or not)
00:14:27 Joscha Bach on mysterianism, telepathy, and consciousness
00:34:40 Joscha has a way of interpreting the Bible literally
00:42:01 Physical world vs Computational world
00:57:57 On Gödel and changing the definition of truth to provable / computable
01:12:33 What parts of the mind makes statements beyond computation?
01:13:57 Real numbers don't exist?
01:15:23 [Prof. Edward Lee] Reality is not necessarily algorithmic
01:34:02 Donald Hoffman on Free Will
01:44:03 Joscha Bach on Free Will and whether a TOE exists
01:57:10 What would change in Bach's model if classical logic was correct?
02:07:42 Penrose and Lucas argument regarding Gödel and the mind
02:13:55 Closing thoughts from Bach and Hoffman on each other's work
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/RFGMdp4fRog
New revelations about the on-goings at Skinwalker and UFOs. Skinwalkers At The Pentagon book (affiliate): https://amzn.to/3uqrSTQ.
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-George Knapp's website: https://www.mysterywire.com/
-Skinwalkers At The Pentagon book (affiliate): https://amzn.to/3uqrSTQ
-The "Start Here" Playlist for TOE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMS2MP3hzVot4Z77AWFnHzQ
-Donald Hoffman's TOE interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w
-Bernardo Kastrup's TOE interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE
-Acronym Glossary: https://twitter.com/FettuccineSplit/status/1489418129717571589/retweets/with_comments
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:04 An overview of the "Hitchhiker Effect"
00:13:10 Most remarkable evidence
00:20:05 [Dan Zetterstrom] Information in Skinwalkers At The Pentagon that needs to be discussed more
00:34:38 [Arthur Switalski] The factors that make the Hitchhiker Effect more likely / less likely
00:39:02 Overview of acronyms (AAWSAP, AATIP, etc.)
00:40:32 [kf] Hitchhiker Effect with the blind
00:45:28 [MossyMoose] Neutrinos as the source of the Hitchhiker Effect?
00:56:21 Benevolent beings? (Travis Walton and Anjali)
01:00:50 [Arthur Switalski] Lue Elizondo and Remote Viewing
01:04:21 [Da Gummit] Do different parts of the world experience different phenomena based on culture?
01:09:38 The Oz Effect (on how it doesn't occur to you to take a picture of UFOs when seeing them)
01:12:16 Where is the evidence recorded at Skinwalker?
01:15:12 [Jackson Vega] Steven Greer and CE5
01:20:27 [Richard Brewster] Extraterrestrial or terrene?
01:33:11 What is the purpose of the Black Helicopters?
01:38:16 On cattle mutilation (some of them may be gov't-based)
01:52:48 [chris123457839] Consciousness and UFPs
02:00:09 [Steven Greenstreet] Best piece of evidence of paranormal
02:05:39 Curt answers audience questions
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/qj_YUxg-qtY
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Sabine Hossenfelder's video on Superdeterminism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytyjgIyegDI
00:00:00 Introduction
00:05:41 Explaining the No Free Lunch theorem
00:08:42 Mathematical proof isn't iron clad (an extremely controversial statement!)
00:18:38 Bayesian reasoning isn't iron clad either
00:24:23 What do the No Free Lunch theorems mean?
00:32:15 "The Problem" (TP) and regret about one's past / Nihilism in NFL
00:40:01 There's no "meaning" in the temporary nature of life
00:44:07 No Free Lunch helps appreciation of Zen Buddhism
00:45:50 Artist or Mathematician? (art helps math, and vice versa)
00:48:54 NFL and Zen (continuation)
00:51:38 For intellectuals, atheism is easier than not being an atheist
00:57:30 On Sabine Hossenfelder's excellent video about Superdeterminism
00:59:23 What free will is, and what it is NOT
01:02:23 Excoriations on Dan Dennett's and Stephen Wolfram's idea of "free will"
01:12:46 Does science make metaphysical claims or is it instrumental?
01:21:12 Map vs Territory doesn't apply to the Mathematical Universe
01:35:05 What if physics supervenes on free will?
01:39:36 Explaining The Mathematical Universe
01:43:09 Preview of Part 2 with David Wolpert
01:46:06 The philosophy of mathematics and the foundations of reality are important
01:47:45 Why science shouldn't work / cross validation (thumbnail reference)
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/BI7-5YnXSqk
Are new laws of physics required to explain the origins of life?
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Brian Keating's Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating
-Brian Keating's "Losing the Nobel Prize": https://amzn.to/3AyXMyE
-Brian Keating's "Into the Impossible": https://amzn.to/33IjsfC
-Brian Keating's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrBrianKeating
-Lee Cronin's Twitter: https://twitter.com/leecronin
-Brian Keating's appearance on Lex's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhGwJLXzHs8
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:59 Brian Keating's opening statements
00:08:21 Lee Cronin's opening statements
00:13:45 Why defining "life" is difficult
00:23:43 Disagreements on the origin of life
00:38:12 The definition of Entropy is "wrong" (controversial claim)
00:51:44 The universe is filled with life
01:09:20 Will the James Webb Telescope find life? No.
01:12:37 An answer to the Fermi Paradox
01:24:26 Assembly Theory overview (important, watch this first!)
01:38:00 Curt claims Lee's definition of life is circular
01:46:37 Finding UFOs, as an academic project
01:54:26 Lee's gripes against the Galileo Project and Avi Loeb
02:03:47 Curt's views on the UFO videos that have been released
02:08:30 Brian's and Lee's books and talks
02:12:54 Time is more fundamental than space (another controversial claim by Lee)
02:17:45 Eric Weinstein says UAP data should be given scientists... should it?
02:21:53 [Tom Poleski] Why hasn't assembly theory been used already to detect life?
02:23:46 [Visan Cosmin] Materialism and Consciousness (what exists outside consciousness?)
02:30:05 [David] Why do we need new laws to explain life?
02:33:41 Physics doesn't have causation
02:35:27 [kumar910] Why is there something instead of nothing?
02:41:47 Lee expounds on causation, and life
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link:
Sponsors: For Shortform https://shortform.com/TOE and for Brilliant https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Stephon Alexander's TOE interview: https://youtu.be/VETxb96a3qk
-That UFO Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThatUFOPodcast
-Steve Cambian's Truthseekers: https://www.youtube.com/c/Truthseekershow
-Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles: https://amzn.to/3FJ6b3j
-How to Read the Akashic Records: https://amzn.to/3fIInCk
-Glimpses of Other Realities: https://amzn.to/3qLjj3A
-An Alien Harvest: https://amzn.to/3rBE8Oj
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:57 People who have seen cattle being mutilated
00:16:58 Ground mutilations vs. craft mutilation
00:20:37 Details on the cows being "dropped" from craft
00:23:24 Trump knows more about UFOs than he gives the impression of
00:24:10 Arts Parts (can we trust them?)
00:31:09 Mick West's analysis of Arts Parts
00:50:37 Giving Arts Parts to the TTSA (which works in partnership with the gov't)
00:55:33 Crop Circles are side effects of UFOs measuring their accuracy
01:08:58 Being used for disinformation unwittingly
01:20:09 [Dan Zetterstrom] What new information do you have on crop circles?
01:21:38 [Andy] How does she see her place in ufology? ("ufology means nothing to me")
01:26:02 [moonobserver Gilles] Why haven't UFOs revealed themselves to everyone?
01:39:40 [Jesus Barrabi] Alien species and Skin Walker
01:49:32 Bigfoot and Orbs
01:54:16 Steven Greer's CE5 and Linda's own encounter
01:57:49 [BrandonDetroitfan Michaels] She'll be 80 in a couple of weeks and looks amazing! Could you ask her... If that's alien technology, keeping her looking great?
02:00:04 [Kaleb Peters] Opinion on the UAP footage from the gov't, and disclosure preparation
02:03:10 [ratx 172] Time travel and time manipulation
02:07:59 [Mark] Antarctica's purported hidden UFO bases
02:14:29 [kinger90210] Consciousness (Penrose / Hameroff) and Physicality of craft
02:18:49 [Jacob C] Linda's relationship to Richard Doty
02:35:00 Were you misinformed by Richard Doty?
02:36:00 [Steve Cambian] An image on Linda's website
02:37:28 [@LuAngeles] Have you ever had to redact an interview?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/4xlXUEEnZ6s
Sponsors: https://curiositystream.thld.co/TOE for 25% off Curiosity Stream. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off Brilliant. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Fear of a Black Universe: https://amzn.to/3rxGFcj
-The Jazz of Physics: https://amzn.to/3qR7KIx
-Brian Keating's podcast with Stephon Alexander: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehEbrD42U_g
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:46 BTS banter and framing the conversation
00:06:05 The Autodidactic Universe
00:18:54 BMN vs BFSS (type IIA String Theory)
00:26:45 Lee Smolin's evolutionary model of the universe as black hole spawn
00:29:06 Curt posits a link between the matrix models and particles, rather than laws
00:30:36 Explaining D-branes and their dimensionality
00:36:02 When watching TOE, it's okay to be confused
00:36:55 Chern-Simons Gravity
00:49:03 Anomaly Cancellations
00:51:43 Klein Gordon equation and renormalization
00:55:55 What is a Theory of Everything? What are the conditions?
00:59:15 Stephon tells a story about Curt's brother's "genius" (they were in grad school together)
01:02:40 Doubting your own mathematical abilities
01:06:02 Advice for those in their 20s / 30s / 40s learning String Theory without a math background
01:10:24 Brian Keating is no friend to Stephon (kidding)
01:11:08 How does learning math / physics change with age?
01:15:14 Anomalies and purposeful mistakes leading to insights
01:18:02 No Go theorems (and AdS / CFT correspondence)
01:23:26 Why does the Graviton have Spin 2?
01:25:41 There are gems in Geometric Unity
01:29:12 Opinion on Stephen Wolfram's theory / project on physics
01:31:05 Future plans for TOE: Geometric Algebra and Categorical Unification
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/rK7ux_JhHM4
Sponsors: The Anagoge Podcast can be found https://www.youtube.com/AnagogePodcast. Brilliant is https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-John Vervaeke's Meaning Crisis series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ
-Joscha Bach's Twitter: https://twitter.com/Plinz
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:26 Behind the scenes conversation
00:05:48 Joscha's opinion of John's work
00:06:52 John's opinion of Joscha's work
00:08:58 Definition of consciousness / sentience / mind / self
00:17:39 Primary qualia vs the "experience" of qualia
00:25:00 Is science compatible with Joscha's model of simulated consciousness?
00:34:55 The solution to Dualism
00:35:52 People mistake their psychedelic trips for idealism
00:40:55 We don't experience the physical world
00:42:30 The problem of skepticism and solipsism
00:52:11 What is "rationality"?
00:55:17 Mysterianism and Epistemic Boundedness
01:00:38 The boundaries of consciousness (do they exist?)
01:07:08 What is "real"? How do you know? Discussion on ontology
01:22:15 If we're in a simulation, we wouldn't know (Plato's cave)
01:27:25 The gods are personality archetypes
01:29:32 Physics is less real than the Forms
01:43:58 Academia doesn't value dialogue as content
01:57:57 Is "truth" always "good"?
02:01:45 The meaning crisis
02:11:55 What did Joscha and John think 2 years, that they no longer view to be correct?
02:16:17 Consciousness is a "government"
02:21:16 [Donald Hoffman] Is spacetime fundamental? Can there every be a Theory of Everything?
02:30:40 [Sad Face] Chinese room thought experiment of Searle's
02:36:08 Software is a physical law
02:43:45 [Zanthius] Why should a simulation "feel" anything? Meta-consciousness discussion
02:52:43 [Anil Seth] Is consciousness substrate independent?
02:55:31 Curt answers audience questions
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/bZ6NfzvfSH4
An overview of TOE for the next several months.
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Steve Agnew: https://www.discreteaether.com/2021/07/single-photon-double-slit-diffraction.html and https://www.amazon.com/No-Space-Time-Universe-Really/dp/B094NZL2G7
-Tyler Goldstein: https://www.sentientsingularity.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmWVgMFZCib-hrtgCA55nBg
-Steve Scully: https://www.cascadinguniverse.org/ and https://steemit.com/@stevescully and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8_4BUpeNfEWJ-wwdIDJxQ
-Jennifer Scharf: https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/ particularly https://churchofentropy.wordpress.com/2020/06/02/the-nature-of-space/
00:00:00 January: Mathematical Physics and Free Will
00:01:54 February: UFOs and Consciousness
00:04:09 March: Quantum Gravity, Unification, and NDEs
00:05:53 Middle: Theolocutions and the Goal of TOE
00:07:18 End: Eastern Philosophies, Abhijgnosis, and Viewer TOEs
00:08:23 Addendum: Two New Announcements
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/LVmxzCF-oeo
This is a repost of the conversation on Brian Keating's podcast: youtube.com/DrBrianKeating
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Dec 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: 3CSm4FH6975J8wvKp8x8BSefH6QCVuk736
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-Brian Keating's podcast: youtube.com/DrBrianKeating
-Red Panda Koala's documentary on Tom Delonge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BjUK5V5sTg (there are multiple parts)
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:10 Behind the scenes banter (prior to going live)
00:06:12 Curt's interest in the UFO phenomenon
00:07:18 Jim Semivan's introduction
00:10:07 Tom Delonge's interest in the UFO phenomenon
00:15:17 Why the scorn on the UFO topic?
00:19:02 What's going on at Skin Walker?
00:26:50 Cattle mutilation theories
00:28:59 Do the skeptics have a point?
00:35:52 Curt's journey delving into physics and UFOs
00:37:20 Government's perspective on UFOs (from former CIA employee Jim Semivan)
00:40:17 Best arguments AGAINST the UFO phenomenon
00:45:23 What was Tom told that "kept him up for days"
00:52:31 Why Lue Elizondo / Chris Mellon left the To The Stars Academy
00:55:50 TTSA a part of government disinformation?
01:03:28 Does the government have alien bodies?
01:05:27 Thumbnail reference about "beings"
01:07:40 The reason why astronomers don't find evidence of UFOs
01:11:54 Project Galileo and the scientific study of aliens
01:19:29 Opinion of Steven Greer and CE5
01:22:10 What can the audience do to further disclosure and learn more?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/r_fUPbBNmBw
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Dec 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED (affiliate links for books):
-The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli: https://amzn.to/3ISZYo7
-The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist: https://amzn.to/325VKso
-Stephon Alexander's "Fear of a Black Universe": https://amzn.to/3seSpTb
-Conversations on Quantum Gravity: https://amzn.to/3dXtafH
-Quantum principle of relativity: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.02780
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:27 The relational interpretation of quantum mechanics
00:12:29 Why is there consistency in the world?
00:16:35 How can "relationships" be more fundamental than "things"?
00:24:05 Visualizing the relations
00:33:43 Philosophy and physics (why modern physicists are philosophobic)
00:45:11 Definition of the "Universe" (does physical law stand "outside" the universe?)
00:51:06 The problems with the concept of "Universe"
00:56:00 Many Worlds (why Carlo doesn't like this interpretation)
01:00:40 Mathematics alone isn't sufficient ("between reality and math, there's a gap")
01:06:13 It's not false to say the Sun revolves around the Earth
01:08:45 An ecumenical approach to understanding the Universe and religions
01:15:29 Anti-foundationalism has taken over philosophy
01:20:04 Entropic Time / Thermal Time (illusion of time)
01:38:18 Lee Smolin's view on time (that time is the MOST real quantity)
01:48:26 Julian Barbour's theory of time
01:56:00 Thoughts on Wolfram's model
02:05:08 Thoughts on Sean Carole's Many Worlds
02:14:08 Donald Hoffman (and briefly Eric Weinstein)
02:22:04 What do we mean by "real"? (Wittgenstein's language games)
02:28:09 Does there exist what lies outside your knowledge?
02:32:25 "Philosophy is a cure against wrong questions"
02:43:11 Information paradox is like "falling in love with holography" (based in dogma)
02:50:23 Does learning math / physics get easier with age or harder?
02:51:33 What Carlo would have done differently in developing LQG?
02:53:27 [Stephon Alexander] How does time play into Quantum Gravity?
02:55:48 [Bernardo Kastrup] How does Carlo's view of "relations" not lead to an infinite regress?
03:00:43 Idealism vs Materialism (science doesn't presume a metaphysic)
03:12:33 Hard Problem of Consciousness is a "confusion"
03:17:36 Forget about Philosophical Zombies -- Think Philosophical Babies
01:38:29 [Nikhil Ns] Quantum principle of relativity
03:23:53 [goodsirknight] Carlo's LSD experience and the satori moment's influence on LQG
03:34:25 [Aaron Heidari] Alfred North Whitehead
03:38:13 We don't need new ideas for quantum gravity
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/Z0TNfysTazc
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (until end of Oct 2021): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:35 An overview of Michael's results of code that isn't genomic
00:07:08 What's the standard view in development biology? (compare and contrast)
00:08:30 Regenerating limbs on animals which don't have regenerative properties (watch this first)
00:17:01 Why did it take so long to discover this momentous result?
00:20:42 Precisely what is voltage and what's being visualized?
00:23:23 DNA encodes hardware, and Michael discovered the software
00:27:22 Taking a cancerous cell and making it non-cancerous, and vice versa
00:32:23 What is the Self? (on identity and ego)
00:33:55 Living robots (xenobots)
00:44:50 The terms "alive" and "dead" are almost useless now
00:47:15 Perception and the morphogenetic code
00:51:06 Immortality is possible in flatworms... What about humans?
00:52:18 Jungian archetypes and their relation to the morphogenetic code
00:54:38 Curt believes this is Nobel prize winning work
00:55:53 [Rupert Sheldrake] Morphogenetic fields vs code
00:57:05 Engineering xenobots to clean up the environment
00:58:17 5G and its possible effects?
01:00:32 Microbiome and the non-neural electric imprints
01:02:34 How do you decode the code? What factors go are in play?
01:05:57 Psychedelics ⇒ change in morphogenetics?
01:07:13 The least action principle, intelligence, and the "intention" of particles
01:16:18 Studying consciousness is a first person activity, not a third person
01:18:13 [Faraz Honarvar] Does the code differ between people?
01:19:48 Morphoceuticals
01:22:03 [Nadia Markova] How does the ML algorithm work, specifically?
01:23:46 [Sam Thompson] Biological self-emergence is "proto-algorithmic"?
01:28:36 [Thane] Should we regenerate? Isn't it beneficial to NOT regenerate?
01:31:23 [Tom] Penrose's and Hameroff's Orch OR
01:35:59 [Mo Flow] Biological clock, aging, and David Sinclair
01:38:29 [Nate Grundmann] Placebo, healing yourself with your mind, and Joe Dispenza
01:44:53 Future projects of Prof. Michael Levin
01:46:01 Consciousness and developmental biology are related
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/0sYUevp41N4
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:39 Favorite TOE? Wolfram? Bach?
00:04:04 How do you research? How do you chill?
00:07:31 How do you respond to / "heart" each comment?
00:08:26 How did you do in high school? (poor grades)
00:09:37 What lights for the podcast do you use?
00:10:36 [Roy Dopson] Finding a TOE and believing you're God
00:11:52 Leo Gura vs Chris Langan
00:12:10 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
00:13:55 Anime? Tom Delonge?
00:14:49 Curt's daily "spiritual" routine
00:16:14 Frank Yang and Extremism in Curt's "audience"
00:18:39 Fasting and sleep issues
00:18:51 [The Zignal] If you could fusion dance with anyone, who would it be?
00:19:11 Skin Walker / Aliens are real? / Favorite video on channel
00:23:29 Left Wing views Curt likes
00:24:18 Why Lue Elizondo wear the hat? Is he lying?
00:26:22 [The Zignal] Advice for podcasters / YouTubers?
00:27:04 Kava for stress / What are UFOs? / Anti-Christ / Lazar / US owns the UAPs
00:30:02 Work life balance
00:30:29 Fixing all diseases prior to birth / Should I love strangers as my brother and sister?
00:32:57 Music / Guitar / Songs you listen to?
00:33:59 CTMU?
00:34:26 Joscha Bach vs Bernardo Kastrup
00:34:59 Time Travel / Near Death Experiences
00:36:05 Travis Walton and asking for details
00:39:08 Leaving mathematics
00:39:48 Which TOE do you resonate with most? / Can I be interviewed on the channel?
00:41:06 What do you think of the UFO topic now?
00:42:03 Where are the materialists on your channel?
00:45:05 Why will innovation come from the "fringe"?
00:48:40 Lucid dreaming / Lazar on TOE? / Altered states
00:49:28 Developing your interview "skills" / Klee Irwin
00:50:24 What do you want to happen after death? / Unlisting vs "Private" setting on livestreams
00:54:22 Leo Gura (Part 3)? / Elizondo's "breadcrumbs" / Belief in God?
00:56:51 Indian? / Speaking with Joscha Bach / Favorite movies / Book on TOEs
01:00:16 How would a TOE change you? / After death? / Prepping for interviews
01:02:48 Is Hollywood preparing for disclosure?
01:04:23 Last meal? / How do you get the guests on your channel?
01:05:47 Neil Degrasse Tyson? / Why do you take your time when you speak, Curt?
01:09:24 Roger Penrose / IQ / Spiral Dynamics / Lue Elizondo
01:11:17 String Theory / Have you been briefed on secrets? / Are aliens monitoring us?
01:16:07 What's too taboo? / Why are you fascinated by Theories of Everything?
01:16:53 Daily writing routine / Chris Langan interview / How Curt thinks during a podcast
01:24:00 Thomas Campbell "phony"? / Favorite TOE (again) / What would you ask Lazar?
01:26:09 Robert Lanza / Balaji / Curt's "audience" reacting to Leo Gura
01:29:14 Why didn't you "challenge" Jeremy Corbell? / Giving yourself a break, Curt
01:32:16 Chris Lehto / UAPs as private entity based / Fermi Paradox
01:34:04 How do you decompress and relax? / Why are you hard on yourself? / Researching TOEs
01:35:37 Does a TOE need to be "lived" or "believed in"? / Rupert Spira
01:39:02 Does there have to be a TOE at all? / Politics is far too complex
01:41:07 Advice for other podcasters on similar topics? / How did you get such a following?
01:42:58 When do you know you've found the answer? / Nietzsche / Einstein
01:45:07 Mind body problem / TOE having a negative impact on people / Sadhguru / E8
01:46:40 Buddhism / Richard Doty / High effort required of the audience of the TOE channel
01:48:41 Who (dead) would you interview?
01:49:27 Android vs. iPhone / Self consciousness vs consciousness / Jordan Peterson
01:52:23 Sasquatch / Solipicms / Video games Curt's looking forward to playing
01:55:05 Dean Radin / Annaka Harris
01:55:15 Art and Film / Curt's vocabulary / UFO edits / Running TOE / "Making Sense"
02:04:27 More fundamental forces? / Linda Moulton Howe / Diana Pasulka
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg
Luis Elizondo talks about UFOs. Read between the lines. #UFOamnesty Sponsors: https://shortform.com/TOE for 5-day trial and 20% discount. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. For Algo's podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ and website https://www.algo.com/.
Merch (only until end of Oct): https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE
PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs
Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
-That UFO Podcast with Dan and Andy: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHw9Lru3EcpRQyM7AI5TlmA
-Truthseeker's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/Truthseekershow
-Super Chat link: COMING
-Luis Elizondo podcast (Part 1): https://www.youtu.be/aAmFlLfsZKM
-Kevin Knuth podcast: https://youtu.be/atntnU_baHc
-Ross Coulthart podcast: https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE
-Anjali's Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnjaliOnGaia
00:00:00 Introduction
00:04:13 What's been keeping Lue busy?
00:10:03 Shape shifting / mimicking aliens
00:13:36 Orbs and UFOs... Are they drones? Are they all around us, cloaked?
00:17:07 Tom Delonge on orbs and CE5
00:19:19 [Stephanie Highfil] Breadcrumbs being dropped by the gov't. We put the pieces together
00:22:20 [Ross Coulthart] Were you told what NOT to say, after you left AATIP?
00:26:25 The reason certain authorities don't want you the truth about UFOs (forbidden truths)
00:32:23 How long have aliens / UAPs been here? Decades? Centuries? 10,000s of years?
00:45:39 Other sources of evidence (biology, the moon, etc.)
00:48:47 [Terry] What evidence is there that these are "craft"?
00:51:14 Compelling photos that show occupants in the UFOs exist
00:52:37 [James] Truth and reconciliation / change.org petition
00:57:45 [Dan Zetterstrom] High strangeness and the hitch hiker effect
01:06:12 [Scott Larkin] The Adam and Eve event
01:07:34 [Someone] AAWSAP vs AATIP and Lue's involvement in each
01:09:59 Remote viewing and Lue Elizondo
01:11:25 [Aawaf] Disclosure and engagement with UFOs
01:12:45 Transmedium (can UFOs travel through rock / solid material?)
01:16:28 [Alien Alcoholic] Biological material has been collected
01:17:06 [Senzubean] Warp Drives without motion, as craft mechanism
01:17:56 [Steve Cambian] Why not release tax forms to prove your role at AATIP?
01:21:32 Anjali, and bringing certain people to hear UFO communications directly
01:24:13 [Ina Eder] How to prepare ourselves for a post-disclosure world?
01:27:50 Greer, and clarifying Lue's "somber" comment
01:37:46 On Neil Degrasse Tyson and anti-disparagement toward skeptics
01:44:20 "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"... Curt doesn't buy it.
01:47:48 [rooterRoter] Idealist vs Materialist
01:52:45 Lue asks Curt why he's interested in this subject
01:56:11 Lue's question to the audience (enthymemes)
02:04:38 [DIYCraftq] Alien abduction experiences
02:07:45 [Hicko] Cattle mutilations (why not other animals?)
02:13:16 [S R] Zimmernacht
02:13:56 [Stojin Carlusick] Allies of Humanity
02:14:23 [Matt] What questions SHOULD we be asking?
02:15:47 More reasons why certain people don't want disclosure
02:21:39 The pale blue dot, and what matters
02:29:22 Does the gov't think it knows what UFOs are?
02:30:48 Limitations of language and telepathy
02:31:30 [Kevin Lansdowne] Cryptoterrestrials
02:32:21 [Umixx] Project Crystal Knight / Project Serpo
02:32:47 [Matt Wood] How many "holy s**t" moments did Lue have while investigating?
02:33:44 [Gus_Baja] If he’s under NDA; how will his book be "new"?
02:36:19 [Wally Laperty] Men in black, confuscating UFO material / intimidating witnesses
02:40:31 Curt speaks to the audience
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Les Stroud is the creator of Survivorman. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Merch: https://tinyurl.com/TOEmerch (valid until end of Oct 2021)
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:13 Bigfoot and Survivorman series inception 00:07:19 Similarities of investigating UFOs to investigating Bigfoot (Curt owes Les) 00:08:46 Les' poor upbringing in a drug ridden neighborhood 00:12:48 The trappings of fame and being treated like a monkey 00:15:16 What drives Les' output? Is it pure "creativity"? 00:17:27 The peace in not mattering 00:18:51 Altered states 00:21:19 It's okay to be a multitasker 00:22:06 Wim Hoff method 00:23:52 Elements of filmmaking that were purposefully NOT included in Survivorman 00:27:12 People stealing Les' style (Bear Grylls, etc.) 00:29:49 Ratio of filmed footage to what's edited in 00:31:12 What art has (largely) become 00:34:42 How meticulous filmmaking is 00:40:20 Techniques for making episodes engaging 00:44:24 Having permanent mild existential crises (and Les' relation to TOE) 00:49:57 Is anything separate from God? 00:54:51 Bigfoot and consciousness 00:58:08 Les' Bigfoot experience with orbs 01:03:53 Interacting telepathically with Bigfoot 01:05:56 Never before told story about a being speaking to Les 01:09:09 Orbs 01:11:20 UFOs and Bigfoot (story by Les) 01:16:14 Alien intentions, evil, good, and love overcoming in the end 01:18:27 [Crepitus s] Has Les ever considered doing an urban survival show? 01:19:34 [Boukm3n] Limits. I would like to ask him about pushing personal limits. Doing hard things is tough, but controlling the mind is tougher. How has survival shifted his mindset? 01:21:05 [Paul V] When times are hardest what gives you the strength to carry on? 01:21:53 [@StanAlister] Wim Hoff applied to harsh survival conditions 01:22:43 [James McKevitt] Any long term damage from the extreme survival outings? 01:23:41 [Jimi Lee] The great reset 01:25:41 [Some Guy] Being comfortable alone is the most important skill? 01:27:15 [Phillip Wareham] Prepping, especially for climate change and EMP / solar storms? 01:29:42 Will Les do a "survival" online course? 01:30:44 [Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Comacho] Bigfoot being interdimensional and low tech? 01:31:29 Lost time while camping
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/80f47smhYEI
Jon Blow is the renown designer of The Witness, and Braid. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -Jon's talk on video game ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCVVLAs9mJU -Jon's talk on motivation and burnout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kh8pNRWOo -Iain McGilchrist interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4 -Rupert Spira interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocP6JSyicY0
THANK YOU: -BigPhilCombo (on the discord) for managing the Discord voluntarily and making it a place where almost 900 people talk respectfully
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:46 Jon recounting people using him for clicks 00:05:53 Too many wannabe gurus, and not enough instruction in our culture 00:08:00 Curt's mainupulation of the "formal" aspects of film is owed to Jonathan 00:09:34 The goal of understanding the universe (what does that mean?) 00:17:23 How understanding oneself is related to understanding the universe 00:19:41 Limits of language and "truth" 00:25:10 Video game design and building one's own TOE 00:33:22 Examples of what works and doesn't in game design for Braid's aesthetics 00:44:03 Game mechanics vs the "theme" 00:54:29 Not being able to explain true art 00:56:06 True art vs. "propaganda" 01:04:01 Dislike of contemporary art 01:12:06 Jon on video game reviews (and discussions on art, in general) 01:32:32 Specifics on how Jon does video game design 01:42:02 Rupert Spira in The Witness 01:47:08 Original ideas are difficult 01:49:34 Meditation and life long insights from single moments 02:00:20 Materialism vs. qualia vs. stories vs. models 02:06:25 Wolfram's physics model 02:09:21 Free Will is too "simple" 02:16:12 Super Bunyhop's and Joseph Anderson's review of The Witness 02:16:39 Dunkey? 02:16:45 VR is interesting but not for immersion 02:22:54 Stanley Parable 02:23:36 OpenAI applied to video games 02:26:00 Unreal Engine 5, hype? 02:31:24 [ForceField] On Henri Bergson 02:32:49 [stef] How do you achieve subconscious artistic expression in game making 02:34:41 [Steven Brent] Videos games better than other mediums for certain emotional expressions? 02:36:45 [Pooja Soni] Video games and helping mental illnesses / adjunct to therapy 02:40:27 [James R] Mind uploading 02:43:31 [Tom] Analytic / rational vs. intuitive / supra-rational 02:45:34 [Chris Merola] Stephen's Sausage Roll is one of the best puzzle games 02:48:42 [championchap] Having aphantasia and designing games 02:49:50 [Brian Mauch] Ask why the industry has gone to "shit"? 02:51:41 [James Jones] On Neuralink 02:53:37 [Johannes Norrbacka] Jai and opinion on other data-oriented languages 02:56:33 [Lara Lebeu] What connects him to non-duality teachers? (because of the Rupert Spira video in The Witness) 02:59:35 We're at a stagnation point in society 03:04:00 [Mr. K] "Yeah: wtf is Kojima working on lol" 03:04:16 [ZenoEvil - Meaning Machines] Why hasn't Braid's success led to copycats? 03:06:31 [Wes Lord] Getting over burnout and other motivational issues 03:08:45 [bc1n0] "Please beta access to Jai? Will pay $100 for access." 03:10:54 [Michael Bespalov] Hades' early access model 03:13:22 How does playtesting work? And how does Jon use it? 03:15:25 [Ivan] Thoughts on state of free speech in the world 03:21:07 Eric Weinstein, Peter Theil, and stagnation (again) 03:26:02 SCRUM? Kanban? What's the work process? 03:29:49 [Ruari VK] Why is it called 'The Witness'?
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/JM3kxeU_oDE
Acclaimed journalist, Ross Coulthart, investigates the UFO phenomenon. Sponsors: https://curiositystream.thld.co/TOEb for 25% off Curiosity Stream. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -In Plain Sight: https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-Investigation-Impossible-Science/dp/B09B7ZJ9TP/ (not an affiliate link) -ALGO's podcast (Amjad's): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9IfRw1QaTglRoX0sN11AQQ -Tom Delonge / Brian Keating / Jim Semivan podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBSdg3nwxoo -The UFO Podcast with Ross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJpgwNkO7fY -Truthseekers (Steve Cambian): https://www.youtube.com/c/Truthseekershow -Luis Elizondo interview ("somber"): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmFlLfsZKM -Project Unity podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProjectUnity -Red Panda Koala (Tom Delonge documentary): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvSbzThCfsiETLp3eOdVkNw -NASA Footage (STS-48 Shuttle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vVvEdPXOXg -James Oberg's debunk: http://www.jamesoberg.com/sts48.html -Ross Coulthart's documentary (UFO Phenomenon): https://youtu.be/sm6AL5lA4Zc
LINKS NOT MENTIONED BUT PERTINENT: -Check out friend of the show (scientist on board with the Galileo Project), Prof. Brian Keating who has a new book out, Think Like a Nobel Prize Winner distilling his interviews with 9 Nobel Prize winners into actionable wisdom, tools, and life-hacks to release one's inner genius. Order it here https://amzn.to/2UPTxOI and tune into Brian’s YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating
THANK YOU: -BigPhilCombo (on the discord) for managing the Discord voluntarily and making it a place where almost 900 people talk respectfully
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/P-jh6tRh3Jw
The late Raymond Smullyan was an American mathematician, logician, Taoist, and philosopher who's writings are beloved.
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -Raymond Smullyan's book: amazon.com/Tao-Silent-Raymond-M-Smullyan/dp/0060674695/ (not an affiliate link) -Read along with the excerpt: https://www.mit.edu/people/dpolicar/writing/prose/text/godTaoist.html
THANK YOU: -Jacob Smullyan (Raymond's cousin) who cheered me on and gave me the go-ahead to record this, bringing the joy of Raymond's work to more people.
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/YspFR9JAq3w
And we go even deeper... Sponsors: https://www.projecttranscend.com/ for Transcend. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -Part 1 with Leo Gura (watch first): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-w8k4smC74 -Raymond Smullyan "Is God A Taoist" reading: COMING -Chris Langan interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-bRM1kYuNA -Frank Yang (questions): https://www.youtube.com/post/UgwC63Ol9xj3GyR3Ef94AaABCQ -Tyler Goldstein's analysis of Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K52EW8SxJVw -Fakery's analysis of Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOJ5cuguHNc -Steve Scully's TOE: https://www.cascadinguniverse.org/ -Unreleased and unlisted Matthew Phillips interview: https://youtu.be/DTC6ZW4_VKk
THANK YOU: -Jess Palmer -Sam Thompson
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Sponsors: Go to https://curiositystream.thld.co/TOE and use code TOE to save 25% off today. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:10 [finding blanks] Which of your beliefs do you hold most tenaciously that has the least evidence? 00:03:45 [Mohit Mukherji] Is phenomenology (in the tradition of Husserl etc.) an adequate way to study consciousness 00:05:50 [Jake Watson] Can you ask him why he thinks Hume was a rationalist? 00:08:05 [Laura] Retrocausality and free will 00:09:55 [Cybmor] Russell's descriptivist theory, Kripke's causal theory, semantic externalism 00:18:36 [Kelly Gerling] What does it mean to make a "plan" cognitively? 00:20:47 [Joe Smith] Is recursion an intrinsic and universal property of all human E - language? (as opposed to I - Language) 00:22:39 [Sam Thompson] Stone Duality and studying formal languages topologically 00:25:40 [Chris Langan] Pre-linguistic consciousness / insight 00:28:39 [Chris Langan] Consciousness and language association 00:30:37 [Peter Glinos] Incompatibility between multiculturalism and "progress" 00:34:18 [John Doe] Debate with Sam Harris on the Middle East? 00:37:38 [Someone] Mandated vaccination / why trust the gov't and large pharmaceutical corporations? 00:46:10 [Harjot Singh] Chomsky's thoughts on Stoicism 00:47:48 [John Clever] Heidegger, Husserl, and Kierkegaard / Continental philosophy in general 00:48:28 [George Holliday] Eating animals contradicts being moral + animal agriculture in general
00:54:57 [John Tillo] Speaking a new language after brain trauma 00:56:35 [Karl Héðinn] The legacy concerning his Universal grammar + people calling Noam an “essentialist” 01:02:45 [Debra] What questions does Noam have for us? 01:05:36 [William Patterson] On the Kripkenstein Rule Following Paradox
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/rJz_Badd43c
Dror Bar-Natan is a Professor of mathematic who's interests include knot theory, QFT, and Khovanov homology
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: PDF link of notes: https://tinyurl.com/4u4ru2yh
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:29 Quantum Field Theory and Knot Theory 00:10:19 Another QFT / Knot Theory connection or analogy 00:20:46 Knot Theory and Gravity + Bar-Natan's PhD on Chern-Simons 00:24:08 Homology and Cohomology 00:32:54 Dror's average day / routines / laziness 00:35:23 What is "work" for a Professor? How much of it is thinking vs. reading etc.? 00:36:50 All the research is to support teaching 00:41:34 Motivated examples are what's missing in math teaching 00:47:35 Are you more creative when younger or older? 00:48:43 Being "systematic" with learning and research 00:50:37 Rant against theorems and proofs (emphasis) 00:54:51 What understanding a mathematical concept looks like 01:03:35 On laziness, strengths, and weaknesses in mathematics 01:07:47 Advice for the struggling mathematician 01:09:30 What did Dror learn from studying with Ed Witten 01:12:12 On Eric Weinstein 01:19:32 Knot Theory and Physics (again) 01:20:10 Why can't physics of 2 or 3 dimensions be extended to 4 easily? 01:34:21 Hard Problem of Consciousness 01:35:54 The problems Dror thinks about daily 01:37:49 What direction would he like mathematics research to head in? 01:40:26 Philosophy of math (ultra-finitism) 01:44:45 Pure mathematics in service to applied mathematics 01:47:14 How to learn a new field of mathematics 01:47:15 [the scientific mystical philosopher] Unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics 01:48:28 [Romain Gicquad] On IQ 01:51:06 [Tori Ko] What do you think about biology / psychology / philosophy 01:54:03 [Phill Thomas] What led him into the field of mathematics? Can anyone can learn advanced math? 02:03:52 [Tyler Goldstein] Do we need to make new research institutions not linked to academia? 02:06:04 Bias in academia 02:10:15 What's a mathematician? Who's a mathematician and who's not? 02:14:31 [Ashley Shipp] Does he think there is a connection between knot theory and protein folding? 02:19:49 [Jack Dysart] Is math a human construct? 02:22:50 [cx777o] Does he believe in a concept of god? 05:19:49 [Bill McGonigle] Ramanujan and his Goddess 02:23:47 Revealed story that Dror has about Curt and the Prisoner's Dilemma 02:30:27 [Harinivas P] Bible Code and applying advanced math in one's life 02:37:26 [Roy Dopson] Why does it take 360 pages to "prove" that 1+1=2?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/R-w8k4smC74
Sponsors: https://www.projecttranscend.com/ for Transcend. https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:15 Disclaimers + physicalism vs nondualism 00:10:12 Truth is merciless + developing one's own Weltanschauung 00:14:05 Embodying a philosophy 00:22:35 Chris Langan, the CTMU, and Distributed Solipsism 00:27:08 Physics and consciousness depend on one another 00:32:36 Reality is a dream and truth 00:45:12 Epi-consciousness and Gödel's incompleteness theorem 01:11:02 Epistemology, nescience vs ignorance, and hierarchies 01:27:25 Using language is delusive and deficient 01:30:49 The two kinds of "love" 01:43:19 Being precise with one's words 01:59:25 Free will 02:15:23 The reason the universe was created 02:23:55 Creation and destruction (the same? different?) 02:30:03 Paradoxes and contradictions 02:41:34 Meditative exercise for God realization 02:55:56 On Donald Hoffman 03:08:15 Steelmanning the materialist (how do you insights from psychedelics are true?) 03:19:34 Ego, and free will 03:26:43 Leo's own self-deception 03:29:37 The "woo" of paranormal healers and psychics (Leo's personal stories) 03:49:50 On Sam Harris' morality and the Moral Landscape 04:01:35 Experimentations with psychedelics 04:09:42 How to not have a bad trip / become suicidal from nihilism 04:19:05 On attachment (beneficial or not?) 04:22:51 Thomas Campbell 04:30:31 Bernardo Kastrup 04:33:47 Frank Yang 04:51:28 Raymond Smullyan (excerpt reading by Curt) 05:03:49 Curt is too selfish to have a TOE 05:05:52 When you realize you're God, the universe ends 05:09:11 Why use the term "God"? 05:12:58 Principle of impermanence not impermanent? 05:14:39 Proof that you have free will 05:19:49 "Everyone has good intentions" 05:23:08 Hate comes from love 05:31:45 Interview with Matthew Phillips of Transcend
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/0Myis6JOaZw
Prof. Brian Keating's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating?sub_confirmation=1
Steven Cambian's Truthseekers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPyK7hcP5xVlWNI3h6T5_UQ Jeremy Rys' Alien Scientist: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlienScientist
Prof. Brian Keating's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/DrBrianKeating?sub_confirmation=1 Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Steven Cambian's Truthseekers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPyK7hcP5xVlWNI3h6T5_UQ Jeremy Rys' Alien Scientist: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlienScientist
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
THANK YOU: Thank you EndlessKettle (Ollie) for helping me with the questions
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:38 Why has Travis seen so many UFOs when most have seen none? 00:05:01 [Saqib Ali] Aspect about the incident that he doesn't like talking about 00:07:03 I-5 Sighting of a Pyramidal / Triangular UFO 00:08:39 Pregnant girlfriend alien experience -- no longer pregnant afterward. 00:11:43 Does Travis regret that the abduction occurred? 00:13:24 Travis done DMT? Psychedelics and his experience with aliens 00:14:41 Consciousness and telepathy 00:16:27 [jonny 80] Any new memories of advanced technology? 00:19:54 New details of a "screen" (with a drawing later) 00:22:47 [Steve Cambian] Roger Lier association 00:26:31 [Roger Mawby] Did the aliens have a face with a nose and mouth? 00:27:00 Did Travis watch The UFO Incident (Betty Hill case) prior to his case? 00:27:46 [Steve Cambian] Mike Rogers says it's a hoax 00:35:16 Who's the filmmaker against Travis? 00:40:11 [Archer, emissary of gorgonites] Skinny Bob 00:41:01 Smells inside the craft 00:41:45 [Jackson Vega] What do you think of Steven Greer? 01:40:54 [Randol] Were the aliens PART of the craft? 01:41:53 [Jason Brown] What else is physical evidence near the abduction site 01:43:54 [Dynomyte Bizquick] Was gravity different on the craft? 01:45:37 How did the aliens walk? 01:46:33 [Benito] Did they grab you to heal you? 01:47:24 How has this affected his view on death and God? 01:48:29 Kelley Waldrip's accusation that Travis is lying 01:54:21 [Eve Clancy] Have you been abducted more than once? 01:54:59 [Bilbo Baggins] The UAP disclosures, are they the same craft that you've seen 01:55:55 More about the noise of the craft 01:58:08 [John Doe] Coincident about making up a UFO story when younger 01:58:54 [Buck Fanx] Did the other beings communicate with one another 01:59:24 [Freedom Loving Fool] Could you tell if you were underwater or aerial 01:59:40 Freedom Fighter] UFO's as psy ops? Are they threats? 02:02:05 [Dynomyte Bizquick] Do popular alien depictions resemble what you've seen? 02:02:50 Testing his clothes (for radiation etc.) 02:03:21 [Stephon Exodus] Is he amazed that people still ask him about his abduction 02:04:48 [Steve Cambien] Did Roger Lier inspect Travis' pregnant girlfriend? 02:08:25 [Tim] Do you recall seeing signs / symbols
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Simulation with Atlas podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6JhS4GvWf3AJfOTfkrse2w Adopt Responsibility with Matthew Widen podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzwP_qFSXmDs-79VMFmcQQw/ Fakery’s brutally honest commentary on the Simulation podcast with Curt and Atlas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehnK6ynHxMg
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/X6qeFzrmRqU
Zubin interviews Curt, interviewing Zubin. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto: https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: ZdoggMD (Zubin's channel): https://www.youtube.com/user/ZDoggMD
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:02 Similarities between ZdoggMD and Theories of Everything 00:09:34 Uncertainty and the present moment 00:13:11 Self deception and lies 00:22:59 The nature of reality and ancient texts (Bible, Vedas, etc.) 00:28:06 Curt's problems with sleeping 00:39:11 Free will and too much chatter in the brain 00:47:54 Nonduality (who's experiencing the experiences?) 00:54:24 Belief isn't just a "thought" 01:02:34 Limits of language 01:08:22 Limits of science 01:10:50 Science 2.0 (abhijgnosis) 01:23:05 Placebo and self-fulfilling beliefs being as primary as consciousness 01:28:07 Atheism and Sam Harris 01:34:20 What's fundamental, in nondualism? 01:37:14 Nondualism is nihilism 01:51:41 The public's mistrust of "science" is warranted 02:00:57 As podcasters, should we delete comments that decelerate conversations? 02:05:38 When certain topics / viewpoints become demonitized, suspicion is raised 02:12:10 Fasting and difficulty sleeping 02:15:46 Zubin and Curt exchange podcasting foibles 02:24:17 Rationality doesn't motivate you, and perhaps shouldn't. 02:32:20 Admonishments against being "left" or "right" 02:44:40 Live audience questions answered by Zubin on meditation and nondualism
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/cDZEb-GKAJ4
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Top 10 Playlist for TOE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE&list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlMS2MP3hzVot4Z77AWFnHzQ UFO Playlist for TOE - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ7ikzmc6zlPd4Y5pg8XtzS_0-ChSTeJ6 Avi Loeb interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTHDCD4MnqY Luis Elizondo interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmFlLfsZKM&pp=sAQA
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:51 UFO being hit by our nuclear bomb, and falling into the sea 00:10:21 [M Kelly] What's the most common "myth" / "untruth" in ufology? 00:12:12 If aliens wanted to harm us, why don't do they do so more drastically? 00:17:41 [Amjad Hussain] Evidence for underwater base of UFOs? 00:21:23 Do the different types of aliens have conflict / cooperation with one another? 00:27:16 [Josh Paterson] High strangeness 00:31:37 Evidence for remote viewing / psychic phenomenon 00:42:46 [Tyler Goldstein] Sleep paralysis caused by ET? 00:45:38 [Politically incorrect] Paul Benowitz, Mount Archuleta 00:54:06 In-fighting and disprizing within the ufology community 01:06:35 [Xcalipurful] How best to study the UAP phenomenon? What data sets exist? 01:09:59 [Matthew] Skinwalker 01:13:05 Relationship between UFOs and Bigfoot 01:17:39 [Steven Cambian] CIA deathbed interview was a lie 01:20:16 [Steven Cambian] The Wilson Memos (are they a lie as well?) 01:40:20 [Fredis 33] Bob Lazar is truthful 01:51:52 [@Ben_in_Toronto] Israeli head of space speaking about UFOs 01:56:39 [@waxsublime] Aliens referred to us as "containers"? 01:58:16 [Tyler Gates] Someone puts a gun to your head saying "convince me of aliens" 02:04:11 Psychedelic use / DMT and alien encounters 02:06:50 [Oliver] Will Avi Loeb's Project Galileo be fruitful? 02:08:08 [Philip Cauchy] Ross Coulthart's "black budget reverse engineering" 02:08:57 [Lonesomespacecowboy] If the world saw what you, Richard, saw -- what would the reaction be? 02:13:02 Bill Clinton story of "my hands are tied" regarding UFOs 02:20:23 COVID and aliens? 02:24:46 [Victor Wagg] If you had access to alien tech, do you slow drip or reveal all at once? 02:31:09 We're losing our human qualities, and freedoms. Kids can't even play. 02:37:12 [Paul Walsch] Who are the most credible people in the UFO scene? 02:39:49 [Dr Kickass 77] How to identify misinformation 02:43:49 [@StanAlister] How come we have no clear video of UFOs but have lucid videos of rare meteors? 02:50:43 Any picture of alien bodies?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/N-bRM1kYuNA
Chris Langan has the highest recorded IQ in America, and has invented a theory of everything called the CTMU based in metalogic. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
CHRIS LANGAN LINKS: http://CTMUradio.com http://CTMU.org https://www.patreon.com/CTMU https://twitter.com/RealChrisLangan
00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:00 How long does it take to learn the CTMU? 00:09:52 Introduction to the CTMU 00:12:03 Syntax and Semantics duality (Stone duality) 00:13:26 Syntactic covering, human cognitive syntax, and reality syntax 00:14:38 "Language" is more like reality than mathematical language 00:15:19 Love, related to "inner expansion" 00:16:28 There's no such thing as a "literal interpretation" 00:17:47 Standard physics is a linear-ectomorphic semi-model 00:19:59 Zeno's paradox and the problem with continuity / real numbers 00:22:00 The conspansive manifold 00:24:03 Meta-simultaneity 00:25:58 CTMU set theory vs ZFC 00:28:15 Metaformal system vs formal system 00:32:37 Free will and telic recursion 00:34:17 Evil is incoherent 00:35:20 Syndiffeonesis and the hierarchy of metalanguages 00:37:32 Difference from sameness (monism / nonduality) 00:40:00 Mach's principle 00:42:08 Expanding universe (expanding INTO what? vs. the metric) 00:44:37 How did Chris come up with the CTMU? 00:45:41 Newcomb's paradox and free will 00:55:16 Unary relations and syndiffeonesis 00:57:02 You participate in what you perceive. You help create the world. 01:01:38 A theory of everything must "explain" cognition 01:02:26 Origin of life 01:03:19 Many Worlds Interpretation is "hogwash" 01:08:17 Existence is everywhere a choice to exist 01:12:58 Definition of G.O.D. (God) 01:14:16 If consciousness is associated with quantum collapse, can a particle be evil? 01:15:25 Good vs evil (in the CTMU) 01:17:14 Human Singularity vs Tech Singularity 01:20:18 Mind uploading 01:22:14 Maximum entanglement speed 01:23:01 Liar's paradox 01:24:49 What is death? What happens after death? 01:26:38 UFOs / UAPs / Jack Sarfatti 01:30:58 Chris' paranormal experiences 01:39:10 On the criticism of Chris' CTMU (and Weinstein / Wolfram) 01:43:27 Supertautology 01:46:05 Interpreting different religions as aspect of the same reality 01:46:55 Why is atheism associated with being intellectual? 01:51:31 IQ and Stephen Jay Gould 02:00:04 The truth about intelligence is that there's more to it than IQ 02:03:46 On Chris' personality, and how he chose his wife 02:11:18 New Atheism and Sam Harris / Dawkins 02:18:07 Hell exists 02:23:47 Belief vs action 02:27:29 God is his own bound 02:28:10 Who was Jesus? Who was Buddha? 02:30:52 Klee Irwin 02:36:05 Joscha Bach 02:38:33 Proto-computation vs Turing machine 02:44:50 Eric Weinstein's Geometric Unity 02:46:57 Stephen Wolfram's Theory of Everything 02:49:04 Donald Hoffman's "reality is an illusion" 02:50:34 Bohm and Bergson 02:55:07 Douglas Hofstadter's Strange Loop 02:56:37 Penrose and Hameroff 02:59:36 Thomas Campbell's "My Big TOE" 03:02:07 Noam Chomsky 03:06:06 Jordan Peterson 03:07:45 Metacausation 03:10:56 Logico-geometric duality 03:13:17 Trialic 03:14:47
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/NnaYguRA6uI
Jeremy Corbell is a documentary filmmaker who covered the Bob Lazar story / raid, as well as is at the forefront of getting UAP footage declassified (including for the June Report). Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:26 [FLOTILLA !] Convincing ET / alien footage 00:05:45 [Gonzalo Chavez] What else is coming, with the Bob Lazar story? 00:07:16 [Amjad Hussain] Alien structures in the sea (or inside the Earth) 00:13:33 [Alex] Bob Lazar lied about his job, was actually scanning radiation badges? 00:15:41 [A014] What else is going to be "released" that Jeremy has seen 00:20:43 Is Luis Elizondo credible? What about Stephen Greer? 00:24:28 [Mental Director 8295] Where's the high res photo of the triangle UFO? 00:26:45 [David Bates] What should journalists do to cover this story, if they don't have sources? 00:28:56 [Ali Reza] Contact via remote viewing 00:30:23 UFOs and Bigfoot 00:31:30 Skinwalker. What's the heck is going on 00:33:05 [Dirt Flier] The Bob Lazar raid true story (what was the reason?) 00:35:46 Why cattle mutilations? 00:37:15 Consciousness, psychedelics, and aliens 00:40:19 [Lonesomespacecowboy] What would the world look like if the public knew what Lue does? 00:42:41 [Organic Vistas] Correlation between climate and UFOs? 00:43:05 [Payt Laros] Mick West debunks 00:45:47 [TheMovingForest] Salvador Pais 00:48:23 Can Curt speak to Bob Lazar? 00:48:44 [TheMovingForest] Familiar with Tr3b? 00:51:09 [Ef is me] Why doesn't the gov't contact scientists, or can scientists offer their help? 00:53:37 June Report... what's coming? 00:55:19 [Charles] Department of Energy, Land Management, craft recovery 1945 00:57:56 [K D] Why don't people like bringing up demons / angels? 00:59:36 [Rob Mc Donah] International effort / president's don't even know 01:02:39 We're "containers"... what does that mean? 01:03:43 [Victor Wag] Why does the triangle UFO flash at the NSA mandated rates? 01:07:33 [Keith] How did the UFO know where the cap point was? 01:10:45 Further unexplained issues with the Fravor case that need to be explored 01:12:48 [Paranoid Android] Archaeological digs in Antarctica by John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, and Patriarch Kyrill in 2016? 01:13:21 Alien Abductions. Correlation? Intent? 01:16:58 Deciphering alien messages / receiving messages from UAPs 01:18:40 What questions SHOULD we be asking?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/aAmFlLfsZKM
Luis Elizondo reveals his thoughts on the June Report, the connection between consciousness / physics and aliens / UAPs. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Brian Keating's INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE podcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXH_moPhfkqCk6S3b9RWuw Interview with Kevin Knuth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atntnU_baHc
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:45 UFOs have been classified by size and other parameters 00:08:27 The June Report: what's coming out in it? 00:13:19 Why all these revelations now? 00:14:07 Remote viewing and aliens / UAPs 00:15:41 [Jeremy Rys] Invisible College and Hal Puthoff 00:17:57 [Brian Keating] Tellurian / mundane explanations for UFO phenomenon? 00:23:06 The "checklist" the gov't goes through before citing it as UAP 00:26:00 Transmedium travel, spoofing or physical? 00:31:37 [Manny Ortiz] Are they demons? Angels? 00:34:21 [bisectdox] Have we communicated with UAPs? Have we found their communications? 00:39:11 Psychedelics and UAPs 00:41:20 [Mick West] Why not reveal all the information for the good of humanity? 00:49:13 [Lonesomespacecowboy] What would the world look like if the public knew what Lue does? 00:50:10 [Gentian] Tom Delong calls them “the Others” 00:50:43 His opinion on Bob Lazar, also that aliens referred to us as "containers" 00:53:26 [PulsatingShadow] How frequently do abductions happen 00:55:58 [Lady Shar Reacts] Any UAPs underwater in the Nimitz case? 00:56:54 [Amjad Hussain] Does the USA have alien bodies in their procession? 00:57:41 Skinwalker Ranch and Bigfoot 01:05:29 Audience members say "thank you" in the live chat 01:06:11 [Andres] What questions SHOULD we be asking, as the public, but aren't? 01:06:49 Lue's predictions have come true 01:08:04 [blindorize] UAP phenomenon and an international effort, rather than USA focused 01:08:59 [Neon Dagger] Lue's personal encounter 01:09:34 [Raylson Carlos] Nimitz appearing at the "cap point"... How? 01:10:35 Was Sam Harris contacted by Lue 01:11:09 [Lonesomespacecowboy] What would the world look like if the public knew what Lue does? 01:14:24 Advice for Curt on the journey into TOEs (and UAPs connection to them) 01:15:28 Is Lue a misinformation agent?
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWLd9y1MG4c
Rupert Spira is a teacher of the "direct path"-method of spiritual self-enquiry, and a world renown expert on non-dualism. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Rupert's Website: https://rupertspira.com/ Rupert's Twitter: https://twitter.com/RupertSpira Interview with Bernardo Kastrup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE Interview with Donald Hoffman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w Interview with Iain McGilchrist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4
THANK YOU: Cooper Sheehan and Henry Hoffman-Bakoussis for formatting the audience questions.
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:07 Overview of non-dualism 00:09:09 Experience vs consciousness vs awareness 00:10:31 "In ignorance, I am something. In understanding, I am nothing. I love, I am everything." 00:14:29 Discovering "you" by taking off your thoughts and perceptions 00:17:09 Meditative exercise to see union between the self and the world 00:33:14 Can you be aware of not being aware? 00:48:34 Why can there only be "one" consciousness? 00:51:54 Consciousness as fundamental. Not matter 01:04:55 Why does infinite consciousness need to become finite? 01:09:17 There no real "things" 01:11:40 Definition of enlightenment 01:14:47 Are atheists / materialists lying when they say they have peace? 01:21:30 It's okay for your body's pain to not have caught up to your mind's peace 01:28:19 The nature of consciousness is happiness 01:34:55 Logos 01:40:35 Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup 01:48:03 Psychedelics 01:58:01 Consciousness as "love" requires subtlety to understand 02:00:19 Love, truth, and beauty are the same, but depend on the path one takes 02:04:12 Psychological suffering is veiled happiness 02:07:31 Some truths will break you at your core 02:17:40 New age is missing the malicious element of humanity 02:24:26 Rupert's distinctive manner of speech 02:27:07 Does infinite consciousness "speak" to us? 02:29:15 Why does suffering exist? Why does it have to be so drastic? 02:43:04 "Overlapping consciousness" and the objective world 02:49:40 Materialists don't disagree with non-dualism 02:51:22 Curt's "fractal" theory of reality and the extremization of a parameter unifying with its opposite 03:00:17 On death, and continuing on 03:06:11 Science 2.0 ("abhijgnosis" as Curt calls it) 03:18:48 [Hubur Galula] Does Rupert still get overwhelmed with emotions / attached to objects or people? 03:23:44 Functional vs dysfunctional attachments (co-dependence) 03:25:37 [Inannawhimsey] Rupert, is there any emotion that isn't valid? 03:35:22 [Rebecca Briggs] Ego and shadow work in the non-dual recognition tradition? 03:42:10 Why are we separate at all? Why are these truths something we have realize? 03:47:59 Descartes was wrong, or right? 03:52:27 The East vs The West (the East was first to non-dualism) 03:57:59 Rupert Spira interprets the Prodigal son with non-dualism 04:02:59 Prayer in the West vs meditation in the East
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/1sXrRc3Bhrs
Stephen Wolfram is at his jovial peak in this technical interview regarding the Wolfram Physics project (theory of everything). Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Link to the Wolfram project: https://www.wolframphysics.org/
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:26 Behind the scenes 00:04:00 Wolfram critiques are from people who haven't read the papers (generally) 00:10:39 The Wolfram Model (Theory of Everything) overview in under 20 minutes 00:29:35 Causal graph vs. multiway graph 00:39:42 Global confluence and causal invariance 00:44:06 Rulial space 00:49:05 How to build your own Theory of Everything 00:54:00 Computational reducibility and irreducibility 00:59:14 Speaking to aliens / communication with other life forms 01:06:06 Extra-terrestrials could be all around us, and we'd never see it 01:10:03 Is the universe conscious? What is "intelligence"? 01:13:03 Do photons experience time? (in the Wolfram model) 01:15:07 "Speed of light" in rulial space 01:16:37 Principle of computational equivalence 01:21:13 Irreducibility vs undecidability and computational equivalence 01:23:47 Is infinity "real"? 01:28:08 Discrete vs continuous space 01:33:40 Testing discrete space with the cosmic background radiation (CMB) 01:34:35 Multiple dimensions of time 01:36:12 Defining "beauty" in mathematics, as geodesics in proof space 01:37:29 Particles are "black holes" in branchial space 01:39:44 New Feynman stories about his abjuring of woo woo 01:43:52 Holographic principle / AdS CFT correspondence, and particles as black holes 01:46:38 Wolfram's view on cryptocurrencies, and how his company trades in crypto [Amjad Hussain] 01:57:38 Einstein field equations in economics 02:03:04 How to revolutionize a field of study as a beginner 02:04:50 Bonus section of Curt's thoughts and questions
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/uVo51khU8AE
Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Vallée's and Harris' book: Trinity: The Best Kept Secret amazon.com/TRINITY-Best-Kept-Secret-Jaques-Vallée-ebook/dp/B094YNBG8T (not affiliate) Kevin Knuth's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atntnU_baHc Jeremy Corbell's podcast with Curt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4wZbcovkXY
THANK YOU: Henry Hoffman
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:38 Vallée on his Theory of Everything Else 00:05:11 Vallée summarizes the Trinity case (just revealed weeks ago) 00:07:34 Physics of UFO craft 00:12:03 This case has never been revealed to the public 00:17:09 Why are there so many crashes, if Aliens are so advanced? 00:21:23 What's the pattern of UFO sights? More after nuclear tests? More in a certain region? 00:22:08 How the aliens / creatures and craft looked at the Trinity site 00:30:24 UFO activity at Whitesand's Missile Base 00:36:26 Consciousness and alien encounters 00:37:47 Detailed description of how the creatures behaved in their craft 00:41:11 Visions being beamed into your head 00:48:49 These visions seem biblical / apocalyptical 00:58:30 Psychedelics and UFO's [Amjad Hussain / Ef is me] 01:03:28 Simulation Hypothesis, Donald Hoffman, Thomas Campbell, and Idealism 01:09:43 The motives / intent of the aliens (and are we dealing with just one type?) 01:16:28 We've been taught that studying UFO's is "non-sense" 01:21:20 UFO's in space (recorded incidents) 01:25:58 What we'll get in the June report 2021? 01:30:40 UFO research doesn't get published. Ball lightning doesn't even get published. 01:33:04 Compelling video Jacques has seen, that hasn't been declassified [xenex301] 01:33:53 Mick West, and well-informed skeptics 01:37:15 Peer-reviewed research on UFO's [Harry Austin] 01:44:16 Why these secrets can be above even the President of the USA 01:48:47 Thoughts on Chris Mellon and Luis Elizondo (are they credible?) 01:51:54 Metallurgical analysis of parts of UFO crafts 01:53:55 Why are Brazilian UFO's violent? What other cases are there of violence? 01:56:54 Physics of UFO "beams" / light rays that pin you down / are deleterious 01:57:56 Why is disclosure happening now? [Alan Whitehead] 02:01:28 How to legitimize UFO research in academia 02:03:01 What does it mean to "study" the UFO phenomenon? How? 02:09:42 What will Jacques do with all the material he's collected on aliens? [Sn00ze] 02:11:29 Recovering alien debris from the Trinity case 02:20:36 Operation highjump 02:21:55 New footage from the Navy [Ifran] 02:23:52 Bob Lazar, and why we're referred to as "containers" [Diggie's Journal] 02:28:57 More on Jacques Vallée, and Kevin Knuth 02:32:27 Will you chat with Mick West, Curt? [Tim Wilson]
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX0hn6F-jsI
Noam Chomsky reveals his thoughts on his own death, meeting Kurt Gödel, and more. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Janice Fiamengo interview with Curt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwT-w47Il5c
THANK YOU: Henry Hoffman-Bakoussis for enumerating the questions
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:29 [Stephen Wolfram] If we knew the operation of each neuron, could we understand linguistics? 00:04:06 [Sebastiaan Kampers] Is there meaning outside language? 00:05:03 [Ar On] Are you more proud of your contributions to linguistics or of your contributions to politics? 00:05:44 [Cowicide] How can one discuss philosophy while staying non-political? 00:07:56 [Ar On] What are your thoughts on mandating vaccines? 00:10:04 [Bulldog Madhav] How to avoid despair, after seeing life's meaninglessness 00:13:39 [Amjad Hussain] How to tell the difference between science and pseudoscience? 00:16:58 [CryptoND1] Will crypto lead to a monetary revolution? Good or bad? 00:17:53 [Global] Blockchain technology for direct democratic voting system? 00:22:42 [John Doe] What about the latest UAP / UFO revelations by pentagon? 00:23:28 [Patrick O'Donnell] How to communicating with aliens 00:31:04 [Connor] Opinion on Frankfurt school? 00:31:38 [Wiil-Waal] Do you fear death? Why / why not? 00:32:46 [Ivan Bilu] How to explain multiple personalities, with different languages? 00:34:02 [Brandon] Speaking in tongues phenomenon and spirituality 00:35:52 [Prof. Janice Fiamengo] Feminism / MeToo and liberty 00:39:19 [Biers Adajew] Societies with a belief in free will vs. no free will 00:41:48 [Ideas Sleep Furiously] Who's the smartest person Chomsky ever met 00:48:08 [Tobia Davico] On Jacques Lacan and his influence on Chomsky 00:51:45 [Queerdo] Are you a part of an anti-aging study based on plant diet? 00:53:06 [Henry S] How does Chomsky stay sharp at 92? 00:54:30 [Noah Müller] Connection between language and movement 00:55:37 [Lavl2001] Why are psychedelics illegal? 01:01:56 [Joshua Bracho] Do you have any thoughts on the work of Friedrich Nietzsche? 02:28:12 [Ravi Ray] Objectively determine that some works of art are better than others 01:04:20 [Biers Adajew] What are Chomsky's views on anti-natalism? 01:06:04 [Hamid] What do you think about "It from Bit" idea from John Wheeler? 01:06:34 [Jens] On Steven Pinker's words and rules theory of language
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube: https://youtu.be/zw6BFDJ765w
Bernardo Kastrup and John Vervaeke become closer and closer, in this theolocution. Sponsors: https://brilliant.org/TOE for 20% off. http://algo.com for supply chain AI.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: John Vervaeke's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnvervaeke Bernardo Kastrup's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/bernardokastrup What I've Learned on Cows #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGG-A80Tl5g What I've Learned on Cows #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdrhpThqlCo
THANK YOU: Jaran, who helped with compiling notes.
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:32 Summary of Round 1 00:10:29 Best counter to John's and Bernardo's position 00:28:42 Vedanta, Brahma, and Lucid Dreaming 00:40:45 Local vs global consciousness, and meta-consciousness 00:43:40 Psychedelics and experiencing "mind at large" 00:46:10 Whitehead and prehension 00:51:40 John and Bernardo have moved closer (philosophically) to one another 00:55:39 On Karl Friston's "inference" 00:52:30 How to improve as an interviewer 00:57:46 Transjectivity, and rejecting both the blank slate and romanticism 01:02:42 Bernardo started out as an "objectivist" 01:08:15 Mind Uploading is nonsense 01:12:58 Joscha Bach knows nothing about consciousness 01:24:12 There's no "simulation" of consciousness. Who's the illusion occurring to? 01:29:56 Growth doesn't stop when you're 20. We need more than the propositional. 01:36:03 "Idolatry of the nerds" and how "thinking" is just one function of the psyche. 01:39:25 Respecting the elderly 01:41:52 Having mode vs. the Being mode 01:48:05 Love is a kind of knowing. On "agape" 01:58:30 Love is a part of nature, but not the only part. 02:05:54 How to integrate the Shadow 02:10:57 The processes that make us adaptive, make us self deceptive. 02:13:18 Internal family systems therapy 02:21:08 Curt's personal confession 02:28:12 We think we must "win" but we must surrender. Surrender to what you are. 02:34:40 Trying not to try 02:40:05 Personal stories of darkness, from John and Bernardo 02:50:50 Self knowledge, self acceptance, and "participating" in this world 02:54:34 Bernardo and John are the opposite of how they seem. John is more "woo" and Bernardo is anti-"woo" 02:58:37 Bernardo's shadow 03:01:35 We need to reintegrate humor in spirituality 03:05:28 How to build the modern religion? 03:33:44 Where you can find more about John and Bernardo 03:39:36 BONUS [MrChocolateCookie] The paradox of trying not to try 03:44:07 BONUS [Queerdo] Veganism and spiritual bypassing 03:57:03 BONUS [David] What did you enjoy most about this conversation? 03:59:33 BONUS John takes Curt through a breathing exercise 04:01:28 BONUS The theolocution process is vehement but filled with love
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8laPMEQOUQ
Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st Century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and much more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Crypto (anonymous): https://tinyurl.com/cryptoTOE PayPal: https://tinyurl.com/paypalTOE Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -Anthony's website: https://www.magneticmemorymethod.com/ -Chris Williamson's ep w/ Polina Pompliano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW4_Qx7Fgq8 -Gary Weber: “Happiness beyond thought”
THANK YOU: To Ollie, for the timestamps.
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:40 Anthony's story 00:07:00 Why Anthony changed from political science to literature 00:12:00 Romanticisation of nihilism in pop culture / Pretense and performativity vs authenticity in society 00:17:55 Anthony’s theory of CRAPHT 00:24:10 Buddha, Jesus, and Love 00:27:05 Anthony’s battle with depression and how he started working in memory 00:33:47 Anthony’s highly successful TEDx talk 00:35:30 Memory and improving intelligence 00:37:45 Are there any ways to increase one's IQ? 00:43:45 The adaptive quality of forgetting 00:50:45 The "oneness" of information 00:54:48 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow 00:55:10 Practical example – take an ordinary member of the population and say “memorize these ten cards” 00:59:25 Different ripples in the field of consciousness and oneness 01:03:40 Uber Atheist philosophy in Sanskrit texts 01:05:35 Anthony’s secret typing weapon 01:07:40 From Atheism to Uber Atheism 01:10:28 Studying Sanskrit for depression and anxiety 01:12:15 Does Sanskrit help? 01:17:25 Dual N-back test? 01:21:30 Tips on letting go and calming one’s mind 01:26:30 Parallels between some of Foucault’s philosophy and non-duality 01:34:45 Difference between intellectual and experiential understanding 01:40:20 Anthony had Slavoj Zizek as a prof 01:42:00 Is there something wrong with the master-slave relationship? 01:45:10 Is Slavoj is aware that he is not making sense to most? 01:54:23 Is there such a thing as zero consciousness? 01:54:54 Nietzsche: Everything interprets 01:59:10 What would happen if someone said, “my ideal life is causing misery to others”? 02:02:22 Responding to Sam Harris 02:10:34 If the self is an illusion, who is that illusion appearing to? 02:15:15 Part of the issue with Atheism and Uber Atheism, and metaphysical cop-outs 02:22:17 Free will 02:35:48 What would the consequence of enlightenment be? 02:36:55 Karl Friston’s free energy principle – do our beliefs about the world change the world? 02:43:01 The omega point 02:46:05 Curt wants to learn German 02:53:15 Has improving your memory lead you to believe there is no free will? [Matrin] 02:54:26 Adumbration of Anthony's TEDx talk 03:03:48 Who are favorite authors to read in German? [Audience] 03:07:07 Tim Berners-Lee and the future of the internet 03:15:15 Do drugs enhance cognitive performance? And if so, which? [Steve Agnew] 03:16:22 Improve short-term memory or my working memory? Routines? Games? [Rajesh] 03:17:27 Audience question: Is addiction related to memory? [Mysterybear] 03:18:17 How long has Anthony been practicing his memory techniques? [Trollop7] 03:20:48 Final thoughts from Anthony + where to find out more
* * *
Just wrapped (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/7SodXrXFAsc
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Discord Invite: https://discord.com/invite/kBcnfNVwqs Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: -Closer To Truth (Robert Kuhn's channel): https://www.youtube.com/user/CloserToTruth1
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:41 Why is Robert doing more interviews? 00:08:19 Soon to focus on Eastern modes of "knowing" and philosophies 00:18:40 The difference between the East and West in approach to answers / truth 00:22:46 Venerating verification puts you at odds with studying consciousness 00:26:24 How Robert prepares for each interview 00:30:33 Dealing with people emailing their Theories to you 00:42:33 Defining "truth" 00:46:20 Can one get closer to truth without knowing what truth is? 00:52:30 How to improve as an interviewer 00:55:47 Factors to weigh when conducting an edifying and entertaining interview 01:00:31 Which "logic" is correct? (classical v. intuitionist v. fuzzy v. etc.) 01:12:29 Faith in logic 01:14:37 Curt doesn't buy it when people say they "don't have faith" 01:21:18 Science, physicalism, idealism, and Bernardo Kastrup 01:27:21 If neither physicalism nor idealism can be refuted then it's faith to choose one 01:33:39 Both Robert and Curt find it hard to come to conclusions 01:40:08 Questioning Robert's faith 01:44:50 Is there a difference between faith in God and faith in driving a car? 01:51:59 Bede Rundle's argument against God 01:55:38 Alvin Plantinga's argument for God 01:55:38 Alvin Plantinga's argument for God 02:04:46 Why do intelligent people disagree extensively? 02:07:46 Is Robert any "closer to truth"? 02:10:55 How to keep all the Theories one's heard in one's working memory 02:14:07 Unedited podcasts vs. polished edited clips 02:15:44 [Pandaproducts] When is the Kastrup interview coming out? 02:16:33 [Andrea S] Why is there anything and not nothing? 02:21:00 [Steve Scully] Just because "something" exists, does this preclude "nothing" from existing? 02:22:07 [PF] Thoughts on UFO's / sightings / encounters? 02:22:41 [Pandaproducts] Thoughts on life after death / NDE's? 02:27:23 Demarcation problem 02:27:36 [Abdullah Khalid] Robert's best interview? 02:27:48 Who would you interview of the past? 02:27:57 Advice for Curt for Theories of Everything?
* * *
I just finished (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWcTmeAs44I
Bernardo Kastrup is the preeminent Western philosopher espousing metaphysical idealism, and John Vervaeke is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto focusing on the "meaning crisis" and a 3rd wave cognitive science approach to mindfulness. This is Round 1. Comment below as to what you'd like to see for Round 2.
Curt's interview with JV alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p8o3-7mvQc Curt's interview with BK alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAB21FAXCDE
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: JV's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnvervaeke JV's "Meaning Crisis" series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54l8_ewcOlY&list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ BK's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeDZCa3VrRQvzBlVR-oVVmA
THANK YOU: -Phil Chertook (who has graciously served as a mini-Jamie to this TOE video). -Grizwald Grim (a volunteer from the TOE Discord) for the timestamps
TIMESTAMPS: 0:00:00 Introduction 0:08:50 Green Room 0:09:43 Context Exposition 0:10:33 Intros 0:12:53 Vervaeke Deep Continuity Rationalist 0:16:18 BK Analytic Idealist - mind as foundation of matter 0:19:14 Emergent Exploration of Emergence 0:22:33 Plausibility construct, trustworthy functional elegance standard 0:26:33 Psychosocial plausibility at the heart of objectivity 0:29:12 Science and Consciousness 0:30:03 Culturally manufactured emergence 0:33:30 Normative pragmatism, lead by plausibility and probability 0:34:56 The Art of Disciplined and Justifiable Plausibility 0:36:02 Scotus and Ockham - Severing from Realism 0:38:44 Incoherent Notion of Being 0:40:48 Relativity, conceptual parsimony, parsimonious postulates & Alien Abduction 0:47:18 Individuating Consciousness 0:51:33 Standard Hume Empiricism 0:52:22 Elegance & Problematic Parsimony - why not be a realist? 0:53:40 Nominal vs Ontic partitioning 0:58:28 Questioning the Experiencer - Precisely Transcendental 1:01:18 Meta-conscious Reflective Attention 1:03:03 Hume's Straw Man 1:04:16 Self, Consciousness & Meta-consciousness 1:06:33 Dissociative Folded Experiential Reflection 1:08:08 What is the Self 1:09:33 Therapy Timeout 1:15:11 Solving the Meaning Crisis 1:17:33 Unbalanced analytic rational conceptual 1:19:17 Idolatry of Nerds 1:26:24 Fluid Compensation for Physicalist Façade 1:28:42 Where we went Wrong - Images that we call the World 1:32:27 Flat Ontologies and the Depth Dimension 1:34:21 The Obviousness of Experience & Fields of Intelligibility 1:36:54 The Normative Longing for the Transcendental Noumenal 1:40:00 Meaning and Ontology 1:44:40 Meta-meaning Worldview & The Bouncer of the Heart 1:51:05 How do you define what exists - how can we know what's real? 1:56:44 Drinking from the Fount of Intelligibility 1:58:29 Behind the Scenes 2:01:33 Where do you Disagree the Most? 2:04:33 Real Field Harmonics 2:06:11 Grounding Monism & Spinoza Modes 2:15:01 Observation Beyond Dissociative Boundaries 2:16:16 The Space/Time Framework of Language 2:18:02 New Age Disavowal 2:19:13 Difference In Kind, Dissociations of Mind 2:24:20 Emergence and the Degree/Kind Threshold 2:26:37 Inducing Dissociation in the Universal Mind 2:30:33 Meta-consciousness and Reportability 2:34:40 Jung and Meta-consciousness 2:38:00 Metacognition and Dissociation 2:43:22 Beyond the Boundary of our Own Dissociation 2:45:55 Mental, and of Dissociative Character
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/2v7LBABwZKA
Karl Friston is a British neuroscientist at University College London and an authority on the free energy principle and predictive coding theory.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED: Iain McGilchrist's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-SgOwc6Pe4 Donald Hoffman's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmieNQH7Q4w Anil Seth's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUEqXhDbVs Stuart Hameroff's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLo0Zwe579g Machine Learning Street Talk's interview with Karl Friston (not mentioned but an informative watch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkR24ieh5Ow
TIMESTAMPS 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:45 Balancing work and life with an h-index of 200+ 00:04:33 Daily routine 00:05:55 How to choose which problems to work on? 00:10:13 Defining "deflationary" and "self-evidencing" 00:14:33 Equilibrium vs non-equilibrium steady state 00:20:52 Why is it called the Free Energy Principle? 00:27:20 What is the Free Energy Principle? (two answers) 00:41:15 Is causation and time required for the FEP? 00:46:03 FEP incomplete because it doesn't incorporate relativity? 00:57:21 Schrödinger, entropy, gradient flow, and life 00:59:01 Why is the Free Energy Principle infamous for being esoteric? 01:01:00 Is FEP a TOE? A theory of everything? 01:03:20 Do atoms have "beliefs" in a Bayesian sense? 01:04:54 List of different fields FEP has implications for (physics, biology, AI, etc.) 01:17:47 On Occam's Razor and Artificial Intelligence 01:25:38 Newcomb's paradox 01:29:05 FEP - a Law of Nature or a different way of compressing? 01:36:50 Jordan Peterson's "order and chaos" and the FEP 01:50:51 Using brain structure to infer about the world 02:07:12 On hierarchies and modelling different "things" (tools don't behave like apples) 02:13:59 The importance of "shared narratives" 02:18:37 Religion as aiding "shared narratives" 02:22:43 Politics needs 50 / 50 splits on issues 02:25:53 The existence of free will and definition of it 02:28:43 Self fulfilling prophecies 02:31:37 Schizophrenia, Curt, and Karl 02:45:48 "You are your own existence proof." 02:48:03 Can you think yourself into non-existence? 02:51:33 Definition of generative model 02:54:06 Donald Hoffman's consciousness model 02:54:34 Quantum consciousness and Penrose's Orchestrated OR 02:59:41 What does FEP say about consciousness? 03:09:48 The meta-Hard Problem of Consciousness 03:15:22 Anna Lukomsky: Idealism vs Physicalism 03:28:13 Joanne Dong: Explain the meaning of life via the FEP 03:34:23 Monotheism vs Polytheism in terms of FEP and psychology 03:38:50 Faraz Honarvar: Do our actions matter to the world? 03:47:20 Final words on Schizophrenia and existential anxiety from studying different metaphysics
* * *
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I just finished (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atntnU_baHc
Kevin Knuth is a Professor of physics at the University of Albany, a former NASA scientist, and the Editor-In-Chief of the Entropy journal. He has a unique Theory of Everything called Influence Theory.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED IN VIDEO: Kevin Knuth's card game website: https://nobilisscientia.com Kevin Knuth's website: http://knuthlab.org/ Steve Scully's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8_4BUpeNfEWJ-wwdIDJxQ
00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:07 The Bethune Encounter (1951) 00:07:14 The lights of the UFO's are possibly due to plasma 00:08:53 Why study UFO's? (and cattle mutilations) 00:21:09 Japan Air Lines Flight 1628 (1986) 00:24:32 300 ft UFO follows one of our planes for 40 minutes 00:24:12 Why is investigating aliens considered academically uncouth? 00:28:13 The Nimitz Encounters (2004) 00:34:41 The Tic Tac video is likely the least interesting video the gov't has 00:36:57 UFO's are not simply drones or advanced gov't technology 00:39:47 Why UFO's aren't studied by physicists, and who else (as a Professor) is studying? 00:42:05 Is alien technology "progressing"? Why / why not? 00:44:03 Why are they shutting down our nuclear missiles? 00:48:14 Why don't people supposedly from the gov't who announce UFO's are real, get killed? 00:50:27 UFO's should be far more technologically advanced than they are 00:53:50 Theory of Kevin's that explains where UFO's go 00:58:36 Why do aliens look so human (or why do we look like aliens)? 01:03:08 Curt and Kevin speculate about alien intentions and relation to us 01:04:33 Alien abductions 01:05:47 Is Bob Lazar telling the truth? 01:08:20 Skinwalker ranch 01:11:06 New physics in UFO's, because they violate conservation laws 01:13:49 Are aliens living on Earth? Underwater? 01:20:20 Stuart Koffman and Autocatalytic sets 01:21:32 Why mutilate cattle? (theory of "euphoria") 01:29:46 Emergent consciousness and aliens 01:31:02 Machine learning and fundamental physics 01:33:06 Spectral Inference from a Multiplexing Fourier Transform Spectrometer 01:36:28 Perception of sound (early research of Kevin Knuth's) and Penrose's Orch OR 01:40:40 Kevin Knuth's work at NASA and questions about the spacetime manifold 01:47:47 Parsimony in science leads to idealism? 01:51:33 Why does 2+1=3? Building a Theory of Everything from quantification 01:52:49 Effectiveness of Mathematics is no surprise 01:54:28 Building "Robot Scientists" that you can ask questions to 02:00:55 Influence Theory: A different kind of Theory of Everything (in 6 papers)
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/hTHDCD4MnqY
Abraham "Avi" Loeb is an Israeli-American theoretical physicist who works on astrophysics and cosmology.
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
LINKS MENTIONED IN VIDEO: Brian Keating's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmXH_moPhfkqCk6S3b9RWuw Steve Scully's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM8_4BUpeNfEWJ-wwdIDJxQ
TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:27 On writing to sharpen one's thinking, and the purpose of Avi's writings 00:04:16 Don't let the repudiation by "experts" deter your ideas 00:11:49 Academia requires other people's evaluation and conformance 00:17:12 How do you allow outré ideas while retaining integrity? 00:18:21 Responding to the Pluto-like rock of Oumuamua theory of Desch and Jackson 00:25:37 Why is investigating aliens considered academically uncouth? 00:29:16 How the discovery of intelligent aliens would change society 00:30:27 How to find alien relics 00:31:53 Privatizing the search for aliens, and Elon Musk 00:34:03 The problems with inhabiting Mars are deeper than Musk thinks 00:35:41 Sean Carole's Many Worlds Interpretation 00:41:14 Are singularities "real"? 00:44:13 Bob Lazar 00:49:35 Cosmic Inflation is not falsifiable 01:00:26 Comparing velocities across different points on a manifold 01:05:56 Testing Wolfram's theory using the lower bound on masses 01:07:42 Eric Weinstein and innovation coming from the outside 01:12:34 Gödel's theorems and a Theory of Everything 01:15:02 Science learning from religion (and falsifying religion) 01:21:35 What is the meaning of life? The question Avi would ask an alien 01:24:29 Living forever. Heaven and hell as psychological phenomenon. 01:26:04 Consciousness, emergence, and free will 01:28:46 Wormholes 01:29:29 Why is the universe "fine tuned" for life? 01:30:37 Wisdom vs Intelligence 01:34:09 Which goal should you follow? 01:36:00 Steve Scully: Infinity of smallness and largeness 01:37:15 Can you interpret data without presuming a theory? 01:40:02 Barfyman: How has aging changed how Avi learns new math / physics? 01:42:25 Learning math when you're over 40 01:43:26 Artificial wisdom vs Artificial intelligence 01:44:11 Brian Keating: Does Avi Loeb dislike the criticism of his ideas, due to his fame? 01:49:47 How to balance work and life if you're extremely productive and work constantly? 01:51:09 Why does Avi do podcasts? 01:53:09 On abnegating social media 01:56:58 Rabbitskywalk3r: Claims of Haim Eshed (former Israeli director of space programs) 01:57:39 On UFO's and Prof. Kevin Knuth's analysis 01:59:36 Getting data on aliens visiting Earth 02:01:09 Amjad Hussain: Panpsychism, proto-consciousness, and aliens living with us
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I just finished (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlxQwwmT9Ks
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:36 Behind the scenes on how the podcast is run 00:02:19 [Aakash_1996] Who am I? Science Background? Dreams with the channel? 00:09:02 [Account 1] Rupert Spira / Advaita Vedanta 00:09:39 [Account 1] Philosophy of math 00:10:50 [Account 2] Douglas Hofstadter on the show? 00:10:59 [Alex Broman] What role do you see psychedelics having in our society the next 20 years 00:11:41 [alexander96] Are you a gamer? What types of video games do you like? 00:15:13 [Amidu Kamara] Why "ism" of consciousness do you subscribe to? Thoughts on alien abductions? 00:16:29 [Anna Lukomsky] How did the podcast get started? Did you know it would change your world? 00:18:52 [apostolos prl] Facebook and supporting Curt 00:21:04 [Aspen French] Getting more feminists on the channel 00:22:25 [Austin Harper] Free will? Aliens? God? Ego death? Perfect form of government? Panpsychism? 00:24:53 [Babak Rasolzadeh] What have you learned from the brilliant people interviewed that has affected your daily life? 00:26:17 [Biers Adajew] Do you see the world more clearly or are you more lost? 00:28:12 [Boris Martinez] Curt's IQ / age / net worth 00:33:22 [Anna Lukomsky] Is your quest for a TOE spiritual or scientific? Science 2.0 00:34:38 [Brandon S-P] Do you think philosophy should feature more crucially in STEM education? 00:37:08 [Brandon S-P] How weird will the final TOE be for it to be the real deal (definition of Theory of Everything) 00:38:51 [BubblePuppy] Have you tried getting Bob Lazar on? 00:41:35 [Daniel] Views on Marxism evolved since starting the channel? 00:43:08 [Dhruv Gupta] Introduction with films and interest in watching them now 00:43:38 [eljay] Upbringing / parents / most significant life moments 00:47:57 [eljay] Most bizarre / profound experience 00:48:29 [Filip O] "Why is there something rather than nothing?" 01:00:24 [Daslt Mane] Thoughts on String Theory 01:01:24 [Frederik Guigui] Robert Sapolsky? 01:01:31 [Game_changer0] Going against belief in order not to risk financial security / when does persuasion become manipulation 01:07:48 [Game_changer0] Can we ever find the "Theory of Everything"? 01:08:15 [Geoffry Gifari] On the interview "style" of Curt and abruptness of questions / transitions 01:15:25 [Yoon Hur] Have you grown more sympathetic to the left, after interviewing Chomsky? 01:16:25 [GL XL] Why haven't you interviewed Jason Reza Jorjani yet? 01:54:15 [Grizwald Grim] How do we get on the show, if we have a TOE? How do we contact you? 01:17:41 [Grizwald Grim] Which interview do you value most? 01:17:57 Chris Langan and Wittgenstein's ladder 01:19:33 [Hans Frankfurter] I am 36, can I still learn advanced math and contribute something meaningful? 01:20:12 [Ivan Goran] Are you familiar with "General Semantics" of Alfred Korzybski? 01:20:27 [ja524309] On studying math, and the research that goes into this channel 01:21:25 [Johan Hedvall] Which interviews energized you and which ones drained you? 01:23:49 [junaidesse] Pineapple on pizza 01:25:03 [junaidesse] What could leave you with regret on your deathbed? 01:26:59 [Light Armanov] How do you keep getting on Chomsky
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/6umrrokgeG4
Jonathan Pageau carves Eastern Orthodox Icons and other traditional Christian images in wood and stone. He's a cognoscenti with regard to symbolism and the West. *NOTE: This is a re-upload of a video that is approximately 2 years old.*
Jonathan's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/pageaujonathan Better Left Unsaid (the documentary): http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
TIMESTAMPS BY: Cooper Sheehan
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:10 The artistry of symbolism 00:03:32 History of an artist / The transition from modern to contemporary art 00:06:36 The traditional view of art (art as the tool) 00:08:46 Finding a personal style in the contemporary art era 00:12:14 Is it Art? / Arts purpose (meaning/ integration) in the world 00:15:11 Modern art as destabilization 00:19:11 Contemporary art as a parody of modernism 00:21:33 The propaganda of Social Realism 00:23:37 Social Realism in contemporary media 00:25:36 The destruction of symbols as the restructuring of culture 00:26:49 Modern propaganda and the upside-down Fairy-tale 00:30:30 Miyazaki and feminine symbolism 00:33:46 Lord of the Rings: The technological power dynamic of the Ring 00:39:51 Taking in things to make us whole 00:44:23 The weight of the Ring (from Lord of the Rings) 00:47:23 The Little Mermaid: The transition of worlds 00:53:31 Living in the moment: Nihilism 00:54:51 Cain and Able: The sin of pride 01:00:23 Social revolution and the revolution of the content (happy / satisfied) 01:03:37 Our society of excess 01:07:46 Becoming an anchor / Truth, Justice, Civility 01:10:17 Fixing the problem from the ground up and the ecological problem 01:12:38 Remember the Christian story / Christianity as a way out 01:15:29 Finding one's place in life / Finding ones meaning / Jonathan Pageau finding meaning in religion for art 01:20:01 Iconography and life’s patterns 01:23:34 Symbolism life’s meanings 01:25:48 Islam and Religious expansion 01:29:15 The lenses we see the world through and Identification Theory 01:35:01 The pattern of being and reality 01:37:31 Desires as pulling away from the (ones) center / Giving into desire / The right hand and left-hand sins 01:41:20 Knowing one's center 01:42:21 Seeing films through a lens/ Shazam thought experiment/ Shazam and interpreting meaning 01:46:57 Reading too much into art / Hollywood film and narrative patterns 01:51:05 Personal bias in reading films / Pattern vs counter pattern 01:52:51 Introverted art vs extroverted art 01:57:08 Narrative morality / The scales of good or bad and narrative complexity 01:59:25 The framing of Christ 02:01:55 Film framing and narrative tropes 02:04:52 The Hollywood problem / The entertainment culture problem 02:06:35 When do you see the left going too far? / The world of exceptions
* * *
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I just finished (April 2021) a documentary called Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to watch it.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Iain McGilchrist's website: https://channelmcgilchrist.com
Master and His Emissary: https://www.amazon.com/The-Master-and-His-Emissary-audiobook/dp/B07ZJQ4QG7/ [not affiliate link]
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6MU5zQwtT4
Noam Chomsky talks about group selection, his own death, the Piraha language, and more, it his widest varied interview yet.
Iain McGilchrist's podcast: Coming next week Stuart Hameroff's podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLo0Zwe579g
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:17 Iain McGilchrist: Language without thought? 00:06:54 Stuart Hameroff: X bar structure in microtubules 00:11:16 Roger Penrose's Emperor's New Mind 00:11:59 Veno Volenec: Derivational Theory of Complexity and Generative Grammar 00:20:02 Existentialism and Kierkegaard [John Clever] 00:21:00 Sam Harris and Islam [Naman Jain] 00:21:54 Terrance McKenna and Stoned Ape Theory (psychedelics aiding language development / evolution) 00:22:58 Group Selection [Slaventhefourth] 00:23:32 Cryptocurrencies and decentralizing money [ThrowingSn0w] 00:31:35 Elon Musk's Neuralink [Tarek] 00:31:56 Douglas Hofstadter strange loop and generative grammar [Ryan] 00:34:25 Peter Singer’s “Drowning Child” Thought Experiment [The_platypus_king] 00:42:31 Steven Pinker 00:43:48 Yuval Harari's Sapiens and the origin of language as introspective [Brez] 00:49:50 Piraha language and Daniel Everett [Mahendra Varma] 00:54:40 Karl Friston's free energy principle [MediocreBat2] 00:55:03 What does Chomsky get awestruck by? [Mai April] 01:03:58 Žižek / Hegel / Heidegger [Zowhat] 01:06:23 What mysteries would Chomsky want solved? [Mai April] 01:11:44 Open AI and GPT-3 01:12:22 Do you fear death? [Wil-Waal] 01:12:40 How to be more like Chomsky? [Overboi1]
* * *
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xu15ZbxxnUQ
Richard Borcherds is a mathematician known for his work in lattices, group theory, Monstrous Moonshine, and infinite-dimensional algebras, for which he was awarded the Fields Medal in 1998.
Richard Borcherd's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIyDqfi_cbkp-RU20aBF-MQ
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:35 How Richard began to become interested in math 00:03:42 Unification in mathematics vs. unification in physics 00:04:38 Daily ritual (or non-ritual) 00:05:19 How much time spent working / studying? 00:07:22 Creativity of the old vs young 00:08:30 Greatest strength is obstinance 00:08:58 Working in isolation, with no collaborators (strength or a weakness?) 00:10:48 Starting mathematics in your 20's, 30's, or 40's 00:11:45 Why must you pick a problem you're interested in? What happens when you don't? 00:12:41 What do you during moments of non-creativity / writer's block? 00:14:40 Dealing with depression as a scientist 00:15:24 On Richard's IQ and nootropics 00:17:02 Richard's creative process 00:18:33 Does he think more pictorially, algebraically, analytically, verbally, etc.? 00:21:11 Not following "deep work" 00:22:00 Reading non-scientific books 00:22:48 Audience Q: What does Richard think of Jordan Peterson? 00:23:31 Audience Q: Have you experience madness, working in math in isolation? 00:23:56 Audience Q: Does he optimize his diet / fast? 00:24:37 How does he learn new mathematics 00:25:42 Solving problems by ignoring them 00:26:51 Audience Q: Advice for someone in their 20's trying to learn math who's not in the field 00:28:03 Why does Richard not like infinity categories? 00:28:44 Does Richard memorize proofs / theorems? 00:29:53 Happiness and meaning in life (math or relationships / marriage / kids?) 00:30:40 What would Richard do without math? 00:31:32 What was it like to win the Fields medal? 00:32:19 What is about math that's meaningful? 00:33:10 Math discovered vs invented 00:34:35 Why is the Monster Group interesting? 00:37:18 "Quantum Field Theory gives me a headache." 00:39:21 Free will? 00:41:17 God, Simulation Hypothesis, and Many Worlds 00:44:53 On the Hard Problem of Consciousness 00:46:28 Favorite mathematicians (Serre, Witten, Tao, Feynman, Weinberg, etc.) 00:48:22 "Ed Witten is terrifying" 00:49:05 The Monster Group and physics 00:52:55 How to contribute to math if you're an outsider (or a neophyte)? 00:55:44 Many Worlds (again) 00:56:15 Audience Q: Is set theory too unwieldy and can we base math off of something different? 01:00:03 Audience Q: Pluralism in the foundations of math or not? 01:02:48 Intuitionist / Finitism / Computational logic? 01:04:29 Audience Q: Can people in their 40's understand advanced math? 01:05:20 Audience Q: Unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics 01:06:19 Audience Q: Does it puzzle him that some people don't understand math? 01:08:09 On Ramanujan 01:10:45 Lectures on Number Theory and the difficulty of QFT 01:14:56 On different learning styles, and philosophy of mathematics 01:17:48 Audience Q: How does one know when they're making progress on a solution? 01:19:11 Langland's program 01:21:45 Audience Q: How does one know what to learn when they don't know what they don't know? 01:24:02 Learning math and physics from YouTube 01:29:46 Audience Q: Goldbach's conjecture 01:31:53 On nervousness, performance anxiety, group theory, and chit-chat 01:38:49 "Secret" math techniques 01:39:56 Why "modular forms" are the most mesmeric of all fields of math 01:41:50 Discovered vs. invented (rebuttal from a famous mathematician)
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2ct0zv_M-I
Mithuna Yoganathan is a quantum physicist who specializes in quantum computing, and runs the successful YouTube channel Looking Glass Universe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFk__1iexL3T5gvGcMpeHNA). This podcast serves as a general introduction to quantum foundations and computing for undergraduates and bright autodidacts.
Link to Peter Gray video mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQLkKKERWsI
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:26 What's it like running a 200k+ subscriber YouTube channel? 00:02:56 Using "explanation to others" as a self-learning tool 00:05:27 How do you learn new physics / mathematics? 00:06:22 On feeling like math / physics isn't within your ability to grasp 00:08:29 Is math necessary for understanding physics 00:09:23 Daily schedule / routine 00:12:50 Dealing with people emailing theories 00:15:28 Fat-shattering dimensions 00:17:01 What's the Pauli group's relation to the Clifford group? 00:19:44 How do you prove that a quantum algorithm is efficiently simulable classically 00:22:58 Gottesman-Knill theorem (and its extension, proved by Mithuna) 00:25:41 What's responsible for the "speedup" in Quantum Computing? 00:29:24 Which of her thesis results is the most significant? (on quantum complexity and clean Qubits) 00:37:27 Magic state distillation 00:38:34 Gödel's incompleteness, with quantum logic 00:40:41 Halting problem 00:41:10 Quantum Computers vs Probabilistic Turing Machines 00:42:17 P = NP 00:44:41 Richard Borcherd's comments on Quantum Computers not being "better" than classical (generically) 00:47:05 Quantum Contextuality 00:52:29 Quantum decoherence and why it doesn't solve the measurement problem 00:56:26 On the Many Worlds Interpretation 00:58:45 Quantum Immortality 01:03:19 Is space / time discrete and what would the implications of this be for QC? 01:04:42 Wolfram's "principle of computational equivalence" 01:05:32 Bohemian Pilot wave theory 01:09:28 Are the laws of physics ultimately beautiful and simple? 01:10:31 Audience Q: Thoughts on QBism?
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/uLo0Zwe579g
Stuart Hameroff is an American anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona known for his studies of consciousness and contention that consciousness originates from quantum states in neural microtubules, partnering with Roger Penrose to explicate on the physics involved.
TOE Clippings: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdITf9DoFmndXy7nXWIoa7g Discord Invite Code (as of Mar 04 2021): dmGgQ2dRzS Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: https://reddit.com/r/theoriesofeverything
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:18 For 73, how does Hameroff stay fast and adroit? 00:02:58 On Hameroff's personal beliefs of God 00:03:44 How did Stuart come to the idea that consciousness arises in microtubules? 00:08:55 The non-computational nature of consciousness and the hard-problem 00:11:56 Gödel's theorem and quantum gravity / superposition 00:16:54 Quantum computers and Frolich resonances 00:19:25 Roger Penrose enters in the picture where / when / how? 00:23:45 David Chalmer's legendary talk was at the conference Hameroff organized 00:26:33 Penrose modified Hameroff's ideas 00:28:04 The vibrations of consciousness (Gamma) 00:32:00 Details on the calculations of the collapse time of tubulin and microtubules 00:38:07 The myth of the 1% of the brain 00:41:33 Firing rates of neurons during psychedelics and how the brain seemingly "decreases" 00:46:42 Which comes first, cognition or consciousness? 00:48:27 Anesthesia and "truth serums" (disinhibition revealing inner truths?) 00:50:04 What's it like to work with Penrose? What's an example of a problem you're working on? 00:57:00 Free-will as travelling backward in time (Libett's experiments) 01:01:36 Dennett won't comment on his theories 01:02:33 Agreements / disagreements with Penrose 01:06:16 Explaining terms: Isolated systems, phases of quantum computing, gamma synchrony 01:11:40 Explaining terms: Benzine rings, non-polar, and hydrophobic 01:13:08 Structure of the microtubules 01:17:33 Tau proteins and Alzheimer's 01:17:00 Fractals / self-similarity and its relation to consciousness 01:20:06 Quantifying consciousness with anesthesia 01:21:42 Glial cells vs neurons for consciousness / computation 01:24:08 Can quantum computers be consciousness? 01:28:55 Is periodicity required or is aperiodicity a prius? 01:29:41 IIT vs Global Neuronal vs Orch OR 01:33:57 Falsifying Hameroff's and Penrose's theory (Orch OR) 01:37:00 Koch's thought experiment on the ridiculousness of Schrödinger's cat being alive and dead 01:38:01 How do Platonic Forms come into this? 01:40:12 What Curt likes most about Orch OR 01:42:52 Experiencing "nothing" 01:43:55 Comparing Wolfram's theory 01:45:00 How does Penrose's theory solve the Hard problem of consciousness 01:47:07 Does there exist free will 01:48:15 Strong vs Weak anthropic principle and and an explanation for the ratios of nature
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6w-XwEz3pxk
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal
Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e
Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Beyond Order (unaffiliated links):
https://www.amazon.ca/Beyond-Order-More-Rules-Life/dp/0735278334 Canada
https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Order-More-Rules-Life/dp/0593084640 USA
Better Left Unsaid (trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQIzgoFBCnY
Better Left Unsaid (link to buy late-March): http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com/
Edited by: Antonio Pastore
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:39 Tammy's routine (morning and evening)
00:07:13 Type of meditation, yoga, and prayer Tammy performs
00:09:14 What was Tammy looking for growing up?
00:11:44 Does one need to be in tune with their body?
00:14:51 A recent squabble with Jordan, and how she used it for self-insight
00:24:28 Settling disputes in a relationship with internally directed blame
00:26:00 Finding God in illness
00:27:27 Religion vs. Spirituality
00:28:16 Overview of Tammy's illness and recovery (visualization techniques)
00:47:25 How a fan of Jordan helped save Tammy's life
00:55:52 Finding meaning in living for others, rather than torment that you're only living for others
00:59:44 Is illness a blessing? A test? A curse?
01:01:51 Extracting the inner hurt / coping mechanism from a sense of over-confidence
01:04:36 On On gratitude (and what's on Tammy's list?)
01:06:18 The pandemic and introverts
01:08:25 Would Tammy have found God without her illness?
01:10:10 The difference between those that turn to God vs. away: humility
01:11:01 Tammy on Catholicism and the rosary
01:11:38 You have to be driven by value that comes from beyond yourself
01:13:10 Serving others is necessary to have a full spiritual experience
01:13:38 Mary and advice for women
01:15:41 What does it mean that God is only in the present moment?
01:17:05 On being "reborn"
01:18:37 The problems you deal with are often generations old
01:20:52 How can you love yourself, if you want to change? How can you have compassion for yourself?
01:25:30 What else has changed besides God, in Tammy's outlook?
01:26:24 What if your negative harmful thoughts are the truth?
01:27:37 Truth vs. Love in a relationship (do you side with the world or your partner?)
01:29:07 How did Tammy know the importance of Truth at a young age, with Jordan?
01:30:13 Audience: What were the best practices Tammy's parents did? (User: Salt Lemon)
01:30:45 Audience: What advice do you have for parents with an extremely ill child? (User: Feels like Fire)
01:30:59 Story of Jordan proposing to Tammy several times (User: Irish Lobster)
01:32:11 Audience: Favorite books? (User: Veg Mech)
01:34:21 How does Tammy handle the hit pieces toward Jordan?
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/QwT-w47Il5c
Janice Fiamengo is an associate professor of English at the University of Ottawa. She specializes in Canadian literature and has published widely on early Canadian writers.
Better Left Unsaid trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQIzgoFBCnY Better Left Unsaid film (to purchase): http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com/
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:18 Janice's writing process 00:02:31 What are Critical Theory and Feminist Theory? 00:04:00 How did Janice go from being an ardent feminist to an anti-feminist? 00:08:20 Why is feminism attractive? 00:10:14 We hear about women being disadvantaged, so how are women advantaged? 00:11:11 The difficulty of hiring a male over a woman 00:13:25 How are women disadvantaged? 00:15:44 On the resume studies that demonstrate discrimination 00:21:09 How to not contribute to systemic sexism 00:26:02 The "shadow" and deleterious applications of feminist theory 00:29:48 Harry Frankfurt's BS 00:35:28 The "oppression narrative" 00:55:45 What is is it all about? Power? 01:01:04 The overt oppression has changed to microaggressions and insidious systemic 01:04:47 Trust requires the potential for damage 01:08:32 How the "humanities" and the "arts" have been corrupted 01:12:58 How has sexism been redefined? 01:15:19 Class action lawsuits that found men were being paid less, despite the counterclaim 01:17:09 If the choice was between "more power" or "the destruction of the West"... 01:21:37 The Soviet Union, and wanting harm to befall you 01:25:26 Self-loathing and rejoicing / fervor when Shakespeare is found racist (for example) 01:27:23 Where does the left "go too far"? 01:28:45 Free speech erosion
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/lAB21FAXCDE
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
Editing: Antonio Pastore
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:34 Bernardo's journey from materialism to idealism 00:07:08 Materialism vs Analytical idealism 00:14:03 Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) and consciousness 00:19:20 Why does life has a separate consciousness and not, say, a rock? 00:29:14 What does it mean to "explain" without reductionism? 00:30:25 Why not start with "nothing"? What would a theory like that look like? 00:32:15 What does it mean to "exist"? Do abstractions exist? 00:35:53 Theories of "truth" other than correspondence 00:47:56 Randomness doesn't exist fundamentally 00:51:05 If the mind is deceptive then what do we trust? 00:57:44 Is "Mind At Large" God? Can you pray to it? 01:01:07 Morality and purpose 01:08:12 On disagreements with Joscha Bach 01:12:30 On disagreements with Daniel Dennett 01:17:37 On disagreements with Dawkins 01:19:43 On disagreements with Douglas Hofstadter 01:36:18 If everything is "in the mind" then why are objects independently verified and exert an influence when I'm gone? 01:38:56 On disagreements with Donald Hoffman and Thomas Campbell 01:44:01 The distinction between "in your head" and "in your mind" is crucial 01:54:39 On disagreements with Carl Jung 01:57:44 On disagreements with Roger Penrose 01:59:56 Why parsimony in assumptions? Why not many assumptions? 02:06:52 Curt says Bernardo's theory isn't better than the Flying Spaghetti Monster 02:13:48 On Schopenhauer 02:19:30 How to properly read Jung 02:25:11 Bernardo and Curt speak about the "new age" and "woo" 02:31:00 On Deepak Chopra 02:36:53 Does Bernardo fear death? (a story about ego death) 02:49:17 If this reality is a "dream", how much can we control it? 02:54:29 Choice, free will, and becoming a slave voluntarily 02:56:40 The intellect is a bouncer of the heart 02:58:08 The East vs the West have different answers to the suffering of life 03:02:20 The "self" is an illusion worth saving 03:06:02 Bernardo almost killed himself twice, and later found meaning in the suffering 03:10:14 On the pain of writing 03:15:59 Should you ever regret? (Buddhism vs Christianity) 03:20:39 If consciousness is all there is, and the self is an illusion, why did the East get that and not the West? 03:25:48 Can you have morality / ethics within materialism? 03:26:59 What's the weakest point of Bernardo's model? 03:28:25 Is there anything special about biological life? 03:34:36 Logic 03:36:27 What beats rationality? What's the "game of all games"? 03:45:33 How does Bernardo write? What's the process look like? 03:51:19 Bernardo gives Curt advice 04:03:51 Don't feel like "others have it worse." Honor your suffering. 04:06:22 Don't take yourself seriously but take life seriously 04:07:59 Disagreements with Tony Robbins and self-help 04:15:00 Brain as a radio tuner (Plastic Pears) 04:24:29 How to falsify Bernardo's theory? What predictions does his model make? 04:27:29 Other audience questions 04:33:57 These metaphysical questions are dangerous questions
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YouTube link: https://youtu.be/xrkQumFzwS0
Alex Tsakiris is the host of Skeptiko (a podcast with guests such as Donald Hoffman, Michael Shermer, and others. It's can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/skeptiko)
The film Better Left Unsaid can be followed here: http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com (release in Feb or March 2021)
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
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00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:21 Alex’s introduces Better Left Unsaid (trailer) 00:03:01 Comments on Alex's book "Why Evil Matters" 00:04:56 Curt's theoretical background 00:07:21 Discussion on Donald Hoffman 00:13:30 The problem in Academia 00:13:21 Alex’s on “why are we here?" 00:15:21 The problem with rationalists (quote from Hildegard De Bingen) 00:21:01 Humanists ideologies... What do they believe? 00:22:01 Is Curt a Christian? 00:23:21 If values are a social construction, then what happens to morality? 00:25:21 Consciousness is an illusion 00:28:21 Near death experiences 00:34:27 Alex on Dennett and Dawkins being part of a conspiracy 00:37:01 "No, you didn't meet Jesus." 00:41:21 Alex's breakdown of Curt's film Better Left Unsaid 00:42:29 On utilitarianism 00:43:26 Curt on his own "destructiveness" 00:46:21 Who will you be judged by? 00:48:07 Unbounded forgiveness 00:50:21 What does "Psy-Ops" mean? 00:53:51 Feminism was co-opted by the CIA (Gloria Steinem story) 00:57:21 A bit more on Alex's Book "Why Evil Matters" 00:58:01 Love vs Power (a Jungian perspective) 00:58:40 Is the world supposed to be unintelligible? Should we not know all the answers? 01:02:59 Why does this world exist at all? 01:03:47 Kierkegaard on what it means to be a Christian 01:04:36 Doubt and faith as essential in spirituality 01:06:58 What is Better Left Unsaid's target audience? 01:08:41 The Horseshoe Theory 01:12:44 Curt's fasting -- why does he do it? 01:17:21 Alex's / Curt's meditation -- what do they do? (Wim Hof) 01:23:14 Where to find Better Left Unsaid?
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/5nyXBX1fHpo
Channel link: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoriesOfEverything (link to Part 1 is here)
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
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00:00:00 Introduction / Chit-chat 00:03:09 Views on Eric Weinstein and Wolfram's Theories of Everything 00:06:09 Has "My Big TOE" been published in academic journals? 00:07:19 Back to Wolfram's computational model of reality 00:08:44 Brian Whitworth's TOE vs Wolfram's 00:12:29 Klee Irwin's account of consciousness 00:15:16 What predictions does Thomas' TOE make? 00:30:35 On "entities" and communicating with them 00:42:01 Visiting "other worlds" in your mind 00:44:18 Giving advice to Curt on Transcendental Meditation 00:47:39 How can you have an "intention" but not use your "intellectual" in meditation? 00:50:01 Beginner tips for meditating 00:53:29 Should I meditate while getting a massage? 00:59:20 Training someone (from scratch) to remote view 01:04:01 Binaural beats and meditation 01:11:13 Can Thomas demonstrate his psychic abilities right now? 01:12:35 What evidence can Thomas cite (right now) regarding his theories? 01:15:16 Real remote viewing vs. fake 01:20:25 Using children to test if remote viewing works 01:24:06 Impressions from non-physical reality come to you instantly 01:26:19 Why can't you use psychic abilities to win the lottery? 01:27:54 The evidence for the paranormal 01:28:56 The Randi prize and further evidence for Psi 01:35:56 Where do aliens / UFO's fit into this model? 01:36:55 On Bob Lazar 01:39:59 Curt's explications on Thomas' view of Curt 01:42:01 Why should I care if my "consciousness" survives death if my personality / relationships don't survive? 01:47:56 AUO is outside our imagination. Why the choicy use of tellurian concepts? 01:51:39 Curt's final judgements
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/YUXHLTlx9DA
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
* * * 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:08 Curt's story of becoming interested in Nathan Myhrvold 00:05:04 How does Nathan remain so productive? (daily habits?) 00:08:49 The difficulty in taking pictures of large storms, waves, birds, and meteors 00:11:54 What problems are outside Nathan's ken? (nuclear power, etc.) 00:15:22 Working with Stephen Hawking (practically, how does one do so?) 00:17:41 Comparing Hawking to Einstein 00:22:24 Newton's contribution to the minting of coins (the ridges are because of him) 00:23:46 What's holding theoretical physics back (since the 80's)? 00:28:43 General relativity and quantum mechanics combine in a candle flame 00:30:21 String theory, Weinstein's Geometric Unity, Wolfram's computational model, and Supersymmetry 00:50:04 Our ideas of "simplicity" in math is wrong 00:50:48 "Laser cooking" and modernist cuisine 00:52:50 Reasons why Curt fasts 00:53:40 About "simplicity" in math and physics, continued 00:54:49 How does Nathan learn a new domain, quickly? 01:00:16 How would Nathan "solve the problem" of COVID? 01:03:18 RNA viruses replicate haphazardly and we're lucky COVID hasn't mutated more 01:10:17 Current lockdown is worse than doing nothing 01:13:20 The WHO suggesting masks were ineffective / counter-effective 01:14:53 The scientists are at fault because... 01:17:10 Was it China's authoritarianism that curbed the numbers or another factor? 01:23:04 What was different about South Korea, in response to COVID? 01:24:30 Herd immunity 01:30:53 COVID compared to the ordinary flu 01:38:34 On the "new strain" 01:42:45 No evidence for COVID being "only seasonal" and same with the common cold 01:46:58 Why did NASA analyze their asteroid as spherical (giving abjectly incorrect data)? 01:50:38 Solutions coming from outside the academy and established institutions 01:52:18 We've underestimated the danger of asteroid collisions because of NASA's data 01:56:27 NASA violated basic physical law, unethically 01:59:20 What's the alternative to trusting mainstream science, when not everyone can investigate an issue on their own? 02:06:28 How do you know what to trust in science without looking into the research yourself? 02:11:10 Food myths: Margarine vs Butter, Olive oil vs bacon oil 02:14:10 Health food advocates have killed people 02:15:19 It's dangerous to physically take someone's temperature before allowing them to enter 02:20:25 Why don't we talk more about geo-engineering solutions to global warming? 02:27:53 Global warming has become capitalism vs. something else 02:30:15 The best solutions global warming via geo-engineering 02:32:03 Myth: You need "fresh" ingredients for the best tasting food 02:34:53 How were the pyramids built? 02:35:26 Opinions on UFO's and Bob Lazar 02:36:03 On the Hard Problem of Consciousness and materialism
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
* * *
I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
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Video version (necessary to see equations): https://youtu.be/kko-hVA-8IU
Thomas Campbell is the author of My Big TOE trilogy (MBT) which represents the results and conclusions of his scientific exploration of the nature of existence. This overarching model of reality, mind, and consciousness explains the paranormal as well as the normal, places spirituality within a scientific context, solves a host of scientific paradoxes and provides direction for those wishing to personally experience an expanded awareness of All That Is.
Thomas Campbell's WEBSITE: https://www.my-big-toe.com/
00:00:00 Introduction 00:03:05 How did he come up with his Theory of Everything? 00:10:05 There's more to reality than what's operationally defined 00:12:27 Evidence involving remote viewing 00:20:59 Remote viewing vs Out of body experiences 00:24:45 Variables that affect Psi (paranormal) phenomenon 00:27:26 Writing the "My Big Theory of Everything" book (My Big TOE) 00:34:44 Brief overview of MBT (My Big TOE) 00:42:03 Overcoming the non-renormalizability of General Relativity (to merge with Quantum Field Theory) 00:46:08 Campbell's model is larger than just unifying the fundamental forces 00:47:59 Writing the book for the logical vs. intuitive types 00:52:05 Mathematics doesn't explain, but describe 00:52:57 But what about Platonism? 00:53:40 Eric Weinstein and Stephen Wolfram (briefly mentioned) 00:58:16 Explaining the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics 01:00:56 Donald Hoffman's views vs. Campbell's vs. The Matrix 01:03:33 The intellect vs. the intuitive part of you (which one to let go, if any, and how?) 01:10:30 Jung vs. Campbell 01:12:51 Curt's rant against "fear" / "ego" being the problem 01:20:18 Jordan Peterson vs. Campbell 01:27:04 Explications on fear 01:32:29 Is "your" consciousness separate from "you"? 01:34:26 Definitions of AUO and AUM (the foundational consciousness that preceded the universe) 01:38:16 Curt objects, mathematically, to the definition of entropy and other claims 01:46:05 We live in a "Virtual Reality" 01:52:29 What is "you"? What's identity? Are your body or mind? 01:56:35 Identity and death. What part of "you" survives after your body? 02:01:54 Relationship between consciousness and ego 02:05:34 Why follow our "intuition" when it's notoriously inaccurate? 02:09:50 Psychedelics are "real bad idea" for personal growth 02:20:06 Do psychedelics open the same doors as meditation? 02:24:20 The problem with our society is politeness (but how to raise children, if not to be polite?) 02:27:41 How can we have morality without an appeal to ego? 02:40:33 The place of science in the study of consciousness 02:42:12 Out of body experiences (specifics of Campbell's first journey) 02:45:27 Helping Curt with Transcendental Meditation 02:49:54 Non-dualism vs. Campbell (is truth subjective?) 02:58:09 Is the world determined? (asked by: G 007) 03:03:05 Why not start with "nothing" rather than consciousness? (asked by: Repair Masculinity) 03:07:01 How can you see aura's through photographs? Are they recorded in pixels? 03:08:50 Can we query NPMR and find out how to place second quantization / path integrals on rigorous foundations?
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Noam Chomsky in his only Ask Me Anything in years. Video version here: https://youtu.be/pUWmTXkpHjE Links to what's been mentioned in the video are below (scroll).
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:03 What do Gödel's incompleteness theorems say about mathematical realism / linguistics? (Prof. Rebecca Goldstein) 00:04:25 Progress on the science of consciousness? (Prof. Anil Seth) 00:09:52 Modern Ptolemaic models in science 00:11:29 Analyzing infinitival phrases (Prof. Daniel Bonevac) 00:14:38 Are there units of culture, like memes? (Prof. Joseph Velikovsky) 00:21:55 Extralinguistic experiences being fathomed only through linguistics? (Andres Zuleta) 00:25:16 Can you perceive a thought even if you don't verbally express it? (Rivulet) 00:27:37 Is there a Chomskyan pre-grammar for religion like Eric Weinstein suggests? (Aro Own) 00:33:52 On Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations and its influence on Chomsky (Jack McGreevy) 00:39:51 Conscious volition vs. unconscious "wiring" in relation to free will (Joel Suro) 00:44:51 Is mathematics itself the domain of all languages? (Boris Costello) 00:46:33 Is language created from the top down (enforcement from authorities) or bottom up ("the people")? 00:49:47 Social constructionism vs. Chomsky 00:51:47 Jung's archetypes' relationship to Chomskyan grammar 00:54:02 Bakunin, freedom, language, and human nature 00:57:51 What revolutionary words / phrases have we forgotten that we should re-learn? 00:58:39 How has Chomsky's views on universal grammar changed since he conceived it? 01:08:13 Change vs. Evolution (variation, replication, selection) 01:15:12 The invention of terms like LatinX and BIPOC, etc. Is there something different about them? 01:17:14 The Sapir Whorf hypothesis
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802
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Rebecca Goldstein's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkL3BcKEB6Y
Anil Seth's interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hUEqXhDbVs Anil Seth's twitter: https://twitter.com/anilkseth
Daniel Bonevac's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PhiloofAlexandria
Eric Weinstein interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KElq_MLO1kw
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
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YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3fG96gvgLU
David Sloan Wilson is an American evolutionary biologist and a Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences and Anthropology at Binghamton University. https://twitter.com/David_S_Wilson
Curt Jaimungal is directing / writing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (early-2021).
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00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:54 Is "the West" losing its values? What are those values? 00:05:24 Multi-level selection vs. Group Selection 00:11:10 The political right vs left in terms of level of evolutionary selection 00:12:51 Identity Politics framed in terms of group selection (plus a definition of Identity Politics) 00:15:04 Why can't a propitious argument made FOR Identity Politics? 00:20:05 How can we adopt a "whole Earth ethic" as a country, when others don't adopt it? 00:23:47 What do humans need to behave "selflessly" when animals get along with doing so? 00:28:16 Link between evolutionary theory and Buddhism 00:30:00 Humans are built to cooperate in small groups (not large) 00:32:49 We've selected ourselves for timidity 00:38:03 A synoptic view of "This View of Life" and the need for encompassing values 00:38:32 Classical economics (and some contemporary) is wrong and unadaptive 00:40:44 If we've been selected for altruism, why is it difficult? 00:44:54 Carl Jung and selfish acts being unselfish (because they harm you in the long-run) 00:50:24 A $1000 suit isn't to look good, but to look BETTER than the guy with a $500 suit 00:53:00 How good is altruism as a motivational agent for behavior? 00:55:54 Tribalism is the answer, not the problem 00:57:05 Problems with Social Constructionism 00:59:18 Postmodernism and David Sloan Wilson's issues with it 01:03:28 Women's studies / LGBTQ studies / etc. utilizing "tribal circuitry" 01:06:53 The "Ultimatum Game" in evolutionary psychology 01:09:55 On this "tribal circuitry" again 01:17:40 On the Nordic countries and the "homogeneity" argument 01:23:58 Is communism more adaptive than capitalism? 01:28:31 "Tight and loose" compared to totalitarian systems (existential security) 01:31:38 Which memes are prius to liberalism? 01:36:28 Are the Inuit less adapted than the White Europeans who invented centralized heating? 01:42:37 Is virtue as "honesty / forthrightness / generosity" a human universal given most studies are done on Westerners? 01:45:10 Is David Sloan Wilson a moral relativist? 01:47:38 The effects of arcane disciplines in Universities spreading outward to the culture 01:49:47 Evolutionary theory as a unifying language for the disparate fields of science 01:54:05 "When does the left go too far?" 01:56:18 Memes that last so long they affect our evolution 01:57:26 Dawkin's concept of "gene" was problematic, and thus so is "meme" 02:00:06 Jordan Peterson vs Susan Blackmore on memes and Jung 02:02:10 Chomskyan grammar and Pinker's language instinct is wrong 02:04:06 On Victor Huang's "innovation oasis"
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Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
Anil Seth's Links WEBSITE: https://anilseth.com TWITTER: https://twitter.com/anilkseth TED TALK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyu7v7nWzfo
00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:08 What's alluring about "consciousness" research? 01:03:51 Defining "phenomenonology" 02:05:56 What does it mean to "explain" consciousness? 03:14:52 Difference between illusion and hallucination 04:18:16 If perception is tuned for fitness, why care about objective reality? 05:24:44 Applying Donald Hoffman's ideas to Anil Seth's 06:33:39 Does time actually slow down, during high valence emotions 07:36:31 Details on the Bayesian model of consciousness 08:41:50 Can you be wrong about your own perceptions? 09:46:29 Myth of left brain vs. right brain 10:54:31 The role of the "ego" and the loss of it 11:56:45 Consciousness and quantum mechanics 13:00:37 Sapir Whorf hypothesis and Curt's polemics 14:10:24 Language and conscious experience 15:13:33 Can I "see" without noticing? What's the difference? 16:17:27 The Bayesian model of consciousness (and its limitations) 17:25:16 How does the Bayesian model deal with mental disorders 18:36:26 Gödel's incompleteness theorem's implications on the computational nature of the brain 19:42:23 Can we upload our minds? (a neuroscientific perspective) 20:45:48 Integrated Information Theory and measuring Phi 21:50:21 Peter Lush's recent paper and undermining the rubber hand illusion 22:55:09 Placebo effect and hypnosis 24:01:25 Experiments involving psychedelics (LSD and microdosing) 25:04:01 Anil's personal insights from psychedelics 26:06:18 Anil's views on Daniel Dennett's "Explaining Consciousness" 27:12:26 Compatibilism, free will, and Douglas Hofstadter 28:15:21 Global Workspace Theory 29:19:45 Anil Seth and Pragmatism 30:22:39 Curt's list of final questions, repudiated 31:23:35 How do the various AI architectures relate to the brain? (GAN / Convultional / etc.) 32:32:17 How does Anil stay so fit? 33:33:44 Comporting rationalism with irrational behaviors
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4wZbcovkXY
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt
00:00:00 Introduction 00:04:17 How does Jeremy choose what topic to investigate, for his films 00:06:01 Has he always been interested in the paranormal? 00:07:02 Curt's reasoning for speaking with Jeremy Corbell 00:09:06 Who is Bob Lazar? 00:13:31 Why Jeremy doesn't trust all of John Lear's claims 00:14:43 Who are the most credible people (such as Lazar) on UFOs, etc.? 00:18:21 If aliens have visited, what's the reason? 00:18:59 Why do aliens look so human-like? (plus some documented cases) 00:25:11 Brief introduction to Skin Walker ranch 00:26:13 If aliens are trying to show their power, why not do it at a metropolitan area up-close? 00:28:26 Connection between psychedelics (or consciousness) and aliens? 00:30:02 Why did the government release the Tic-Tac video, if they're trying to cover aliens up? 00:32:04 Curt defends Jeremy + how Jeremy deals with negative comments 00:37:16 Jeremy's structure for his day / sleep / work ethic / meditation 00:40:26 Where does Jeremy get funding for his films? 00:42:30 Creatively how does Jeremy structure / conceive of the scenes for his documentaries 00:45:05 The unreleased (much longer) "director's cut" of the Bob Lazar film 00:45:46 The Netflix contract for the Lazar film and re-using footage for his channel 00:46:15 Specific example of the creative process, music choice, and visual style 00:50:14 Are aliens in collusion with our government? What relationship do they have with tellurian authorities? 00:51:46 Disinformation campaigns by the gov't and Project Blue Book 00:54:49 Has Jeremy's curiosity been weaponized? 00:55:48 Jeremy's next project (what is he working on now?) 00:56:45 The art of timing the release of a film 00:58:03 Tips for documentary filmmakers on getting inside access 00:59:28 Has the gov't ever followed Jeremy / threatened him? 01:01:15 Bob Lazar's raid, regarding Element 115 01:14:10 Why hasn't the gov't killed Lazar (or others who claim to have worked for the gov't w.r.t. alien tech) 01:16:13 Never before heard story about John Lear, and his explosive personality 01:21:48 Why are aliens a "small part of a larger phenomenon"? (alternate realities) 01:23:23 Skin Walker, bigfoot, cattle mutilation, entities... 01:29:07 Aliens referring to us as "containers" 01:34:32 The story of Richard Doty 01:37:43 Has the gov't ever paid people to debunk UFOs / aliens / etc. 01:38:37 Cases where UFOs have been hostile 01:41:17 What goes on at Skin Walker? 01:46:31 Audience Q: What was Jeremy like as a kid? 01:46:45 Audience Q: Has his job ever been dangerous? 01:47:06 Audience Q: What's the single best piece of evidence for UFOs? 01:47:36 Audience Q: 3 most perspective changing books in Jeremy's life 01:48:19 Audience Q: The hand scanner was also used in Close Encounters. What are your thoughts? 01:50:47 Audience Q: How do you navigate "sensemaking"? Have you read Future Shock? 01:51:06 Audience Q: Did you have any problems when trying to film? 01:51:25 Audience Q: Do you think the gov't will ever expose aliens as "disclosure"? 01:51:41 Audience Q: What's your advice to other filmmakers who want to make documentaries? 01:52:03 Audience Q: What are your thoughts on Wright Patterson Air Force base? 01:52:50 Audience Q: How much of our technology was inspired by alien tech? 01:54:01 Audience Q: Are the same species of aliens visiting us? How far back does it go? 01:54:32 Audience Q: Did aliens create religion? Why are they furtively abducting? 01:54:59 Audience Q: What fascinates Jeremy about aliens
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Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
DOCUMENTARY SERIES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM3G6kITdYk MEREL'S WEBSITE: https://kindtclinics.com/en/ [1]: Beyond extinction: erasing human fear responses and preventing the return of fear [2]: Missing
INTERVIEWERS: Peter Glinos, Faraz Honarvar, Curt Jaimungal EDITED BY: Efron Monsanto TIMESTAMPS BY: Prof. Joe Velikovsky
00:00 Introduction to fear extinction 14:07 Propranolol & the blood/brain barrier 18:32 Epigenetics & inherited fears (vs irrational/phobic fears) 26:33 Removing the fear of Public Speaking 30:36 PTSD 33:45 Using psychedelics / MDMA to enhance self-treatment 37:29 Pilot study with cigarette addiction 42:31 Should we get rid of fear? What are the consequences? 43:13 MDMA vs LSD vs Psilocybin 48:07 Fear of silverfish 50:13 Phobias don't always come from trauma, they can be from modelling someone else's behavior 54:37 Prof. Kindt's groundbreaking 2009 paper, and memory engrams [1] 55:34 Prof. Kindt's 2019 paper [2] 58:02 Imagery scripting 59:35 What about disgust-removal? 1:00:36 How beta-blockers work 1:02:04 The necessity of sleep for memory transcription and re-consolidation 1:03:33 Prof. Kindt measures the startle reflex (emanating from the amygdala) when someone's threatened 1:06:07 Testing a different beta-blocker (but it didn't pass the blood/brain barrier) 1:07:12 Future challenges & limitations (re: fear extinction)
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
RICHARD HAIER'S LINKS WEBSITE: http://richardhaier.com BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Neuroscience-I... TWITTER: @rjhaier (https://twitter.com/rjhaier
TIMESTAMPS 0:00:00 Thoughts on his book "The Neuroscience of Intelligence" 0:02:50 The Bell Curve's controversy 0:06:26 The "brain efficiency" hypothesis 0:16:06 The stigma associated with intelligence research, and race & IQ 0:21:31 No relationship between IQ and morality 0:22:27 IQ vs. the g-factor vs. intelligence 0:23:46 Using chronometry to develop a ratio scale 0:26:38 Low IQ (below 85) is a societal problem 0:29:04 Intelligence is genetic, but that's hopeful since it means we can design interventions around it 0:31:18 Do "brain training games" help with IQ? What about piracetam / nootropics? 0:31:55 Dual n back? 0:33:17 TDCS, PEMF (eg. NeoRythym), and other EM-stimulation devices 0:36:01 Particular brain regions associated with intelligence (Parietofrontal integration theory) 0:46:50 The correlates of IQ on life outcomes 0:47:47 Psychometric tests of character / morality 0:49:16 RAPM test (pause and see what you guess) 0:53:24 Path length's between regions and why they matter 0:57:36 The famous Finn et al 2015 study, and groundbreaking studies that have been published since 1:04:12 IQ genes aren't deterministic but probabilistic 1:05:14 Do children have the average IQ of their parents? 1:06:46 Can brain damage increase IQ? (acquired savantism demonstrates abilities but what about IQ?) 1:08:34 Relationship between openness and intelligence 1:09:40 Relationship between LSD trips and intelligence 1:11:01 Relationship between IQ and happiness 1:11:53 Is the Flynn effect real? What are the limitations? 1:15:26 What decreases one's IQ? (cautionary tales) 1:16:59 IQ's relationship to consciousness 1:22:00 Mindfulness meditation and IQ 1:23:27 Joscha Bach's idea of intelligence (Haier's perspective) 1:24:26 Eric Weinstein's ideas on intelligence (Haier's perspective) 1:27:16 Elon Musk's Neurolink 1:27:57 Artificial intelligence and IQ tests for computers 1:31:14 Finding the g-factor in animals 1:32:55 What separates humans from the rest of the animals?
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
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YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MNBxfrmfmI
0:00:00 Introduction 0:00:17 Bach's work ethic / daily routine 0:01:35 What is your definition of truth? 0:04:41 Nature's substratum is a "quantum graph"? 0:06:25 Mathematics as the descriptor of all language 0:13:52 Why is constructivist mathematics "real"? What's the definition of "real"? 0:17:06 What does it mean to "exist"? Does "pi" exist? 0:20:14 The mystery of something vs. nothing. Existence is the default. 0:21:11 Bach's model vs. the multiverse 0:26:51 Is the universe deterministic 0:28:23 What determines the initial conditions, as well as the rules? 0:30:55 What is time? Is time fundamental? 0:34:21 What's the optimal algorithm for finding truth? 0:40:40 Are the fundamental laws of physics ultimately "simple"? 0:50:17 The relationship between art and the artist's cost function 0:54:02 Ideas are stories, being directed by intuitions 0:58:00 Society has a minimal role in training your intuitions 0:59:24 Why does art benefit from a repressive government? 1:04:01 A market case for civil rights 1:06:40 Fascism vs communism 1:10:50 Bach's "control / attention / reflective recall" model 1:13:32 What's more fundamental... Consciousness or attention? 1:16:02 The Chinese Room Experiment 1:25:22 Is understanding predicated on consciousness? 1:26:22 Integrated Information Theory of consciousness (IIT) 1:30:15 Donald Hoffman's theory of consciousness 1:32:40 Douglas Hofstadter's "strange loop" theory of consciousness 1:34:10 Holonomic Brain theory of consciousness 1:34:42 Daniel Dennett's theory of consciousness 1:36:57 Sensorimotor theory of consciousness (embodied cognition) 1:44:39 What is intelligence? 1:45:08 Intelligence vs. consciousness 1:46:36 Where does Free Will come into play, in Bach's model? 1:48:46 The opposite of free will can lead to, or feel like, addiction 1:51:48 Changing your identity to effectively live forever 1:59:13 Depersonalization disorder as a result of conceiving of your "self" as illusory 2:02:25 Dealing with a fear of loss of control 2:05:00 What about heart and conscience? 2:07:28 How to test / falsify Bach's model of consciousness 2:13:46 How has Bach's model changed in the past few years? 2:14:41 Why Bach doesn't practice Lucid Dreaming anymore 2:15:33 Dreams and GAN's (a machine learning framework) 2:18:08 If dreams are for helping us learn, why don't we consciously remember our dreams 2:19:58 Are dreams "real"? Is all of reality a dream? 2:20:39 How do you practically change your experience to be most positive / helpful? 2:23:56 What's more important than survival? What's worth dying for? 2:28:27 Bach's identity 2:29:44 Is there anything objectively wrong with hating humanity? 2:30:31 Practical Platonism 2:33:00 What "God" is 2:36:24 Gods are as real as you, Bach claims 2:37:44 What "prayer" is, and why it works 2:41:06 Our society has lost its future and thus our culture 2:43:24 What does Bach disagree with Jordan Peterson about? 2:47:16 The millennials are the first generation that's authoritarian since WW2 2:48:31 Bach's views on the "social justice" movement 2:51:29 Universal Basic Income as an answer to social inequality, or General Artificial Intelligence? 2:57:39 Nested hierarchy of "I"s (the conflicts within ourselves) 2:59:22 In the USA, innovation is "cheating" (for the most part) 3:02:27 Activists are usually operating on false information 3:03:04 Bach's Marxist roots and lessons to his former self 3:08:45 BONUS BIT: On societies problems
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Graphics are included in the YouTube version to make it easier to comprehend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV7BQZy1A6o
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
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00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:17 The connection between mathematics and ethics 00:03:05 Mathematical concepts that are interpreted solely physically (thick and thin concepts) 00:16:33 The continuum hypothesis 00:19:23 A counter proof to the continuum hypothesis 00:24:45 What's possible can have probability of zero (measure zero, technically) 00:33:50 Platonism and "thick" mathematical concepts 00:34:39 Moral realism / objectivity, without God 00:36:59 Does 2+2=5? 00:40:43 Moral intuitions as serving a marker for what's "correct"? 00:46:42 What's makes some theory correct beside its ability to predict / explain? 00:47:54 Does libertarian Free Will exist, and how is it coexistent with physics? 00:53:13 VIEWER TEST: Platonism test for the audience 00:54:53 Did Shakespeare invent Hamlet, or discover it? 00:56:09 What created the Platonic world? 00:57:42 Eternal vs Sempiternal 00:59:12 Thought experiments as a tool of probing physics, without experiment 01:00:39 Galileo's thought experiment demonstrating objects fall at the same rate despite different masses / heaviness 01:03:39 Thought experiment demonstrating relative motion (invariance of physical laws given uniform motion) 01:05:01 The Tower thought experiment demonstrating the opposite of the above 01:09:43 VIEWER TEST: Are you a Newtonian absolutist, or a Leibnizian relationalist? 01:12:45 Why did Prof Brown go into the philosophy of math, instead of directly into mathematics (or physics)? 01:13:20 Have any philosophical problems ever been solved? 01:14:47 Is God good? Or is goodness independent of God? 01:15:41 Descartes vs Leibniz on God's power (God can do anything -- except what's logically impossible) 01:18:43 The parochial view of physicists / mathematicians to dismiss what they can't define 01:22:31 Thought experiment from Newton regarding the necessity of space 01:24:45 Einstein's variation on the above thought experiment 01:28:17 How to classify thought experiments 01:31:35 Prof. Brown's thoughts on Wolfram's TOE and Eric Weinstein's TOE 01:32:40 Nicholas Gisin's thoughts on real numbers, and free will 01:33:02 What other foundations are there to physics, other than classical logic? 01:39:05 What does Mathematical Realism look like when it's NOT Platonic? 01:45:31 The physical laws themselves as abstract entities, which have causal power 01:55:55 Lee Smolin's Principle of Precedence as a bridge between Platonism and non-Platonism 01:59:01 Deriving an "ought" from an "is" 02:03:29 What does James not like about Sam Harris? 02:06:45 Is Math discovered or invented? 02:10:18 Does Platonism entail some idea of a God? 02:14:49 Theism vs Deism 02:16:34 On the Sokal Affair and the trouble with Postmodernism 02:22:01 Limits of free speech? 02:27:41 The problem of commercializing research 02:33:09 On Jordan Peterson's "Darwinian" definition of truth
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this
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Prof. John Vervaeke's info: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnvervaeke The "Meaning Crisis" series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLND1JCRq8Vuh3f0P5qjrSdb5eC1ZfZwWJ John's Twitter: https://twitter.com/vervaeke_john
Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:43 What is an "affordance" in Cognitive Science? 00:07:28 The different uses of the word "meaning" 00:10:10 Materialism vs Physical-ism 00:12:48 What is "truth"? Harris vs Peterson from a Cognitive Scientific perspective 00:17:43 Perspectival knowledge (definition and examples) 00:21:13 The ways we practice narrative 00:27:13 The two world model 00:31:13 Buddhism's influence on John's worldview 00:33:43 The definition of Harry Frankfurt's "bullshit" 00:42:43 Addiction 00:45:48 Relationship between Lucifer and Frankfurt's BS 00:55:23 What is the "meaning crisis"? (explicating the "meaning of life") 01:10:23 Poetry should be read aloud 01:11:53 Faith, love, and participatory knowledge 01:18:23 The Platonic / Aristotelian influence on Christianity 01:21:43 How do reverse-engineer other points of view (such as what it's like to be someone in the 1200s) 01:32:13 The relationship between "reason" and "love" 01:47:43 The skepticism toward wisdom institutions and the birth of narcissism 01:49:43 The way Vervaeke uses the word "God" (God as affording transcendence) 01:54:53 The language of myth is lost but we retain the grammar 02:00:43 Where are we going with the "meaning crisis"? Is it getting worse? 02:06:20 How does John manage his time? 02:07:45 What do psychedelics provide that meditation doesn't? 02:18:00 Modelling truth in the other domains of knowledge (procedural, participatory, perspectival) 02:21:40 The "interpretation crisis" vs the "meaning crisis" 02:22:40 "Meaning" is not present in the scientific world view 02:25:50 What's relevance? (technical term is: "relevance realization") 02:31:30 John Vervaeke's origin of recognition of others 02:34:10 How does John collaborate? 02:38:50 People will sacrifice wealth for meaning 02:43:50 What is "evil"? Buddhism vs Christianity 02:49:35 Is Nihilism negative to the psyche, or salutary? 02:50:00 What could "free will" mean, possibly? ("freedom" in a certain sense isn't intrinsically "good") 02:57:20 Trolley Problem + Sam Harris' model of "evil" being neurological and a reduction of responsibility 03:00:50 Jungian individuation's relationship to the Big 5 model 03:05:50 How do we practically use this knowledge to cultivate character? 03:10:45 On self-deception 03:13:00 Tony Robbins (and other self development gurus) operate primarily on the placebo effect 03:14:15 "Being in the present moment" is horrible advice 03:17:10 What is 3rd generation Cognitive Science? 03:24:40 On "wisdom is knowing the difference between what you control and what you don't." 03:27:50 What wisdom is (relevance realization) 03:28:15 Which theory of consciousness does Vervaeke think is most correct / wrong? 03:32:50 Are intelligent people more "consciousness" or wise? If so, are they then more valuable people? 03:39:00 What is "reason" vs "rationality"? 03:41:30 Audience question: What is objectivity / what is real? 03:45:40 Audience question: On evil, and a "moral dimension" 03:48:00 Audience question: Is the point of meditation to reduce anxiety?
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Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
0:00 Introduction 0:32 Chomsky's views on consciousness and free will (and marijuana) 6:04 Views on "God" (do you believe in it? how do you define it?) 8:02 Chomsky's views on Moral Relativism vs Objectivism 9:55 Views on mythology, and religious upbringing 13:30 Personal story on Chomsky's childhood (religion is based on the assumption that "God is an idiot") 17:53 True Christianity is pacifism and the US squelched Liberation Theology 22:12 The most important activism is the liberation of the poor 24:02 Where does Neoliberalism come from and what's it maintained by? 30:40 Having a job is placing yourself under the control of an autocrat, worse than Stalin 36:48 What can be done to make education more democratic? 39:32 The Neoliberal "crisis" 42:20 Do schools run counter to our evolutionary "learning instinct"? 49:00 What's wrong with Illich's "de-schooling"? 52:15 Why not allow multiple competing school systems? 54:52 The problems with Charter Schools 57:36 Is there such a thing as too much openness / diversity / equality? (thoughts on Black Lives Matter) 1:00:28 Chomsky was afraid of being imprisoned. Why didn't it happen? 1:01:38 The war crimes of Trump
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
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YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoriesOfEverything
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
All the data Rupert Sheldrake references is here: https://www.sheldrake.org/research A mini-doc about the affair is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkrLJhBC3X4
0:00 Introduction 1:00 Why is it that scientists tend to not take Rupert's ideas seriously? (polemics on materialism and dogmatic atheists) 2:40 Will "science" come to an end? What will cause this? 5:10 On the false divide between the natural and the supernatural 11:10 Rupert's opinion on Daniel Dennett's theory of consciousness 13:10 On the benign or deleterious nature of "reason" 15:25 Does our unconscious have an unconscious? How far down does this go? 18:05 Do we have free will, if we're infinitely influenced by what lies outside our control? 22:05 Is the "bedrock" of consciousness ordered or random? 28:15 What's the reality to the picture psychedelics give you access to? 28:25 What's the ontological reason for the difference between LSD from DMT trips? 35:10 In what ways is religion ahead of science? 37:50 On Rupert's famous dog telepathy experiment and the mendacity of certain scientists 44:25 On Richard Wiseman's supposed lies / distortion (of Rupert's experiment) to the media 48:08 Wikipedia has been overtaken and distorted by guerrilla skeptics 50:00 What is the role of myth in "truth"? 53:40 Are we living in a simulation? 56:00 What religion and myth say about the creation of world 57:10 The New Atheists have a false view of God (a bearded man in the sky reprimanding you) 1:04:10 What do you like / dislike about Jordan Peterson (with regards to making religion more admissible)? 1:06:10 Where you can find out more about Rupert Sheldrake, and what he's working on next
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Subscribe if you want more conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, God, and the mathematics / physics of each.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
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YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoriesOfEverything
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
Richard David Wolff is an American Marxian economist, known for his work on economic methodology and class analysis. He is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and currently a Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School in New York.
0:00 On humility functioning as a necessary condition for scholarship 4:04 How Richard came to being a Marxist Economist 14:14 On the West being afraid of Marxism (and why) 17:36 Does the taboo of Marxism highlight an institutional / educational problem? 23:58 Defintions of Marxism / Socialism / Communism 36:02 The "third phase" of Socialism; Richard Wolff's ante 40:10 The different experiments of Communism 42:22 Karl Marx's writings on worker coops 50:59 Is violence justified to bring about the revolution? What defines "self defense"? 53:20 What does Wolff think about the "Defunding The Police" movement? 57:32 Is the state antithetical to Marxism? 1:02:07 On Black Lives Matters 1:04:02 On anarcho-communism / Marxism's relationship to Anarchism 1:06:02 What would Richard advise #BLM to make it more puissant 1:08:02 Is the root problem of the USA racial or economic? 1:12:37 How do we measure who's more "free"? 1:16:43 Richard Wolff is not more "white" than he is an "employee" (polemics on Identity Politics) 1:18:45 Where does Wolff disagree with Marx? 1:22:36 When does the right go too far? When does the left go too far? 1:25:50 What specific policy would Wolff enact if elected? 1:29:50 Kamala Harris' father is a Marxist 1:30:45 Wolff on "quota" based systems, like Afirmative Action 1:35:51 Definitive answer on Affirmative Action 1:38:19 Hegel is disliked because of his association to Marx 1:40:14 Why doesn't Hegelian contradiction lead to ex falso quodlibet 1:42:08 Overview of the "labor theory of value" 1:45:26 A boss pays an employee with the hope of making money, but doesn't, then who's exploited?
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Edward F. Stuart is a Professor Emeritus of Economics at Northeastern Illinois University, where he teaches courses in international economics, the economics of the European Union, comparative economic systems, European economic history, and macroeconomic theory.
0:00:00 Introduction to Prof. Edward Stuart 0:01:11 Difference between Socialism, Social Democracy, and Communism 0:03:53 Social democracy vs Welfare State 0:04:32 What is State Capitalism? And does that characterize China? 0:08:05 Is China "successful" economically, because of Capitalism or Communism? 0:12:50 Does Stalin and his regime deserve praise for raising literacy rates, health care, employment, etc.? 0:20:30 What about Mao? (same question as above / before) 0:23:23 What South vs North Korea says about Capitalism vs Communism 0:34:39 Why North Korea will collapse economically and politically imminently 0:35:50 Not "real" Communism: Why equality doesn't happen in Communist societies 0:40:03 Difference between economic collapse, and a Depression 0:41:03 The conditions for Depression (and how it relates to the current US predicament) 0:54:22 The current US tariff's on China as it relates economic growth / protection 0:59:23 Is the US economy currently headed toward another Depression? 1:01:51 Why printing money doesn't always lead to inflation 1:04:15 Hyperinflation and how to paradoxically solve it 1:08:14 "Communism has killed 10's of millions?" True. 1:09:41 "Capitalism has lifted more out of poverty than any other system?" Partially true. 1:13:55 Can slavery be blamed on Capitalism given Capitalism needs voluntary exchange? (+ an economics joke) 1:19:30 What is "black envy" vs "white envy"? And does Marxism lead to "black envy"? 1:29:21 What are Edward Stuart's biggest differences with Richard Wolff? 1:30:58 Where you can find more from Prof. Edward Stuart 1:31:33 Bonus: Economics vs. Physics
Patreon *NEW*: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluthefilm
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Paul Vanderklay is a minister in the Christian Reformed Church of North America. In this conversation we talk about Jordan Peterson's / John Vervaeke's / Jonathan Pageau's and Sam Harris' influence on "new Christianity."
This wasn't going to be releaseed because Paul Vanderklay and I had our schedule's jumbled; meaning, I had simultaneous people vying for my attention due to double-booking meetings and as a result, am not as present as I would have liked to be. However, due to a few requests I'm releasing and hopefully you enjoy, since Peter does a superlative job in my absence (despite the issues with the sound quality). If you'd like Part 2 with Paul Vanderklay, let me know and leave your questions for him below. - Curt Jaimungal
PAUL VANDERKLAY YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGsDIP_K6J6VSTqlq-9IPlg Twitter: https://twitter.com/PaulVanderKlay
JOHN VERVAEKE YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnvervaeke
JONATHAN PAGEAU YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCTSf3UwRU14nYWr_xm-dQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PageauJonathan
INFO FOR CURT JAIMUNGAL Patreon *NEW*: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluthefilm
* * *
0:00:00 Introduction to Paul Vanderklay 0:02:55 What are the pros and cons of Jordan Peterson's, John Vervaeke's, and Jonathan Pageau's approaches? 0:08:10 How Christian is this "new Christianity" put forward by people like Peterson, and Jung? 0:10:04 Is this the same old debate that Dostoevsky / Nietzsche referred to before the 1900's? 0:13:15 On Solzhenitsyn and the new definition of "religion" 0:16:32 What makes someone a Christian? 0:20:42 What is God? (thoughts on the Sam Harris / Peterson debate) 0:24:24 Deriding God by analogizing him to "Zeus" is incorrect 0:27:30 What's the relationship between Christianity, Secularism, and the State 0:34:16 Can you rationally prove God's existence? 0:44:40 Is Sam Harris a Christian? 0:47:47 How does "religion without religion" make sense? 0:53:19 Does freedom just mean "more choice"?
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These interviews can be extremely technically dense at times but I'm not willing to sacrifice depth, nor my personal engrossment, for views.
The latter half of this video is primarily for posterity and I think you'll find it intriguiging only if you care about the history of physics around the time of Einstein, Dirac, and Feynman, which is why I put the answers to the more contemporary questions up front. John Moffat is an 88 year old luminary, which means there's a tendency to drone / ramble, since he doesn't perform much public speaking. But the content is there. Enjoy. - Curt
Patreon *NEW*: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluthefilm
0:00:00 On "Modified Gravity" (or MOG) and how new theories are born 0:24:58 Does MOG agree with the data? 0:29:53 Black holes are characterized by "mass, spin, and alpha" not "mass, spin, and charge" 0:32:49 His thoughts on current Theories of Everything, including Weinstien's and Wolfram's 0:34:56 The problem with quantum gravity 0:43:16 Modifying Quantum Field Theory and Moffat's method for learning 0:55:27 The advent of the Higgs, due to the non-renormalizability of SU(2) x U(1) 1:00:16 The Higgs is needed for unitarity, not renormalizing (in Moffat's theory) 1:04:54 On the Arrow of Time 1:06:44 When Moffat met Feynman (brief story) 1:07:36 Why modifying gravity is so difficult, apart from quantum gravity 1:10:58 What Moffat is currently working on 1:12:01 Non-technical books Moffat has written, explaining all his theories 1:14:04 Black hole singularity points often being dependent on coordinate choice 1:18:55 Moffat's start in math and physics from a painter with PTSD who had no previous predilection for mathematics 1:30:16 The history of Einstein's first attempts at a Theory of Everything (or Unified Field Theory) 1:41:04 Bohr and Schrödinger hating on Einstein 1:52:17 Attending Dirac's course 2:02:44 Some love for Prof. Brian Keating from Moffat
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Sabine Hossenfelder is a theoretical physicist who researches quantum gravity at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, and is the author of Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray. Subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWIQh9DGG6uhJk8eyIFl1w for more weekly conversations with intellectuals.
Sabine's YouTube is: https://www.youtube.com/c/SabineHossenfelder/videos
Sabine's Twitter is: https://twitter.com/skdh
Follow us at http://twitter.com/bluthefilm
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As the show pivots away from strictly political matters, we revisit my background -- mathematics and physics.
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Donald Hoffman a cognitive psychologist and Professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences at the University of California, Irvine. The interviewer is Curt Jaimungal, who has a background in mathematical physics, making this an eminently scholarly and technical talk (relative to what exists with Donald Hoffman). Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of his theory before watching this in order to be maximally edified.
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Today's episode is eminently different as we have a self-proclaimed Marxist to chat with. Douglas Lain runs the Zer0 Books YouTube channel (linked here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyoQK-mZXr2ws4C0nXGCH1w) and is an accomplished writer.
This episode is distinguished by its sublimation from "interview" ⇒ "conversation" ⇒ "friendly debate", where I (Curt Jaimungal) took a backseat in the arena of Douglas Lain and my colleague Peter Glinos. If you'd like a Part 2, let me know.
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Rebecca Goldstein is an American philosopher, novelist and public intellectual. She holds a Ph.D. in philosophy of science from Princeton University and is sometimes grouped with novelists such as Richard Powers and Alan Lightman, who create fiction that is knowledgeable of, and sympathetic toward, science.
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I'm producing an imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com on the topic of "when does the left go too far?" Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film distributed (in 2020) and seeing more conversations like this.
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YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheoriesOfEverything
Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: https://patreon.com/curtjaimungal Help support conversations like this via PayPal: https://bit.ly/2EOR0M4 Twitter: https://twitter.com/TOEwithCurt iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/better-left-unsaid-with-curt-jaimungal/id1521758802 Pandora: https://pdora.co/33b9lfP Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4gL14b92xAErofYQA7bU4e Google Podcasts: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Id3k7k7mfzahfx2fjqmw3vufb44
Another deviating episode, this time focusing on Eric Weinstein. We delve deep into a deconstruction process on his cognition, where he exposes his thought process more here than anywhere else -- a refreshing take.
Eric's podcast, The Portal: https://www.youtube.com/user/nobani88.
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What you're seeing is un-edited, raw footage for the imminent documentary Better Left Unsaid (http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com). Visit that site if you'd like to contribute to getting the film made. Every dollar helps tremendously. The conversation is between Curt Jaimungal, Peter Glinos, and Steven Pinker.
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In this inaugural episode, we speak to Noam Chomsky about his views on Peterson, anarchism, postmodernism, Foucault, and even touch on Ali G. Interview conducted by Peter Glinos and Curt Jaimungal, for a documentary Better Left Unsaid http://betterleftunsaidfilm.com
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En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.