Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal
Donald Hoffman, cognitive scientist, and Philip Goff, philosopher, discuss consciousness, evolution, perception, and panpsychism. Insights into the nature of reality.
YouTube Link:
00:00 - Intro
02:46 - Goff’s World View
11:39 - Do Neurons Exist?
28:30 - What Is Real?
39:22- Objections to Hoffman’s Views
58:45 - Evolution
1:37:19 - Reductionism
1:49:38 - Meaning Of Life
2:01:32 - Infinite Consciousness
2:05:40 - Multiverse
2:15:25 - Outro
NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.
THANK YOU: To Mike Duffey for your insight, help, and recommendations on this channel.
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- Why? The Purpose of the Universe (Philip Goff):
- The Case Against Reality (Donald Hoffman):
- Galileo's Error (Philip Goff):
- Consciousness and Fundamental Reality (Philip Goff):
- Mind Chat (Goff's podcast):
- Podcast w/ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman: The Nature of Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Daniel Dennett: COMING SOON
• Theories of Everything with Curt Jaim...
- Analysis of Matter (Bertrand Russell):
- A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking):
- Debunking Interface Theory (Geoffrey Bagwell):
- Quantum Bayesianism (Chris Fuchs):
- Fitness Beats Truth (Donald Hoffman):
- Podcast w/ John Vervaeke Λ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Exposing the Matrix: Cognitive Scient...
- Podcast w/ Joscha Bach Λ Donald Hoffman on TOE:
• Donald Hoffman Λ Joscha Bach: Conscio...
- Podcast w/ Bernardo Kastrup on TOE:
• Escaping the Illusion: Bernardo Kastr...
- Debate with Sean Carroll and Philip Goff:
• Sean Carroll & Philip Goff Debate 'Is...
- Classic Paper on Fine-Tuning (Roger White, 2000):
- Debate between Philip and Don on Philip's channel:
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