Sue & Ann laughing at themselves, probably at our bumbling efforts on our 30-day emotional health challenge!
Enough theory – it’s time to choose JUST ONE emotional health goal to work on for the next 30 days. Let go of what no longer serves you. Join us for our 30-day emotional health challenge!
In this episode,
Dr. Ann Kelley and Sue Marriott LCSW CGP are walking the walk. They personally challenge you to pick one thing to work on for the next 30 days – something challenging but within reach.
Show Notes - 30 day emotional health challenge
It’s February – this is not a new years resolution because they typically don’t work past about now. You hear about weight loss goals and fitness goals, but the most life-changing skills for long-term happiness and health is actually having close relationships.
No matter how secure you are, how much therapy you have had, what letters are behind your name or how old you are, there is always something we can do to improve our sense of ourself and our close relationships.
You pick! We give lots of ideas but the upshot is you know your own bad emotional habits.
Self -Inventory
With love and compassion first – reflect on what you know you need to work on
Pick something that if you could change, it would have real meaning to you
Pick something that is clear enough to be measurable – if others can see it that’s even better
Tell someone what you are doing – gain accountability
When you fail, this is a true challenge, remember? When you fail learn a bit more about what happened, where the bad habit or self talk is coming from, what triggers the behavior and ideas for intervention
Earned Security and Internal Working Maps – Reviewed
What is emotional health?
Ann & Sue’s personal challenges
Ann shares her personal 30 day challenge goal and how it developed – implicit emotional learning
Sue shares her 30 day emotional challenge goal and what her implicit emotional learning she’s trying to unlearn and replace with something more adaptive for today
How to identify your old IWM (adaptations to your early environment that are usually based on things that are no longer true) and replace them with new, more accurate IWM
Earning Security – a cool club to be a part of 🙂
Examples of what you might try based on where you fall on the Attachment-Regulation Spectrum
Resources for this Episode – Recommended Books
Self Compassion Workbook A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength and Thrive
by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer
Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
by Christopher Germer
Neuroscience of Human Relationships
by Lou Cozolino
Who doesn’t love special offers? Discounted course – It’s Not Me It’s My Amygdala! Advanced Course Connecting the Science(s) of the Mind to Interpersonal Relationships
Our advanced course on attachment and relational neuroscience has been recently released and is now available (wahoo)! Since you are now deep into these shownotes, then you are one of us, use the code OURCLAN for an immediate discount for the course.
This course is popular with clinicians (CE’s available!), all who are interested in deepening security in yourselves and your relationships are welcome to participate. 4 hours of curated content!
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