October 28, 2012. 82-minute dharma talk given by Thich Nhat Hanh from Upper Hamlet at Plum Village. The sangha is enjoying the Autumn Retreat and this is a Day of Mindfulness.
Last week we spoke about the nutriment of volition. An intention. A deep desire. We have learned that joy and suffering inter-are - we should recognize the suffering within ourselves. This leads to transformation and healing. The energy of mindfulness will help use with the transformation.
The Practice. Bhavana. To cultivate. Establishing yourself in the here and the now is enough to be free. How do you practice?
Everything we do in a practice center is to learn how to practice. To learn how to breathe. How to release the stress and the tension. Coming to a Day of Mindfulness or a Retreat can teach us the practice. Get a practice. Secondly, we need a group of people at home to help us maintain the practice. A sangha. Gather friends together from your local community. We learn the practice, we gain the support in out community, and third, we can bring the practice to your work place in order to help people suffer less. If we are a school teacher, we can bring the practice to our students. To help the students to suffer less.
Understanding is love and compassion. When you have understood your own suffering, you begin to love yourself.