This is a 78-minute dharma talk from Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in Hanoi during the “Engaged Buddhism in the 21st Century” retreat. This is the sixth and final talk on May 11, 2008 and the talk is offered in English.
Photo by Paul Davis
The Dharma is something you need to come and see for yourself. It is experiential. Meditation holds the keys. We can unlock the door of reality. Among them are the Three Doors of Liberation. Emptiness. Signlessness. Aimlessness. These are the keys.
What are these Three Doors of Liberation?
Along with this, we take a deeper look at several pairs of opposites (in the context of signlessness).
birth and death
being and nonbeing
coming and going
sameness and otherness
We can liberated from our fear, our anger, our despair.
The story of the flame is quite humorous and enjoyable.