Your correspondent revisits the 2007 poker film “Lucky You,” then discusses a $5/$5/$10 session that left him shrugging to himself about the quality of his play.
CLICK HERE0:20 Brief life/wildfire update
1:45 "Lucky You"
14:05 $5/$5/$10 session
14:13 On the types of "action" players currently playing in public mid-stakes games
18:27 TT on KT6sxs2sss
20:34 Double-board PLO bomb pot with Jh992.
First board: 9644.
Second board KhQh5x (?) Ahhh
23:01 KsKh on J82ccx5ddTddd
25:11 JJ on A74xssKx2x
29:05 A5hh on T62hhx7hhh7x
31:47 Conclusion