Amidst a couple weeks mostly away from poker, your correspondent plays two unusually low-stakes sessions, thinking along the way about the impact of policy upon poker options at public casinos.
0:16 What I've been up to
3:14 What is low-stakes poker like in 2025?
7:44 How poker in casinos is affected by changes in laws
11:01 $1/$3 session in Seattle
14:13 AsAx on J87xss3x5x
19:29 AJo on JTTssx6x8x
21:07 AQss on Q73xxsKdd6x
24:10 $2/$3 session at Hustler
27:00 QTo on KJ5ssx
28:08 Double-board PLO bomb pot: T984 on J844Q and 852Kcc2x
31:30 A8cc on K82xxc2dd7x
34:14 AQ on QQ3r2r3