"Are you kidding me? We conduct a nationwide manhunt for you and you're boning the suspect? Did you think this was a joke? "Let's divert federal resources and man-hours so I can have my collegiate lesbian fling in style."
Pride month continues with another groundbreaking queer film, this time, the queer spy comedy that helped every queer girl in the 2000s with a Blockbuster membership card feel just a little more seen, D.E.B.S. We're discussing the adorable charm of Angela Robinson's seminal film, and yes, discussing how D.E.B.S. walked so KILLING EVE could run.
Article Referenced
Queer Millennial Girl Reviews Lesbian Adventure Film D.E.B.S.: https://rb.gy/x0dbsn
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Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/