“It's actually not my job to give you pervy intel on my best friends but good luck anyway.”
Thanks to the franchise boom of the 2010s, there aren't always a lot of teen films to talk about from this time period. We've been saving this title for a rainy day, and it sure is pouring. That's right, The Wives Colangelo are finally diving deep into THE DUFF. Together we discuss the frustration of films with good intentions, the difference having a script and director can make when allowing actors to truly shine, and sadly including the information that the "DUFF" as a social conceit is a very real thing.
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Articles Mentioned
We Can Already Declare “The Duff” To Be the Worst Movie of 2015 (https://www.bitchmedia.org/post/we-can-already-declare-the-duff-to-be-the-worst-movie-of-2015)
Being the DUFF | Psychology Today
Find the Show on Twitter & Instagram: @ThisEndsAtProm
BJ Colangelo —Twitter & Instagram: @BJColangelo
Harmony Colangelo — Twitter & Instagram: @Veloci_trap_tor
Logo Design: Haley Doodles @HaleyDoodleDo
Theme Song: The Sonder Bombs 'Title': https://thesonderbombs.bandcamp.com/