We riff on the artisanal race science of Caroline Ellison, CEO of Alameda Research, the crypto hedge fund linked to FTX. Then we introduce you to the Harman Ready Care system, yet another of the wonderful innovations on the market contributing, in its own incremental way, to improving the world today.
••• Introducing HARMAN Ready Care: Detects Driver Behaviors and Assists via Context-Aware Interventions for Safer and Smarter Drives https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220914005609/en/Introducing-HARMAN-Ready-Care-Detects-Driver-Behaviors-and-Assists-via-Context-Aware-Interventions-for-Safer-and-Smarter-Drives
••• Data Driven: Truckers, Technology, and the New Workplace Surveillance https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691175300/data-driven
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Hosted by Jathan Sadowski (www.twitter.com/jathansadowski) and Edward Ongweso Jr. (www.twitter.com/bigblackjacobin). Production / Music by Jereme Brown (www.twitter.com/braunestahl)