Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin
Guest: Michael Libman
Michael returns to help the TWiP trio solve the case of the Delusional African Expatriate, and discuss the association of natural and induced antibodies in mice with differential susceptibility to secondary cystic echinococcosis.
Links for this episode:This week's case involves a young man in his thirties, admitted in hospital in Anchorage AK in early June. Chief complaint, severe muscle pain and tenderness. Usually healthy guy, 1 week ago had bad case of diarrhea with belly pain and vomiting, lasted a full week. Now has fever. Concerned because wife now is having diarrhea. Unremarkable history, unknown family history. HIV negative. All childhood vaccinations. Does not eat raw meat. No meds, does seasonal work, social drinker. Came back from successful hunt, got a black bear. Dressed in field, cooked at home really well. Wife also ate bear meat. Bear meat is in freezer. No vegetables. Also eats salmon which he caught the previous season, then frozen. Drinks water from the stream when he hunts. Physical exam: hot, 38.5, bp 115/75, pulse 105, breathing comfortably. Anxious, swelling around both eyes. Sclera not noted. Labs: WBC elevated 14,000, 30% eosinophils; chemistries fine; muscle enzymes LDH, CK elevated.
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