Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin
The TWiPinella solve the case of the Woman from Guinea, and describe the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to identify essential apicomplexan genes.
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Case Study for TWiP 118Little bit of a twist - a human family with eosinophilia. Conveyed by good friend/colleague ID physician. Australia, NSW, 45 yo Dad, having problem with mild abdominal distention. Seen by doc in Sydney, CBC shows eosinophil count of 10,500. Wife of same age reports feeling fine, but gets CBC and also shows eosinophils of 5,200. Two daughters, 17 and 19, no symptoms, bloods: 900 and normal eosinophils. One week prior to dads symptoms, sister in law came (also in NSW) and stayed, developed severe diarrhea, discomfort, bloating, weight loss, eosinohils 4,700. Eat raw fish (not known if fresh or salt) purchased at local markets. No overseas travel or out of urban environment. No pets, no home grown foods. Went back to previous labs and found normal eosinophil levels. Full workup for strongyloides, all negative. No HIV. No toxic habits, no remarkable medical history.
Send your case diagnosis, questions and comments to [email protected]