Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, and Daniel Griffin
The TWiPsters solve the case of the Peace Corps Volunteer with a Liver Lesion, and discuss the dependence of Leishmania survival on the gut microbiome of the sandfly.
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Case Study for TWiP 127The last of our trio for the Peace Corp, an eosinophilia case. 29 yo pc volunteer in Rwanda, male, 3 weeks of feeling poorly. Starts with rash on lower back and upper legs, maculopapular rash. Fatigue later, cough, then diarrhea, 51% eosinophils (9000). No significant exposure to fresh water. Stool sent for oandp. Said sat down and got something on behind, realized later was feces, this was where rash developed. OandP seeing larva in stool. HIV neg, no med issue, no surgeries, no Kava.
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