0:36 Jason shares thoughts on his portfolio activity, getting back to work, leadership & more
4:20 Jason intros Slice Founder Ilir Sela
7:14 How has Slice been helping local pizzerias and front-line workers during the pandemic? https://sliceouthunger.org/pandemicpizza
9:12 What are the economics of an average privately-owned local pizzeria? How are the majority fairing during COVID-19?
13:24 What is Ilir building at Slice? What is their "reverse-franchise model" that helps local pizzerias compete with Dominos & other large chains?
15:32 What is the user-experience on Slice?
18:49 Who is Slice's average customer & how are their pizzerias handling the virus in 3 segments
29:10 Raising a $40M+ Series C during COVID pandemic & leaning on long-term relationships
32:49 Viral GrubHub invoice response - valid or overblown? Unit economics of delivery apps & how Slice's fees compare to GrubHub, DoorDash, UberEats & more
40:12 Huge delivery fees creating the need for two different menus (with higher prices on third-party platforms), how Dominos digitizing their order volume created maximum efficiency & allowed them to keep the same prices for over a decade
45:28 What is Ilir planning on doing with Slice's excess office space, how will the pandemic effect in-person work going forward?
50:10 Which groups of employees perform better under isolation? How is Slice helping employees deal with working remotely? How is New York responding to the crisis, and what will reopening look like (hybrid offices)?
1:06:53 Do business leaders have a responsibility to go through the testing process to understand how to help employees get tested efficiently?