Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, Dickson Despommier, and Ken Stedman
The complete TWiV team meets with Ken Stedman to discuss the discovery in Boiling Spring Lake of a DNA virus with the capsid of an RNA virus.
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Links for this episode:Ken - The Edge of Life trailer and Facebook pageDickson - The Cognitive Style of Powerpoint by Edward TufteAlan - SEMs of insects and spiders via Steve GschmeissnerRich - Curiosity Has Landed (Wiki mission summary)Vincent - Curiosity's Seven Minutes of Terror (YouTube)
Listener Pick of the WeekLance - The Vaccine Confidence Project and Immune response video (YouTube)Anat - Beautiful Science
Send your virology questions and comments (email or mp3 file) to [email protected], or call them in to 908-312-0760. You can also post articles that you would like us to discuss at and tag them with twiv.