Hosts: Vincent Racaniello, Alan Dove, Rich Condit, and Kathy Spindler
The TWiVers reveal influenza virus replication in the ferret mammary gland and spread to a nursing infant, and selection of transmissible influenza viruses in the soft palate.
Links for this episode
This episode is sponsored by Mt. Sinai Department of Microbiology, ASM Education, and ASM Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Conference
Timestamps by Jennifer. Thanks!
Weekly Science Picks 1:29:00Kathy - Insect gearsAlan - Bye, Bye, EbolaRich - Hedy LamarrVincent - Should we resurrect extinct species?
Listener PicksJennie - Bye, Bye, EbolaPeter - Epidemics on edX
Send your virology questions and comments to [email protected]