Three Films and a Podcast has come to the end of the road. This will be our final episode from this podcast, but don't worry, we'll be back! We're taking a little time off, restructuring the podcast and like a phoenix, we will rise from the ashes as "Unsung Gems".
In this episode we are reminiscing about the past year, handing out our annual Three Films awards and looking forward to the future.
Thanks for all the support we've received over the past three years. While the format will be changing, we're looking forward to many more excellent conversations about movies!
0:00 Intro
5:09 Patron Shoutout
6:02 Clubhouse Shoutout
11:20 Season 3 Awards
12:34 Favorite Episode
17:48 Favorite Round
24:17 Coolest Movie
30:05 Best Music
35:10 Biggest Surprise
42:35 Best Little Pod
45:09 Favorite Scene
51:25 Best Male Performance
55:34 Best Female Performance
1:00:22 Best Picture
1:03:32 Most Unsung Gem
1:08:07 Three Films Fanciest
1:12:08 All-Time Rushmore Mountain
1:23:08 All-Time Unsung Gems
1:32:06 Outro
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