Welcome to episode 14 of our little podcast which is all about woodwork, making things and having lots of fun. Check out our special Celebrity intro
In this episode
Andy He disagrees with Steve. He’s making wooden knives so sharp there being used in John Wick 4. He’s making more YouTube videos as he is now King of the thumbnails.
Steve His name is Bell, Steve Bell 007 and 3/4 Also it seems his Italian is much better than his Swedish in the workshop he’s revitalising a beat up coffee table
Pierre He’s reliving his bachelor life with a week on his own Blending no not one! he’s using a new 3d modelling program called Blender
Our Obsessions this Week
Steve well the Glowforge people are still getting in touch and Steve is falling down the Glowforge rabbit hole. His recommendation is a YouTube channel that makes lamps out of cardboard and acrylic called Tim Ung he’s also on Instagram @tim_ung
Andy He’s making special effects with After effects to make a fancy new intro to help him along the way he’s turned to a YouTube channel by Ben Marriott also in instagram @ben_marriott_
Pierre He’s gone blending crazy with a new piece of free software called blender As always Pierre has turned to the YouTube gods for help with a channel called Blender Guru he’s also on instagram @andrewpprice
The Three Northern Makers Are
Andy @potato_woodworks on instagram and Potato Woodworks on YouTube Andy who is Swiss now lives near Stockholm in Sweden
Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK
Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden
Plus we now have our own instagram account @threeNorthernMakers so check us out
We also have our own woodworking/ makers community on Discord.com
We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us
If you have any questions or comments
please email the show at
[email protected]