Welcome to episode 52 of our podcast all about woodworking, making things and having fun.
This week The Birthday Episode
The boys are back together as were one year old Happy birthday to us
Andy’s turned into demolition man and he’s looking for a friend with a massive belt sander plus he’s drinking Steves sex juice.
Pierre Has problems with the Swedish Maker Mobile, he’s now a wandering minstrel walking round singing songs. Plus we get all the tales from the farm.
Steve had problems with a composting toilet in France yes he filled it to the brim !! And he might be old but he’s the expert on sex juice. Steves also decided to tackle all the jobs he’s been putting off.
Our Obsessions this Week
Steves Getting hot under the collar watching Blown Away series three on Netflix a show where 10 contestants enter the hot shop to make beautiful pieces of glass.
Pierre Has been totally Obsessed with a YouTube channel called Chads Custom Creations.
He also hosts the Working hands podcast, and Pierre loves his videos and finds them inspiring. Chad can be found on instagram @chadscustomcreations and @workinghandspodcast
Andy Obsessed with a larger beer from Cyprus called KEO it certainly refreshed Andy’s parts.
The Three Northern Makers Are
Andy @potato_woodworks on instagram and Potato Woodworks on YouTube Andy who is Swiss now lives near Stockholm in Sweden
Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram and YouTube at Steve Bell Creates
Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK
Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden
We can be found on instagram @threeNorthernMakers so check us out
We also have our own woodworking/makers community on Discord.com
We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us
If you have any questions or comments
please email the show at [email protected]