Welcome to a very special Episode 61
This week
Steve and Pierre set off on their own podcasting adventures. We both reveal that we are secret Preppers preparing for the energy armageddon. Pierres been splashing the cash and Steves ready to release his next epic video
Plus we have a major announcement (don’t worry its a good one)
Our Obsessions this Week
Steves Has been obsessed with a YouTube Channel called Living in the Loire its about an English couple called Brook and Rebecca restoring a run down house in France Perhaps it will help Pierre!! They are also on instagram @livingintheloire go take a look
Steve was also a guest on the Makers Waffle Podcast available on YouTube and all good Podcasting platforms also on instagram @makerswaffl, A big thank you to Andy and Jamie for having me as a guest it was great fun go check it out
Pierre Is obsessed with a 28 year old English singer called Jacob Collier Pierre loves his voice and recons he’s the next big thing je is on YouTube at Jacob Collier and on instagram @jacobcollier
Pierre is also Obsessed with as show on Disney Plus called Welcome to Wrexham a documentary about how actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney buy Wrexham football club it is really good so go give it a watch.
Andy is obsessed with Pierre and Steve for all the fun laughter and support they have had.
So Steve and Pierre will see you all next week
The Three Northern Makers Are
Steve @stevebellcreates on instagram and YouTube at Steve Bell Creates
Steve lives in North Yorkshire in the UK
Pierre @theswedishmaker on Instagram and The Swedish Maker on YouTube Pierre lives near Gothenburg in Sweden
We can be found on instagram @threeNorthernMakers so check us out
We also have our own woodworking/makers community on Discord.com
We will be releasing a new episode every Sunday morning so please subscribe like and leave a review to hear our humble ramblings about making things and all that life throws at us
If you have any questions or comments
please email the show at
[email protected]