In this episode--covering Tómas Jónsson's fourth composition book--a number of the themes of the overall novel are put on display: Tómas's relationship to his body, the way he tries to create a narrative for himself, possible injustices he's suffered during his life, the way his lodgers are like an army, and more. And there's no one better to help parse these elements than author and critic Scott Esposito. He joins Chad and Lytton for an episode that may be a bit long, but is stuffed full of insight about this Icelandic masterpiece.
Also discussed in this episode is Scott's interview with Lytton for Conversational Reading.
Feel free to comment on this episode--or on the book in general--either on this post, or at the official GoodReads Group.
Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller is available at better bookstores everywhere, and you can also order it directly from Open Letter, where you can get 20% off by entering 2MONTH in the discount field at checkout.
Follow Open Letter, Chad Post, and Lytton Smith for more thoughts and information about upcoming guests.
You can follow Scott Esposito on Twitter and Instagram, or at Conversational Reading. And you can get his latest book, The Doubles, from Civil Coping Mechanisms.
And you can find all Two Month Review posts by clicking here.
The music for this season of Two Month Review is "Long Year" by The Anchoress.
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