Following up on last week's catastrophic technical difficulties, Brian recaps some of his conversation with Frank Wynne before he and Chad dive into volume three of Despentes's Vernon Subutex. They talk about hippies, Dan Deacon, cults, Cultish, Vernon's purity, and much more.
This week's music is "The Crystal Cat" by Dan Deacon. (Click here to see one of his "convergences.")
If you'd prefer to watch the conversation, you can find it on YouTube along with all our past episodes. You can join us on Thursday, June 24th, ask questions, make comments, and correct inaccurate statements. Here's where you can find the complete reading schedule.
Follow Open Letter, Chad Post, and Brian Wood for random thoughts and information about upcoming guests.
Be sure to order Brian's book, Joytime Killbox, which is available at better bookstores everywhere thanks to BOA Editions.
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