The Japanese Maple, known scientifically as Acer Palmatum, originates from Japan, Korea, and parts of Russia. It’s a versatile plant that can adapt to various environments but tends to prefer partially shaded areas with well-drained, slightly acidic soil. In their native environments in eastern Asia, the Japanese Maple can be usually found in lightly wooded areas, landscapes, and gardens, often showcasing their beautiful colors in the autumn season. Outside of Asia, these trees are a favorite in gardens across North America and Europe for their aesthetic appeal. The Japanese Maple is known for its graceful, dome-shaped growth and beautiful leaves. Its leaves are sharply pointed with 5-9 lobes, and have a span of up to 10 cm in some cultivars. During the spring, these leaves start off as a purple-red color, then turn green in summer, and finish with a fiery orange-red in autumn. The bark of this tree is smooth and gray on older limbs, but green, red or sometimes pink on younger shoots. An interesting fact about the Japanese maple is that there are hundreds of cultivars with numerous shapes and colors. Some are dwarf varieties that only grow a couple of feet, whereas others can grow up to 30 feet tall. Moreover, it’s a popular tree for "bonsai", a Japanese art form in which small trees mimic the shape and style of their full-sized counterparts. Additionally, it's cultivated for its timber in its native Japan, where the wood is used in making furniture. The beauty of these trees has been celebrated in Japanese culture for centuries. For example, the "momiji-gari" is a centuries-old custom in Japan, akin to leaf peeping in the West, where people visit areas where leaves have turned red in the autumn. The Japanese Maple, accordingly, is much more than just a plant — it's an embodiment of tradition, beauty, and the changing seasons.