Adansonia Grandidieri, commonly known as the Grandidier's baobab or Giant Baobab, is a unique tree species native to Madagascar. With its striking appearance and incredible size, the Grandidier's baobab is a symbol of the island's diverse flora, named after the French explorer and naturalist, Alfred Grandidier. This majestic tree can be found mainly in the western part of Madagascar, particularly in the area surrounding the Avenue of the Baobabs near Morondava. The tree often grows in dry, deciduous forests, or sometimes in isolation in open grasslands. The Grandidier's baobab can grow up to 30 meters tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 9 meters. These massive trunks help the tree store large amounts of water, in order to withstand the long, arid periods it faces in its environment. The tree is easily recognized by its smooth, cylindrical, reddish-grey bark and the unique branching pattern at the top. The branches are primarily leafless during the dry seasons, resembling a root system, earning it the local nickname, "the upside-down tree." The baobab produces large, fragrant flowers, which open at night and are pollinated by nocturnal animals such as fruit bats and lemurs. The fruit, called the "Malagasy Coconut," is a large, kidney-shaped shell filled with fibrous pulp and seeds. Its pulp, high in vitamin C, can be consumed or used to make a juice called "bouie." The seeds can be eaten raw, roasted or turned into an edible oil, while the trunk's pulp can be used for rope and paper. Unfortunately, the Grandidier's baobab has been listed as an endangered species due to habitat loss from deforestation, agriculture, and urban development. Efforts are being made to protect Madagascar's remaining baobabs and increase awareness in order to preserve this symbol of the island's biodiversity.