The Coast Banksia, scientifically known as Banksia Integrifolia, is a species of tree or shrub in the plant genus Banksia. Named in honor of Sir Joseph Banks, a prominent English botanist, who first collected and identified the plant in 1770, during Lieutenant James Cook’s first expedition to Australia. Originally native to the east coast of Australia, Coast Banksia trees can now be found from Queensland to Victoria, including Tasmania. They are most commonly found along the coastal regions, making them a true coastal beauty. However, their adaptability allows them to grow well in a variety of soils and climates, making them popular in horticulture and landscape design worldwide. Coast Banksia trees, when fully mature, can reach up to 25 meters in height, with a large spreading crown of leaves. The leaves are dark green on top and silver underneath, give the tree an appealing sheen when they flutter in the wind. They are long, tough and with serrated margins. An interesting fact about this tree is that it flowers throughout the year, making it an invaluable source of nectar during colder months when other nectar sources are scarce. The yellowish-green flowers are gathered in cylindrical spikes or "inflorescences", which can grow up to 12 cm long. Coast Banksia also offers high ecological value, serving as food and habitat for a variety of wildlife. The nectar-rich flowers attract bees, birds like honeyeaters, and small mammals, including the Sugar Glider. It's also important to indigenous Australians, who use its nectar to make sweet drinks and the wood to make tools. Coast Banksia is a highly resilient plant that can withstand strong winds, salt spray, poor soils, and even fire, regrowing quickly after a blaze. This hardiness, combined with its ecological importance and year-round beauty, has made the Coast Banksia a favorite in conservation efforts, landscaping, and horticulture worldwide.