The Lignum Vitae, scientifically known as Guaiacum sanctum, is heralded as the tree of life due to its extensive medicinal properties. Its name translates to "wood of life," from its Latin origin. It was first discovered in the tropical regions of the Americas, including the Caribbean, where it remains highly prevalent. Distinctive due to its slow growth and dense wood, the Lignum Vitae is usually a shrub or small tree, standing at 3-12 meters high. It possesses stunning, blue or purple flowers which contrast its leathery, evergreen leaves. Its bark is brown, deeply furrowed, and becomes greyish with age. After flowering, the tree creates heart-shaped yellow fruits, which split open to reveal bright red, fleshy seeds. Interestingly, the wood from the Lignum Vitae is considered the densest in the world and is so heavy it sinks in water. This density makes it highly durable, and it was historically used for making ship parts due to its resistance to saltwater. It has also been used to manufacture bowling balls, bridges, bearings, and other engineering applications. In folk medicine, almost all parts of the tree, including bark, resin, and leaves are used due to their antiseptic, laxative, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties. They've been applied to treat a range of ailments, such as arthritis, coughs, and skin problems. Finally, the Lignum Vitae is the national tree of the Bahamas and is featured on both the Bahamas and Jamaica's coat of arms. Conservation efforts have increased for this tree as it was heavily exploited for timber in the 20th century and is now considered "Endangered" by the IUCN Red List.