The Rainbow Eucalyptus, scientifically known as Eucalyptus Deglupta, is a tropical tree known for its kaleidoscopic bark. This colorful tree is the only eucalyptus species that grows naturally in the northern hemisphere. Its origin is believed to be the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, and it is also its country's national tree. Today, it can be found across the tropics, particularly in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines. This striking tree can grow up to 250 feet high in its native habitat with smooth, peeling bark. What sets it apart is its ever-changing bark that molts once a year, revealing vibrant colors beneath. Its rough bark peels away in patches over time and reveals the new, smooth bark underneath. Once exposed, the fresh bark starts out as a bright green but changes colors as it matures. Throughout a season, it transitions through a spectrum of red, orange, blue, purple, and maroon hues. An interesting fact about the Rainbow Eucalyptus is that it grows extremely fast, with growth rates of up to 5 feet per year. Due to its high resistance to disease and pests, it's often used in forestry practices for the production of pulpwood used in papermaking. It is also cultivated as an ornamental tree in frost-free climates, and the wood is used for construction, furniture, and boat-building due to its strength and durability. Despite its exotic and colorful appearance, the Rainbow Eucalyptus requires very little care, except for a sunny position and well-drained soil. It's known to tolerate water-logging and moderate drought once established. In proper conditions, this fascinating tree paints a truly unique and breathtaking picture and is a real conversation starter for any garden or landscape.