Victoria Amazonica, commonly known as the Giant Water Lily, is a fascinating aquatic plant native to the shallow waters of the Amazon River basin in South America. Its Latin name is in honor of Queen Victoria, and it's a part of the Nymphaeaceae family - the water lilies family. The plant was first discovered in 1801 by the French naturalist Aimé Bonpland and was later described formally by the English botanist John Lindley in 1837. Victoria Amazonica has been cultivated in botanical gardens around the world, becoming popular for its spectacular and impressive leaves. The most striking feature of Victoria Amazonica is its gigantic, circular leaves, which can reach up to 3 meters (10 feet) in diameter. The leaves are green with a deep red underside and a unique ribbed structure, much like the underside of a turtle shell. This ribbed structure is responsible for the leaf's remarkable buoyancy, allowing it to support the weight of a small human, although its primary purpose is to support the weight of the plant itself. The flowers of Victoria Amazonica are equally impressive, with a diameter of up to 30 centimeters (12 inches). The flowers are white initially, blooming at night, and emit a pineapple-like scent to attract pollinators such as beetles. The flowers then change their color to pink or reddish-purple on the second night, creating a deceptive hideaway for the beetles trapped inside the flower. Once the beetles are released, they carry pollen to another flower, ensuring the plant's reproduction. An interesting trivia about the Giant Water Lily is its temperature regulation. The plant can raise its internal temperature up to 10°C above the surrounding water temperature, likely as a means of attracting cold-blooded beetles in search of warmth. In summary, the Victorian Amazonica, or the Giant Water Lily, is a breathtaking aquatic plant known for its enormous leaves and unique reproductive strategy. This plant, originally from the Amazon River basin, has captivated botanists and plant enthusiasts worldwide, making it a popular plant in botanical gardens across the globe.