#023 - Can you see yourself living in a tiny house community?
Jimmy Hirst is a tiny houser from the Sunshine Coast of QLD who runs the organisation, Polkadot, supporting sustainable and community-based living.
Jimmy is a passionate, self-professed social entrepreneur and social engineer actively working in advocating for and helping transition the mainstream population to more sustainable & socially connective communities ("Eco Villages") to help improve quality of life for all people as well as helping reduce impact on the planet so that it may be enjoyed 4 generations to come.
In this conversation we talk about:
Find out more about the podcast and get the episode show notes & links here:
You can follow Jimmy’s tiny adventures here:
W: https://www.polkadot.org.au/jimmyz
FB: https://www.facebook.com/polkadottinyhouses
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/polkadotcommunity
Tiny App: https://www.polkadot.org.au/tinyapp
Living Free Tiny House: https://www.polkadot.org.au/livingfreetinyhouse
Tiny Living Tour: https://www.polkadot.org.au/polkadottinyhousetour
Tiny and Healthy Living Products and Services
Block Blue Light - Specialty light bulbs, downlights, sleep lamps, blue-blocking glasses and more, to reduce artificial light exposure and support healthy sleep.
Tiny Easy - 3D Tiny House Designer - The first online design tool that lets you design your tiny house without needing any technical or design knowledge.
Sky Energy - Skybox and Skybox Mini - Off-grid solar systems for tiny homes.
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