Writing TNG's "The Game" into Voyager.
Addiction is a powerful and potentially destructive thing. We saw just how quickly the cycle can start (and spread) in The Next Generation's "The Game," where a seemingly innocent game from Risa turned into a mind control ploy as a way of taking over the Enterprise. In this episode of To The Journey, Char and Tristan take the story from "The Game" and rewrite it into the Voyager paradigm. Without a Starfleet Academy cadet and a young Ashley Judd aboard, who will save the ship? Tune in and find out.
Hosts Tristan Riddell and Charlynn Schmiedt
Editor Tristan Riddell
Producer Charlynn Schmiedt
Executive Producers Charlynn Schmiedt, Norman C. Lao, Matthew Rushing, and C. Bryan Jones
Associate Producers Kenneth Trip, Jamie Duce, Bruce Lish, Dante Hopkins, Brian Beliso, and Kay Janeway
Production Manager Richard Marquez
Content Manager Will Nguyen
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