Toddlers Made Easy with Dr Cathryn
Fears can be formidable for toddlers to face! Particularly so before they have formed the skills to express themselves fully.
Fear is a survival mechanism that protects us from danger. Yet it can be overwhelming and confusing for toddlers. Toddlers depend on structure and routine to feel safe, so when something unexpected happens, they may become fearful.
As adults, it is easy to forget how scary the world can seem from a toddler’s point of view. Fear is a perfectly normal part of any toddler's development. But even so, their fears can sometimes be exhausting, frustrating, or even inconvenient for us to cope with as parents.
Today, I explore toddlers’ fears and dive into what you can do to help your little one manage and overcome their fears. Stay tuned to learn strategies to empower your child to accept their fears and make space to overcome them.
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Links and resources:
Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby
Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course
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Does potty training terrify you? Discover 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success!
Watch our FREE Tame Tantrums workshop and stay calmer with tricky toddler moments.
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