Getting little ones to listen can drive parents to their wits' end! However, there are productive, practical, and pleasant ways of persuading kids to play along without bribing or bullying them.
Motivating your toddler to listen can be extremely frustrating, especially when you have an endless list of things to get done! It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and you may even find yourself ordering them around and expecting them to cooperate without question.
Today, I explain why kids fail to listen from a developmental perspective. I share some helpful strategies for improving your little one's listening skills and offer tips to encourage them to do as you ask.
Stay tuned to learn how to inspire your toddler to listen and cooperate without yelling or losing your cool.
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Links and resources:
Follow Dr. Cathryn on Instagram: @healthiest_baby
Check out our bestselling online course: Toddlers Made Easy Course
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Does potty training terrify you? Discover 5 Must-Do’s Before Starting Potty Training. Get our free guide and empower your child. Set the path for success!
Watch our FREE Tame Tantrums workshop and stay calmer with tricky toddler moments.
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