I am a multidisciplinary engineer within electrical engineering, electronics/IT and construction. Also has a study in physics and astronomy at the University of Tromsø.
Knowledge and rational thinking are the basis for understanding what is actually going on. By not accepting anything, but verifying everything - or at least checking out - when I find strange claims.
Einar mentioned 1000frolly and this article: https://fakta360.no/2017/11/er-co2-klimamyten-kaputt/
A calculation of the Earth's energy balance and falsification of the greenhouse effect: https://fakta360.no/2019/07/en-beregning-av-jordens-energibalanse-og-falsifisering-av-drivhuseffekten/
New theory based on observations "shatters" the IPCC's CO2 climate myth!: https://fakta360.no/2017/08/observasjoner-knuser-ipcc-sin-co2-klimamyte/
Cicero is a state funded fascist scam in collaboration with the WEF!: https://fakta360.no/2023/01/cicero-er-en-statsfinansiert-fascistisk-svindel-i-samarbeid-med-wef/
Tom Nelson's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tan123
Substack: https://tomn.substack.com/
About Tom: https://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2022/03/about-me-tom-nelson.html
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails: