Errata: About 38:20, Shula mistakenly said "speed of light" when he meant "speed of sound".
About Tom Shula:
• Academic training in theoretical physics. Disillusioned with the
community and left with a M.S. to work in tech industry.
• Primary work in semiconductor and disk drive component and system
development and manufacturing.
• Brief diversions into other industries including steel mills, refining,
food processing, and waste treatment.
• Exposed to a broad range of fluid dynamic systems with pressures
ranging from kpsi to 10-12 Torr, and temperatures from 77K (liquid
nitrogen) to >1000C
• I have been extremely curious from an early age, and was considered
a top problem solver in my professional technical career
• I’ve been following the “climate change issue since the “global
cooling” scare of the 1970s. More intently since 2009.
Slides for this presentation, and Tom Shula’s related paper, are here:
Related Watts Up With That post, 4/18/23:
00:00 Introduction
02:44 Main presentation starts
29:49 Q and A
Tom Nelson's Twitter:
About Tom:
Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails: