Dr. Willie Soon, an astrophysicist and geoscientist, is a leading authority on the relationship between solar phenomena and global climate. In this 32+ years of singular pursuit, he seeks to understand the Sun-Earth relations in terms of not only meteorology and climate, but also in terms of orbital dynamics of Sun-Earth-other planets interactions, magmatic (volcanoes) and tectonic (earthquakes) activities. His discoveries challenge computer modelers and advocates who consistently underestimate solar influences on cloud formation, ocean currents, and wind that cause climate to change. He has faced and risen above unethical and often libelous attacks on his research and his character, becoming one of the world's most respected and influential voices for climate realism. In 2018, he founded the Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences (CERES-science.com) in order to tackle a wider range of issues and topics without fears nor prejudices.
Dr. Michael Connolly is an independent scientist, based in Ireland.
Lecturer and tutor at third level in the fields of physics, chemistry, electronic engineering, computer science, mathematics, and statistics.
I qualified as a plasterer in 1969, as an electrician in 1970 and have experience in all building trades. In 1975, I built our first house entirely on my own. The last time this house was sold it went for approx. $1 million. Since then, I have designed and built hundreds of buildings and houses.
About Ronan Connolly:
I am an independent scientist, environmentalist and writer.
My primary university degree was in Chemistry, and my PhD in computational chemistry/polymer physics. However, in 2004, I shifted to environmentalism, and began working with my father, Dr. Michael Connolly, on developing sustainable methods of fish-farming, aquaponics and waste-water treatment. We also carried out research into developing low-cost heat exchanger systems and new energy efficient building materials and techniques.
Slides for this podcast: https://tomn.substack.com/p/challenges-of-the-detection-and-attribution
Willie Soon on my podcast #29: https://youtu.be/SWox_kECjfM?si=iVOqBumAgq01sEbG
Willie Soon on my podcast #79: https://youtu.be/djvfutJWRhY?si=Ad9JBbJocaXsU2mL
Michael Connolly on my podcast #38: https://youtu.be/B-4w1CXFd1c?si=Erz4tlTE-Yoym1Cx
Ronan Connolly on my podcast #36: https://youtu.be/Y0lx16vIPdQ?si=2K8Gf5iHLwLqUJrH
CERES news: https://www.ceres-science.com/news
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About Tom: https://tomn.substack.com/about