In this episode we talk to some authors of recent pro audio related books. David Weiss tells us about the brand new book he co-wrote called "Music Supervision: The Complete Guide To Selecting Music for Movies, TV, Games & New Media". Damian Kastbauer checks in with his two part tome "Game Audio: Tales of a Technical Sound Designer". Jay Rose, a noted raconteur, talks up his book "Producing Great Sound for Film & Video: Expert Tips from Production to Final Mix". Ric Viers and his son Sean do a reading of the opening chapter from their new book "Make Some Noise: Sound Effects Recording for Teens". Finally Gordon Hempton graces us with a reading from his newest book "Earth Is A Solar Powered Jukebox". We also review a great book for young kids (ages 3-6) called "Do You Hear What I Hear" that teaches them how to think about the sounds around them.