John Goff, also known as Cascadia Bagpiper, has been a professional bagpiper since 1984. Originally from San Diego, he currently resides in the Pacific Northwest and plays memorials, funerals, weddings, and various celebrations. John is also an experimental musician, playing guitar, synthesizer and bagpipes with a wide range of musicians including Crash Worship, Neurosis, Merzbow, Steve Von Till, and NØISE, a collaboration with artist Shepard Fairey. In this episode, John shares a few of his many anecdotes, experiences and insights as an experimental musician turned professional bagpiper. We also get a brief history of the instrument, the outfit and the journey that landed him in this vocation. Long time pals Joe and John get a chance to catch up, hear some fruits of their collaborations and they revisit the time Vincent Gallo visited John at his Portland home.
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