High quality chat with the person behind Open Studio Coffs all about where it all started; why being able to paint a pretty chrome and black is an essential skill; when he was with a certain 3D style master researching colours for a paint bran; and a load of other graffiti writing gibberish.
Check out Open Studio Coffs:
Instagram: @openstudiocoffs
Big Cartel: https://openstudioweb.bigcartel.com/
As always Toy Division’s goal is to normalise and de stigmatise mental health issues. This episode is all about discussing those issues and providing as much guidance as possible to use certain lifestyle habits to buffer physical/mental heath difficulties
Music by Frenic from This One Records: http://www.thisonerecords.com/
@djfrenic (IG)
Podcast logo photograph by Alex Bartsch: http://www.alexbartsch.com/
@alex.bartsch (IG)
This podcast is not the usual Banksy book reading fan, it's about letter based graffiti writing. But if you like street art, then you'll probably want to learn more about graffiti culture, because that's where street art began.
Join us for a conversation about writing on things; addressing mental health issues; and using lifestyle to improve our overall physical health at any age.