In this conversation we discuss linguistic confusions relating to Christology, is God eternally and necessarily a Father, Dale Tuggy and his definition of Unitarianism, Chris Date and standard American Evangelical Trinitarianism, the specifics of the Arian Controversy, is the God of the Old Testament the Father or the Son, can God be seen, Two Powers in Heaven by Alan Segal, Richard Bauckham, Justin Martyr and the Dialogue with Trypho, Philo of Alexandria, Josephus, Preston Sprinkle, Hegel, NT Wright, Michael Heiser, William Lane Craig, Neoplatonism, Origen of Alexandria, Plotinus, Is there Platonism in the book of Hebrews, did Apollos write the book of Hebrews, and finally we read the prologue of John 1, Maximus the Confessor and the 3 thickenings of the logos. Link to our first conversation: