Matt Wilson guests the show and talks to Sam and Ivanna about how automating consent and recruitment processes can broaden the net in terms of the number of patients involved in clinical trials. A broader patient population means that underrepresented groups gain access to clinical trials and allow a much more detailed characterization of an overall patient population.
Removing barriers for patients to participate in trials also means using technology that is most accessible and sometimes low tech - such as the text message. Understanding your population can also help target your communication to specific groups, thereby increasing diversity in the trials participants.
We speak about how Real World Data has evolved from databases over patient populations to electronic patient records and third party companies collecting large data sets. Using electronic health records directly means that the broken link between the actual patient and findings made in population level research is mended, meaning that the patients themselves can benefit directly from the findings in the large-scale studies.
We also speak about the benefits of providing information to the patients about what their data has contributed to, and potentially providing them the benefits of the newly created knowledge.
Matt encourages our industry to pursue open-mindedness to try and engage with new ideas and new ways of doing things. Not everything will work out, but the potential to unlock real value to patients is to great to ignore.
“Patients want to help with research, and it is about providing them the means of doing that in a way that is not burdensome, and allow them to see how they have contributed. “
- Matt Wilson
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