Sam and Ivanna speak to Willie Muehlhausen about how simplifying and automating patient reported outcomes is not so much complicated, as it is complex. Willie shares his perspectives on the evolution of ePRO and eCOA and how the newer trend of decentralised clinical trials is closely tied to mastering the collection of patient reported outcomes. Willie is working towards making it possible to translate a clinical protocol into configuration in 12 minutes instead of 12 weeks and hints at other possibilities yet to be explored . If Willie could change one thing in our industry it would be increasing the level of knowledge sharing and knowledge retention.
AI: Artificial Intelligence
API: Application Programming Interface
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
BYOT: Bring Your Own Technology
CDISC: Clinical Data International Standards Consortium
CRA: Clinical Research Associate
DCT: Decentralized Clinical Trial
EDC: Electronic Data Capture
eDiary: Electronic Diary
EHR: Electronic Health Records
ePRO: Electronic Patient Recorded Outcomes
EMAs: Ecological Momentary Assessment
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
JSON: JavaScrip
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