A hooded stranger accosts our party, laying claim to the spider-scorpion Øka, Manaia, Dewey, and Vee felled. After some intense interrogation, our heroes reach Dabathati — where someone from Vee's past comes knocking...
Pledge to our Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/transplanarrpg) for early access to episodes, character journals, Connie's GM notes, and the chance for your OC to cameo in our campaign!
Special thanks to our Heroes and Paragons: Abigail Rytel, Azra, Brooke Brite, Charles, Cora Eckert, DnDCombat, Lex Slater, Moonflower Tea, Purplemouse, Risa, Samantha Chappell, and Sunny.
Content warnings for this episode: choking and suffocation, choking noises, profanity, crude humor, spiders, scorpions, squicking noises, fantasy violence, gore, blood, organ removal, and cults and cult-like behaviors.
Title - "we go around in a circle" in Without Protection by Gala Mukomolova.
Music - C.I.S. Music (https://soundcloud.com/cis_music) and Fesliyan Studios (https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/).
Album art - Sea Thomas (https://twitter.com/pisharpart).
Sound mixing - Mike Graham (https://twitter.com/ohmikegraham).