The Kheer Tal crew braves the Chasm en route to Gal Tenger's godshard in Kheer Tal. Manaia bids farewell. Vee grills Abiku. Abiku talks to a plant. And Dewey falls.
"The Second Stranger" is sponsored by Dmitry ( and ExplainTrade (, a negotiation skills training consultancy; because you can't ask to roll persuasion in real life.
Special thanks to our Heroes and Paragons: Alex, Azra, Brooke Brite, @brownestnerd, Charles, chillacres, Cora Eckert, Emma, Finn, Hat, Isabel, Kanding, Lex Slater, Moonflower Tea, Nicholas, Purplemouse, Scruffasus, Summer Rose Folta, Sunny, and Targott.
Content warnings for this episode: fantasy violence, blood and bloodletting, heights, falling, vast and unknowable depths, and complex and complicated relationships.
Title - “unbreakable dawn mounting in your throat" from “on earth we’re briefly gorgeous” by Ocean Vuong.
Music - C.I.S. Music (, Fesliyan Studios (, and Soundstripe (
Album art - Sea Thomas (
Podcast editing - Sea Thomas (
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