A year after the world ends, eight Paragons and their loved ones converge on Dr. Oluso's homestead to prepare for the Second Stranger War.
"The Second Stranger" is sponsored by Dmitry (https://twitter.com/DmitryOpines) and ExplainTrade (https://www.explaintrade.com/), a negotiation skills training consultancy; because you can't ask to roll persuasion in real life.
Special thanks to our Heroes and Paragons: Alex, Brooke Brite, @brownestnerd, Charles, chillacres, Cora Eckert, Finn, Hat, Isabel, Kanding, Lex Slater, Lyle and Peanut, Moonflower Tea, Nicholas, Purplemouse, Riley, Rose, Scruffasus, Spencer Critchfield, Summer Rose Folta, Sunny, and Targott.
Content warnings for this episode: war, displacement, a refugee crisis, romance, flirting, references to sexual entanglements, death of loved ones, grief, trauma, blood and bloodletting, and destructive SFX.
Title - “Time-Lapse Video of a Trans Woman Collapsing Inward Like a Dying Star” by J. Jennifer Espinoza.
Music - C.I.S. Music (https://soundcloud.com/cis_music), Fesliyan Studios (https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/), and Soundstripe (https://www.soundstripe.com/).
Album art - Sea Thomas (https://twitter.com/pisharpart).
Podcast editing - Connie Chang (https://twitter.com/ByConnieChang).
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