Vikki Bengtsson is an ecologist and has worked professionally with nature conservation since 1992. Up until 2003, she worked in England and now works primarily in Sweden. Vikki has worked throughout her career with issues relating to practical management and restoration of ancient trees and wood pastures. She also trains arborists, landscape architects, site managers and planners in the care and management of ancient trees. She was project manager for the European VETree and VETcert projects developing training and a certification system for veteran tree professionals across Europe.
Xander ‘AntBoy’ Johnston, a young naturalist, currently at high school, who specialises in wood ants and rare and endangered invertebrates found in the Scottish highlands. Xander has recorded over 800 hours volunteering in the last 4 years, and has become a respected expert in the field of entomology. Xander shares his knowledge and his passion for conservation by creating videos for his YouTube channel ( has also appeared on a number of occasions on national TV, including the BBC watches, Countryfile and Blue Peter, helping to highlight the importance of insects to the nation.
Xander strongly believes that “Insects are the foundation of the ecosystem, without them nothing would survive, including us!”
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